Grasping Evil

Chapter 1268: Disciple of Hun Kun, Zhang Dao


The world of the mind will change according to the inner thoughts of the mind master.

For the first time entering the heart of Fengmo Tablet, Ning Fan experienced the middle of winter and Su Chun.

The second time he entered, everything that Ning Fan saw was in the early summer.

In the heart of every magic tablet, there are mountains and seas.

Ning Fan was walking on the mountain road, the soil was moist and the air was fresh, as if the mountain had just experienced a light rain.

The flowers were in full bloom, and the wild bees flew and stopped in the flowers; a few butterflies inadvertently stopped on Ning Fan's shoulders.

"I'm looking for the owner of this place, do you know where she is?" Ning Fan asked the butterflies.

The butterflies did not answer.

But it flew away from Ning Fan's shoulder and flew towards the other end of the mountain road.

like leading the way.

"Thank you." Ning Fan.

The butterflies were not flying fast, so Ning Fan moved forward slowly.

The road into the mountain goes deeper and deeper.

There were signs of wild beasts all around.

A young red leopard was playing in the woods, chasing butterflies, but could not catch up no matter what; a black civet cat was lying on the tree, sleeping soundly, indescribably lazy.

Ning Fan glanced in the direction of the black cat and the red leopard, thoughtfully.

But it didn't stop there.

move on.

I don't know how long I walked, when a bamboo forest suddenly appeared in front of me.

Bamboo forest has roads, winding paths lead to seclusion. At first glance, the road seemed to be paved with cobblestones; after a closer look, Ning Fan realized that these stones were not cobblestones, but... pieces of broken avenues.

The fragments of the avenue have lost all power, like death, extinction, long silence, no longer emitting any light, like ordinary stones.

Ning Fan squatted down and touched the broken avenues on the ground.

The cold touch, there is a kind of coolness through the fingertips, across the long years, into the heart, such as the parting without return date, such as the cold light dissipated by the broken sword, such as the distance between the past and the future.

For no reason, there was an indescribable emotion in Ning Fan's heart.

That feeling came and went quickly.

Without waiting for Ning Fan to look into it, he felt a flash of light in front of him.

When he returned to his senses, there was no stone road paved with fragments of avenues in front of him.

The stone road has disappeared...

It's like a flash in the pan, as if it never existed.

"The devil woman, don't you want me to explore these fragments of the avenue. Could it be that these fragments of the avenue are the secrets in her heart, so she doesn't want others to spy on them..."

"I came uninvited, entered her inner world, and even tried to spy on her secrets. This matter is not mine."

Thinking of this, Ning Fan apologized to the depths of the bamboo forest, "Sorry."

He could feel that there was a gaze in the depths of the bamboo forest, looking at him, it should be the demon woman.

These words are to the woman who meets the devil.

Unfortunately, the other party did not answer.

Only the wind blew, and the bamboo leaves in the forest began to rustle.

"Can I enter this bamboo forest?" Ning Fan then asked.

Still no answer.

Neither invitation nor rejection.

However, based on Ning Fan's inference on the character of the demon woman, the other party's behavior is roughly acquiesced.

The butterfly that led the way before has no idea where it has gone.

So Ning Fan entered the bamboo forest alone.

There is a spring in the forest, which is a spiritual spring whose spiritual energy is about to be depleted: the reason why the spiritual energy of this spring is depleted is because there are traces of human damage in the spiritual vein of the spring.

There is a house beside the spring, a clean bamboo house surrounded by sparse bamboo fences: beside the fence, there is a small piece of spiritual field, but this spiritual field seems to have been barren for a long time. In addition, the spiritual field itself has also been vandalized Mark of.

There was no one in the house, and there were almost no furnishings, but there was a faint feminine fragrance lingering, as if the other party had lived here for a long time.

Outside the house, by the spring, there was a stone table, and on the stone table, there were an empty teapot and two old teacups.

Time has carved mottled traces on the stone table.

Although the teapot and teacup on the table are old, they have been cleaned and spotless.

"That demon girl should have been here just now, but as soon as I came here, she left."

"Sure enough, this woman still doesn't want to see me. Or, she doesn't want to see anyone."

