Grasping Evil

Chapter 1267: Encountering demons in strangers


Along the way, in depth.

That road was created by the mysterious black ball-Shen Maru, interwoven with Taoist rules that surpassed the second step.

Xinyi Nu and Jiu Xiaojiu went all the way to Xingji Palace. Unlike Xinyi Nu who looked indifferent, Jiu Xiaojiu was full of unease and fear.

The deeper into the Xingji Palace, in the chaotic void, the more violent the collision between the purple and yellow qi, the collision of that level, as if there are hundreds of immortals and immortal kings fighting in the void, it is heart-pounding, Don't dare to mess with it.

Going forward, in the chaotic void, there are floating corpses floating by from time to time.

There are human corpses, demon corpses, and demon corpses.

There are corpses with low cultivation, and there are corpses of immortal emperors.

There are corpses as small as dust, and there are corpses as giant as the sea of stars.

There are corpses that have fallen for less than a hundred years, and there are ancient corpses that have been dead for hundreds of millions of years.

Each corpse more or less maintains the complex expression of dying: like fear, but also incomparable amazement, joy, and satisfaction.

After Jiu Xiaojiu took a closer look, he realized that these floating corpses were not real entities, but rather mirage-like images.

"These corpses are really infiltrating..." Jiu Xiaojiu said in a trembling voice.

"In the Xingji Palace, there used to be a pond named Hualei Pond, which was used to reproduce the original source of thunder sea. Those killed by the Hualei Pond will be remembered by Lei Chi, and when those who are destined come, the corpse will be transformed into an illusion, and a group of thunder will greet each other. Today, although the Thunder Transformation Pond is no longer there, the original Thunder Sea is still here, so there is such a scene." Xin Yi Nu explained.

"What a special welcome ceremony... So, seniors and I were actually greeted by the invisible source Lei Hai? But if I could choose... this way of welcoming, I would rather not..." Jiu Xiaojiu was averse to the cold road.

"You think too much... It's not you and me who are greeted by the original source of Leihai here. The path of the corpse's floating is a circle, and the person at the center of the circle is the one who is greeted by the group of thunder." Ji Gong gave a light finger in the depths.

"Senior Ning is really here, right? To be able to make a group of thunders greet you, you really deserve to be a senior..." Xin Yinu was full of admiration.

I don't know how long the flight took, and the two girls finally came to the end of the road.

A snow-capped mountain floats at the core of Xingji Palace, and there is snow that will not melt all year round. .

"Who trespassed on Little Arctic Mountain!"

Almost at the moment when the two women set foot on the mountain, several starlights flew out of the mountain and landed, turning into giant star demons that were hundreds of feet tall.

These star demon giants seem to be the guards of the snow-capped mountains. Seeing that there are strangers trespassing, they come forward to stop them. The only strange thing is that when these star demon giants spoke, they did not dare to speak too loudly, but whispered and cautiously, as if they were worried that the sound would be too loud and disturbed.

You must know that the normal voice of the star demon giant is comparable to thunder.

"Huh? It's you?" Among the several star demon giants, an old star demon with a long beard reaching the ground recognized Xin Yi Nu.

He is the leader of the star demons here, and his Taoist name is Cang Xingzi, and his cultivation has already reached a half-step quasi-saint realm.

The Xing Mo clan is arrogant by nature. As the master of this local Xing Demon, Cang Xingzi has eyes above the top. Even if he recognizes Xin Yi Nu, his eyes are still indifferent and arrogant.

"It was Senior Ning's mysterious black ball that brought us here." Xin Yinu didn't mind the other party's tone and explained calmly.

"Eh? Heiqiu-sama actually brought you here? Cough, cough, I don't know if the honored guests came to the door, and it was rude and disrespectful." Hearing this, Cang Xingzi's heart skipped a beat, and he felt a lot of panic. , the tone suddenly became extremely polite.

"Master Black Ball?" Jiu Xiaojiu felt a little amused.

