Grasping Evil

Chapter 1264: Xun Ningfan never met


"not good!"

Seeing that Geng Wu made a move, Qu Ping, who was always watching the battle with a great supernatural power like Hundred Times Tribulation Flash, suddenly paled.

Even Lie Yukou frowned.

The scarlet robbery flash drowned the entire Feng female clan.

Before Ning Fan forcibly recognized the lord of the women's clan and the clan, the Tianyuan Doushu Great Array, sensed the attack of the robbery, and started to operate on its own.

This formation tried to resist the robbery flash, but it only supported the moment before it was broken.

array broken.

Tianyuan Great Array, destroyed!

The power of Ziwei Doushu gathered by the Tianyuan Great Array and blessed on Ning Fan disappeared.

Then, the robbery flash swept the Quartet, no more obstacles!

The clan of the Fengnu clan has suffered hundreds of millions of tribulation and flash shocks in an instant.

The clan land was blasted into countless pieces and shattered.

Countless screams were made, and everyone here was involved in the attack of the robbery!

No matter whether it is a life immortal or a true immortal, in the impact of the robbery flash, he can't even hold it for a moment, and it directly becomes a fly ash.

Even Immortal Venerable and Immortal King can only live a few more breaths, and still cannot escape death.

Only the existence of the Immortal Emperor level can survive such attacks, but this is only because the storm center of the hundredfold robbery is far away from them.

What they faced was only the aftermath of the robbery. Even so, these Immortal Emperors were seriously injured and dying, their magic weapons were destroyed, and their expressions were terrified.

"Uh..." Beihai Da Kun was dumbfounded.

She wanted to give a hard lesson to the person who ruined her pastries, but she didn't ask Geng Wu to use such a big move.

Everything is more self-assertive…

"It's just nonsense! If you don't take action, stop the robbery, and wait!" At this moment, the voice of Qu Ping's ancestor came into the ears of Da Kun, with a trace of reproach.

Da Kun came back to his senses and knew that this was not the time to be in a daze, so he reluctantly patted Geng Wu's brain door, soothing his furious emotions, while soothing and explaining, "Xiao Gengwu, quickly take back your magical powers. Go, the place we came to is called Feng Nuzu, it is a very special place, fighting in this place, you can't use too strong tricks, otherwise there will be big trouble..."

Da Kun's appeasement seemed to have infinite magic power, and Geng Wu's emotions miraculously calmed down.

It became tame again, obeying the command of Da Kun, opened its bloody mouth, and sucked the hundred times of calamity that had been sprayed back into its stomach a little bit.

At the same time, Da Kun, Qu Ping, and Lie Yukou made a move together to help Geng Wu clean up the aftermath.

"I'll eat, I'll eat, I'll eat..." Da Kun devoured the Jie Shan between heaven and earth, eating hundreds of mouthfuls in a row.

The infinitely powerful Jie Shan was swallowed into her stomach, causing great harm. Her internal organs needed to bear all the damage from the swallowed Jie Shan.

The swallowed Jieshan raged and destroyed in the belly of the big Kun. Every time he swallowed a robbery, Da Kun would lose a lot of qi and blood.

The amount of qi and blood lost by taking a bite of Jie Shan is almost equivalent to the sum of the qi and blood of several immortal emperors.

Da Kun ate a few hundred mouthfuls of Jie Shan, but his complexion was still ruddy and his complexion was as usual, and he could hardly see any loss of qi and blood...

Her total amount of qi and blood is too terrifying. For her, such losses are still only a drop in the bucket...

"Fairy spirit art, five fingers form a mountain." Lie Yukou walked in the robbery, his face was like a void, and he couldn't see the slightest emotion. It is as strong as a hundred times of calamity, but it can't hurt him at all.

He raised his palm and continuously slapped it towards the surrounding tribulation flashes, each time the palm fell, a large number of tribulation flashes would aggregate and solidify.

The raging power of robbery was condensed into scarlet five-finger mountains, banging and smashing on the seabed, unable to wreak havoc any more.

