Grasping Evil

Chapter 1272: No one can break fate


Life is a grand encounter.

Ning Fan never thought that he would meet a woman named Bai Ling during the Holy Son's trial.

On Bai Ling's body, Ning Fan saw Mu Weiliang's shadow, so he was very concerned about this woman.

He also cared about the cultivator named Wu Laoliu among the disciples of the Golden Dart Sect.

On Wu Laoliu's body, Ning Fan saw Wu Chen's shadow. In an instant, Ning Fan's thoughts flew back to the east, back to the rain world, back to the moment when he first met Wu Chen.

Lao Tzu Wu Chen, Wu who has no king's law, Chen who kills and massacres the city

"Bai Ling, Qing Ling..."

"Wu Laoliu, Wu Chen..."

"I thought that in the Holy Son's trial, everything I saw was false... But perhaps, the trial world constructed by the Demon Monument is far more than that simple."

The green light in Ning Fan's eyes flickered, and his eyes sometimes fell on Bai Ling, sometimes on Wu Laoliu, and sometimes on the heaven and earth of the Son of God's trial.

The azure light of his dharma eyes did not deliberately hide it, and all the disciples of the Golden Dart Sect were amazed.

"It's actually a celestial man! This senior is actually a celestial cultivator!"

"This person has the qualifications of more than a million people!"

"Really amazing!"

"What! This senior is actually still a disciple of the Holy Sect? Born in the Holy Sect of Hun Kun?"

"Amazing! This person must be a genius among his peers!"

"Could it be that he is one of the nine sons of this generation?"

"What? This senior's name is Zhang Dao? I've never heard of that name..."

For Ning Fan, killing the killers in the Big Dipper Immortal Territory was just a whim.

But for everyone in the Golden Dart Sect, this move is undoubtedly a life-saving grace.

In order to repay this kindness, the members of the Golden Dart Sect decided to hold a big banquet to entertain Ning Fan.

As a result, everyone will take out the wine that has been treasured for many years without hesitation.

It is worth mentioning that the cultivation method practiced by the disciples of the Golden Dart Sect, called the Divine Sword and Liquor Art, was created by the Saint Golden Dart. When practicing this method, not only do you need to practice hard swordsmanship, but you also need to drink a lot of alcohol.

Therefore, every disciple of the Golden Dart Sect will carry a large amount of spirit wine with them in case of emergency.

When everyone took out all the wine in the storage bag, thousands of wine jars immediately appeared on the dart boat. The altar is full of immortal wine with aura, and the aroma of the wine is overflowing.

Afterwards, the members of the Golden Escort Sect invited Ning Fan to the banquet, but Ning Fan did not refuse: First, he did not want to lose face to Wu Laoliu and others; on the other hand, he also wanted to take this opportunity to have a better relationship with Bai Ling and Wu Laoliu. lots of contacts.

This banquet lasted for seven days.

On the first day, the disciples of the Golden Escort Sect took turns toasting Ning Fan, and their relationship was still unfamiliar.

On the second day, everyone began to mix, and the atmosphere gradually heated up. The toast that was promised gradually became a wine fight.

On the third day, one after another, the disciples of the Golden Dart Sect were drunk by Ning Fan.

Fourth day, fifth day, sixth day...

On the seventh day, except for Wu Laoliu, all the disciples of the Golden Dart Sect had fallen to the ground.

It is also interesting to say that this Wu Lao Liu is obviously the one with the lowest cultivation level among the disciples of the golden dart, but he is the best drinker, and he can still support it until this time.

However, Wu Laoliu was holding the wine table with one hand, supporting his swaying body, and pointing at Ning Fan with the other.

"Brother Wu, you are drunk." Ning Fan laughed. Unlike Wu Laoliu, Ning Fan was still not drunk at this time, and his alcohol intake was already close to Dao.

"No, I'm not, not drunk. I know you, your name is Zhang Dao, you are... you are the one I saw in my dream... who... I forgot..." Wu Laoliu said dizzy.