I think it's funny that these star demons are arrogant and respectful, but also think that the way these star demons call the mysterious black ball is funny.

Xiaoqiu is not a human, so what kind of adult is he

"Shh, this distinguished guest, don't speak loudly here. Senior Ning is comprehending Dao in the mountains at this time, so don't disturb him." Cang Xingzi urged nervously.

It's like disturbing Ning Fan's perception, what a terrible thing.

"Senior is really here..." Xin Yi Nu smiled.

Turned to be a little regretful.

"Although the senior is here, it is at the critical moment of realization. As a result, it is inconvenient for me to enter the mountain and meet the senior." Xin Yi Nu sighed quietly.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. This senior's insight has not stopped me from waiting for the star demon to come forward to observe. I wait for the star demon to enter the mountain and see the senior to understand the Tao, and the distinguished guests like Daoist friends will naturally go." Cang Xingzi laughed. , then led the two daughters into the mountain.

On the way to the mountain, there is snow all the way.

The deepest snow cover forms a snow-capped valley.

Ning Fan stood in the snow valley, raised his right hand and pressed it on a short stone tablet, his eyes focused.

There are no words on the front of the stele, and no words on the back.

But when Ning Fan's eyes were covered with blue light, when he looked at the stone tablet, he actually saw words that ordinary people couldn't see from the stone tablet.

This monument was actually erected by Immortal Emperor Ziwei in the past!

The words on it were also engraved by Immortal Emperor Ziwei, and in every ancient word, there is an anti-sacred aura in it!

Every magic monument.

Standing in the time of the devil.

Destroyed in one thought.

Monument ruined.

The monument is dying.

magic time

"What is the meaning of what is engraved on this stone tablet; why did the unrepaired Duo Wen Wushuang lead me to this place..."

"I've repaired Duo Wen Wushuang, but it's still a little bit worse. What's wrong..."

In recent days, Ning Fan has been busy repairing Duo Wen Wushuang. The more times he failed, the more clues he had.

Ning Fan, who has the ability to communicate with all things, once tried to communicate directly with Duowen Fragment, but when it comes to repairs, he often gets no response.

It was only yesterday that he successfully communicated with Duowen Fragment.

Ning Fan: Excuse me, how can I really repair you.

Duo Wen: Go to the Demon Monument... Go first... Go to the Demon Monument...

Ning Fan: Where is Fengmo Monument located

More news: Xingji Palace...Little North Pole Mountain...

So Ning Fan came here and found the Monument.

Although he found this monument, Ning Fan didn't know what the purpose of the monument was, nor did he understand what the words on the monument meant.

He tried to use the communication of all things to communicate directly with Fengmo Tablet.


Fengmobei refused to talk to him.

It's not that there is no communication between the two.

It's just that the other party...don't want to.

"Brother Bei, since you don't want to talk to me, I have no choice but to take this as an offense... I hope Brother Bei will not take offense."

Ning Fan pressed his palm on the stone tablet and felt it carefully.

The wisps of spiritual power invaded the stone tablet, trying to directly establish a mental level communication with the stone tablet.

Helplessly, Ning Fan's spiritual power was bounced back again and again, and it was not easy to enter the other party's heart.

In a trance, Ning Fan had some kind of illusion, the Monument in front of him was like a depressed and autistic teenager who didn't want others to pry into his heart.

However, Fengmo Tablet did not use a tough method to reject Ning Fan's mind, but just softly bounced back.

From this point of view, there is some contradiction in the heart of Fengmobei: while being autistic, he probably also longs to be understood.

Ning Fan had a lot of guesses about the inner thoughts of Fengmo Tablet, so even if he was rejected again and again by Fengmo Tablet, he still did not give up, but kept entangled and stalked...

Finally, finally.

There was a gap in the heart of the demon tablet, and Ning Fan was allowed to enter.

"Is this the inner world of Fengmo Tablet?"