"No, no."

"There are clearly two teacups on the stone table here. If she doesn't want to see anyone, there is no need to prepare two teacups. This second teacup is clearly used to entertain guests..."

Alone in a secluded place, never seeing the sky, but there is always a second teacup on the table, as if waiting for someone to come...

The breeze blew inadvertently.

Ning Fan's eyes haven't moved away from the teapot and the teacup, but one of the two empty teacups suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

The scent wafted out, and it was tea leaves that Ning Fan had never drank.

At first, the color of the tea was like white snow, but gradually, the tea seemed to be really ice and snow, and it melted into the water little by little.

So there is no more tea leaves in the cup, and only the clear tea is left, like a snow-capped mountain that has just melted and boiled.

Ning Fan was startled, then smiled.

Is this cup of tea a treat for him by the demon woman

It doesn't seem to be an ordinary tea...

I always felt that the scene where the tea leaves were like snow and melted into the water was very similar to some legendary spirit tea.

"This tea seems to be unusual..." Ning Fan seemed to be muttering to himself, and seemed to be talking to a demon woman hiding in the dark.

Still no answer.

"Is this tea prepared for me?"

Still no answer, as default.

"In that case, thank the master for the tea."

Ning Fan thanked him, sat on the stone bench, and picked up the teacup.

Take a sip.

Then, the originally indifferent eyes turned into surprise.

With just one sip, Ning Fan's Spiritual Mind has improved his cultivation for ten thousand years!

At this moment, Ning Fan only felt that his ears were bright and his eyes were clear, and he was refreshed. Daosi and Daowu were rolling in, and it was difficult to calm down!

Even Duowen Wushuang's difficulty in repairing the many days that had troubled him for a long time, he figured out a lot of keys in an instant!

"This tea is indeed the legendary enlightenment tea!" Ning Fan sighed.

He has heard of Taoist Tea, but he has never tasted it.

Today is the first time, I was fortunate enough to taste it.

Legend has it that the high-quality Enlightenment tea is like gold; the medium-quality Enlightenment tea is like blood jade; the low-quality Enlightenment tea is like white snow.

He drank tea leaves, the color of which was as white as snow.

But even if it was just a low-grade Dao Enlightenment tea, it would cost dozens of gold coins to be placed in the Tongtian Sect. Moreover, this thing has never been sold to the Illusory Dream Realm, even if Ning Fan wanted to buy it, there was no official channel to buy it.

This is a treasure that money can't buy!

Therefore, Ning Fan was not dissatisfied with the ability to drink Dao Enlightenment Tea once.

It wasn't him who felt the fly in the ointment, but the woman who met the devil.

The sound of the wind was faint, and there was a sigh, as if regretted, as if it had not been fulfilled.

No one knew that the demon woman had prepared higher-quality enlightenment tea leaves for entertaining guests.

But due to some changes, there are only a few low-grade tea leaves left to entertain Ning Fan.

There is no way, but, there is no way.

Although the woman who met the devil invited Ning Fan to have a cup of tea, she didn't show up until the end, and she never said a word to Ning Fan.

For this matter, Ning Fan did not force it.

When Ning Fan was drinking tea, there was a breeze in the bamboo forest, as if the eyes of a demon woman were watching.

Strange to say, Ning Fan, who hated being watched secretly the most in his life, did not seem to reject the peeping of women who met demons.

When the tea was over, Ning Fan still sat here for a long time, from noon to dusk, as if half a day had passed, but also as if he had spent a long life here.

Then, as the twilight gradually subsided, the breeze gradually subsided, and the eyes of the demon woman finally disappeared.

"She's gone..." Ning Fan relaxed, but couldn't detect the woman's whereabouts in this world.

It was as if this woman came out of nowhere and left out of nowhere, with no trace of it to be found.

After all, this is the inner world of the Demon Monument, and if you want to come here, you can come and go freely here.

So Ning Fan stopped staying. Get up and walk aimlessly in the bamboo forest,

Although Ning Fan was concerned about the demon woman, Ning Fan did not forget her original intention.

In the beginning, it was Duo Wen Shard that made him come here, so there must be some reason for it.

Time to find out.