"Oh? Brother Wu actually saw me in a dream? This is very interesting, but I don't know what is outside the dream and what is inside the dream. Who is outside the dream and who is in the dream." Ning Fan laughed.

"No, I'm not... drunk... don't... make fun of..." Wu Lao Liu, who was drunk, was not listening to Ning Fan at all.

Seeing this, Ning Fan had no choice but to smile, picked up the wine glass, slowly put it into his throat, and said no more.

"I... Wu Liu... Wu, who has no king's law... A thousand cups without getting drunk... Liu..."

Wu Lao Liu was still talking drunk words of unknown meaning.

Fingers come and go, I don't know whether to sign a six or a thousand.

Suddenly, my drunken eyes woke up a little, so I snapped, slapped the wine table, raised my finger to the sky and angered, "Bum... red dust...and...why not be afraid! I want...six impurities...six dust...all stains...I Prefer to…”

Before the words were finished, there was a sudden thud.

Wu Lao Liu was already drunk on the wine table, snoring loudly.

Event 11: Defeat forty-nine disciples of the Golden Escort Sect by fighting wine. Get points, five stars. Current score, thirty-two stars. As an additional reward, there are twelve chapters in the outer door of "Sword and Spirits".

"This kind of thing can actually trigger an event, and also get five-star points and extra rewards?" Ning Fan was speechless.

So, what exactly is this Holy Son Trial trying to assess? Drink with people...

You must know that after several hard battles, he crossed the Cang Beast Sea Area and defeated the Cang Beast Clan, and only got ten points; he killed 108 Big Dipper killers, and only got five points; but this time, he only drank a little wine. Easy five points...

The difference is very strong.

"Perhaps in the view of Immortal Emperor Ziwei, alcohol consumption is also an extremely important ability?" Ant Master guessed.

"Sure enough, the Holy Son Trial places more importance on the comprehensive qualities of the Ziwei Holy Son, but the strength of the battle is not the point..." Duo Wen analyzed.

"Or, the point of getting the score is not about the wine fight, but about the object of victory?" The ant master continued to analyze.

"Speaking of which, before Immortal Emperor Ziwei became Daoist, it seemed that he really had some cause and effect with Saint Golden Dart..." Duo Wen began to recall.

"Oh, so, as long as you deal with people who don't like Immortal Emperor Ziwei, you can easily get a lot of points? This trial is really interesting..." Ant Master sneered.

"It doesn't matter, who knows what Immortal Emperor Ziwei is thinking. Compared with this matter, I am more interested in this "Sword of Spirits"..." Ning Fan flipped through the paper scroll in his hand.

The content of the scroll is the "Sacred Sword and Spirits Jue", the Zhenzong exercise of the Golden Dart Sect.

This is a sage practice, but unfortunately, Ning Fan only obtained twelve articles from the outer door. The content is not advanced, and the highest is only the level of the Immortal King.

That's right, Ning Fan has learned a lot from reading this exercise.

First of all, he gained some knowledge of swordsmanship - unfortunately, Ning Fan's usual Taoist soldiers are not swords, and this kind of understanding is better than nothing.

After that, Ning Fan became more aware of drinking. The golden dart sage seems to be a person who is good at drinking. Even if there are only a few words about the understanding of the word wine, Ning Fan is greatly rewarded.

Vaguely, the degree of his alcohol intake close to that of the Tao further deepened.

It is night, against the sea of dust, and the moonlight is like water.

Under the moonlight, two ships were driving side by side, heading for the North Pole Daoguo Conference: one was the ancient bronze ship of the Stone Human Race; the other was the dart ship of the Golden Dart Sect.

In the real reincarnation, the two ships that did not meet at first meet in a strange world because of Ning Fan's intervention.

No one knows what this encounter means.

Bai Ling didn't know either.

On the dart ship, in the guest room, Bai Ling sat in front of the window as usual, facing the chessboard, playing music quietly.

