Grasping Evil

Chapter 70: Dongming Bell, Order of Execution of Immortals (Second Update)


On the second floor of the treasury, the formation defense was cut off by a sword, and a gap was cut.

Ning Fan and Chu Chen entered the second area. On the jade frame in front of them, were full of golden rosary beads and various magic weapons for ghost cultivation.

Ning Fan's eyes fell on the rosary, and it was extremely hot in an instant. Hundreds of rosary beads of Jindan stage, if they can all be refined...

And his eyes fell on a few ghost repair magic weapons, and he was slightly stunned. There are hundreds of magic weapons here, but some of them are far more spiritual than others.

"Artifact Spirit Magic Treasure!"

Without hesitation, he began to collect rosary beads in large quantities, and also took away the magical treasures. The old Chu Chen, who was dressed as a fisherman, did not covet rosary beads.

"The two of us quickly go to the third floor to get the elixir, why waste time for these rosary beads."

As the chief elder of the purple department, there are hundreds of rosary beads in the purple department, and they are useless to him. The only thing he needs is a lot of elixir. He had already decided to refine the elixir, break through the Nascent Soul stage, and hit the fourth field!

Chu Chen never dreamed that this rosary would be a good thing for a living person to improve his spiritual sense.

Entering the third floor, Chu Chen also wanted to rely on Ning Fan to use the Severing Sword to slash the great formation, since he would not care about Ning Fan here. Although the treasury was divided equally, these rosary beads would not be calculated with Ning Fan for the time being.

Ning Fan was noncommittal to Chu Chen's words. After collecting hundreds of rosary beads, he looked at the third-floor passage, his eyes flashed slightly, and he thought that the Bone Emperor had not chased after him, but he could continue to steal medicine.

After ten breaths, the third layer of formation defense was burned by Ning Fan with a single sword.

After a hundred breaths, the fourth layer of formation defense was also burned away by Ning Fan.

Ning Fan and Chu Chen moved very quickly. At this moment, someone may have just reported to the elders of the Youth Department that the treasury was stolen!

On the fourth floor, there is a warehouse shrouded in ice, and the cold is terrifying. Among them are all elixir that are more than a thousand years old. There are even a few elixir of two thousand or three thousand years.

Almost at the same time, Ning Fan and Chu Chen moved their eyes, patted the storage bag together, and began to frantically collect the elixir.

Qingbu's storage of elixir is extremely staggering, but the two of them don't look at the type or year at all, and they collect the medicine like electricity.

Only a few kinds of extremely rare elixir are extremely important for Chu Chen to break through the Nascent Soul stage. At this time, Chu Chen will speak up and ask Ning Fan for elixir.

"Little friend, this jade and jadeite is extremely important to the old man, can I give it to the old man?"

"Little friend, look at the two thousand years of wood wind grass, can you give it to this old man?"

"That, little friend, this blood magnolia..."

There was no threat in Chu Chen's tone, it was purely a discussion. Ning Fan's Severing Sword gave him a great sense of crisis, but he vaguely felt that Ning Fan still had hidden strength, and once the strength exploded, it would pose a great threat to himself.

Therefore, he was a dignified elder of the purple department, and his tone was extremely polite to a mere junior in the late Rongling period. This will let the people of Zibu see that Chu Chen, who has always had a violent temper, can speak so harmoniously with people, and they will be surprised.

"Okay, you can take it."

As for the types of elixir, Ning Fan didn't have many choices. It should be said that with his cultivation, he couldn't use the four-turn elixir, so he was not in a hurry at all. There is no need to be unhappy with the old man for such a trivial matter.

And in the treasury of Qingbu, Ning Fan once again gathered together a lot of medicinal materials for Huaying Pill. Although there is still one or two flavors missing, there are not so many missing.

After collecting the elixir, there are still several ghost repair magic treasures of extremely good quality in the fourth-floor treasury.

Five top-grade peak magic weapons, two top-grade magic weapons!

The five top-grade magic weapons are gold, blue, red, yellow, and blue flying swords. It seems to be a complete set of flying swords.

As for the other two top-quality magic weapons, one is a small pure golden bell called Dongming Bell, and the other is a blood-colored skeleton. .

Among them, the ghost skeleton is obviously higher in quality and more powerful than Dongming Zhong. As soon as he saw this treasure, Chu Chen showed a rare look that was even more fiery than when he first saw the thousand-year-old elixir.

On the contrary, Ning Fan's eyes swept across the five-color flying sword, slightly surprised, and then landed on the Dongming Bell, as if he could see something, and there was a hint of shock in his eyes.

