Grasping Evil

Chapter 40: Butterfly?


Ning Fan asked himself that he had never seen such a strange sight in his life.

The female corpse's skin was snow-white, no, it shouldn't be said to be snow-white.

To be precise, it should be pale. This woman was sealed in an ancient coffin after her death, and I don't know how many years have passed. It is said that there is no time for cultivation, but Ning Fan can infer from the dress of the woman that this woman is at least a beautiful woman from hundreds of millions of years ago.

The muscles are lustrous and the bones are moist, and the body is slender. If only watching, Ning Fan even thinks that this female corpse is actually a sleeping beauty.

The eyelashes are affectionate, the hair is gentle, the female corpse is slightly thin, and the lips are reddish and bloodless. Before this girl, I'm afraid she was a little sick, maybe she was a sick beauty.

In Ning Fan's mind, it seemed that a weak woman who took pity on herself and held a hoe to bury flowers appeared in Ning Fan's mind. In the lonely wind, it is like a helpless crimson bead grass.

Shaking his head and dispelling the strange thoughts in his heart, Ning Fan smiled wryly, what happened to himself, and actually moved his feelings towards a female corpse.

Maybe it's just a feeling of loneliness for women.

He looked at the face of the female corpse and blamed himself for a while.

You can't pick up paper cranes, you can't pick up paper cranes, you can't pick up and make up for thinking innocent, you can only settle for the next best thing...

"Sorry... I don't have a choice..."

At this moment, the pain of suppressing the Jade Emperor Pill is very important, Ning Fan sighed and pressed it up...

The cold temperature, the rigid body, but a warmth that had been separated for many years, made Ning Fan trance again.

His generous palms, the mana of the yin and yang demon veins, revolved in the direction of inverse yang to generate yin, and a trace of yin and cold mana came out through his fingers, connecting points on the female corpse.

The yin-harvesting finger force penetrated into the skin of the female corpse, and the originally rigid teeth were gradually softened.

Although the woman was dead, her body had an instinctive irritability, and some saliva flowed out... This made Ning Fan's vest immediately shiver.

Is this woman dead or alive!

Do dead people saliva

Ning Fan put his fingertips into the small mouth of the female corpse cherry, and faintly touched something sharp and stabbed it.

Fangs! The female corpse actually had fangs growing in its mouth!

Ning Fan took a Jade Emperor Pill, and his body could withstand the attack of a low-grade and intermediate-level magic weapon without injury, but he was only stabbed by a woman's fangs, and his skin was instantly torn, and a trace of toxin spread rapidly along the wound on his fingertips. whole body.

Corpse poison!

Ning Fan used both hands to open the woman's cherry lips. There were actually two sharp fangs in the woman's mouth. In an instant, Ning Fan recalled a terrifying term in Immortal Emperor's memory.

Corpse Demon!

In ancient times, there were demons, gods, and demons. Among them, among the demons, there is a race called corpse demons.

A corpse demon is a corpse that turns into a form after the death of an immortal god and becomes a self-wisdom. It cannot inherit the mana of the body master, but it can inherit the master's tyrannical body, and occasionally can inherit the memory. In essence, the corpse demon and the corpse owner are actually two different people.

The probability of a corpse becoming a corpse was extremely low in ancient times. After a thousand immortals died, it was not easy for one to become a corpse. Unexpectedly, the female corpse that I happened to get turned into a corpse demon.

Will she wake up, will a zombie jump, will she open her fangs and bite her neck when she stabs herself into it

These thoughts, in Ning Fan's mind, were thrown away in an instant. At this moment, picking up the female corpse is the real business, and everything must be rushed before the tide of pain from the Jade Emperor Pill hits!

"sorry... "

Ning Fan sighed softly. Half a year ago, he was still a well-informed young man. After half a year, he had suffered several disasters in his life, but he had fallen into the devil's way and became a devil who would not let go of a female corpse.

Yawen Bar

In the world of self-cultivation where the strong are respected, all the ceremonial rituals have no real strength, no life, and are even more precious.

But Ning Fan still insists, Zhihe, Shizun, Qimei, Ning Gu, and maybe more, these warmth and sunshine will make him in the magic way without distortion.

This is a corpse demon... But in order to survive, Ning Fan has no choice...


After an unknown amount of time, the female corpse frowned.

The body seems to be in some pain... but no matter how much it hurts, I can't call it out, but a trace of heat is urging the female corpse to change...

On its lotus arm, a touch of cinnabar that has been kept for hundreds of millions of years, dissipates...

Shougongsha, who has she ever defended herself like a jade? don't remember, don't remember...

Who is picking up themselves? Who opened his own coffin

Is it... that butterfly...

The dry sea of consciousness of the female corpse suddenly trembled, and the corpse's pupils became ruthless and blood red.

She's starting to change! No more sanity!