For a chess player, boring notation day after day is an essential practice.

There are no lights in the room, and no lights are needed. For a blind woman, lights are meaningless.

The moonlight shines softly through the window lattice, and shines into Bai Ling's clear eyes, but she doesn't know anything about it.

She was too focused, and she didn't notice that there was a gaze watching her from the window.

Outside the window, Ning Fan silently looked at Bai Ling without disturbing him.

When Wu Laoliu was also poured down, the banquet finally came to an end.

There was no more noise of the banquet, only the sound of snoring one after another, which was particularly harsh.

"The content of this Divine Sword and Spirits Juice is very interesting, and it is a good book worth reading..." After reading the twelve articles on the outer door, Ning Fan casually put the leather roll into the storage bag and gave a casual comment.

"Speaking of which, are these golden dart disciples really professional escort masters? There are people on board who need to be protected, but these people are all drunk on the ground and slumbering, so they are not afraid of the Beidou killer they encountered a few days ago. Is it coming again... Maybe the sage of the golden dart likes to drink more than the dart to practice the sword." His eyes swept across the drunken people, and Ning Fan doubted the professionalism of the golden dart sect.

"Forget it, at least I'm still not drunk. With me here, I'm not afraid of any killer attacking. Or, before these golden dart disciples held a banquet, they had already considered everything at the moment, convinced that if I was not drunk, they would not be Something will happen..."

Ning Fan did not leave the dart ship.

He stayed on the dart boat for a while, walking aimlessly, and unknowingly, he walked outside Bai Ling's room.

Across the door, you can hear the sound of moving pieces from the room. The sound of the pieces is crisp and pleasant. Obviously, the material is excellent, but it seems a little lonely in the night.

Ning Fan came to the window and silently watched Bai Ling, who was playing music seriously. The latter did not realize that someone was watching her, and was still writing music with one heart.

The seven-day banquet, and the seven-day hustle and bustle, did not disturb this serious girl at all.

This is a real chess player, with no distractions in his mind, and a clear mirror that stops water.

"She really likes playing chess..." Ning Fan said to himself.

"When she is not playing chess, her appearance reminds me of Wei Liang; but when she is playing chess, her focused eyes have a certain resemblance to Xiao Man; Reminds me of Feng Xueyan..."

"In her body, I can still see the shadow of more people..."

Ning Fan was silent, Bai Ling, who was playing chess seriously at the moment, in his eyes, was more like Bei Xiaoman.

Although Bei Xiaoman's people are not in tune, when she holds chess pieces and plays Liubo, her eyes seem to glow...

The same is true for Bai Ling. Although she is a blind girl, when she plays chess, her blindness seems to have brilliance and soul.

After finishing the score, Bai Ling took out an ancient book on life and death problems and began to study life and death problems.

The title of the book is "Xianji Baiku", which was compiled by the Nanliang Chess Institute. The book records a hundred life-and-death problems. It is said that as long as you solve all of them, you will have the opportunity to apply for the Nanliang Chess Institute and become a real chess cultivator.

Bai Ling, who is invisible, can't read with his eyes, he can only explore with his hands.

She seems to have specialized in the secret method of reading with her hands, and the words and graphics she touches can be read with her heart.

"Isn't "Xianji Baiku", I have seen this book in Zhang Dao's memory. Before Zhang Dao joined the Nanliang Chess Academy, it seemed that it only took a month to solve all the life and death problems in it. now..."

For Zhang Dao, this "Biku of Immortal Machines" is not difficult.

But people can't be generalized. For Bai Ling, this book is really difficult.

It has been fifteen years since she learned chess, and it was seven years ago that she obtained this copy of "Biku of Immortal Machines".

She studied for seven years, and only solved the 79th question, and this question has been stuck on her for several months, and she still has not solved it.

It's really hard...

Since learning chess, she has been groping by herself, maybe it's time to find a teacher.