Such as being suppressed between the five fingers.

"Gods of the Nine Songs, now!"

Qu Ping walked in the robbery and flash, and all over his body, there were nine Dharma protectors guarding him.

Each of those Dharma guardian gods seemed to have the power of immortality, but because of the brilliance of the surrounding robbery, they could not see their faces clearly.

Nine gods came out together, and the surrounding tribulation flashes were instantly dispelled countless.

Another Dharma Protector raised his palm, grabbed the surrounding Jieshan, and said indifferently.

"The One Magic."

Almost at the moment when this god performed the Taiyi magic, the surrounding tribulation flashes seemed to be ordered to fly to the palm of his hand, and then in the palm of his hand, they turned into a scarlet bird...

After the joint efforts of Lie Yukou, Qu Ping, Da Kun, and Geng Wu, in a short time, the hundred times of calamity was dispelled.

Although the robbery was dispelled, the entire Fengnu clan was now in ruins. Except for a few Immortal Emperors who survived, the rest have turned into robbery ashes.

"Ning! Ning! Ning!" Geng Wu looked around and found that Ning Fan could no longer be found here, and he was instantly overjoyed.

From its point of view, this time Ning Fan didn't have Niu Manshan to help him. With this full blow, Ning Fan must have been smashed into ashes.

"Your joy is meaningless. That person is not dead. He has escaped." Lie Yukou seemed to be able to see through Geng Wu's heart and said to Geng Wu.

"Indeed... that little guy named Ning Fan is no longer here." Qu Ping swept his mind away, but he did not sense Ning Fan's breath from the ashes of this place, and his expression relaxed slightly.

Then, with a straight face, he said solemnly to Da Kun, "You and I are both Xingjun of Santai, and we once met Lord Hebo together and listened to Lord Hebo's prophecy. Why condone Geng Wu's destruction here!"

Lie Yukou also looked at Da Kun, as if waiting for the other party to give a reasonable explanation.

Before fighting against Ning Fan, Lie Yukou was always in a bind, and his magical powers were almost useless. He was afraid that the Feng female clan was too special and did not dare to use too much influence here.

Unexpectedly, as soon as this big kun appeared, he instructed Geng Wu to destroy the Feng female clan...

He needs an explanation for this.

"I made the mistake, one person does the work and one person is responsible. If you want to sue Lord Hebo, go ahead and sue, I have no objection to all punishments!" Da Kun did not intend to explain any further, and directly blamed himself for the fault.

It was as if they were afraid that Lie Yukou and Qu Ping would pursue Geng Wu's guilt.

"You are at fault, but it is even more wrong." Lie Yukou raised his palm, and was about to use his supernatural powers to punish Geng Wu.

Da Kun immediately took action to stop it, "I said, the mistake was made by me alone, and it has nothing to do with my friend!"

"Okay, alright! Now is not the time to investigate the fault. The first thing is to repair the Fengnu clan's land and clan formation! Don't release the nightmare gas sealed in the Fengnu clan's heaven." Qu Ping sighed , as a peacemaker.

"How much can it be repaired?" Lie Yukou asked.

"Up to 90%... Among my nine gods of songs, Taiyishen has not recovered from the damage he suffered in the previous episode, and he is still unable to exert his full strength." Qu Ping sighed.

"Ninety percent is enough to support the four-day war between our clan and our family." Lie Yukou nodded with satisfaction.

Qu Ping said again, "My Great Commander of Life has fully recovered. It is not difficult to save a person who has just fallen within a stick of incense after death. The monks of all ethnic groups who died in the female clan can be rescued. ."

"Yeah." Lie Yukou responded casually.

He didn't care whether Qu Ping could resurrect those who died in Jieshan.

He only cares about how much the Fengnu clan's clan land and clan formation can be repaired.

"That being the case, you will repair the Fengnu clan here, and I will go after them." Lie Yukou planned to hunt down Ning Fan.

