Grasping Evil

Chapter 1258: Magic, all things recognize the Lord


Ziwei Arctic Palace, the second palace, Xuanzong Palace.

In the Xuanzang Palace, the vegetation is lush, countless towering ancient trees grow here, and there are ancient pterosaurs flying among the ancient trees. Looking around, this place is like an ancient jungle.

The taller ancient trees here have been hollowed out and built into tree-like caves.

Countless monsters formed by the transformation of grass and trees live in tree holes, and it is unknown how many springs and autumns there are. The place where Ning Fan retreated was the tallest one among the ancient trees.

This is an old sycamore tree, which is 4.3 billion years old. Its trunk is thicker than the Tianzhu, and it is enough to cover a human city if a leaf falls.

On the tree body, there is a huge human face, obviously this tree has been cultivated into a demon.

It was the face of a kind old man with a gray beard, each of which was hundreds of miles long. It is sleeping soundly at the moment, its purring is deafening, as terrifying as thunder, and with every breath, the whole old branch of the sycamore shakes its leaves, and the rustling sound is deafening.

This tree monster obviously has a bone age of 4.3 billion, but its cultivation level is not as high as the sky and the earth.

Under normal circumstances, no life immortal can live such a long life, but who told this sycamore tree to have the good fortune when it was young.

The demons of Xuanzang Palace have been passed down from generation to generation. This old phoenix tree has been dyed with the blood of the phoenix sage, so it can live forever. The evidence is that there are still some dark golden phoenix sage bloodstains on the trunk of this tree. The huge aura in the bloodstain, even if it has been worn away by the years, there is still the unstoppable sage's coercion.

The blood of Feng Sheng is a treasure for the Wutong family, it can avoid the big and small catastrophe, and naturally can live forever.

Ancestor Nuluo stood under the tree, looking at the sleeping tree demon, her expression darkened.

"Master Shu is older and more lethargic. If someone retreated in his tree hole in the past, he would never leave the guests alone, but now..."

"Is it really useless, eh..."

"Hateful! If it wasn't for the protection of the younger generation to fight against the demon leader and protect the younger generation, how could the tree master release such a large amount of vitality to meet the enemy at one time..."

"Fortunately, I met a barbarian lord. With the mountain and sea spell of barbarian lord, there may be a way to find enough vitality to save the tree master."

Thinking of this, Ancestor Nu Luo couldn't help but have a hint of anticipation in her eyes.

It turned out that he took the initiative to approach Ning Fan in order to save the old sycamore tree in front of him.

"I don't know how Lord Barbarian God is at the moment..."

"My lord has eaten such a quantity of food, and naturally it takes time to refine and absorb it. With the quasi-sage next to him, without thousands of years of hard work, he would definitely not be able to refine so much food. In a hundred years, you can leave the border..."

"I hope you can listen to my request after you leave the customs."

Ancestor Nuluo was wrong.

Along the way, although Ning Fan has eaten a lot of food, it is far from needing a hundred years of refining and absorption.

In just four days of retreat, Ning Fan has absorbed as much as 70% of the energy in his body.

Two more days passed, and the huge energy in the body had been absorbed by Ning Fan.

Those energies were not directly transformed into cultivation realms, but were transformed into the body of Ning Fan's gods like mud cows entering the sea.

For several days, Ning Fan's body was undergoing drastic changes every moment!

His Ancient Spirit Aperture has grown all the way to seven!

At the moment of breaking through the seven orifices of the ancient gods, an ancient god's phantom appeared in the heaven and earth of Xuanzang Palace, with a solemn appearance and unparalleled power, shocked countless monsters, and thought it was an enemy attack.

Finally realized it was a false alarm.

The number of Ning Fan's Ancient Demon Spirit Wheels has also grown to three!

In the ancient demon spirit wheel, five is the limit, so it is called the five spirit wheels. Ning Fan didn't follow the orthodox spirit wheel cultivation method, he just ate a lot of food, and the result even increased the number of spirit wheels, which really surprised him.