Ning Fan's mind entered an equally snowy world.

The heart of Fengmo Tablet is a snow-capped mountain. The snow-capped mountain is very much like the Little Arctic Mountain of Xingji Palace, but it is countless times bigger than the Little Arctic Mountain.

Above the snow-capped mountains, the wind and snow cover the sky.

The snow was very cold, and with the strength of Ning Fan's mind, he felt a little cold at this moment.

In the distance, on the mountain road, a vague figure stood in the snow.

When Ning Fan noticed this figure, he immediately chased after him.

"Your Excellency, is that Brother Bei? Please stay and talk to me."

But the other party did not stay.

Even more unwilling to have a half-sentence conversation with Ning Fan.

Ning Fan chased it all the way, but it fled as if it were running away.

Seeing this scene, Ning Fan did not intend to give up easily, and chased after him more and more quickly, leaving deep footprints one after another on the snow.

The vague figure was also escaping on the snow, but did not leave a trace on the snow.

It seems that there is some fundamental difference between Ning Fan and Ning Fan.

Gradually, Ning Fan got closer, and only then did he see clearly through the wind and snow that what he was chasing was not actually Brother Bei.

Instead, it was a girl.

A girl wrapped in a red cloak.

"It turns out that Your Excellency is a girl, I'm sorry..." Ning Fan said apologetically.

Hearing this, the girl on the Demon Monument froze and seemed to finally want to respond to Ning Fan, but she didn't know what she was scrutinizing, she only sighed faintly, and in the end, without looking back, she continued to flee into the depths of the wind and snow. .

It was her inadvertent sigh.

But when it reached Ning Fan's ears, it was like a deafening sound, making Ning Fan's mind agitated and unable to restrain himself.


A casual sigh at the demon tablet could actually affect his mood.

What was even more strange was that the closer he got to the girl, the more unfamiliar Ning Fan felt from the girl.

It was normal for them to be unfamiliar with each other. After all, today was the first time Ning Fan had seen Fengmo Tablet.

What makes Ning Fan strange is that this strangeness seems to be an illusion created by the girl who meets the devil.

When they first met each other, why did the other party deliberately create a sense of strangeness to each other, it seemed a bit... unnecessary.

"What are you covering up, what are you afraid of..."

Ning Fan frowned.

He came here, originally for Duo Wen Wushuang's reminder, but at this moment, he has some concerns about the demon tablet itself.

The girl's footsteps stagnated again, and then she escaped faster, faster...

At this time, in the world of the mind of the stone tablet, the wind and snow instantly increased countless times.

Ning Fan's mind was swept away by the wind and snow, and he retreated back and forth, making it difficult to catch up with the girl.

In the end, Ning Fan could only watch the girl's figure disappear in the depths of the wind and snow.

"So you don't want to meet me, but if you don't want to, why would you allow me to enter..." Ning Fan frowned deeper.

More and more suspicious of the strange behavior of the girl who meets the demon tablet.

I care a lot, I can't ignore it...

Even if it's not for Duo Wen Wushuang... I want to meet her, otherwise I'll have a knot in the matter.

The wind was loud, but there was no answer from the girl.

Ning Fan pondered slightly, thoughtfully, letting the wind and snow be cold and freezing his mind, but he did not withdraw his mind from the monument.

He looked around, trying to find a trace of the girl's escape from the white snow.

But, can't find it.

If the other party is unwilling to meet, then Ning Fan will have a hard time finding the other party no matter what.

After all, this is the other party's inner world.

"Maybe I can directly use the ability of all things to recognize the Lord, so that this world of minds and spirits can change hands, so that I can easily find the girl, but this way..."

Ning Fan sighed.

In the end, it did not use the ability of all things to recognize the Lord to destroy the determination of the belonging of this world.

He didn't want to do it.

"Perhaps, it's not that you don't want to see me, you just don't want me to see you..." Ning Fan looked around in the snow and said to himself.

