Grasping Evil

Chapter 1260: Middle Grade All Souls Blood


Beihai Zhenjun was smelted, probably, maybe, maybe not Ning Fan deliberately.

At this moment, he is really using his mind to serve two purposes, no, to be precise, he is using his heart to serve three purposes.

No one knew that Ning Fan was conversing with Ji Fuyao while refining Myriad Spiritual Blood, and secretly, he did another thing.

Ning Fan controlled the fire temperature in the cauldron with his left hand, and hid his right hand in his sleeve, secretly holding a golden finger.

As the fingers changed, golden fingerprints quietly formed, and then Ning Fan hid the divine light, silently penetrated into the interior of the Divine Refinement Cauldron, and also into the water and sky of the female family.

That divine seal is impressively the seal of all things recognizing the Lord!



Refining God Ding recognized the Lord successfully!

The refining speed has been slightly increased!

After that...

Successfully recognized the Lord as a female clan! Follow the female clan to protect the clan formation - Tianyuan Doushu Great Array to recognize the master successfully!

Ning Fan seemed to be the true master of the Feng female clan, and became extremely friendly with this place. The feeling of being intimately connected with heaven and earth cannot be described in words, it is almost like the existence of Ning Fan, which has directly merged into the mountains and seas of this place.

At this moment, there was no one to control the formation of the female clan and the clan, but it was running on its own, actively gathering the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, pouring it into the cauldron of refining gods, as if assisting Ning Fan in alchemy!

Even at this moment, countless lavender rays of light flew out from the vegetation, mountains and seas, like glowing fire, like starlight, flowing in mid-air, converging into large lavender light rain.

Gradually, even in the bodies of the women of the Feng women, there was an indefinite purple light flying out.

Those purple lights seemed to be called to fly into Ning Fan's body one by one.

After that, Ning Fan's mana seemed to be boosted by a secret technique, and suddenly it improved!

18500 robbery!

19000 robbery!

19500 robbery!

20,000 robbery!

At this moment, Ning Fan was surrounded by purple fluorescent light, and his mana soared to a height of 20,000 kalpas, which was comparable to that of a second-order quasi-sage! However, this improvement is not permanent. This matter is more like the blessing of the territory to the lord. This blessing will disappear once Ning Fan leaves the range of Fengnu clan, or releases the recognition of Fengnu clan land.

Countless alien monks were shocked beyond words!

"This, this is..."

"Could it be that the purple light that surrounds this old demon Zhao Jian is actually the light of Ziwei Doushu passed down from generation to generation by the female clan?!"

"Impossible! The legend of Ziwei Doushu of the women's clan has long been lost! How can it be possible to see the sun again!"

"And this old demon Zhao Jian is a Beitian cultivator. He is not a member of the female clan at all. How can he be blessed by the power of the female clan..."

"What is this..."

No one knew what happened to Ning Fan.

Even Ji Fuyao, who was following Ning Fan's side, couldn't understand it.

"What happened! As the head of the female clan, I actually lost control of the clan land and clan formation!"

"This feeling, could it be... Senior Ning took away the clan formation? How did he do it? It's incredible..."

"The purple light that flew into the senior's body is indeed like the power of the crape myrtle that my family has inherited. It's very similar to what my father said, very similar..."

"My father said that the first ancestor of our clan was rewarded by Zun Ziwei, and the whole clan was blessed by the power of Ziwei Doushu. In the past, whenever there was a big enemy, the ancestors of the clan would run the clan to fight. The power of numbers. It’s a pity that the method of running the power of numbers has long been lost, even the father and the king can’t…”

"Why, Senior Ning would..."

Ning Fan looked at the purple starlight around him, somewhat baffled.

He just recognized the lord of the female clan and the clan formation. Why did he attract countless stars into the body out of thin air, and why did he temporarily improve his cultivation

I don't know.

Ning Fan didn't intend to explore the reason for the time being.

What he is most interested in at the moment is the refining of the North Sea True Monarch.

The hand hidden in the sleeve continued to hold the seal of recognition, one after another was printed out, and more things were forcibly recognized by Ning Fan.

The terrain with a radius of ten thousand miles has successfully recognized the Lord!

Tianyun with a radius of ten thousand miles has successfully recognized the Lord!

At this moment, Ning Fan's feeling of intimacy between heaven and earth deepened.

Thousands of miles of momentum turned into golden mist and floated into the cauldron!

Wanli Tianyun turned into a nine-colored glow and floated into the tripod!

The alien monks here were once again shocked.