He must retake the title elixir from Ning Fan before he is willing to give up.

"I'll go too!" Da Kun also wanted to chase after Ning Fan, and Geng Wu was also grinning.

How could Ning Fan escape from under his eyes.

"Don't go after it! If you want to repair the Feng female clan, I am not enough! The time and space here have been recognized as masters, which greatly increases the difficulty of repairing. You must assist from the side and gather the power of several major repairers. Only then can it be repaired." Qu Ping stopped him.

"This..." Da Kun had to let go of the idea of chasing after Ning Fan when he heard that repairing Feng's female clan needed his own efforts.

Lie Yukou gave Qu Ping a meaningful look, and said, "Although the time and space here is recognized as the master, the recognition of the master is time-sensitive and cannot last, and the time and space will return to their place in a short time. Just because, Those who recognize the master of time and space cannot master time and space as high as they should. So, are you really sure that we need to leave me and Da Kun to restore this place?"

"..." Qu Ping didn't answer.

Seeing that Qu Ping did not answer, Lie Yukou did not continue to ask questions, but grabbed with his five fingers to the sky and the earth, and caught two dragons, one black and one gold, from between the heaven and the earth.

The golden dragon is the embodiment of the law of time here.

The black dragon is the embodiment of the spatial law of this place.

The time and space here was actually pulled away by Lie Yukou and held in the palm of his hand.

"Look, the imprint planted by Ning Fan is weakening in the body of the two dragons in this time and space, which proves that what I said is true. I am very curious, what exactly did you experience in the Dao Nian battle, and why did you treat this man named Ning Fan? Fan's cultivator is so protective?" While speaking, Lie Yukou spit out his mana, and the two dragons of time and space in his palm were suddenly shaken to pieces.

After that.

The shattered power of time and space was reorganized by Liyu Kou.

The time and space here have returned to order, and they will no longer be disturbed by Ning Fan.

"Okay, since you've said it here, I'll also talk about your inner thoughts. Although Ning Fan is not a major repairer, his strength is not inferior to me. If you are catching up, what can you do? After a game, destroy the Beijie River? Destroy the Beitian together? What if it collapses after four days of fighting? Can you really take back the title elixir from this person?"

"I'm not sure, but I have a three-point confidence that I can get it back, so I plan to give it a try." Lie Yukou said.

"After taking it back? Find another person who is strong enough to endure this elixir, make him swallow it, and help him cultivate the title of Rain Master?" Qu Ping asked again.

"...Do you mean to give this person the medicine pill directly? Let him get the power of the title of Rain Master, and then let him help us in our actions?" Lie Yukou seriously thought about the pros and cons.

Finally shook his head.

"He is a Beitian cultivator, a descendant of Zidou, and he is different from me..." As he spoke, Lie Yukou's expression suddenly changed slightly.

It seems to have a feeling.

But it was at this moment that Ning Fan, who had escaped from the Feng female clan, directly swallowed the middle-grade Myriad Spiritual Blood he had refined.

This pill has been eaten and can no longer be taken back.

"Hehe, now, you shouldn't go after him anymore, right?" Qu Ping also sensed that the title of Rain Master had a new owner, so he didn't know that Ning Fan had already taken the medicine pill.

Based on his understanding of Lie Yukou, this person will only act rationally. Since there is no possibility of taking back the medicine pill, this person will never go after Ning Fan again and fight for no reason.

"I'm not chasing him, are you happy?" Lie Yukou said without sorrow or joy.

The emotions were not at all irritated by the inability to regain the title of Rain Master.

"..." Qu Ping didn't answer.

"It seems that you don't intend to gossip with me, so start repairing the Feng female clan immediately." Lie Yukou.

Qu Ping nodded.

Among the nine gods of songs, Tai Yishen's power was activated.

"Too round, reverse time and space!"

A light wheel flew out from the hands of Tai Yishen, and then, a magical scene happened!

The Feng female clan, which had been destroyed originally, was restored to its original state bit by bit, as if the picture was turned upside down.

