Grasping Evil

Chapter 53: Martial contribution, shocked! (third more)


In addition to the 160 seekers who had undergone the trial, there were nearly 20 deacon disciples who entered the ghost forest.

Every disciple who enters the ghost forest will be handed out a jade plate called the contribution jade plate. As the name suggests, it is used to record the contribution value of the sect.

Sect contributions can not only be exchanged for exercises, magic weapons, and medicinal pills within the sect, but can also be used to upgrade positions.

On the jade plate of each seeker, the word 'Wu' flashes. Does it mean that each seeker already has 5 points of contribution to the sect, which is the reward issued by passing the first test.

Contribution jade plates will only be distributed to Zongmen disciples. From the moment they entered the ghost forest, these group of seekers have all become ghost bird disciples and are eligible to hold the contribution jade plates.

However, if he died in the ghost forest, his status as a disciple would naturally be invalid. Therefore, only one month later, who left the ghost forest alive can truly become a disciple of the ghost bird.

The ghost forest is divided into nine areas. When the ghost bird sect was established, the ancestor of the ghost bird, who had cultivated at the peak of Jindan, had explored the ghost forest, but stopped at the fourth area. The Ghost King was injured, and in shock, he listed the Ghost Forest as a forbidden area for the Ghost Sparrow Sect.

This ghost forest is indeed not where Xuanyin Qi is, but the strangeness of this place is probably still above Xuanyin Qi. After the fourth area, the ancestor of the ghost bird did not know the details at all, only that it was extremely dangerous.

The only fortunate thing is that the ghosts in the ghost forest seem to be restricted to a certain extent, and ghosts that reach a certain level of cultivation can only be trapped in a certain area. And all the ghosts can't leave the ghost forest, otherwise they will be wiped out.

And throwing the corpse of the enemy in the ghost forest will transform into a ghost within a few years. This is also extremely strange.

There is an old saying in the world of self-cultivation, 'The more evil the mountain is, the more immortal secrets are hidden'. Most of this ghost forest has secrets against the sky.

The second test of the Ghost Bird Sect is located in the first area of the Ghost Forest, within a radius of 30 miles, and the test disciples can move at will.

Fight, yes. Murder, yes. Hunting ghosts, yes. It is also possible to collect elixir. Of course, finding a place to hide for a month and doing nothing is fine.

Cultivating the magic road is full of hardships and dangers, and requires courage and diligence. You can hide for a while, but you can't hide for a lifetime. The dangers that you should face will be faced sooner or later.

In the first area, there are only ghosts who cultivate the pulse. You can get some contributions by hunting down a ghost. For those who are below the third level of piercing, beheading a ghost can get 1 contribution point. Ghosts on the fourth to sixth floor, one head is worth 2 points to contribute. Ghosts from the seventh to tenth floors are worth 10 points for contribution.

The higher the level of cultivation, the more difficult it is to hunt and kill, and the more contributions you get. The ghosts in the early stage of fusion spirit are worth 100 contributions, and the mid-stage ghosts are worth 200 contributions. Later ghosts, 500 contributions, peak ghosts, 1000 contributions.

To hunt and kill Rongling ghosts, you must at least enter the second area. There is no way that disciples who have just entered the sect can enter. Even if it is Elder Rongling, it is extremely dangerous to enter here.

In addition to the entrance examination, entering the ghost forest to hunt ghosts does not increase the contribution of the sect. The reason for increasing the contribution to the disciples of the sect is to encourage the disciples to have a fighting spirit.

Of course, if you are afraid of danger, you can also pick elixir. In the first area, there are many ten-year-old elixir, often picking dozens of kilograms, in order to exchange 1 point contribution.

In the first area, the entrance examination is held every 10 years. The age of the elixir is naturally extremely low, and it is extremely worthless.

In addition to the above two methods of obtaining contributions, there is one more direct method.


As long as you grab someone else's contribution jade plate and destroy it, the other party's contribution will automatically become your own contribution.

And the person who was crushed by the jade plate, sorry, spend 10 pieces of immortal jade, buy another one, it is not expensive. But don't contribute, let's save again.

As soon as they entered the ghost forest, 160 people scattered, most of them walking alone, and occasionally people who knew each other, walking together. And the 20 deacon disciples, each hidden in the dark, will never intervene in the trial unless there is an uncontrollable situation.

The trial period lasts for one month, and anyone who leaves the Demon Forest within one month will automatically be deemed to have failed the trial and will be deprived of their disciple status.