The North Pole Mountain is one of the nine mountains of Xingluo, where the Taoist Fruit Conference opens every thousand years. Every time it is held, it will attract powerful chess players. If you go there, you may be able to worship a famous teacher...

Seniors and sisters all said that this time the North Pole Dao Fruit Conference is dangerous, so don’t go there. I didn't believe this at all, but a few days ago, I did encounter many killers...

Do you want to give up, go home, go back to Hongjun Snow Valley, or... keep going...

But if you miss this opportunity, you don't know when you will be able to become a famous teacher...

Bai Ling was entangled in her heart, and she was unable to do life and death problems all her life.

But she didn't know that all her thoughts were seen by someone outside the window.

"It turns out that this woman went to the North Pole Dao Fruit Conference to find a famous teacher to learn chess..." Ning Fan's eyes moved slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this moment, Bai Ling finally noticed that someone was peeking outside the window.

Because it was inside the house and did not go out, all Bai Ling did not wear cloaks or veils.

At this time, she has a small face with a goose egg, beautiful and lovely; her hair is coiled in a bun, and her forehead has bangs and eyebrows; she wears a moon-white Luo shirt and a very short white skirt. What she wears is not Luo socks, but white of silk stockings and embroidered shoes of Yuebai.

"This dressing taste is almost the same as that of Bei Xiaoman, the only difference is that Bei Xiaoman likes to wear red, this woman is white..." Ning Fan secretly said.

Looking at Bai Ling's legs, I always feel that I can't move...

It was also thanks to Bai Lingmu that he couldn't see, otherwise he would have blamed Ning Fan's disciple.

Huh? Senior brother is also interested in playing chess? Been looking here for a long time? Bai Ling asked in his heart.

"Well, I do have some interest in playing chess." Said he was interested in playing chess, but Ning Fan didn't look at the chessboard at all.

But Bai Ling believed Ning Fan's nonsense, so more smiles appeared on his face.

Since senior brother knows chess, can you teach me how to play chess

"This..." Ning Fan's words were stagnant.

Can't it? Bai Ling felt a little regretful.

"All right…"

Ning Fan couldn't bear Bai Ling's disappointment.

Although he didn't like to play chess, but with the memory of Chaos Ancient Emperor's chess skills, it would not be too difficult to guide him.

With Ning Fan's approval, Bai Ling was very happy.

She invited Ning Fan into the room, but instead of asking for advice immediately, she poured a cup of tea and handed it to Ning Fan respectfully.

"Thank you." After drinking for seven days and seven nights, Ning Fan was indeed thirsty, so he took the teacup and drank it all.

Not a particularly precious tea.

But Ning Fan had a special taste.

I always feel that the taste of this woman's tea is a bit like a little witch...

Is it an illusion.

Tea was also drunk, of course it was time to do business.

Bai Ling first asked Ning Fan about the seventy-ninth question in the "Hundred Library of Immortal Machines".

Ning Fan looked at the question and frowned slightly.

No wonder Bai Ling got stuck on this question. For an amateur chess player, this question is really difficult.

"Even if it is an orthodox chess cultivator to solve this problem, it is quite difficult. Even for a ninth-rank chess player, it will take more than ten hours to sort out the changes..." Ning Fan explained.

A chess player in the real world is judged by the nine grades: the first grade is immersive, the second grade is seated, the third grade is specific, the fourth grade is secluded, the fifth grade is wise, the sixth grade is small, the seventh grade is fighting strength, the eighth grade is stupid, and the ninth grade is clumsy.

Bai Ling's level is not even a rank nine, after all, she has only been self-taught for fifteen years.

A real chess cultivator would not spend thousands of years studying chess skills. In terms of the overall level of the real world, Bai Ling's 15-year chess skills are indeed not strong.

So, how is Ning Fan's chess skills

He inherited the memory of the chess skills of the Great Emperor Chaos. Even if the Great Emperor Chaos did not learn chess specially, in his long life, the piecemeal time spent playing chess would add up to at least hundreds of years.