But the recovery was not perfect.

The Taiyishen that Qu Ping summoned was still injured, so the magical powers he used were naturally not perfect.

Those who turned into ashes of robbery also reversed the time and space, and the ashes of the robbery re-condensed into fleshy bodies.

But these bodies are just empty shells, they can only be regarded as corpses.

So Qu Ping activated the power of the God of Life, the Great Commander of the Nine Gods of Songs.

"The lamp of life and death, continue your life!"

An ancient lantern burning with black and white flames flew out of the hand of the Great Commander of Life.

The body of the corpse on the ground suddenly rekindled the fire of the soul.

The soul is back!

"Eh? Why didn't I die?"

"What just happened?"

"I can't seem to remember."

The resurrected monks all looked blank and didn't know why.

But I don't know that the reason why they were able to come back to life is entirely thanks to Qu Ping's credit.

"Speaking of which, if you can resurrect Beihai Zhenjun together, it will save you trouble." Lie Yukou suddenly asked.

"I've tried this in secret, but unfortunately I can't do it at all... The treasure cauldron used by Ning Fan to kill the True Monarch of the North Sea is too special. I don't know where this cauldron came from. The life and death authority of the Great Secretary of Life..."

"Strange? The number of people who have been resurrected seems to be a lot less?"

Qu Ping suddenly let out a sigh.

He found that none of the monks resurrected by him belonged to the female clan.

In other words...

Before this place, not half of the women of the female tribe fell!

Dare Qing Ning Fan did not flee this place alone, but escaped with the entire Feng female clan!

"Impossible! Xiao Gengwu's 100-fold calamity flash is imminent. How could he take so many people out of this place in a split second?" Beihai Dakun felt unbelievable.

"Don't forget, this person recognized the time here early. In a moment in your eyes, maybe ten years in his eyes, it is not surprising that there is such sufficient time to do anything." Lie Yukou explained.

Inadvertently, there was a strange color in his eyes.

He was surprised.

As far as he knew, Ning Fan and the Fengnu clan had never known each other, and it was not an exaggeration to say that these Fengnu clan people were strangers to Ning Fan.

As a cultivator, facing the siege of four ancient great cultivators, and facing the sudden 100-fold calamity, normal people will only subconsciously seek ways to save their lives. Who would care about the safety of strangers

But Ning Fan rescued the entire Fengnu clan at the time of his life and death.

Does this person have absolute certainty that he is not afraid of a hundred times of calamity

Or, even if he lost to a hundred times of calamity, even if he knew that saving these people would be a burden, he still did it.

"Why, he made this decision..."

"I don't understand…"

Li Yukou's eyes were momentarily dazed.

He is an absolutely rational person, so he cannot understand choices beyond rationality.

Ning Fan escaped.

The reason why he was in a hurry to leave this place was not because he was afraid of Lie Yukou and others, but because he was worried that if the fight continued, the entire Feng female clan would be implicated.

Geng Wu released a hundred times of robbery flash, the attack speed was too fast, almost the instant the red glow appeared, the damage was already coming.

Fortunately, Ning Fan recognized the time here in advance, so he had enough time to summon the umbrella of merit, defend against a hundred times of calamity, and rescue the entire Feng female clan.

As for other alien monks, they were not in his rescue. Whoever loved to die had nothing to do with him.

did not escape too far.

The other party is four ancient great cultivators, little Beitian, no matter where he hides, he may be overtaken by the other party, and there may be a battlefield.

Thinking of the blood god's mouth is a hundred times more savage...

Ning Fan couldn't help but wipe the sweat for the Four Heavens and Nine Realms, worried that the entire Beitian couldn't stand the tossing of Geng Wu and others.

In the end, Ning Fan chose to return to Ziwei Arctic Palace.

Although this palace has been recognized by him, there is no guarantee that the ancient overhaul of Jiehe will be shut out.

If the enemy insists on chasing and chasing into this palace, he will have a fight with the other party here.