Demon Forest, the first area, the air is damp and dull, and there seem to be ghosts staring at it in the dark.

Ning Fan held the black jade plate and pondered slightly. He flipped through the old map given by Lanmei in his hand. On the map, there were nine major areas. Only the first three areas were marked with the location and danger points of the elixir, and the fourth area was only half marked. Thinking about it, the ancestor of the ghost bird was injured by the ghost king and left the fourth area in a hurry.

After the fourth area, the ghosts in it must be more terrifying than the ghost king.

"I didn't expect this ghost forest to be so strange... I don't know what secrets are hidden in the deepest part."

In Ning Fan's dantian, there was a faint sense of Yin-Yang Lock. There seemed to be something hidden in this ghost forest that made Yin-Yang Lock pay attention.

It's not Xuanyin Qi, but I'm afraid, it is far more precious than Xuanyin Qi.

Ning Fan thought to himself, with his own strength, vertical and horizontal in the first area is not a problem, in the second area, be careful, there will be no accident. In the third area, if you hide and hide, and do not fight with ghosts, most of them will not be in any danger. But in the fourth area... there is a ghost king who is comparable to the master of Nascent Soul. If he enters, he will surely die.

Thanks to Lanmei for giving him a map, otherwise, with Ning Fan's strong curiosity, he would probably go in and investigate, and he would not know how he died.

Among the 160 appraised disciples, after knowing Ning Fan's identity, no one was hostile to Ning Fan, and there were even women who secretly gave Ning Fan a surprise, hoping to climb the high branches. It's just that he doesn't care about this kind of woman, even if it is delivered to the door. In my life, I am afraid that the most important thing is the beauty.

Speaking of which, in the Ding Furnace Ring, there are still 17 charming and wicked women waiting to be harvested.

While he was pondering, before he knew it, Ning Fan had gone deeper and deeper. Ning Fan couldn't see the 10-year elixir he encountered along the way. And one after another, ghosts of the first and second layers began to attack Ning Fan.

For these ghosts, Ning Fan slashed away with a flash of sword light, and then easily stood up and destroyed, and only half a column of incense kung fu, he killed 15 ghosts. The contribution of the jade plate has reached 20 points.

When the 15th ghost was killed, Ning Fan's eyes flashed, and a ghostly mist appeared in the ghost that was killed, creating a dim soul bead the size of a fingernail.

This soul bead is illusory and ethereal, but it contains the power of spiritual sense. Ning Fan pondered slightly, and after a while, he showed a shocked expression. And after taking the Soul Orb into the body, the power of his spiritual sense actually increased a little!

"'The Rosary Bead'! Only the ghosts raised in the Nine Yin Land have the opportunity to form the Rosary after beheading them. Is this forest of ghosts actually the Nine Yin Land!"

Ning Fan couldn't help but be surprised. The Land of Nine Yin is not a naturally formed terrain, but a man-made formation. The level of the formation is even higher than the 'virtual' level formation. The formation is divided into nine domains. Is this forest of demons and ghosts actually a place where some ancient demons set up formations to raise ghosts and hunt rosary beads

If this is the case, in the deepest part of the ghost forest, will there be a legacy of the devil's life? And here he kills ghosts, hunts 'rosary beads', and improves his spiritual sense.

"So, you can't let go of these ghosts with a leisurely heart. Let's start hunting from the first area!"

Ning Fan's eyes moved, and he smiled slightly. He stepped on the ice light, and the starlight sword shadow in his hand, like an ice rainbow, dancing in the cold forest, harvesting the lives of each ghost.


In the Ghost Bird Sect, in the Hall of Merit of the Inner Sect, Meng Chu, the elder of the reception hall, was yawning lazily.

He is lazy by nature and has a mid-level cultivation base, but he chose the most leisurely and least oily elder position to guard the Hall of Merit.

The Hall of Merit is the place where the disciples exchange their merits for treasures, and it is also the place where they receive sect tasks and complete tasks to exchange merits.

In the center of the hall, stood a fourteen-foot-tall black jade tablet. On the jade tablet, light spots flickered, but it recorded the sect's contribution rankings of the various disciples and elders in the sect.

The number one contribution is naturally the Sect Master Guiquezi, with a total of 9.61 million contributions, and the fraction has been neglected.