It is no exaggeration to think of Ning Fan as a chess player with hundreds of years of chess skills.

Such Ning Fan, of course, can't play a chess player of the first rank in the real world, but compared to the last chess cultivator of the ninth and eighth rank, it is still far beyond.

"You can see that in the first half of the chessboard, there are three pieces of chess in each of black and white. Where is the priority, it is the first thing to consider, and the second is to consider local changes..."

"...If Heizi goes down on 13 out of 20, it's really a means of protection, but if Bai Zi goes down in 9 out of 10, and then digs first and then picks up, Bai Zi is alive..."

"... Next, I will show you some changes in the battle for corner land..."

With only one question of life and death, Ning Fan talked for two hours.

Bai Ling listened very carefully and seriously. She is not stupid, she is quite talented in chess, the only thing she lacks is the guidance of famous teachers. Now that I have Ning Fan's guidance, I can't help but learn a lot.

Thank you brother for your guidance. After finishing a question, Bai Ling's face was full of joy and admiration. He only felt that Ning Fan's chess skills were unfathomable and the only one she had ever seen in her life.

Well, she has never seen a few great chess players in her life, so it's not surprising to think so.

"You're welcome." Ning Fan smiled.

At this moment, he suddenly likes to play chess.

Brother, can you teach me some more? Bai Ling obediently handed him a cup of tea.

"Okay, do you still teach life and death questions?"

No, this time, I want to ask my senior brother to accompany me in the next game of chess.

"Do you need to give a child?"

I don't want it now, I want to see how far away I am from the orthodox chess cultivator...

"You guessed wrong, I'm not an orthodox chess cultivator. My chess skills are actually not my own..."

Brother is really humble. Speaking of which, I seem to have heard my brother's name somewhere. Zhang Dao, Zhang Dao... I seem to have heard it somewhere. Could it be that the senior brother is a chess player who is famous in the real world

"Actually, my name is not Zhang Dao."

Eh? What is that brother's real name

"My name is…"

Ning Fan wanted to tell Bai Ling his real name.

But, can't tell.

This Holy Son trial seems to have its own limitations. No matter how Ning Fan says his life, the words he finally speak will become "my name Zhang Dao" and "from the Holy Sect of Hun Kun".

Finally had to give up.

It is not that there is no other way to tell his real name, but Ning Fan pondered a little, and finally did not continue to insist on this matter.

The restriction of the name of the child in the trial of the Holy Son seems to be out of the protection of the testers... If you forcibly say the real name in the trial of the Holy Son, it may cause some bad results...

Event 12: Teach life and death problems. Get points, one star. The current score, thirty three stars.

Although it was just a guide game, Bai Ling took it very seriously. Before the game, he specially washed his hands to show respect.

At the end of the game, Bai Ling naturally suffered a fiasco without any suspense. The knuckles of her fingers holding the chess pieces turned white and trembled violently, and finally, the two chess pieces were slowly placed on the chessboard.

This is the thrower to admit defeat.

I lost... Bai Ling's heart was full of tears, and the tears instantly covered her face.

Is this what it feels like to lose

Since learning chess, this is the first time she has played against such a strong player... The feeling of losing chess is really uncomfortable...

No wonder Bai Ling cried so badly.

No wonder Ning Fan didn't know how to show mercy.

Ning Fan, who had agreed to guide the chess game, actually beat the killer. He killed Bai Ling without leaving a single piece at the beginning of the game, and the winner was easily determined in the middle game. To make matters worse, Bai Ling didn't have a piece of live chess.

"You told me this is Guiding Chess? Where is the Guiding?" Ant Master was speechless.

"This is what people do! Play chess with others, and don't give a piece of live chess in the overall situation. Do you want to cast a psychological shadow on the little girl?" Duo Wen was speechless.

"It's the first time I've played coaching chess with someone. I'm not very good at it, and I have no experience..." Ning Fan was also embarrassed.

This really wasn't his intention.