The sound of the wind came into my ears, and it seemed to be a mess. There was a moment of confusion, but there was still no response from the girl.

"You don't want me to see you, but you are hiding somewhere in the wind and snow... looking at me? Why is this?" Ning Fan was a person with a keen sense of perception, and Ning Fan finally noticed it from somewhere hidden in the wind and snow. a sight.

It should be the girl looking at him across the snow.


Ning Fan shook his head.

Although he sensed the girl's position, he didn't chase after him again.

Since the other party didn't want to see each other, he didn't force it any more, he simply folded his knees in the girl's spiritual world and realized it on his own.

Seeing that Ning Fan was no longer chasing her, the girl seemed relieved, and seemed to feel... regret.

The figure of the girl turned into snowflakes and entered this spiritual world.

Pieces of snowflakes fell on Ning Fan's long hair, fell on his shoulders, fell on the palm of his hand, and melted in the palm of his hand.

Like that girl, passing by Ning Fan's world.

The girl did not reappear.

But Ning Fan felt her gaze from every snowflake in this place, and she was deliberately estranged from her.

"It's... a pity." Ning Fan sighed.

He didn't know what he was sorry for.

I just feel that my heart is also empty in an instant, and the empty makes people lonely and lonely.

He crossed his knees in the snow, as if a thousand lifetimes had passed in an instant.

In a trance, he regained consciousness, only to realize that the season of this spiritual world is no longer the middle of winter, but has become... Su Chun.

All things began to recover, and the vegetation began to grow.

An ant drilled out of the soil and crawled past Ning Fan's feet. It was so familiar and so unfamiliar. When Ning Fan reached out to touch it, it turned into a little light and dissipated like ice and snow.

"Even an ant here doesn't want me to touch..."

Ning Fan stood up and walked aimlessly on the mountain road of Spring Mountain.

At the end of the mountain road is the sea.

Spring is blooming, everything is reviving, and it's mating season again. The male turtle lay on the female turtle's body and made a hearty sound, but as Ning Fan approached, the male turtle seemed to be aware of it and let out a scream of horror. He immediately fled into the sea.

The outspoken female sea turtle kept yelling and scolding.

"That male sea turtle is really ugly, and the ugly one is comparable to that of Wu Laoba..." Ning Fan said inexplicably.

Continue walking aimlessly along the coast.

Suddenly, there was a scene of snipe and clam fighting in front of him.

When I got closer, I realized that it wasn't the snipe and the clam fighting, but a crane fighting with the clam.

Sensing that Ning Fan was approaching, the crane suddenly lost his mind for a moment, hurriedly left the big clam and flew away.

Ning Fan looked at the direction where the crane was gone, and thoughtfully, when he returned to his senses, even the big clam didn't know where it went.

move on.

Ning Fan came to the end of the coast, where a wild boar was fighting with a wild dog.

Ning Fan ignored the matter and chose to move in another direction.

Ahead is another mountain.

On the hillside, a damaged bullock cart was parked.

On top of the ox cart, there was an old wine gourd.

It was obviously the first time I saw this ox cart and this wine gourd, but Ning Fan was weird and very skilled, jumped on the ox cart, unfastened the wine gourd, and took a big sip.

The spicy wine enters the throat, like a circle of the sky, like a place, like an endless road flowing through the mouth.

"It tastes...very good..." Ning Fan praised.

Suddenly, the world in front of you is spinning!

He entered a ray of mind of the stele, and finally reached the limit and began to withdraw from the stele.

Get back to your heart!

The screen returns to Xingji Palace, back to Little North Pole Mountain, and back to Snow Valley.

Ning Fan's body is still in Xuegu, but at this moment, he is not standing in front of the Monument, nor is his palm pressed on the Monument.

The touch in the hand is not the texture and coldness of the magic tablet.




This is…

When Ning Fan completely returned to his senses, the scene in front of him made him extremely stunned.