After all, this place is also the Immortal Emperor’s Cave Mansion. I think it can withstand the fierce battle of many major repairers.

"Speaking of which, Lie Yukou fought against me for this middle-grade myriad spirit blood. What will happen to him if I take this thing?"

Ning Fan and Lie Yukou were just a one-sided relationship, but they had a certain degree of confrontation and temptation.

People's words can be deceived, but God's channel method directly points to the Tao's heart.

Through the confrontation of the divine passage method, Ning Fan also had a certain understanding of Lie Yukou's rigidity and rationality.

He guessed a lot in his heart, and finally decided to eat the middle-grade Wanling blood to see what the other party would choose next.


When Ning Fan ate the middle-grade Wanling blood, the Lie Yukou Spiritual Mind, which had always been locked on him, was withdrawn.

"Sure enough, once this person loses his goal of chasing me, he will choose to give up." Ning Fan secretly said.

He didn't know that the reason why Lie Yukou gave up chasing him was due to Qu Ping's persuasion.

"Alright, since he doesn't come to provoke me, I will slowly refine this middle-grade myriad spirit blood. I have already cultivated the palm of the rain. If I refine the power of the title in this pill, maybe It will further qualitatively change my rain intentions..."

Although Qu Ping's clan land and clan formation were repaired by the Fengnu clan, only 90% of them were repaired in the end.

Qu Pingren had to stay here temporarily, and rely on their own means to further consolidate the newly rebuilt Fengnu clan.

Right now.

A long howl suddenly came from the sea area around the Feng female clan.

In that long howl, a cyclops came from the sea.

This one-eyed giant is not a member of all races in Jiehe, so when he is advancing in the area of Jiehe, he inevitably encounters the obstruction of countless alien monks.

"Stop him! Don't let him run wild in the Jiehe River!" A Blackwater Clan Immortal King stepped on the black water and rushed towards the Cyclops.


He was slapped by the Cyclops and flew millions of miles away.

"Who is your Excellency!" An Immortal Emperor of the Dragon Yan clan held a sea fork and rushed towards the Cyclops.


It was also slapped by the Cyclops.

This cyclops is so powerful!

Walking among the thousands of foreign troops is like entering a land of no one.

Even if several immortal emperors from different races joined forces, they could not support a few moves in the hands of the Cyclops.

At this time, an alien cultivator finally recognized it.

This one-eyed giant turned out to be the leader of the Beitian cultivator coalition, that fierce and famous beholder ancestor!

hateful! This beholder ancestor has changed to a new body, and his aura has become even more strange and unpredictable. It is no wonder that everyone did not recognize this person at the first time!

"Weak, too weak! There is no one who can fight among the ten thousand tribes of Jiehe! What about Xingjun Santai! Why don't you come out and fight this old man again? Yes, yes! You three Xingjun I'm busy bullying the less with more, one with three, and bullying my little brother Ning! Despicable, despicable! Three against one, ah no, it is four against one!" The Cyclops sneered again and again.

Strange to say, this one-eyed giant, with a sturdy body, gave off an extremely wretched laughter.

It looks like a certain eyeball monster who is familiar with Ning Fan.

In fact, he is the Eyeball Monster himself!

But he said that the Eyeball Monster came to Beitian after parting with Ning Fan.

After that, when Jiehe was in chaos, he took the initiative to join the Beitian cultivator coalition and lead the Beitian cultivators to fight against the Jiehe alien race.

On this day, the eyeball monster was stationed in the North Boundary River as usual.

Unexpectedly, in the boundary river, the atmosphere of war suddenly broke out, and there was an existence of the major repair level fighting against each other.

What surprised the eyeball monster even more was that in the breath, one of them was so familiar...

Isn't this Ning Fan kid's breath!

Forgive the old man's ignorance, when did this kid come to Beitian

But why did you fight with the ancient overhaul

Although he didn't know the cause and effect of the incident, the eyeball monster still sensed Ning Fan and forced his way into the depths of the Jiehe River.