He only used one point, but the opponent lost so badly... Maybe he should put more water, or, put a sea

Fortunately, Bai Ling was still strong and stopped crying after only crying for a while.

Wiping away her tears, she sincerely thanked Ning Fan for her guidance.

It turns out that this is the guide chess... Bai Ling, who was played as a guide chess for the first time, thought that all the guide chess were so cruel.

Through the chess game, she can feel the seriousness of the other party, and the other party is really serious about playing chess with her, for which she is very grateful.

"Sorry, it's the first time I've played guide chess with you, so I wanted to try your strength, so I didn't show any mercy. Well, your strength is not bad. The computing power in the middle game is very good, which proves that you have a talent for playing chess. The problem mainly lies in the layout stage, which is also a common problem for amateur chess players..." Ning Fan was serious, praising Bai Ling's chess skills, and never admitted that he didn't play well in the guide chess, but that he had a problem.

Event Thirteen: Guiding chess to win. Get points, one star. Current score, thirty-four stars.

Since Ning Fan didn't have any guidance, Bai Ling didn't learn much.

So she wanted to ask Ning Fan to accompany her in the next game of chess.

This time, she will no longer be overly self-aware and say that there is no need to grant children, but obediently ask Ning Fan to grant her three children.

After that...

Event Fourteen: Give three sons to guide the chess and win. Get points, one star. Current score, thirty-five stars.

Ning Fan once again made Bai Ling cry, although this time he released half of the sea, it seems that it is still not enough...

In a blink of an eye, three months have passed.

In the past three months, Ning Fan often played chess with Bai Ling. While getting acquainted with Bai Ling, I also gained a lot of points from Bai Ling.

At this moment, the triggering event of the Holy Son Lei Shu has already triggered event fifty-five.

Event fifty-five: Give four sons to guide the chess and win. Get points, one star. The current score, seventy-six stars.

Gradually, Ning Fan has learned how to play chess well. When playing chess, he will deliberately guide Bai Ling to play in the correct position. In this way, under his guidance, Bai Ling's chess skills have gradually improved.

One hundred "Xianji Baiku" life-and-death problems were also learned by Ning Fan under the guidance of Ning Fan.

She was originally a very talented chess player, but now with the guidance of "famous teachers" like Ning Fan, the layout problem has also been greatly improved. Although the chess skills are still not as good as those of the ninth-rank chess players, the gap has gradually narrowed.

During the three months together, the thing she and Ning Fan did the most was to play chess. She couldn't see Ning Fan's face, but she could feel the light and heat on Ning Fan's body, and the temperature of the opponent's chess pieces.

That temperature made Bai Ling feel nostalgic and reluctant to part. For some reason, when Bai Ling and Ning Fan were playing chess recently, they began to lose their minds. In the past, playing chess was all she had, but now, there seems to be something more that can interfere with her heart...

Brother, can I worship you as my teacher... I want to learn to play chess with you for the rest of my life... After a certain match, Bai Ling suddenly gathered up his courage and said in his heart.

"You want to worship me as your teacher?" Ning Fan was surprised.

"He's stupid, he's dumbfounded. He's greedy for other people's bodies, but others only treat him as a teacher." Ant Master just thought it was funny.

"Ah, I don't know what to say. Senior Ning's condolences..." Duo Wen Lao Yao also thought it was funny.

Can't it? Bai Ling's heart was beating nervously.

"Sorry, I can't be your master." Ning Fan was silent for a long time, but finally he still refused Bai Ling's request.

It's not really like Ant Master and Duo Wen conjectured, it's because he is greedy and doesn't want to be a teacher.

Ning Fan also had his own considerations.

He is happy to teach Bai Ling to play chess, but the word "Master" is too heavy. He can teach her for a while, but he can't teach her forever. He is just a passer-by in this Son's trial. After the trial, he will leave, but Bai Ling still has a very broad life.

She needs a better and more responsible master to teach her to play chess.

I see... Bai Ling lowered her head, making it impossible to see her expression clearly.