"There are mountains and seas here, and the answers guided by the fragments will be on this mountain?"

Ning Fan walked all the way, and gradually, walked out of this bamboo forest.

Going forward, the mountain road you are heading to suddenly begins to become rugged.

On the other hand, this rugged mountain road was actually covered with Shi Lan and Du Heng.

The night was getting darker, but there were some fireflies flying between Shi Lan and Du Heng.

With the light of the firefly, Ning Fan crossed the most rugged section of the mountain road and finally reached the top of the mountain.

"There doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for here..."

Ning Fan shook his head, but was in no hurry to leave the top of the mountain.

He was actually sitting cross-legged on the edge of the cliff, facing the sea in the distance, and meditating with his eyes closed.

After drinking the Dao Enlightenment tea, Ning Fan had countless Dao thoughts in his heart. At this moment, he finally had a leisurely mood and sorted out these insights.

So, as Ning Fan's insights deepened, scenes of visions began to manifest on the top of the mountain.

Sometimes, Ning Fan's demonic thoughts dispersed, and his demonic thoughts actually deepened the night in this place thousands of times.

Sometimes, Ning Fan's Daoist thoughts dispersed, so the dim sky actually appeared with the Big Dipper, and the night became much brighter.

From time to time, Ning Fan's wood qi added to his body, and the grass and trees in the mountains that were touched by Ning Fan's wood qi began to grow wildly.

Sometimes Ning Fan was surrounded by rain, so an inadvertent night rain came, moisturizing the entire mountain.

The beasts, birds, and insects in the mountains were all frightened by Ning Fan's vision.

Crickets dare not chirp at night.

The crow did not dare to croak in the treetops.

None of the mountain creatures dared to disturb Ning Fan's perception, and they were all in awe of Ning Fan.

The night passed.

At the moment when the morning sun was rising, Ning Fan finished meditating and absorbed all the enlightenment tea in his body.

Looking at the sea in the distance, Ning Fan was thoughtful.

"The answer I'm looking for, if it's not on the mountain, maybe it's in the sea."

So Ning Fan left the mountain and came to the sea.

Subconsciously looking for the seaside, but did not encounter the turtle mating, sandpiper and clam fighting that I encountered earlier.

It just happened to meet the ebb tide of the sea.

The wreckage of some sunken ships washed ashore.

Among the wrecks of the sunken ship, Ning Fan actually found several fragments of ancient monks' magic treasures, all of which had lost their spirituality and could not be used much.

In addition, Ning Fan also found a broken letter among the wreckage of the sunken ship.

Ordinary letters cannot be immersed in the deep sea all year round, and it is even less likely that they will have the opportunity to wash ashore and reproduce the sun.

This letter was left by an ancient immortal emperor, so even after a long period of time, it has not been completely soaked in sea water.

Everyone is curious, and Ning Fan is no exception.

Moreover, he was looking for Duowen Wushuang's guidance at this moment, and there was an extra letter from the Immortal Emperor out of thin air, which seemed to be a big clue, and it was impossible to miss this matter.

So I opened the letter and read it.

The letters are broken, and only broken sentences can be read from them.

The writer was an immortal emperor named Stone Ghost, and the recipient was named Zhang Dao.

Brother Zhang Daowu, the words are like a face... The northern barbarian country is in a hurry... I specially invite the Dao brothers to come... The North Pole Dao Fruit Conference... Borrowing the prestige of the disciples of the Holy Sect of Hun Kun... Presiding over justice... The doom of the Ziwei Demon Lord... Nine days later... Bronze boats welcome... Brother, stone ghosts.

North Pole Fruit Conference

Disciple of Hun Kun Shengzong

Ziwei Demon Lord

Ning Fan narrowed his eyes, the letter in his hand seemed to involve some ancient secrets.

Ning Fan has never been interested in these ancient secrets. But if he understands these secrets, it is a guide to hear the fragments, but he doesn't mind knowing a thing or two.

Speaking of which, the name Zhang Dao seems to have been heard somewhere...

If he only said the word Zhang Dao, Ning Fan still couldn't remember it. After all, this name is too bad in the cultivation world. If you look for a cultivation star, you can find tens of thousands of Zhang Dao.