"Heaven's fate actually took the initiative to help the old demon Zhao Jian concoct alchemy, how is this possible! He is not the master of heaven and earth! How can he do this!"

"It must be something this person used..."

"With ten thousand miles of terrain to lock the pill shape, and ten thousand miles of heaven to change the pill's life, it seems that this North Sea True Monarch is 100% about to be refined into a pill, and there is absolutely no possibility of failure..."

"Unless someone stops you!"

"How come Xingjun Santai hasn't come yet! Come and stop the old demon Zhao Jian personally!"

In a radius of ten thousand miles, the Dao recognizes the Lord and succeeds!

A radius of ten thousand miles of space Dao recognizes the Lord successfully!

But seeing Ning Fan pointing at the Divine Refinement Cauldron, the flow of time in the Cauldron suddenly accelerated by tens of thousands of times!

The speed of time outside the tripod is still as normal as ever!

Such exquisite time control may not be possible for the cultivator who studies this way, but Ning Fan did it with ease.

As a result, the North Sea True Monarch, who had already been refined, began to refine at a speed of tens of thousands of times, turning it into blood-red elixir, which is the blood of all spirits!

Boundless suffocating aura came out of the tripod, it was the suffocating suffocation of the second-order title Quasi-Saint Falling, and once it spread out, it was enough to contaminate all the spiritual veins of the Feng female clan.

Such a terrifying evil spirit was sealed back into the cauldron by Ning Fan, and could no longer be released.

In the past, Ning Fan's determination was impossible to keep such a large-scale suffocating qi from dissipating, but now he has become the master of Wanli Space, and all the space here obeys his orders. Space out.

Although Ning Fan sealed the evil spirits, and those with keen perception, still felt what happened in the cauldron.

"Fake! Fake! What kind of sorcery did this person use to refine and kill the second-tier title quasi-sage in such a short period of time!"

No one could have imagined that Ning Fan would have a way to recognize the time spanning thousands of miles.

No one would have thought that the North Sea True Monarch, who had cultivated to the sky, was turned into a pot of medicine pills before he could hold on for long in Ning Fan's hands.

However, he said that in the endless faraway land in the North Jie River, in the Jiehe River and the ocean currents, a dragon boat was rapidly heading towards the Feng female clan.

Inside the dragon boat, an old man dressed in the ancient state of Chu was kneeling and sitting in front of the book desk, reading an old bamboo slip.

The eyes of the old man gave people a feeling of confusion, as if he had no interest in everything in the world.

The only thing that could arouse his interest was the ancient poems on the bamboo slips.

"Pick and roll ears, but not a lot of baskets. I'm pregnant, let him go around... I'm pregnant, hey..."

"Zhi is in the south of the mountain, and the words are beautiful. I haven't seen a gentleman, my heart is sad, hey..."

Perhaps it was these verses that evoked the old man's melancholy. The old man sighed again and again, put down the bamboo slip, and did not read it again.

He got up and walked out of the cabin, standing on the bow, looking at the currents on both sides, as if remembering the past. The melancholy in my heart was slightly reduced, but it turned to poetry, and I felt unpleasant.

The old man sometimes thought hard, sometimes opened his mouth to speak, and repeated, but he couldn't compose a half-sentence poem.

I don't know how long it took, the old man suddenly felt blessed and inspired.

"There is a boundary river in the north, and there is a god in the river. People say that this god is Hebo... So this is the title."

With the title of the poem, the old man looked at the surging river, his thoughts were smoother than ever before, and the lines of poetry came out of his mouth.

"Walking with the girl on the nine rivers, the wind blew up the waves.

Ride on a waterwheel, like Hegai, and drive two dragons, like a chi.

When I climb the Kunlun Mountains and look around, my heart is soaring.

As the sun draws near and twilight, I forget to return, but I am very pregnant.

The fish scale house is in the dragon hall, the purple shell is in the bead palace, what is the spirit in the water

Riding a white eagle and chasing monsoons, and traveling with a woman along the river, the rivers and rivers will come down in the future.

The son fights to the east, and sends the beauty to Nanpu.

The waves come to welcome you, and the scales of the fish are swayed. "

After one recitation, the old man breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had accomplished a very important task.

Just as he was about to turn his head and reconsider the words and sentences used in this new work, his eyes suddenly changed, with a startled expression.

However, seeing his complexion slightly gloomy, how could he still have the leisure to write poems, he pinched his fingers and calculated the upheaval within the Feng women's clan.

"Then what is the origin of Zhao Jian? He has already killed Beihai without even a single stick of incense."