Turning to think about it, the ancient demon originally cultivated by imitating the ancient gods. Although it did not follow the ancient demon cultivation method this time, it was eating according to the gods' instincts. It was considered to follow the gods cultivation method. Makes sense.

When the spirit wheel was able to break through, an ancient demon phantom appeared again between the heavens and the earth in Xuanzang Palace, which shocked many demons again.

After that.

There is another ancient demon phantom between heaven and earth.

After that.

There are more barbarian gods and phantoms.

There are more phantoms of Tai Cang Jie Ling.

The giant shadows of gods and demons then appeared, staring between the heavens and the earth. The earth-shattering coercion was enough to make the saint panic. He was as quasi-saint as the ancestor of the female Luo, and he didn't even have the qualifications to look up at these two shadows. Couldn't speak for a long time.

The vision between heaven and earth is constantly changing.

Sometimes it transforms the night into the devil, sometimes the Tao transforms the Big Dipper, sometimes the yin and yang become one, and sometimes it returns to peace.

From time to time, a thunder map appears, roaring in the sky, and sometimes a torrential rain comes and falls on the ground.

Sometimes the phoenix shadow hangs high, sometimes the butterfly fills the sky, sometimes the poisonous miasma is like a cloud, sometimes it is dark, sometimes the drums of war are shaking the sky, sometimes the murderous aura fills the world, and sometimes the shadow of the sword rushes into the night.

From time to time, the shadow of Fuli flew across the sky, holding a branch of the gods in its mouth, and wherever it passed, the vegetation began to grow.

Occasionally, the purple gold wind and smoke blew across the earth, and the mountains and rocks were blown into dust.

On the ninth day of Ning Fan's retreat, the phenomena in the sky began to decrease.

Between heaven and earth, every time a vision disappears, some ancient stars will appear in the sky.

The colors of the stars are different. From a distance, they look like the stars in the eyes of ancient gods, ancient demons, and ancient demons reflecting in the sky, surrounded by an indescribable Daoist aura.

Some demons with eyesight saw the origin of these stars and were shocked.

"This, this is actually a Taoist star!"

"Isn't it possible that only the cultivator of corpse-cutting can cultivate the stars of Taoism? Could it be that Senior Ning is actually in retreat and cannot cut corpses!"

"No, it's not like, if it is really beheading, the number of Taoist stars will be more, but there are only dozens of Taoist stars here."

No one knows why the Taoist stars between heaven and earth appeared.

Even Ning Fan was a little cloudy, not sure why.

Of course, he didn't kill the corpse, he just finished eating a god.

But there was a drastic change in the body.

The ancient gods, ancient demons, and ancient demons are three kinds of cultivation bases, like rivers entering the sea, merged into the cultivation bases of gods.

Jie Lingxiu was a bit stubborn and refused to integrate with the spiritual cultivation, so it was unique and kept.

At this moment, Ning Fan's spiritual world seemed to be transformed into a vast starry sky. In this starry sky, many Taoist stars were born one after another.

"Strange thing! You didn't kill the corpse, why did you build dozens of Taoist stars out of thin air?" In the spiritual world, the ant master's surprised voice came. With her quasi-sage experience, she couldn't understand what was happening in front of her. .

"Beheading a corpse? Dao Fa Xingchen?" Ning Fan was a little puzzled. He was about to ask a question or two when suddenly a strong force came and shook him out of the spiritual world.

The spiritual world seems to be a little unstable, is it because the Dao Fa stars have just been condensed

Ning Fan suppressed his doubts and slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes, surrounded by stars, are so bright that people can't look at them!

Indescribable dazzling eyes, as if there were a whole starry sky in his eyes.

In that starry sky, there are a total of forty-three Taoist stars!

Ning Fan took out a bronze mirror from the storage bag and looked at himself in the mirror with a moving expression.

"I seem to have seen this kind of look. I have seen such a look on the ancient statue of the Undying Emperor, and I have seen such a look in the eyes of Master Rangu..."