But if this name is associated with the Holy Sect of Hun Kun...

The Holy Sect of Hun Kun... Zhang Dao...

Ning Fan closed his eyes, rummaged through the old memories in his mind, and gradually remembered some of the past.

I am the seventh ancestor of the Fan family...the name is Fan Mokong...abandoned by the spirit of break out of the win a beast of cause and effect...

The cultivation base of the barbarians...rebuilding my original spirit...for the sake of transporting the Immortal Emperor...calculating the disciple Zhang Dao of the holy sect...grabbing the fifth fragment...with all our strength, we can match the third-order quasi-sage...and then mistakenly enter the fantasy world...looking for an opportunity to The revenge of the Jie Ling family...

This body will be the second primordial spirit from now on...stay in the wild...if there is a chance...then take the ninth generation of barbarian gods Yinmo cultivation base...incorporate into the ancient barbarian tomb...find the sixth fragment...

In the past, when Ning Fan was plotted by the Yinmo ancestor, he used the magic of the True Dragon Clan to go against the spirit to search the memories of Fan Mokong, the seventh ancestor of the Fan family. In those fragmentary memories, it seems that Zhang Dao, a disciple of the Holy Sect, was mentioned.

"Thanks to Dao Enlightenment Tea, I have become so clear-headed that I can remember such a long time ago." Ning Fan sighed.

"Think about it, I seem to have heard the name Zhang Dao elsewhere..."

As my uncle saw, both of us are Yuxu talisman soldiers. Following the decree of Teacher Yuanshi, we are here to guard the anti-ten quintessence formation. At the previous year's Ten Thousand Clan Dao Fruit Conference in the Shanhai Realm, Zhang Dao, a disciple of the Holy Sect of Hun Kun, overwhelmed the Ten Thousand Clan Tianjiao Generation and won the first place. Because of the appointment, Teacher Yuanshi had to take out an item and give it to Zhang Dao. The gift is the Anti-Ten Jutsu map. Since then, the chart has changed hands...

This memory is what Ning Fan said when he subdued Yuxu Fubing some time ago.

At that time, Ning Fan was not very interested when he heard the other party talk about these ancient secrets.

Now it's different.

In addition to picking up the Immortal Emperor's letter this time, it was the third time that Ning Fan had heard of Shengzong Zhang Dao. This made him curious about this cultivator named Zhang Dao.

Almost as soon as Ning Fan finished reading the letter, a shadow of a sail suddenly approached from a distant place on the other side of the sea.

With Ning Fan's eyesight, he could cross endless distances and see clearly that what came from a distance was actually an ancient golden ship.

The speed of the ancient golden ship is very slow.

It took three full days to drive to the shore.

Then, a bald young man stepped off the boat.

The cultivation base revealed by the bald-headed youth is only in the late stage of Shekong, but Ning Fan can still see at a glance the true cultivation base of this person: the peak of the Immortal King.

The bald-headed young man did not know that his hidden cultivation base had been seen through by Ning Fan, so he bowed respectfully to Ning Fan and said, "Junior Shi Gandang, on the order of the tutor, come here to welcome Senior Zhang Dao, please board the boat."

"Are you talking to me, fellow Daoist?" Ning Fan asked Shi Gandang thoughtfully.

"Senior is joking, there is only one senior here, except for the senior, who can the junior talk to?" Shi Gandang said respectfully.

"You found the wrong person, I'm not Zhang Dao." Ning Fan.

"Senior, don't be joking. When my teacher asked me to greet the senior, he specially gave me a portrait of the senior. There is a hint of senior in the painting..." While speaking, Shi Gandang took out a portrait.

It was a portrait of a young man.

The man in the painting had a plain appearance and was not at all similar to Ning Fan.

But Shi dared to insist that Ning Fan looked the same as the man in the painting.

The aura of the man in the painting was also slightly different from that of Ning Fan.

But Shi dared to insist that the two had the same breath and were the same person.

"Why does this person insist on identifying me as Zhang Dao? Oh, so that's the case..." A flash of green light flashed in Ning Fan's eyes, as if he had seen through everything about Shi Gandang.