Ranked second, is one of the four demon lords of the Ghost Bird Sect - 'Weeping Zun' Ling Guiku, who left the Ghost Bird Sect 70 years ago, and his life and death are unknown. However, the value on the merit tablet occasionally rises sharply. Every time it rises, it rises by more than 10,000 points. The reason for the increase of 10,000 points is mostly to kill the righteous masters who are above the late stage of Jindan. Before this Ling Guiku left the sect, it was a mid-term Jindan cultivation base with a contribution of 720,000. But now, it has already contributed 8.45 million, and I don't know how many masters of the right way have been killed, let alone who is the one who killed the right way, and I don't know where they are now.

Many people have speculated that in the past seventy years, Ling Guikui has broken through the Nascent Soul Stage, and everything is unknown.

In third place, it was Old Demon Han. Most of the 6.83 million contributions were completed by accepting alchemy tasks. After all, refining a three-turn pill can often get thousands of contributions.

The top twenty after that were mostly occupied by the sect elders. Among the younger generation, the one who contributed the most was Yan Zhuiyun, a disciple of the Black Venerable.

And even Yan Chaiyun, with 190,000 merits, ranks 45th on the merit list.

As for the lazy elder Meng Chu, guarding the Hall of Merit for a month, he only gained 100 merits. Two hundred years later, he only accumulated 240,000 merits, ranking 41st on the merit list.

"Today, it seems to be the second test for the disciples of the sect. Hey, I don't know if there will be any disciples, and they will reach 100 contributions in a month. Haha, 100 contributions may be too difficult for these young boys. After all, when the old man entered the sect hundreds of years ago, he was only in the second stage. He hunted and killed 7 ghosts, collected 200 kilograms of elixir, and gained 15 points of contribution... Even the best disciples over the years, such as That Yan chased the clouds, when he entered the sect, he was only in the second stage, and he got 170 points of contribution..."

He lay leisurely on the reclining chair, his eyes drifted over the merit list inadvertently, and swept to the position after the ten thousand.

The ten thousand disciples of the Ghost Sparrow Sect and the disciples who are new to the sect, whose contributions are just beginning to be counted, are all ranked last.

"Hehe, it's still 5 points to contribute. The second test has already started for two hours. These guys are really weak, and they can't kill a single ghost? Cough, cough, wait, this is it!"

Elder Meng Chu was sipping his tea leisurely, but suddenly, he was shocked by the change in the merit list, and a sip of tea choked in his throat.

I saw a disciple named Li Zhihuan, whose contribution flashed several times. In just two hours, he had already contributed 9 points.

Contribution at 9 o'clock, two hours! This son has already killed the four-headed and three-layered ghosts, how is this possible!

And Meng Chu's gaze, and then glanced upwards, what surprised him even more was a disciple named Lu Ziqiao. In just two hours, I already have 17 points of merit!

And then, this sub-contribution jumped by 10 points. Contribution of 10 points, you need to kill at least the ghosts above the seventh layer of the veins to get it!

Is this disciple named Lu Ziqiao enough to kill the seventh-level master of the veins just after he joined the sect? This is a genius, I am afraid he is stronger than Yan Chaiyun!

Meng Chu stood up suddenly, and he thought that it was necessary to report this matter to the higher-ups. After all, he guards the Hall of Merit and has another task, which is to discover the disciples whose contributions have grown rapidly. These disciples often have amazing potential and are worth cultivating!

But he just got up and was about to leave the Hall of Merit to report the matter, but he turned his head abruptly, and took another look at the monument of merit.

This sight made him breathless, unbelievable, and his heart was about to jump out of his throat.

However, I saw a disciple named 'Ning Fan', whose contribution to the sect was growing at a terrifying speed.

754 points!

In just two hours, this son has accumulated 754 contribution points. What did this son do in the Demon Forest!

Demon disciple! Meng Chu asked himself, even if he entered the ghost forest, the speed at which he could contribute would be nothing more than that.

"Ning Fan, Ning Fan! We must report this person to the Sect Master."

Meng Chu never asked about world affairs, but he didn't know that Ning Fan's name had already spread in the Ghost Sparrow Sect, although it was only Ning Fan's amazing background.

And the shock about the merit monument is just the beginning. Letting Ning Fan enter the Demon and Ghost Forest as a rookie disciple was definitely a mistake made by the Ghost Sparrow Sect.

The monument of merit will be blasted!

(It's also a trial, it's a bad way to write Xianxia novels, but Momo thinks that it can write a different climax, what do you think? Invincible flow, just invincible. Too much waste wood flow... 12000 words , Chapter 3 update, is there a reward, is there a recommended ticket?)