"I want Dongming Bell!"

"I want to kill the ghost skeleton!"

The words of the two of them sounded almost at the same time. When they found that their goals were not in conflict, Chu Chen laughed, and Ning Fan also relaxed.

"Okay, the little friend will collect the Dongming Bell, and the old man will collect the ghost-suppressing skeleton. As for the five flying swords, the old man asked for it for nothing, and gave it to the little friend."

Chu Chen is not generous. The Ghost Suppressing Skull actually has a lot of background. It is the head refining of some god-turning ghost. If there is such a thing, he may even have a chance in this life to advance to God-turning. Of course, this chance, only Effective against ghosts, but useless against Ning Fan.

Compared with the Dongming Bell, this thing is much more precious. Chu Chen gave Ning Fan the five flying swords, and the two of them could be considered an equal share of the treasure.


Ning Fan would not refuse the kindness of the old man, he burned his sword for a while, easily breaking the defenses of the Five Elements Flying Sword and Dongming Zhong, and took away the two treasures.

On the other hand, the old Chu Chen, after several setbacks, could not break through the defense of Zhenguiku's formation. He smiled helplessly and looked at Ning Fan, embarrassed.

"Little friend, help this old man to cut this formation..."

The dignified elder of the purple department actually pleaded with the younger generation of Rongling, but Chu Chen didn't feel ashamed at all, Ning Fan had the strength to ask him.


Ning Fan slashed away and helped Chu Chen to cut through the light curtain of Zhen Guiku's formation.

Whether it was the Five Elements Flying Sword or the Dongming Bell, with Ning Fan's current mana, he couldn't drive it, but what Ning Fan cared about was not the Dongming Bell itself, but the ancient inscriptions on the small bell.

That kind of inscription, in the memory of the Great Emperor Chaos, seems to be some kind of monster script, but even in Chaos, there are not many words that can be recognized.

Although he didn't know the meaning of the ancient bell inscription, Ning Fan vaguely felt that the value of this inscription was far above the best magic weapon. Even if the inscription was useless, Ning Fan didn't feel that it was a disadvantage. After all, the ghost skeleton was invaluable to ghosts, and it was almost useless to himself.

"Haha, be happy! Little friend's personality, that is, the appetite for the old man, it is better to follow the old man and go to the purple department to sit..." Chu Chen held the blood ghost skull, and looked like he couldn't put it down.

"Thanks to the kindness of the elders, but the younger generation still likes to be alone..."

Ning Fan bowed to Chu Chen, dashed away, and left.

At the same time, the earth outside the treasury was suddenly shaking, and was stepped down by the giant of white bones.

"Anti-God Evil God"

A giant of a hundred feet, furious with rage, he clearly sensed the 'human being' who killed the clone, and hid in the Qingbe, but no matter what, he couldn't find this person. His anger was vented on the ground, and all the houses and bamboo forests were rammed and destroyed by him!

As soon as Ning Fan left the treasury, he immediately felt an extremely tyrannical divine sense swept across his body.

It's just that he kept calm, and immediately used the power of incarnation to cover the yang without revealing his identity.

The goal has been achieved, there is no need to entangle with the Bone Emperor here, the Qingbu is in chaos, it is a good time to fish in troubled waters and leave the Qingbu, I think no one will pay attention to him.

He went straight back to the bamboo building. Among the Qingbu, there were as many ghosts with ulterior motives, and there was no shortage of him.

And in the night sky, the roar of the Bone Emperor clone was always resounding, making the masters of Qingbu tremble with fear, but they did not dare to stop the Bone Emperor from going wild.

"Human, get out of here!"


Outside the bamboo building, Ning Fan thought about it, and decided to say goodbye to the two girls.

But when he returned to the bamboo building, he found that the two daughters had disappeared. Under such a big movement from the Bone Emperor, it is impossible for the two girls to fall asleep.

I am afraid that after the two women wake up, they have already escaped from the Qingbei in the chaos. After all, there is no injury, no slavery, and the second daughter naturally does not need to stay in the Qingbei.

It was just that Ning Fan felt a little disappointed. The two women fled, didn't they wait for their return

"Forget it, it was just a chance encounter..."

He shook his head, collected his thoughts, and quietly left the Aobu. It's just that when the escaping light traveled out of the Qingbu realm and flew over the Qinggui River, it suddenly stopped the escaping light.

But I saw two slender women, one white and one red, standing on the riverbank, waiting for something.

Not Mu Weiliang and Ning Honghong, who else

"Why are you here..." Ning Fan lowered his escape light and smiled slightly.