Then he stretched out his hand and probed towards Shi Gandang, and then his palm went directly through Shi Gandang's body.


This Shi Gandang is not a living person at all, but an illusion evolved from the inner world of Fengmo Tablet.

No, not right.

"Everything I see at the moment is not just an illusion, but an ancient memory evolved in this world."

Ning Fan thought to himself, what he saw at the moment might be what the cultivator named Zhang Dao had personally experienced.

"How is it possible! This person has opened the eyes of heaven and man! He can easily pierce my ghost body with his palm!" Ning Fan's actions scared Shi Gan to the point of being a dead soul, and he took a few steps back, not daring to go any further. Close to Ning Fan.

"Why are you so surprised? You are just an illusion. Isn't it easy for me to pass through your body with the palm of my hand." Ning Fan said with a faint smile.

"Senior, don't joke, junior's flesh and blood can be an illusion." Shi Gandang didn't realize that he was just an illusion.

He smiled, but his heart was cold.

"According to the information, Zhang Dao, a disciple of the mixed kun, has no sense of city and is dull and dull, and his cultivation is worthy of breaking through the realm of the Immortal King. Is this person really just a new Immortal King!"

"Speaking of which, I just picked up a letter by the sea..." Ning Fan handed the Immortal Emperor's letter he had just picked up to Shi Gandang, secretly observing the other's expressions and reactions.

When Shi Gandang received the letter, his expression changed drastically.

Damn it!

Didn't the messenger sent by the stone ghosts have already been killed by them? Why can this person still receive a letter for help, and why, the letter received by this person is different from the letter they intercepted

The letter they intercepted stated that in three days, a golden boat would be sent to pick up Zhang Dao and head to the North Pole Dao Fruit Conference.

But this letter said that it would be nine days before the bronze boat greeted him.

"Damn it! I've been tricked! The messenger I'm waiting to kill is just a trick set up by the stone ghost! That's the case..."

After thinking about all of this, Shi Gandang no longer concealed his cultivation, fully opened his dharma, turned into a hundred-zhang evil ghost, raised his hand to cover the sky, and the immortal king's peak momentum swept the world.

"Zhang Dao! Since you have seen through my identity, just follow me obediently! Don't force me to use force!" Baizhang Evil Ghost said coldly.

"For the last time, I am not the Zhang Dao you are looking for. If you insist on provocation, even if you are just an illusion, I will not show mercy." Ning Fan said indifferently.

"Hahaha! You are just a new immortal king, but your tone is not small! I want to see how you are merciless to me, the peak of the immortal king!"

Baizhang Evil Ghost opened his mouth and swallowed, intending to swallow Ning Fan directly into his stomach.


Ning Fan also opened his mouth to swallow and ate half the body of the Baizhang Evil Ghost in one bite.

With another bite, the Baizhang Evil Ghost was eaten and wiped clean.

"how is this possible…"

Between heaven and earth, the unbelievable voice of Baizhang Evil Ghost resounded, and he died.

It's really ridiculous that the mere evil ghost wants to eat people compared with the ancient gods.

With the fall of Baizhang Evil Ghost, the ancient golden ship he drove suddenly turned into a pool of mud.

It turned out that this vessel was created by a hundred-zhang evil spirit with supernatural powers.

"Huh? Strange..." After eating the Baizhang Evil Ghost, Ning Fan let out a sigh.

As an ancient god, everything can be food, even if the other party is just an illusion, he has the confidence to digest the other party in two mouthfuls.

The problem is that this Baizhang evil ghost is clearly just an illusion, and should not have flesh and blood.

But after eating it in the stomach, for some reason, it was actually refined into a huge amount of energy.

After these energies were completely digested by Ning Fan, Ning Fan was surprised to find that his mana had increased by about a kalpa out of thin air.

Compared with Ning Fan's huge mana base, the catastrophe may not be much, but you must know that Ning Fan just casually ate the illusion of a peak immortal king.

"Strange thing, eating the illusion here can improve so much cultivation..." Ning Fan felt puzzled.

But not much thought about it.

After killing the Baizhang Evil Ghost, Ning Fan did not leave this place, but continued to wait here.