What exactly happened after his mind entered the Feast Demon Monument

Why is he not standing in front of Fengmo Monument at this moment, but lying on top of an inexplicable girl, pinching her softness? Um

Really soft.

"Woooooooooo..." Jiuxiaojiu wanted to cry!

She couldn't figure out why Ning Fan, who was comprehending Dao, suddenly suppressed her, pinching her here, here and here!

She wanted to ask Ning Fan if she was deliberately underestimating her, but she didn't ask because her mouth was sealed.

The kind that seals mouth to mouth.

After being tasted mouth to mouth, the other party also praised the kind that tasted good.

On the side, there was a stunned audience of stars and demons.

And, the same complexion with a hint of strangeness, Xinyi Nu

"Senior, I know that you were just enlightened, and everything you did was unintentional, so you don't have to mind too much." Xin Yinu comforted indifferently.

With everyone's advice, Ning Fan finally knew what had just happened.

When his mind entered the Fengmo Monument, Cang Xingzi and others led Xinyi Nu and Jiuxiaojiu to this place to watch Ning Fan's enlightenment.

At first, Ning Fan's enlightenment was relatively peaceful, and his body stood like a statue without any movement.

But after a while, Ning Fan's body began to move aimlessly, walking up and down the Little North Pole Mountain, seemingly disorderly and orderly.

Everyone didn't dare to wake up Ning Fan who was walking around, they just followed Ning Fan silently and watched in secret.

After that, Ning Fan suddenly jumped, jumped on top of Xin Yi Nu, and overwhelmed her to the ground—he moved roughly like jumping on an ox cart.

Fortunately, although Ning Fan's actions were rude, he did not make any further outrageous actions against Xinyi Nu.

On the contrary, the wine and small wine on the side were caught.

After Ning Fan overwhelmed the Xinyi girl, Jiu Xiaojiu was in a hurry and wanted to pull Ning Fan away and rescue the beloved Xinyi girl, but Ning Fan pushed him down and replaced him.

Up and down its hands, squeeze until soft.

So angry that Jiu Xiaojiu wanted to scold Ning Fan for being a hooligan.

But it was immediately sealed mouth to mouth, tasted fiercely, and then... was praised that it tasted good...

"This is actually a misunderstanding..." Ning Fan didn't know how to explain the misunderstanding.

Jiu Xiaojiu was trembling with anger, but she was cowardly and timid. At this moment, Ning Fan was clearly sober and did not seal her mouth again, but she calmed down and did not dare to blame Ning Fan for being rude.

Just pretending to be a big belly, "Senior is unintentional, and the little girl doesn't care."

In fact, he has already decided in his heart that Ning Fan's behavior is definitely a deliberate humiliation and revenge against her!

Forget it, don't be angry! Can't beat it! It is blood loss to be mad at yourself! A good woman does not fight the devil! In short, the cause and effect should be evened out! This guy has treated me like this, even if I don't make amends for him, I don't owe him anything!

But still pissed!

"By the way, listen to what Fairy Xinyi just said, you came to Xingji Palace on purpose to make wine for me?" Ning Fan said apologetically.

He didn't mean to be frivolous. Although he didn't like Jiuxiaojiu very much, he did something rude, and he was concerned about the relationship between Jiuxiaojiu and the fish master. He felt a little more apologetic in his heart. This woman hurt her relationship with the fish master.

He didn't intend to accept any gifts of apology, but now that such a thing has happened, it is even more impossible to accept gifts. Asking such a question, I actually want to refuse this matter, so that the other party will continue to work on winemaking.


But Jiu Xiaojiu was shocked.

But Jiu Jiu misunderstood.

Jiu Xiaojiu only said that Ning Fan's question was because she wanted to ask for the fine wine she made on the spot, so she was shocked.

In my heart, you have already treated me like this, Senior Ning, and you still don't plan to write off the previous cause and effect! Isn't that enough! Can't make you satisfied! Are you going to let me make it for you? liquor? pay? crime

Is this good

this is not good!