"Wait for you. I wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape, but here, little sister Weiliang won't leave no matter what she says. She must wait for you. She insisted that when you're done stealing and doing things, you'll definitely be there. Leaving the Aobu. It seems that Sister Weiliang guessed correctly... What, do you want to go together?"

"Also, there are a lot of stolen things, and I need a place to retreat. The two of you, just do it and help me protect the law."

" are so beautiful..." Ning Honghong raised her head, but did not refuse.

As for Mu Weiliang, seeing that Ning Fan was going to walk with him, he smiled shyly, "Okay...Okay...I'll help you protect the Dharma..."

The three escaped lights gradually disappeared in the waning night. But after dawn, the Bone Emperor searched the Qingbu and couldn't find the whereabouts of the 'human being'.

"Hey, the clone can't find you, then let the deity come! As long as you still hold my bones, even if there is no divine sense of the emperor, as long as the deity comes in person, you can use the 'bone search technique' to find out your whereabouts!"

The Bone Emperor, who was furious, left the third area and returned to the seventh area, no one dared to stop him.

After the Bone Emperor left, the Great Elder Qingbu, Qing Lengshan, had time to breathe a sigh of relief.

Just before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he immediately discovered something even worse.

"Impossible! How could the elixir in the treasury be looted, who did it!"

Inside the clan hall, Qing Lengshan was furious and glared at the five masters of golden core below. Including Qu Han, it was the people who attacked the treasury during the chaos.

Qu Han and others have ulterior motives for the treasury, and he has long known this. But he never thought that Qu Han and others had the ability to loot the treasury.

The infant-level formation was definitely not something that Qu Han and others could break through in a short period of time!

"Who did it!"

Qing Lengshan was so angry that he couldn't help but tug at the injury, and the pain made him frown, like an angry lion.

"Elder Zhi, it's Zhou Ming, and Chu Chen."

Qu Han gritted his teeth and confessed the two.

"Chu Chen? Zhou Ming?"

The Great Elder searched hard in his mind, but he had no impression at all. He didn't remember any masters at the peak of Jindan, called Chu Chen or Zhou Ming.

"Elder Zhi, that Zhou Ming is a new medical officer who joined the tribe. He is a human race!"

A master of Jindan who committed the crime, added.

"What! Human race! Could it be said!"

Qing Lengshan's eyes showed a look of shock and anger, and a burst of blood spurted out.

He finally understood why the Bone Emperor was furious, and came to Qingbe to be furious.

Dare to be in love with his Qingbu, he actually brought in the wolf son who offended the Bone Emperor! How could he be so stupid, the human race entered the Qingbu, but was not seen through. If he can take a step ahead and discover that Zhou Ming's hidden identity, not only will he not anger the Bone Emperor, but I'm afraid it will still make a great contribution.

After a great feat, he just passed him by, and the even more harmful Qingbu lost all the elixir in storage? !

"Chu Chen, this person is a ghost. If you change his appearance or change his name, it will be difficult to track him down, no matter who he is! Check it out, check Zhou Ming! This old man only needs Zhou Ming! As long as you find this person, you will not only be able to please the Bone Emperor, but also recover it. Stolen elixir! Pass the order of my Qingbu Great Elder, in the third field, use the 'Zhuxian decree' against 'Zhou Ming'! Dare to attack my Qingbu's idea, the old man will make him pay the price!"

"What! Immortal Execution Order!"

In the family hall, there were several masters of the late stage of Jindan immediately. They seemed to have heard extremely terrifying things, their faces were shocked, and their bodies trembled.

The Immortal Execution Order, a sacred object that Gu Tianting executed and defected to the immortal gods! As long as you refine this decree and imprint a trace of the breath of the person you killed on it, this person will surely die!

Although the Immortal Execution Order that fell into the hands of Qing Lengshan was only a broken thing, but under Nascent Soul, no one could be the power of Immortal Execution! Is it too wasteful to use such a heaven-defying thing just for a mere Zhou Ming! After all, a token can only be used once...

It seems that this time, Qing Lengshan is really aggrieved and really angry! He really had the heart to kill that Zhou Ming!

(Thank you for your continuous support. Ink has only one small wish, that is, this book can be put on the shelves and can share the pressure for the family. As for the update of "Wukong", Ink can only say as much as possible. I love watching "Wukong" very much. ”, I also like to read “Fitness”, and I also like to read “The Devil”, I am just writing my favorite stories and sharing them with book friends who also like these stories. It’s nice to have you)