"The eyes are like the stars..."

"What is this..."

Without waiting for Ning Fan to think about it, a warm feeling suddenly came from his stomach, and then spread to all the internal organs, and then to the bones, flesh and blood, and to every part of Ning Fan's body.

That warm feeling suddenly became intense, scalding hot, blazing like fire, like boiling water, like hot oil, like lava, like the sun falling from the golden usis!

Ning Fan's body was bathed in the fiery light of the gods, and within his body, the second kind of godly talent was slowly taking shape...

A few days later, Ning Fan officially left.

From the outside, it seems that Ning Fan's retreat has not changed much.

Judging from his breath, Ning Fan's cultivation didn't seem to have grown much.

It was difficult for others to notice the changes in Ning Fan's body. Only Shen Wan, who had a keen sense of divine power, could feel that the master's mana had undergone an essential change, and most of his mana had been transformed into the divine power of ancient gods.

The cultivation bases of ancient gods, ancient demons, and ancient demons have all been assimilated by the cultivation bases of gods!

However, this kind of assimilation can only be detected by the same family of gods. How can ordinary people recognize the power of gods? He would only think that Ning Fan was still a mana of Xiu, still a fellow practitioner of ancient gods, ancient demons and ancient demons, and he couldn't see through the root cause.

As a servant of the gods, Shenmaru can naturally see this.

As soon as he saw Ning Fan's supernatural power, Shenwan knew that his master had succeeded in retreating, and that he had truly stepped into the threshold of the acquired gods.

"Congratulations, Master, for breaking through the Infant Spirit Stage!" Shen Wan flattered.

The Four Realms of Acquired Spirits: Infant Spirit, Young Spirit, Middle Spirit, and Old Spirit.

Ning Fan had already asked for these information from Shen Wan, and Ning Fan was quite satisfied with being able to enter the Infant God Stage and become a true acquired god.

Although the cultivation base has not improved much, the increase in physical strength is quite terrifying!

Compared with the time when he has not broken through the acquired gods, the strength of the physical body has been enhanced by three times!

The blood has also tripled!

The digestive capacity of the stomach has increased by more than 10,000 times!

There is not much improvement in strength...

"That's because the master is still too young, still a baby, and naturally he has not yet developed his strength. When he becomes a young god, his strength will increase greatly, and it will reach the peak of the day after tomorrow during the period of the middle god." Shenwan explained. .

"I'm a baby?" Ning Fan was speechless.

"Of course, it's calculated according to the standards of the gods!"

"All right."

Not to mention Ning Fan's digestive ability.

The improvement of Ning Fan's digestion ability is not only reflected in the digestion speed, but also in the type of food.

Have you ever seen monks eat spiritual fruits and elixir, but have you seen monks take refined iron and mithril as food? Have you ever seen people eat mountains, seas, and stars

After breaking through the Infant Spirit Stage, Ning Fan no longer has restrictions on the type of food, all things in the world can be food and can be digested. If the body needs it, he can easily do it with the cultivation star as food.

"I dare to ask the master, this time he broke through the infant god stage, has the master realized the second kind of magic?" Shen Wan asked hopefully.

To become a real acquired god, there is a chance to take benefits and comprehend the second kind of magic.

Of course, this possibility is very low, but Shenwan will watch his words, and when he sees the look of his master's spring breeze, he must have really gained something.

I just don't know what kind of magic my master has learned this time.

The Divine Spirit Clan claims to have nine major magical techniques, but in fact, the Divine Spirit Clan has far more than nine types of magical techniques, but the nine techniques are the most famous and of the highest quality, so they are called the nine techniques.

In fact, there are still quite a few divine arts that have not been ranked; occasionally there are divine arts that some people comprehend that have never been seen in history, which are all very possible.

"Guess what." Ning Fan was in a good mood and joked with Shenwan.

"It must be so!" Shen Wan said firmly.

"Haha." Ning Fan was noncommittal, but since he was laughing, Shenwan didn't know he had guessed right.