But Ning Fan could see Bai Ling's heart and was sad.

It seems that this little girl really likes his master, but it's a pity... this is just a trial of the Holy Son, and he can't teach her for a lifetime.

"Speaking of which, why does a girl like you like to play chess?" In order to relieve Bai Ling's emotions, Ning Fan began to look for topics.

Eh? Bai Ling was stunned for a moment, but for a moment he forgot his sadness. He didn't seem to expect that Ning Fan would ask this question.

"Is there any special reason why you like to play chess?" Seeing that the question was valid, Ning Fan asked.

No, there's no particular reason for it... It's not about love, and I can't tell why I'm going this route. It is also interesting to say that when I touched the pieces for the first time, I had an inexplicable feeling. I only felt that in this life and this world, there is one thing that must be done... I must learn to play chess, and I must reach the top of the chess player. That feeling, as if at the end of the chess player, someone is waiting for me... waiting for me to save him...

"..." Ning Fan was a little surprised.

He had guessed the reason why Bai Ling likes to play chess, but he didn't expect it to be such a reason.

Must this be done.

At the end of the chess player, someone is waiting for her, waiting for her to rescue...

rescue? What rescue? save who? Is there something that needs to be rescued by playing chess

Play chess, rescue...

Ning Fan suddenly felt that he had forgotten about important things. He always felt that some important details were forgotten by him. His face was suddenly cold, and he pondered and recalled, trying to figure out where this feeling came from. Suddenly, an ancient nursery rhyme came to his mind.

"You shoot one, I shoot one, and the butterfly burns its wings for 90,000 miles."

"You shoot the second, I'll shoot the second, the girl cuts the pigtails in front of the Buddha."

"You shoot three, I shoot three, Gonggong knocks down Buzhoushan."

"You shoot four, I'll shoot four, Epiphyllum Destroyer Weeduo Temple."

"You shoot five, I'll shoot five, Wuling chess game to suppress the devil's bones."

"You take six, I take six..."

Wuling chess game to suppress the devil bone, what does it mean.

Why at this moment, thinking of this nursery rhyme, makes Ning Fan feel a sense of tearing his heart.

"It's this feeling again, Brother Ning, do you want to realize your destiny at this moment! You're crazy!" The ant master was shocked.

She was so frightened and horrified, as if Ning Fan was doing something crazy and dangerous.

Fortunately, Ning Fan quickly calmed down.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and when he opened them again, he returned to his usual Gujing Wubo.

At this moment, he seemed to have figured out something, guessed something, and seemed to have seen the past and the future; but he didn't want to think about it, guess it again, and even didn't want to see it again.

It's night stars like water.

But Ning Fan looked up at the sky, but felt that the stars in the sky, where are the stars, are clearly chess pieces falling on the chessboard.

The starlight in the sky, reflected in Ning Fan's eyes, mirrored the starry sky in Ning Fan's eyes.

The dense purple starlight began to flow in Ning Fan's eyes, but Ning Fan didn't know it yet.

Almost at the same time that Ning Fan was watching the stars, far away, was the location of the North Pole Dao Fruit Conference.

An old man in purple stood on the top of the Arctic Mountain, in the wind and snow, he seemed to feel something.

"Interesting, this person is not the Son of Ziwei, and he can actually see a trace of Ziwei Doushu from the stars in this world. This is something that most Sons of Ziwei can't do. Zi Dou found a good one. Apprentice. Unfortunately, at this level, it is far from enough to break the cycle of fate. Because everything you do and think is under the control of fate..."

"No one can break the fate, the only thing that can be done is a partial compromise..."

If Ning Fan was here, he would definitely find out that this old man in purple, who seemed to see through everything and was talking to himself, actually looked like the three-star monarch, but he was countless times older than him. , the breath is even more decadent and weak, like a mortal.

A few days later, Ning Fan and his party came to the end of the journey.

The place where the North Pole Fruit Conference is held—Northern Barbarian Kingdom.