Grasping Evil

Chapter 72: Broken sword, the sea of fire is rampant! (Second update)


(Thanks to the wonderful life ヤ, the pigs who traveled all over the rivers and lakes, aa112562 for the reward, suddenly found that there are already two disciples, stunned!)

Taking the Jade Emperor Pill, Ning Fan's body blocked the attack of the sword energy!

He opened his mouth, and the starlight sword and shadow slashed randomly, slashing the sword qi to scatter, and swallowed the bursting Zhuxian sword qi into his belly.

The sword qi entered the stomach, the liver and intestines were broken, and the pain pierced the heart, but the strange thing was that when it was superimposed with the bone-breaking pain of the Jade Emperor Pill, Ning Fan could no longer feel any pain.

His feeling was already numb.

Two kinds of equal pain can be offset, Ning Fan accidentally discovered this strange phenomenon. It's just that at this moment, he is not in the mood to think about the reason.

The correct way to take Jade Emperor Pill is actually to relieve pain with pain, which was discovered by Ning Fan by mistake, so let's not mention it at this moment.

Without the pain of the Jade Emperor, without the danger of sword annihilation, Ning Fan felt the sword energy swallowed in his body, and his eyes narrowed.

Zhu Xian Jian Qi, with his realm, couldn't swallow a single bit at all, which made him very disappointed.

But these sword qi have a trace of psychic power mixed with them, and the level of psychic power alone is stronger than the power of the rosary beads before!

He broke through the spiritual sense in the later stage of Jindan, but because of the master of Qingbu, he failed. The remaining hundred rosary beads may not be enough to break through the spiritual thoughts in the later stage.

But if he devours this sword energy, Ning Fan is confident that he will break through the spirit of the late Jindan again!

He could sense that at this moment the great formation was being besieged by the masters of the Qingbei. Once the great formation was broken, he would die, and the two daughters would not be able to escape.

Looking up, looking at the arrogantly laughing Qing Ran outside the light, Ning Fan's eyes flashed coldly, and he said loudly to the two women.

"Half an hour! Help me delay."

The Sword Qi of Zhuxian cannot be swallowed, but the mind power can be swallowed. He ruthlessly separated the thought power from the sword qi and threw it into the sea of consciousness, and merged with the spiritual thought.

A mutation, within the sea of knowledge, slowly progresses. The power of divine sense gradually increased, and once again moved towards the bottleneck of the later stage of Jindan, attacking!


Outside of the light, the attack of the master Aobu became more and more violent. Even the second elder Qing was rampant, and he gave up his physical body to break the formation, but waved his palms and took out a small mountain magic weapon surrounded by black energy.

Top-grade magic weapon, Jiling Mountain! The prestige of a town has the power of ten thousand Jun, even if it is a peak master of Jindan, it is not easy to take over.

Reading at zero

"Ji Lingshan, smash it for Lao Tzu!"

Qing Hengxing sneered endlessly, blowing the breath of Jindan, the hill suddenly turned into a giant peak of thousands of feet, and slammed down on the formation of light.

Every time it hits, it will make a crack in the array of light, consuming thousands of immortal jade in the array.

He licked his tongue. From his point of view, this great formation would lose all its power if it didn't take half a stick of incense.

"The third one, as long as you break through this formation, you will bring the elixir back and return to the first elder. I want to be here and have a good time with those two little girls."

He looked at Mu Weiliang and Ning Honghong with lustful and evil light in his eyes, as if the two daughters were already in his pocket.

"If you can get rid of your lustful problems, your mood will definitely improve a lot. Maybe you have already broken through the Nascent Soul period."

The third elder Qing Wuwei, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, which was deeply hidden. At the same time, he was changing spells in his hand, and countless eerie fireballs were smashed onto the great formation by his raised hand.

In his view, breaking the big formation is only a matter of time.

In the array of light, Mu Weiliang's heart was confused, while Ning Honghong clenched her silver teeth and hurriedly added immortal jade to her eyes.

Ning Fan gave the two of them 400,000 Immortal Jade. In just a short while, it cost as much as 40,000 to 50,000 yuan.

At this speed, I am afraid that it will be difficult to last for half an hour, and the formation will be broken.

"Sister Weiliang, you can add fairy jade, I have to enter the formation with divine sense, so that the defense of the big formation can be opened to the limit."

After Ning Honghong finished speaking, she immediately sat down with her knees crossed, and her spiritual sense did not enter the formation. As for Mu Weiliang, Hua Rong was startled, surprised by Ning Honghong's bold behavior, she gritted her teeth, but did not stop her.

The formation is defended by the power of mountains and rivers, and if the cultivator enters the formation and controls the formation, the terrain borrowed from the formation can be reasonably arranged to exert its maximum power.

But this is an extremely risky behavior, because once the big formation is broken, the spiritual sense will not be able to pull away from the big formation, and will suffer extremely serious damage.

It's just that Ning Honghong can't take risks anymore, she just wants to delay Ning Fan for half an hour.

"Perhaps, after half an hour, he will be able to break through the siege of the Qingbu masters..." Ning Honghong comforted herself, but even she couldn't believe that Ning Fan would have any means to break the Qingbu's siege... siege.