Even if I was beaten to death by you, I would never brew it for you on the side of the road! liquor!

So, she wanted to bravely reject Ning Fan's shameless request.

But when the words came to my lips, it turned out to be "I'm happy to make wine for the seniors, please don't refuse the seniors".

No idea!

Ning Fan was looking at her apologetically (with bad intentions) at the moment, and she could see her heart trembling. She really didn't dare to say anything that might offend the other party in person.

She is so cowardly!

Too persecutory paranoia!

This is a terminal illness, there is no cure!

In the end, with the help of Ning Fan, Jiuxiaojiu was easy to collect, and a large amount of Heavenly Dao Purple Qi was collected from the Xingji Palace and used for winemaking.

She was madly rejecting in her heart, not wanting to make amends for Ning Fan's brewing, but her body was very dog-legged.

For Mao!

I apologize for Mao!

Apologize for Mao not being here and there for me!

Jiu Xiaojiu fell into deep self-doubt and self-denial, and left Xingji Palace in despair.

The one who left with her was the female senior Xinyi who was with her.

"Just now, thank you for 'giving your life' to help..." Xin Yi Nu thanked.

Thank you, because when Ning Fan suppressed her, Jiu Xiaojiu rushed to treat her regardless of her safety.

Really brave.

It's hard to imagine that such a cowardly little girl would have such a brave side.

"Ah, you're welcome, senior, don't care about this. It is an honor for the junior to help the senior. As long as the senior survives, the sacrifice of the junior will be valuable." Jiu Xiaojiu consoled himself.

"But actually, it might be better if you didn't save me just now, but it's a pity..." Xin Yinu said with a little regret.

The ghost knows what she is regretting! What a pity!

Could it be that it is a pity that he failed to repay his benefactor in one go

If so, my sacrifice is not meaningless!

The wine was so stuffed that I couldn't breathe.

"But thank you for your kindness. In return, I will accompany you to make wine with you. Wherever you need to use mana, you can drive me as much as you can, thank you for that." Xinyi Nu thanked.

"..." No, you really don't have to accompany me! You stay by my side, it's not convenient for me to poison Ning Fan in the wine.

Forget it, I didn't have the courage to poison anyway.

I'm still a happy coward.

"Then thank you senior for your help." Jiu Xiaojiu said politely.

"Well, in terms of generality, this is still a matter of mutual benefit." Xin Yi Nu smiled slightly.

So Jiu Xiaojiu knew in his heart that he was going to be used as a tool again 80% of the time, alas.

With the departure of Jiu Xiaojiu and Xin Yi Nu, the small Arctic Mountain returned to its former quietness.

The star demons dare not keep making noise like the noisy Jiuxiaojiu, they only dare to watch quietly.

The small ball of Shenwan circled over the snow valley, always protecting Ning Fan.

"Although I haven't figured out Duo Wen Wushuang's purpose for letting me enter the Demon Monument..."

"Do you want to enter the Demon Monument again?"

Ning Fan's eyes flashed, his mind was made up.

He decided to enter the Monument of Demons once again, to find out.

But this time, he had one more order for the star demons.

No one is allowed to watch here.

In case anyone is caught by him like this when he is enlightened...

"Just thinking about it carefully, what I saw in the heart of the witch girl, and what happened in the outside world, there is some kind of coincidence, why is this..."

"That mysterious feeling is like... something that I once pursued but never succeeded in."

Open your eyes!

When I think about it carefully, when my mind enters the Monument, I see and hear it, I feel like waking up from a dream, as if what I saw there is the real opening of my eyes and the truth; , All kinds of experiences are actually dreams.

It's a strange, mysterious feeling.

"Could this be the reason Duo Wen Wushuang directed this matter..."

Ning Fan was guessing, but could not get confirmation.

After driving away the star demons, he finally took a breath and pressed his palm on the demon tablet.