"Then... is the master one of the top three techniques?" Shen Wan first asked the names of the first three techniques.

Ning Fan shook his head, no.

"Could it be the third technique?" Shenwan said the third technique one by one.

Ning Fan still shook his head.

"Hey, is it the next three techniques?" He said the names of the next three techniques.

Ning Fan still shook his head, but still didn't match.

This time Shen Wan was a little surprised.

You must know that the first kind of magic that Ning Fan has learned is the communication of all things.

"The real name of the magical technique I have learned this time is Recognize the Lord of All Things." Ning Fan was no longer betraying, and he also wanted to see if Shen Wan had heard of this technique.

As a result, this time it was Shenwan's turn to shake his head.

She had never heard of the birth of this technique in the history of the gods.

It may be that she is ignorant, or it may be that this technique appeared for the first time.

"Master, don't be discouraged! Even if some magical techniques are not ranked, it does not mean that the techniques are not strong. Every magical technique has its strengths, and the key lies in how to use it." Shen Wan worried that Ning Fan was unhappy, Relief.

Ning Fan nodded. He had not yet tested the power of the new technique, so naturally he would not easily deny this technique.

"Let's try this technique. What's the mystery of this technique? Since this technique is for all things to recognize the Lord, it must be related to the matter of recognizing the Lord. If you dare to speak bluntly about all things, I'm afraid it is really powerful..."

Ning Fan took out a few low-grade magic weapons from the storage bag, all of which were seized from the enemy.

These magic weapons are useless, Ning Fan will not spend time sacrificing and recognizing the master, but at this moment it is just used.

However, he saw that Ning Fan held the treasures in one hand, and the other hand pinched the art with one hand.

That is the seal of recognition of the master of all things. The pattern of the seal is that the ancient giants hold the sky with one hand and pinch the tactic with one hand, use the tactic to congeal the seal, and use the seal to recognize the master of the sky.

Almost at the moment of planting the seal of recognition, Ning Fan clearly felt that he had established a connection with these magic weapons. This feeling was exactly the feeling of success in recognizing the master.

"Sword Comes"

"It's done. It's just that the speed of recognizing the master is too fast. It is faster than recognizing the master by a drop of blood, and it also saves the consumption of blood and essence. It is countless times faster than mana sacrifice."

Ning Fan tried some high-quality magic weapons, and without exception, they all recognized the master and succeeded.

Consuming twenty-one seals, the first-class dragon boat tripod recognized the master successfully.

Thirty-three seals were consumed, and the dragon stone buried in the world was successfully recognized as the master.

Consuming forty-six magic seals, the first-class magic sword recognized the master successfully.

For the magic weapon under the congenital, a magic seal is enough to directly recognize the master, but if it is a higher-level magic weapon, more magic seals are required.


Ning Fan suddenly made a new discovery.

It seems that the power of the magic weapon recognized by the main seal has been slightly improved, and most of the power has increased by half to 10%.

"That is to say, by recognizing the main magic weapon by recognizing the main seal, it can also increase the power of the magic weapon by a small amount? Although the improvement is not much, it can be regarded as a use."

Ning Fan's expression became serious, and he looked at the green mansions in the sky, observing the seal of recognition that was penetrated inside the treasures.

His expression gradually became solemn, and finally there was a look of amazement.

It stands to reason that a seal of recognition of the master can be pinched out with only a few fingers, and the structure of Taoism should not be too complicated. However, the reality is that the interior of these main seals is unimaginably complicated! With Ning Fan's eyes of heaven and man, he couldn't see through the principle of the Sealing Dao method.

Too advanced and hard to understand!

"This technique is not as simple as I thought..."

Ning Fan decided to try to recognize the strength of the main seal.

He tried to violently erase the seals of identification within the treasures, but found that once these seals were laid, they could not be forcibly erased!

To get rid of this seal, the only way is to cast the magic in reverse.

"These seals are actually the structure of immortal seals!" Ning Fan was surprised.