Why are you coming here so eagerly

Naturally, because there was more than one Jiehe overhaul that surrounded Ning Fan, the eyeball monster was worried that Ning Fan would make a mistake, so he came here to help him.

But he said that after the eyeball monster rushed into the depths of the Jiehe River, it was blocked all the way, and it took a lot of effort to rush to the range of the Fengnu clan.

At this moment, a burst of light suddenly lit up on the water surface of the Jiehe River, and then hundreds of millions of alien monks emerged from the water, secretly gathering mana and forming a great formation of trapping the enemy, trapping the eyeball monster in the formation.

This formation gathers the mana of hundreds of millions of monks, how powerful, but so what

But I saw the eyeball monster untie the treasure bow behind it. I don't know where this bow came from. Its magic weapon breath has reached the peak of the innate high-grade, infinitely close to the legendary innate magic weapon!

"Brother Eyeball! Pull my strings! Shoot my arrows! Let this group of ants see the power of our brothers!" This treasure bow could even speak.

It's not that Baogong itself is talking.

It is the artifact spirit in the bow that speaks.

The eyeball monster smiled and nodded, in response to the request of the bow tool spirit.

Then he fired an arrow, and wherever the arrow reached, everything was drowned by the candlelight.

Hundreds of millions of formations, broken!

After that, the eyeball monster separated from the waves, rampaged all the way, and came to the location of the Feng female clan.

"You waited for an ancient major repair, but the four of them joined forces to besiege my poor little brother Ning. Hey, brother Ning, look at who is here to help you! Don't say that you don't know each other when you say goodbye that day. Old man!"

The eyeball monster came to the Feng female clan.

He was full of momentum and wanted to come here to help Ning Fan.


Ning Fan was long gone.

The eyeball monster was a little confused.

The Eyeballs sensed that things weren't that simple.

The Eyeballs began to doubt the necessity of coming here after all the hard work.

Before he could react, Lie Yukou, Qu Ping, Beihai Dakun, and Geng Wu had already surrounded him.

"...What about my brother Ning?" The eyes suddenly felt awkward, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little embarrassing.

"He left, but now, you are here." Lie Yukou said lightly.

"Oh, he's gone, well, I'm leaving too, farewell." Eyeballs smiled awkwardly.

"Hey, do you think this is the place where you come as soon as you say it, and leave as soon as you say it!" Beihai Da Kun said solemnly.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. Farewell! Fly, my little feather!"

The eyeball monster raised his hand and offered a red glow.

In the next moment, he ignored the mana blockade of the four major cultivators and left.

"Damn! We're not chasing!" Beihai Dakun asked.

"Don't pay attention to him, continue to strengthen the female clan formation." Lie Yukou chose to ignore the eyeball monster.

However, it did not wait for the imperial robbers to reinforce the formation of the women's clan.

More trouble is coming!

No one knows what happened.

The only thing that can be known is that there was a shrill, angry, and murderous crane cry that suddenly resounded through the entire boundary river!

Then a crane shadow, desperate, flew to the Feng female clan!

This is a demon crane of the Nascent Soul stage. It had broken sixty-four wings against the crane, its eyes were dug out, and half of the sea of knowledge was destroyed. It was full of scars.

Obviously, he is only Yuan Ying, but his coercion is too terrifying. Except for Lie Yukou, who can be a little calm in the face of this crane, the rest of the three are disturbed by the aura of the coercion of the demon crane!

As soon as the demon crane thought it out, the heavens and the earth suddenly reversed, and when he thought it again, the sea became the sky, and the sky became the sea.

And he stood upside down between heaven and earth, looking at all living beings as if they were wrong.

"I can't come in my body, so I only descend on a crane shadow. This matter does not violate my agreement with the old man Hebo!" The demon crane said in a deep voice while weeping.

Cry unspeakable sadness.