Fourth day.

fifth day.

sixth day.

In a blink of an eye, it was the ninth day mentioned in the letter.

Finally, an ancient bronze ship came from afar to welcome Ning Fan across the sea.

"Junior Shi Gandang, I have seen senior Zhang Dao, and on the order of the master, come here to welcome the senior to cross the sea." Another person who claimed to be Shi Gandang walked down from the bronze ancient boat.

This Shi Gandang didn't hide his cultivation, he was a genuine and vacant junior.

"I'm not Zhang Dao, you found the wrong person." Ning Fan replied as before.

"Uh..." Shi Gandang was stunned when he heard the words, not knowing how to answer.

Before he set off, the master specially instructed him, saying that this senior Zhang Dao has an extremely strange personality, so he must serve carefully and not offend him.

Now it seems...

What Master said is true! This person has a really weird personality, and a single sentence can choke a person to death.

"Anyway, this junior is here on the orders of the tutor, and I also ask the seniors to board the ship quickly, so as not to miss the date of the Daoguo Conference." Shi Gandang said respectfully.

"Who is Master Ru?" Ning Fan asked.

"Uh, why does this senior ask, since he has already received the invitation letter from the tutor, how can he not know who the tutor is..." Shi Gandang felt speechless in his heart, but fortunately he did not forget that the person in front of him was a strange person. So there was no impatience on the face, and he replied respectfully, "If you go back to the senior, the teacher's name is the real stone ghost, and it is the person who invited the senior."

"So that's the case." Ning Fan nodded, but in fact he didn't care at all about who the real Stone Ghost was.

"Senior, please board the ship quickly, don't miss the date of the Daoguo Conference." Shi Gandang urged cautiously.


Ning Fan nodded and boarded the ancient bronze boat.

Seeing this, Shi Gandang breathed a sigh of relief and controlled the ancient bronze boat to cross the sea.

At first, there would be wind and waves on the sea from time to time, and the sea water was just ordinary sea water.

However, as the distance of the ancient ship crossing the sea continued to deepen, the sea gradually became more and more indescribable Daoist atmosphere.

The tide began to calm down, as calmly as a long road.

The unfathomable sea area reveals a heavy sense of oppression.

"The sea water here seems to be a bit extraordinary..." Ning Fan said solemnly.

"What senior said is very true. At this moment, we have entered the outer sea of Nichen Sea. The power of the sea is unpredictable. Therefore, senior must be careful, and don't accidentally fall into the sea." Shi Gandang advised .

Against the dust overseas sea? Ning Fan was startled, thoughtful.

After a while, he asked again.

"What if I fall into the sea?"

"This senior really likes to ask questions knowingly..." Shi Gandang felt helpless, but his face was still respectful, and replied, "A drop of sea water from Nichenhai, as heavy as a mountain, is the Immortal Venerable Immortal King, who accidentally drowned in the sea, There is also the possibility of drowning."

While he was talking, a sea breeze suddenly blew through the originally calm sea.

In this sea breeze, there is an infinite Dao method, and with just a light blow, Ning Fan's body swayed slightly, showing how powerful the power is.

But it was only at the beginning, when Ning Fan was negligent, he was able to blow Ning Fan slightly.

After Ning Fan's mana turned around, the sea breeze could no longer blow Ning Fan.

On the contrary, Shi Gan, who sailed the boat, was in trouble!

But he said that Shi Gandang, who would have expected this season, Nichenhai would blow the sea breeze, almost as soon as the sea breeze blew, he flew out of the boat and fell towards the sea.

Can't compete!

The mere emptiness of cultivation base is simply unable to resist the wind against the dust!

It's about to fall into the sea!

Shi Gandang was so frightened that he was so frightened that he tried his best to escape, but he couldn't fly up against the Daoist aura of Nichenhai, and he still fell towards the sea.

Once he falls into the sea, with his minimal cultivation, he will drown in an instant.

"Senior, save me!" In despair, Shi Gandang only had time to cry out to Ning Fan for help.


Ning Fan rolled up his sleeve robe, and against the wind, he rolled Shi Gandang back to the boat.

Shi Gandang, who had escaped death, was panting heavily, sweating all over his body.

so close! Almost drowned!