If there are foreign monks here, they will be able to recognize that this old man is the third-ranked ancestor Qu Ping among the three star kings.

Beijiehe, somewhere in the cave of the Shuizu.

Inside the cave, a chubby girl was eating like a cloud of wind. In front of her, the mountain of food was decreasing at an alarming rate.

The expression on the girl's face was very stiff, and the stiffness seemed to have no emotion. Only when she was eating, the girl's eyes showed a little emotion - it allowed people to judge whether she was full or still hungry at the moment.

Beside the girl, a squid as big as a hill was talking angrily.

If Ning Fan was here, he would definitely recognize that this squid was the blood god Gengwu.

Who would have thought that Geng Wu, the blood god who escaped his life that day, would escape all the way from Dongtian to Beitian.

The ghost knows how it escaped!

"Cow! Cow! Cow!" said even more furiously.

It can't speak, and this bull character used to be the only human language it could speak - now it is the only thing it can speak.

"Got it, got it, you were bullied by that Niu Manshan again, right? You've said it eight hundred times." The Fat Ball girl seemed to be able to understand the darker language, and responded with disapproval.

"Ning! Ning! Ning!" Seeing that the girl was indifferent to her tragic experience, she said another word she could speak angrily.

"Understood, I got it, this time there is another person named Ning Fan who bullied you, right? You have said this matter more, nine hundred times. Don't worry, I will have the opportunity to go to Dongtian in the future, Ben. The girl will definitely help you find a place, who told us that we are good friends since childhood."

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, come and eat more, eat more to grow up."

"Looking back at the time, you weren't much smaller than me—I mean the figure. Look at how thin you are now. Any medium-sized fish clan in Jiehe is taller than you and stronger than you—this is still me. The results of feeding you in the past few days. You just eat too little, if you eat like me, what cows and what are you afraid of?"

Just as he was talking, a few fish demons hurried over and reported, "Senior Da Kun, it's not good! There is a big incident in the Feng female clan, and someone wants to refine and kill Bei Tian Yu Shi..."

"Shhh, don't be noisy. I'm busy teaching Greg to eat more."

"But my lord, this matter is very important..."

"The big things are not as important as eating. You know, in our Fire Fish Clan, there is such a motto! The meal is good, and it is justice to eat a full meal! Hungry is evil, and hunger is the original sin!"

"This, the big truth of the adults, the villains can't understand. The villains only know that the North Tianyu division is very important..."

"If you don't understand, just go! You, you're disturbing my meal!"

The fat ball girl was a little impatient, and with a casual throw of her little hand, she threw the several fish demons who came to report the news a hundred thousand miles away.

Then he said to Geng Wu, "Okay, no one bothers us, let's eat..."

"By the way, Geng Wu, let me ask you one thing, did I mention the Fire Fish Clan when I spoke just now?"

"What is the Fire Fish Clan?"

"Why do I say fire fish clan?"

"it's wired."

"Forget it. In life, you will always do a lot of strange things, say a lot of strange things, there is no need to go into them all. It's like, people will fight when they are not full, quarrel when they are full, and go back and forth. Repeat, endlessly."

"Hey, Xiao Gengwu, do you think what elder sister said is philosophical? That's because elder sister is eating a little now! I'm full! I can hold on!"

The fat ball girl finally had enough to eat, and showed a rare sweet smile.

But for some unknown reason, just as a little emotion was born in her heart, it was wiped out by an invisible force.

So he returned to his emotionless face again, with a dazed look on his face, as if he had forgotten a lot of things.

"Hey, Xiao Gengwu, I seem to be... hungry again."

This fat ball girl is not someone else, she is Beihai Da Kun, who ranks second among the three stars.

In a very short period of time, Ning Fan made the North Sea True Monarch into a pot of ten thousand spirit blood.

Perceiving that the True Monarch of the North Sea was dead, the old demon of raising pills, who was pinned at the foot of the Ant Master Dao Mountain, came out of grief, and let out a miserable cry, "It hurts me too!"

However, he saw that the old demon Yangdan was crying with tears, and then all the grief and anger turned into a demonic roar and vented out.


This is the roar of the quasi-sage ancient demon. The power of a roar is like a landslide, and the entire Fengnu clan is plunged into an earthquake in an instant.

This demonic roar locked onto Ning Fan, and locked all the female servants here, apparently trying to kill people with the demonic roar!

But Ning Fan didn't allow that demonic roar to come out, and he didn't allow that demonic roar to hurt any of the Fengnu people.