In the empty eye sockets, the tears that flowed were blood-colored. But when it dripped into the Jiehe, the blood and tears dyed the water in the Jiehe into two colors of yin and yang.

"According to the agreement, even the senior's He Ying, can't drop the critical river to interfere in this four-day war." Lie Yukou clasped his fists in a salute, neither humble nor arrogant.

"Interference in the Four-Day War? Which eye did you see me interfering in this matter, is it this one!" The demon crane raised its claws, and the shadow of the claws flashed past.

No one could see how he would act.

But when everyone reacted, it was discovered that there was an extra eyeball in the claws of the demon crane.

Blood flowed from Lie Yukou's left eye.

The left eye has been gouged out!

"Impossible! Brothers have the invincible body protection, how could they be seriously injured like this!" Qu Ping was taken aback.

The North Sea Dakun and Geng Wu were all shocked.

Only Lie Yukou himself remained calm, as if he didn't mind being gouged out, and said indifferently, "Even so, senior still broke his promise."

"Break the promise? So what! Hahaha! Am I the only one who broke the promise, Hongjun, didn't you break the promise of the day! It's not important, it's not important! But you should never, never You shouldn't bully the younger and kill my junior brother! Junior brother, junior brother! My poor junior brother! Senior brother just took a little nap and didn't pay attention to your daily life, how could he be separated from you by yin and yang! Have you already killed Mr. Hongjun? Please reply! Reply, please, please! If you are still alive, say something to your brother, if you are dead, then..."

"Sure enough, sure enough! There is no answer! Junior brother, you are already dead! Ah, it's my fault, I shouldn't be snoozing, no! No, it's not my fault, it's the world's fault! It's Hongjun's fault! Yes Your fault!"

The demon crane let out a mournful cry, that kind of sadness, deep and desperate, as if he had lost his junior brother, he had lost everything, and he had no motivation to live.

"Without Junior Brother, I want this day, what's the use!" Yaohe cried, piercing the sky of Jiehe with one claws.

The endless three disasters and five calamities leaked out from the gap in the sky, and the disaster swept over.

Seeing that the demon crane continued to make trouble, Jiehe was really going to be destroyed, and Beihai Dakun couldn't stand it anymore, and wanted to stop the demon crane from going mad.

"This senior, don't be crazy here..."


She was torn in half by the demon crane's claw.

The amazing thing is that even if it was torn in half, the Beihai big kun still didn't die.

Her life force is too strong!

However, she was still taken aback by the ferocity of the demon crane!

The ancient great repairer said that he would tear it up. What level of monster is this monster crane

"Senior Ni He, if you came to find Ning Fan, he would have already fled here." Lie Yukou decided to explain Ning Fan's affairs to Yaohe.

But this monster crane's madness has already been completely committed, how can he listen to people's words

"Escape? Hahaha! Hongjun! You fart! How can my junior brother escape! Even if he is dead, it is impossible to sit back and watch Master ignore him! You know he will come, you know he will come to your trap! You know , he won't escape at all, no matter how painful, no matter how painful..."

"You killed my junior brother, but you still denied it! Return my junior brother! Return my junior brother!"

"I'm not Hongjun..." Lie Yukou.

"It is extremely! It is extremely! What kind of thing are you, you are also worthy of being called Hongjun! In the world, only my junior brother is worthy of the word Hongjun! Hurry up and take this name back! I will kill you! Kill about you!"

On this day, the Jiehe aliens ushered in an unprecedented doom.

It is said that in the end, it was the legendary Hebo ancestor who came forward in person, and after giving half of his body, he managed to persuade the demon crane away.

After that, Lie Yukou and the others worked hard again to repair the sky that was pierced by the demon crane. Just repairing the sky would waste infinite energy.

However, Ning Fan didn't know anything about it.

Ten thousand scrolls of ancient and modern disappear forever, and a window of dawn sends fleeting years.

Only in this mountain, the depths of clouds do not know where.

The days of Ning Fan's retreat to refine the middle-grade Wanling blood were so unpretentious and boring.