The so-called immortal seal is a very deep one among the seals. Once the seal of this level is planted, it is difficult for the saints to erase it.

Because the level is too high, it is extremely inconvenient to display the immortal seal. It is very possible to pinch the thousands of fingers, and the mana consumed by forming an immortal seal is even more astronomical.


The main seal printed by Ning Fan seems to be fast and low energy consumption.

It didn't cost much mana at all.

"Since this thing claims to be the master of all things, the scope of its magic is not limited to magic weapons, and then try other things..."

Ning Fan took out an elixir and planted the main seal of recognition.

It was found that the medicinal pills that were planted to recognize the main seal could not be taken by others, and in the same way, the medicinal power of the medicinal pills had been slightly improved.

"Is it ok even for medicinal herbs, and then try other..."

After consuming 1,500 master seals, Ning Fan successfully recognized the master from the sea of knowledge.

After consuming 2,200 seals of recognition, Ning Fan succeeded in recognizing the Lord in the flesh.

After consuming 1,900 master seals, Ning Fan Yuanshen successfully recognized the master.

"Interesting, this technique can actually be used on me. Sure enough, I am included in all things!" Ning Fan was amused.

Kamimaru, who was looking straight to the side, was speechless.

How can anyone recognize the Lord himself, what is the use of this

"Naturally useful. My life was transformed by my father's essence and my mother's blood, so the owners of my body are my parents, but going back to the source, the owners of everything in the world are heaven and earth, reincarnation, and an inevitable fate. I don't belong to my parents either. , but belongs to the creator. However, at this moment, I have recognized myself as the master, and since then I will be detached from the world and belong to me only, hehe..." Ning Fan joked.

Although the mouth is serious, but in fact the words are not true thoughts.

But as soon as the words fell, Ning Fan suddenly became solemn and felt the change in himself.

It was a joke to recognize himself as the master, but after recognizing the master, Ning Fan was shocked to find that his mana had increased by more than half!

A full nine hundred and fifty eons of mana have skyrocketed!

One mana instantly exceeded 18,000 kalpas!

What was even more terrifying was that Ning Fan felt relieved for a while. It was a sense of... detachment, as if it was true as he joked. At this moment, he no longer belonged to the creator of heaven and earth, but belonged to... himself.

"The joke seems to have come true. Not only that, it seems that this technique can also affect the will of the Chinese and Indians, just because I released it on myself, so my own will does not affect myself, but if it is used on other creatures..." Ning Fan looked Dignified as water.

"This magical technique seems to be a bit powerful..." Shen Wan swallowed, although she had no mouth at all.

Ning Fan was silent and looked around.

He saw a small lake in the jungle not far away, and above the small lake, a silver-winged mayfly was flying.

This silver-winged mayfly is a very common type in the world of self-cultivation. It dies soon after birth. It is already evening, and the mayfly is about to die. It is sitting on a piece of duckweed waiting to die.

"Brother Mayfly, your lifespan is about to end, I want to ask you to do a little experiment for me, okay?" Ning Fan came to him, squatted down, and asked politely.

"Yes, yes." Mayfly agreed to Ning Fan's request.

This mayfly seems to have a very easy-going temperament, willing to help a stranger before he dies, even though he is dying.

"???" Shen Wan was a little confused.

She knew that Ning Fan could communicate with all things and talk to all things, but she didn't understand that Ning Fan was a dignified god and had a valuable status.

The gods need to ask, do you need to ask

Whatever the gods want to do, just force it! The master is really soft-hearted, ah no, the master is kind, kind!

"Thank you."

Ning Fan squatted down

The pinch, the seal, planted the main seal of recognition on this mayfly.

With only one seal of recognition, the mayfly successfully worshipped Ning Fan as the master!

What was even more frightening was that almost at the moment when the main seal of recognition was planted, Ning Fan felt the emotional change of the mayfly.