But seeing that Ning Fan raised his finger a little, the demonic roar of the old demon raising pill was actually detained, and it only echoed under the mountain of the ant master, and could no longer be heard.

"Hateful, hateful!" Seeing that he was so weak that he couldn't even utter a demonic roar, the old demon Yangdan felt humiliated for the first time in his life. Ning Fan half points.

Different from the grief of the old demon Yangdan, when the Fengnu people saw that the True Monarch of the North Sea was being executed, they felt very happy, and they knelt on the ground one by one, thanking Ning Fan.

"Thank you senior for helping me to avenge this great revenge..." Even Ji Fuyao himself knelt down and kowtowed to Ning Fan, tears streaming down his face.

Ning Fan rolled up his sleeve robe, and there were showers of rain that lifted everyone up and said, "I killed this person, not for you, but for my own cause and effect, so you don't need to thank me."

"As for the things refined in the cauldron, I don't intend to give it to you..." Ning Fan said this to Ji Fuyao.

Myriad spirits and blood are related to ancient gods, and Ning Fan would not give this kind of thing to others.

"The medicine pill in the cauldron is naturally owned by the seniors! The juniors only want the results of refining and killing the Beihai old thief, and they will never dare to covet the things of the seniors."

"That's good. The medicine in the cauldron is really special, so it's inconvenient to give it to others; and this thing is really harmful and useless to you, and it's useless, but it's easy to cause disaster. But after all, I borrowed your clan's land. The clan array came to make alchemy, and I should give you some thanks."

"No, it's obvious that I should wait to thank the seniors..." Ji Fuyao was shocked when he saw what Ning Fan was going to give, and repeatedly refused.

Ning Fan made up his mind and was about to take something to give to the Feng female clan when he suddenly sensed something, and his expression suddenly became dignified, "We'll talk about this later! Don't disturb me for now!"

Hearing this, Ji Fuyao's heart skipped a beat. I don't know where something big happened. Otherwise, how could Senior Ning show such an expression.

Could it be that Santai Xingjun is already here? !

Could it be that there are more than one three-star Xingjun here? !

Could it be…

For a time, Ji Fuyao only felt agitated. As the head of the clan, and she also has the special task of guarding the Ziwei North Pole Palace, she has seen the power of Santai Xingjun a long time ago, all of them are as powerful as monsters.

Although Senior Ning is also as strong as a monster, what if the three star kings come together? Senior Ning's strength alone, how to fight against three monsters, can't say that he will suffer a big loss.

"Father, Queen Mother! Please forgive your daughter's willfulness! Daughter may have to do something that will bring shame to the Feng women today! If the three-star Xingjun really dared to bully the younger, it would be detrimental to Senior Ning, and the daughter would rather be immortal. The imperial warrant is detonated, and we must give seniors a chance to escape!"

Ji Fuyao's demon soul held the order of Immortal Emperor Ziwei tightly, waiting like an enemy.

Wait, wait, but never wait for the arrival of Santai Xingjun.

She didn't know that the reason why Ning Fan's face was solemn was not because of Santai Xingjun, but because of some changes in the Myriad Spiritual Blood refined this time.

In the past, when Ning Fan refined Myriad Spiritual Blood, there were often hundreds of pellets in one pot, and each pellet was a low-grade Myriad Spiritual Blood—low-grade Myriad Spiritual Blood, and its medicinal power was comparable to that of a nine-turn golden elixir.

This time, however, things were a little different.

There were still thousands of pieces in one pot, but this time, Ning Fan clearly sensed that the low-grade Myriad Spiritual Blood in the cauldron was swallowing each other and merging with each other!

Why is this so

Ning Fan didn't know either, but that didn't stop him from guessing.

Perhaps it was because the material cultivation level was higher this time, or because when he was refining this time, he perfectly blocked the evil spirit and did not let the second-order quasi-sacred evil spirit in the tripod lose half of it.

All in all, the accident really happened!

Because Ning Fan accelerated the flow of time in the cauldron, the Myriad Spirit Blood devoured each other at an astonishingly fast speed. In just two breaths, the number of Myriad Spirit Blood in the Cauldron was reduced to three hundred.

After another two breaths, there were only a hundred pieces of Myriad Spiritual Blood left.

After that, seventy, fifty, thirty...

In the end, there were only the last two Myriad Spirit Bloods left in the cauldron: one of them was Yin Dan and the other was Yang Dan. Among them, Yin Pill is extremely powerful, ten times stronger than Yang Pill.

Due to the serious imbalance of the ratio of yin and yang, the last two myriad spirits could not be perfectly integrated.