Fortunately, Senior Zhang Dao came to the rescue!

"Thank you for saving your life, senior!" Shi Gandang knelt on the ground and bowed to Ning Fan again and again, grateful.

After some thanks, Shi Gandang realized later that Ning Fan had rescued him just now in the wind against the dust.


That is the wind against the dust!

Even the wind against the dust at the level of a breeze is enough to make the Immortal Emperor feel difficult!

In the situation just now, even if his master Shizun Zhenren personally rescued him, he would have to use all his strength to make it possible. It would never be as easy as Ning Fan's - a roll of sleeve robes could withstand the wind of the dust.

"Is this senior Zhang Dao really just a new immortal king? I am afraid that many immortal emperors do not have this method! No wonder the master suddenly asked this person to help!" Thinking of this, Shi Gandang's eyes became more and more respectful. .

But there are other things that don't make sense.

"It's strange to say that at this time, there shouldn't be a sea breeze in the sea against the dust. Does the senior know why the weather in the outer sea has become abnormal?" Shi Gandang asked in a puzzled way.

"This gust of wind is not due to abnormal weather, but someone deliberately attracted it." Ning Fan glanced at a place in the sky, and said meaningfully.

"Senior, don't be joking, if you want to provoke Nichenfeng here, you must at least have to be the Immortal Emperor Fengzhang who is above the eight tribulations. How can there be such an existence here, and what reason is there to provoke Haifeng to wait for me? Shi Gandang shook his head, obviously not believing Ning Fan's judgment.

Then, Shi Gandang was beaten in the face.

Almost at the moment when Shi Gandang's words fell, the sky was empty, and an old man who had been hidden for a long time appeared.

This old man stepped on the dark clouds, with six ghost flags on his back, the whole body was full of gloomy winds, and his cultivation base was already the realm of the Nine Tribulations of the Immortal Emperor!

"First Evolution"

"As expected of a disciple of the Holy Sect, two times, he was able to see through the old man's Xingzang!" The old man sneered.

Shi Gandang turned pale with fright, apparently recognizing the identity of the old man.

"Cang, Cang Haijun! Who is the devil who kills without blinking an eye! Why is he here!" Listening to Shi Gandang's tone, it was as if the old man named Canghaijun in front of him was such a terrifying existence.

"Little Huangkou, you are also worthy of calling the old man by his name!" Cang Haijun's face sank, and he opened his mouth to spew out several ghost images, which turned into hundreds of ghost heads and attacked Shi Gandang.

This is a blow from the Nine Tribulations Immortal Emperor, and it is not something that Shi Gandang can contend against.

"Senior, spare your life!" Shi Gandang was about to be frightened.

This has just escaped the ending of being drowned by Ni Chenhai, and turned to face the killing of the Nine Tribulations Immortal Emperor.

Why is he so unlucky!

Cang Haijun sneered with his hands behind his back, and ignored Shi Gandang's begging for mercy.

So Ning Fan took action.

With a flick of his sleeve robe, Peiran immediately swept across it vigorously, causing all the ghosts to fly in all directions, unable to deceive them. Forced another shot, took a ghost head, swallowed it in one bite, and didn't care how bloody the ghost head was.

In this scene, Jin Shi's heart suddenly burst, even that Cang Haijun was stunned by this scene.

"Eating a ghost head! It's so cruel! Isn't this son a disciple of the Holy Sect, how can a person from the Holy Sect learn such demonic methods!" Cang Haijun was secretly shocked.

Ning Fan felt a little disappointed.

The reason for disappointment is that the ghost head eaten this time cannot improve any cultivation for him.

Is it because these ghost heads are only transformed by Cang Haijun's supernatural powers? So no nutrition

So Ning Fan no longer devoured the other ghost heads, only rolled up his sleeve robes, then rolled the sky ghost heads into his sleeves, and shook his sleeve robes again, shaking out a drop of rainwater from his sleeves.

"What a powerful Xuanmen Dao method! It only took a moment to purify the old man's ghost technique into rain!" Cang Haijun became more and more frightened.

In addition to being shocked, I also felt jealous.