He and this mayfly originally met by chance, so naturally they didn't have any friendship, but after planting the seal of recognition, Ning Fan clearly felt that this mayfly had a loyal heart of swearing allegiance to him.

"This seal can not only recognize the master living creature, but also change the heart and will of the living creature, making it forcibly loyal to the caster!" Ning Fan's expression became more and more solemn.

Change of will or something, it's too defiant...


Ning Fan untied the seal of recognition in the mayfly's body.

The mayfly broke away from the servant-master relationship with Ning Fan in an instant, and the feelings of loyalty to Ning Fan in his heart also disappeared at the same time.

Ning Fan flicked his fingers, and a ray of vitality shot into the mayfly's body.

The mayfly that was dying, suddenly rejuvenated, flapped its wings, flew around Ning Fan three times, and then flew away.

Only Ning Fan could hear Mayfly's thanks.

Ning Fan just smiled and replied, "Go, thank you."

In my heart, I have some new ideas about this technique of recognizing the Lord of all things.

Afterwards, Ning Fan decided to summon the Immortal Ghost Pawn. Due to Shen Wan's divine assistance, Ning Fan only had one Ghost Pawn left to use, but this Ghost Pawn had a terrifying cultivation level comparable to that of an ancient master.

Immortal Foot Immortal!

The only pity is that this undead god is a bit rebellious, turning a deaf ear to Ning Fan's orders, and instead wants to fight with Ning Fan.

"Humph! You summoned me here because you want to compete with me!" As soon as Fang appeared, the immortal god was full of murderous intent and locked Ning Fan.

The opponent was so unruly, of course Ning Fan would not be polite, and without saying a word, he punched countless seals of recognition at the undead feet.

The immortal god wanted to hide, but Ning Fan urged the power of the contract of the ghost flower of the underworld to stay in place.

Dozens of recognized main prints.

Immortal Foot did not succeed in recognizing the Lord.

Obviously, if you want to conquer an ancient overhaul, you need more seals.

So Ning Fan continued to plant the seals, and after planting 1,110 seals of recognition, the Immortal Foot was finally forcibly recognized by him.

The undead feet are no longer hostile to Ning Fan!

He actually lowered his arrogant head and bowed respectfully towards Ning Fan, his eyes full of loyalty!

"God foot swears allegiance to my lord!" It was so tamed!

"It's as strong as the ancient great repair, but it's hard to stop this technique!" Ning Fan was amazed, but he also knew that the great immortal of the gods was only a special case. , so it is far less difficult to make him recognize the master than a normal overhaul.

If Ning Fan wanted to take a major cultivator as a servant with the seal of recognition, first of all, he had to plant a seal several times the size of the god's feet.

Since the other party is a major cultivator, how can he be different, let you plant a seal, and wanting to plant thousands of seals on a major cultivator is no different from hitting a major cultivator thousands of times with magical powers.

Not likely at this stage.

"It's not very practical to use this technique to capture ancient overhauls, but there should be more heaven-defying usages..."

Ning Fan's interest in the new technique soared.

His eyes swept away, and suddenly he noticed a burst of light coming from not far away.

"It turns out that this place is not far from where the palace guards of Xuanzang Palace are located. That's the case..."

Twenty-five seals were consumed to recognize the Lord, and the Palace Protector Array recognized the Lord successfully.

The uninitiated female ancestor Luo sensed this, and was naturally surprised, "Master Barbarian God has already left the customs?! What did he do to take this place from me so easily!"

It's just a mere big formation. Ancestor Nuluo doesn't care about the gains and losses. What he cares about is Ning Fan's methods, which is too outrageous.

After consuming 1,400 master seals, Xuanzang Palace recognized the master successfully.

Ancestor Luo, the goddess who had just recovered from the shock, was shocked again!

"Impossible! I have been in Xuanzang Palace for countless years, and I can't make this palace really obey my orders. I can only barely control it, but just now, this palace has a master, and the master is actually Lord Barbarian God!"

Consuming 19,000 seals of recognition, Ziwei North Twelve Houses, all of them were recognized successfully!