This is not difficult for Ning Fan!

He cultivates yin and yang, and what he is best at in his life is to reconcile things that are difficult to blend.

However, Ning Fan suddenly raised his hand and slapped it on the Divine Refinement Cauldron. This shot seems to be ordinary, but it dissipates the yin and yang qi contained in the yin and yang dan in one shot.

Once again urging the supernatural power, the yin and yang in the cauldron turned into small fish, either black or white, and swam in the cauldron.

Among them, the black fish is yin, and there are ten, and the white fish is yang, and there is only one.

Ning Fan's supernatural powers changed again, and eleven yin and yang fish were forcibly merged together, turning into a gourd-shaped yin and yang taiji map.

The head of the gourd is yang, although it is weak, it sits above it, and it uses the power of the top to suppress ten times the yin, so as to achieve balance.

At the moment when this balance was reached, the last two myriad spirits finally merged into one.


An impact force came from the inside of the tripod, and the tripod cover was lifted.

Then, a blood-red elixir the size of a Dao fruit flew out of the cauldron and hovered in the air.

"It smells so good!"

Everyone here can smell the incense of Dan Xiang.

That Danxiang, like agarwood and sandalwood, is very unique, just smell it, everyone will feel a hundred times more energetic, and even the cultivation base has a bit of diligence.

It's hard to imagine how wonderful it would be if you took a bite of this pill!


Suddenly there was thunder.

Everyone looked up, only to find that an unheard of ten-color robbery cloud appeared above the Fengnu clan.

"What kind of robbery cloud is this?"

"Could it be that you want to split Dan Lei?"

When everyone was guessing, Dan Lei had already condensed out of the robbery cloud.

That Dan Lei has ten colors, and the power it spreads is enough to blast several Immortal Emperors into ashes.

If this Pill Thunder is allowed to fall without any obstruction, everyone here—except Ning Fan and the old Pill Raising Demon who was crushed under the Ant Master Dao Mountain, will all be blasted into ashes!

"Hey! What kind of Dan Lei is this, how can it be so terrifying!"

"Not good! I'll leave as soon as possible, don't stay here and be implicated!"

"Cough, old demon Zhao Jian has sealed the world, I can't get out of here."

"Don't worry! The Dan Lei appeared, only to destroy the Dan Lei. That old demon Zhao Jian has worked so hard to make this elixir. If he is willing to destroy the Dan Lei, he will do his best to resist the Dan Lei."

"Even if Old Demon Zhao is standing in front of me, we still need to be very careful not to be hit by the aftermath of Dan Lei."

The cultivators of the alien race were getting nervous, when they suddenly saw Ning Fan sacrifice a thunder map, and another baby and a bird flew out from the map.

"That's great! The master has found food for me again!"

One baby was overjoyed, rushed up to meet Dan Lei, and ate all of Dan Lei in a few mouthfuls.

Ning Fan accepted Lei Tu, raised his hand, and the medicinal pill flew into Ning Fan's palm.

Since it was just out of the oven, this pill was still hot. Fortunately, this temperature was not worth mentioning to Ning Fan.

"Is this the middle-grade Wanling blood..."

"What a strong medicinal power, this medicinal power has almost reached the level of ten-turn pills, but unfortunately it is still a lot worse than the real ten-turn pills. Is it because the ratio of the last two pills of Yin and Yang is seriously out of balance... The reconciliation of yin and yang can be regarded as a fusion for the time being, but it is not perfect after all.”

"Huh? On top of this pill, there is actually the aura of title power..."

"The title of rain..."

"If I eat this Myriad Spiritual Blood, I am afraid that I will be able to repair the complete title of Rain directly..."

Ning Fan was a little happy.

He was lucky enough to produce a mid-grade Myriad Spiritual Blood by refining True Monarch Beihai at random.

Unfortunately, before Ning Fan was happy, a voice came from a distance of a million miles.

"Can you borrow the medicinal pills in the hands of Daoist friends?" Ancestor Qu Ping rode a dragon boat and came across the waves. At this moment, he was still a long way from the Feng women's clan, so the sound transmission came here.

"No." Ning Fan said indifferently.

"That being the case, I am offended." Ancestor Qu Ping sighed softly.

Almost at the moment when his words fell, Ning Fan felt that the endless river was submerged across a distance of millions of miles.

That is the river transformed by Dao Nian. The eyesight is invisible, but it contains the Dao that Qu Ping's ancestor cultivated all his life.

"This is the first level of Taoism for this old man, and its name is Miluo!"