"This sub-district's newly promoted Immortal King, just because he is a disciple of the Holy Sect of Hun Kun, can learn such a powerful method, it is really enviable!"

"With this background, even if this son is just a mere Immortal King, I wouldn't dare to kill him. After all, I can't afford to offend the cause and effect of the Holy Sect."

"Fortunately, the master's order only asked me to prevent this Dao from going to the North Pole Dao Fruit Conference. This matter is easy."

Cang Haijun's thoughts were racing, but his face was always gloomy. Seeing that he couldn't kill Shi Gandang with one blow, he didn't bother to continue to shoot.

The left and right are just an empty junior, and it has nothing to do with the overall situation.

The purpose of his coming here was Zhang Dao from the very beginning.

"Child Zhang Dao, let me ask you this old man! I sent a ghost servant to look for you, where is the ghost servant now!" Cang Haijun asked coldly.

"So that's the case, the hundred-zhang evil ghost before was originally sent by you." Ning Fan said to himself.

But he ignored Cang Haijun's question.

Being ignored by the mere "new immortal king", Cang Haijun was immediately furious. Although he did not dare to kill Ning Fan, he planned to teach Ning Fan a lesson.

So he sacrificed the six ghost flags behind him.

Five ghost shadows flew out from the ghost banner, turned into the ghost servants of the five immortal king peaks, and roared towards Ning Fan.

The reason why there are only five ghost servants in the Six Paths Ghost Banner is because one ghost servant has been killed by Ning Fan before.

"Don't worry, the old man is in a good mood today, I won't kill you, but I have to invite you to the old man's cave for a few years. After the North Pole Dao Fruit Conference is over, the old man will let you go!"

At the moment, he planned to capture Ning Fan directly.

Cang Haijun was too lazy to talk nonsense with Ning Fan.

Ning Fan's eyes lit up!

Then, under the horrified eyes of Jun Canghai, Ning Fan ate five ghost servants in one bite.




The mana has improved for more than five eons again!

"In the Holy Sect of Hun Kun, when did such a demon be born!" Cang Haijun was shocked and angry.

"Continue." Ning Fan's expression was indifferent, and his tone was also cold and ruthless.


continue what

Cang Haijun didn't quite understand what Ning Fan meant.

Turning to his heart, he suddenly understood what Ning Fan meant.

Ning Fan wanted him to continue releasing other ghost servants!

This child is... I haven't eaten enough yet!

"No one! It's almost no one!" Cang Haijun laughed angrily, and when he patted the Tianling cover, a dark green ghost flag flew out of the Tianling.

As soon as this flag appeared, it instantly turned into a boundless giant, setting off countless yin winds.

"Just eating a few inferior ghost servants, and daring to be presumptuous in front of this old man, it's really ridiculous! How many ghost servants of that level, how much the old man wants, how many! I'm afraid of you, I can't eat it!"

Then, Cang Haijun released more ghost servants.

After that...

Ning Fan's mana +1 robbery.

Mana +1 robbery.

Mana +2.

Mana +1.

Mana +2.

Mana +2.

Mana +3

He ate more than 40 ghost servants of the Immortal King Cang Haijun in a row!

Then Ning Fan's mana +5.

Mana +5.

But he ate the two Immortal Emperor ghost servants that Cang Haijun used as his trump card!

The last sip, Ning Fan's mana +20.

But even Cang Haijun ate it together...

Before and after, the mana rose more than a hundred eons out of thin air!

"A mere phantom can actually improve my cultivation. There is nothing wrong with this place..." Ning Fan secretly said.

at the same time.

The deepest part of the Beijie River.

A catfish monster as huge as a starry sky with only half of its flesh left is sleeping in the deepest part of Beiming.

The injury it suffered was too heavy, and half of its body was destroyed by the monster crane who was known as the No.

Even if this catfish monster can reach the sky, it is difficult to reshape the body in a short period of time.

In his sleep, the catfish monster is swimming happily in the water of the Yellow River.

Suddenly, a sudden sound woke it up from its sleep.

"Lord Hebo, wake up, there's something big! The Ziwei Xings, which were suppressed by the ten thousand clans, are disappearing one by one. The reason... unknown!"