"Something happened! Something happened! The owner of the Ziwei North Pole Palace is back! The sky is showing the purple dome! It's actually the reappearance of the legendary purple dome vision! In the past, only the return of Ziwei Zun would be like this. Could it be, could it be that the lord hasn't passed away, He killed this place from the end of reincarnation! This is impossible, how is this possible!" At this moment, all the monsters in the twelve large palaces of the Arctic Palace were in a panic!

At this moment, the sky of the 12th Palace of the North Pole was all covered with purple clouds, and the sky showed a purple dome.

Countless chanting sounds echoed in the heaven and earth!

Countless ancient immortal phantoms walked out from the sky, like mirages, like phantoms, but they all bowed in the direction of Ning Fan.

Such as knocking on the ancient emperor!

Even the Beitian aliens felt the abnormality of Ziwei Arctic Palace, and countless old monsters were alarmed by this matter and wanted to find out.

"Impossible! Ziwei Arctic Palace has lost its owner, how can it be regained! Could it be, could it be..."

Ning Fan didn't know how much noise he made.

He was actually a little surprised.

This is the former cave house of the fourth step Immortal Emperor. Even if the Immortal Emperor has passed away, it is logically impossible for this palace to be collected.

In the past, Ning Fan took the Ten Realms from this place to the Fire Continent, and he had to rely on all things to communicate and abduct in every possible way.

But this time, he took it lightly and actually took the entire Arctic Palace into his pocket and became the owner of this place.

"This magical ability of all things to recognize the Lord, can even take the things of the Immortal Emperor, this is too..."

It's so outrageous.

A normal person accidentally charged the Immortal Emperor's Cave Mansion, mostly to check the harvest.

But Ning Fan didn't do that.

He cares more about the newly realized magic at this moment.

Although this technique can even be charged for the fourth step, Ning Fan still feels that this is not the limit of this technique.

He was suddenly blessed, and had some kind of bold idea.

Then he hit the main seal of recognition towards the void sky.


Consuming 33,000 seals to recognize the main seal, the time rule in this world recognizes the main successfully.

"I can even control the flow of time in this world at will?" Ning Fan was surprised.

"Isn't it all about controlling time? Many saints can do it well or not. What's the fuss about? Time means nothing to saints like me." From the sea of consciousness, the voice of the ant master came out of nowhere.

In fact, her tone is sour!

Damn it! This kid has one more way to go against the sky! This ability of all things to recognize the Lord is simply too foul!

Could it be that everything that exists in this world can be recognized as the Lord!

As long as you fancy something, you will take it all away and put it in your pocket! Ancient gods or something, really domineering, barbaric, rude! Really... enviable!

"Stop, what are you doing! What are you doing to this palace! Take back your seal of recognition!" The ant master was feeling sour and suddenly startled.

But this time, Ning Fan seemed to be planning to use her as a test object to test the power of the main seal.

Although she is the remnant soul of a saint, even the Immortal Emperor's Cave Mansion is no match for this technique, so how can she have the confidence to compete against this technique.

The Ant Master was really frightened when he thought that his mind might be changed after being hit with this technique, and he was obedient to Ning Fan.

Fortunately, Ning Fan was just joking and didn't really attack the Ant Master.

"Haha, just kidding." Ning Fan laughed.

"You lied to a ghost!" The ant master doesn't believe it at all!

This guy doesn't even let himself go, and dares to use it to recognize the master. The ghost knows what kind of tricks he can play with the master seal!

Take her lonely poor ant to find happiness and play, one! point! All! Do not! strange! Strange!

The ant master wanted to fight with Ning Fan for a few more words, but suddenly he felt something, his pretty face changed, and he was furious.

"I'm just joking, why are you so angry?" Ning Fan was surprised.

"I'm not mad at you! It's Ji Fuyao! It's the body of Ben Gong Xinxun that has an accident!" The ant master said with a frosty face.

"Go outside! Go to the female clan! Go save her! Quick!"