As soon as her spiritual sense entered the formation, her pretty face turned pale immediately. It was extremely reluctant to control the infant-level formation with her spiritual sense in the middle stage of Jindan.

Gradually, she felt a sense of connection with the whole bamboo sea, constantly mobilizing the terrain and strengthening the array of light defenses.

Outside of the formation, the master of the Qing Department clearly felt that the power of the formation was increasing. As for the green rampant, he even frowned. He found that his Jiling Mountain could no longer break through a single crack in the formation.

"Someone uses spiritual sense to control the formation? Hmph, is that her, she really doesn't know how to live or die."

Green's rampant gaze landed on the red-clothed woman who was cross-legged in the array of light, her eyes turned cold, her right hand made a move, she retracted Jiling Mountain, but took out an old purple-black talisman.

This talisman, faintly flickering with streamers, is obviously extremely extraordinary. The eyes of the masters fell on the talisman, and they were all shocked.

"It's actually a ghost talisman! A talisman that contains the power of a single blow from a master of Nascent Soul!"

Everyone's eyes, looking at Qing rampant, are all with jealousy and fear. Unexpectedly, Qing Heng was willing to use such a rare talisman in order to break the great formation!

To everyone's eyes, Qing Hengxing was obviously very useful, he laughed, twisted the talisman between his fingers, and input the vast mana.

Green rampages a pinch, the talisman ignited a black fire, and the ashes vanished, and the talisman turned into a huge purple skeleton, with a gloomy wind, biting on the light, and tearing it fiercely. Open a gap of ten feet.

At the same time, a woman's scream came from the array, the array of light was torn apart, and Ning Honghong's spiritual sense was also torn apart.

Her red lips, which were like fresh blood, were pale at the moment, but she didn't care about the injury of the sea of knowledge, so she hurriedly made a tactic, and used the power of divine sense to move the terrain to replenish the formation.

It's just that the array of light can make up for it, but her spiritual sense will eventually be hurt.

Seeing this, Qing Rampage was slightly surprised. Surprisingly, it was the female ghost in red below. Although her spiritual sense was torn apart, she was still able to hold back the severe pain. You must know that pain, even many men can't bear it, this girl must be a hero in women's school.

However, the thought of being able to hold a proud and conceited woman on her body, wantonly destroying her, and her heart running rampant, made her evil thoughts even more prosperous. He showed his white fangs, smiled coldly, and continuously urged the talisman ghost to attack the formation.

"I want to see, how many times can you hold on to your little girl's skin! Tear it up for me!"

He arrogantly manipulated the skeletons of the ghosts, tearing apart the formation, not just the big formation, but the power of Ning Honghong's spiritual sense again and again.

"Sister Honghong!" Mu Weiliang saw that Ning Honghong was seriously injured again and again, but he still insisted, and his heart was as uncomfortable as a knife. She wanted to bear the pain in place of Ning Honghong, but was pushed away by Ning Honghong.

"Silly sister... just hold on for a while..."

Her skin was pale and bloodless, even whiter than Mu Weiliang's unhealthy complexion.

She was so angry, but she turned her head slightly and saw that Ning Fan was unscathed, but her heart was inexplicably relieved.

"Just hold on a little longer..."

Her smile was too reluctant, and Qing was rampant outside the light, seeing Ning Honghong so stubborn and stoic, she finally lost her patience.

"Ghost skeleton, blast me!"

Green rampant indifferently slapped the tactic, the skeleton turned into by the fire of the talisman, exploded in an instant, and the purple flames soared!

In an instant, the purple fire spread out like splashing ink, submerging a hundred miles of bamboo sea. The sea of fire transpired, and the burst of light was almost instantaneous. All of them were burned and reborn. The immortal jade was quickly consumed, and Ning Honghong's spiritual sense was like a burning pain, and the seven orifices bleed and fell to the ground.

The moment Ning Honghong fell to the ground, the power of the formation was greatly reduced, and within a hundred miles, all were submerged by the sea of purple fire, and the bamboo forest no longer existed!

Without bamboo, there would be no such formation! Great array, broken!

At the moment when the great formation was broken, Zi Huo was guided by Qing Rampage, and his head drowned Ning Fan, who was resisting the sword energy!

"Kill one first!" Above the sky, Qing rampant laughter came out. In his opinion, Ning Fan can survive for so long under the aura of the Immortal Execution Sword. The purple fire attack will definitely kill you!

Mu Weiliang held Ning Honghong in his arms, looking at Ning Honghong's haggard appearance, tears fell.

And Ning Honghong bit her lip, blood dripped from the corner of her mouth, and tears swayed in the circles of her eyes.

She still didn't help Ning Fan, and the delay was enough for half an hour.

"Sister Wei Liang, run away..."

She showed a desperate smile, facing dozens of Qingbu Jindan masters, today, there is no way to survive.

"I do not go!"

Mu Weiliang looked at the masters of Qing Bu who were descending one after another, and faced Qing rampage who approached with a lewd smile. She was terrified. Ning Fan was drowned in the sea of flames, and her life and death were unknown, while Ning Honghong, who had been getting along day and night, was facing death. heart, but tried to suppress the fear.

She stood up, standing pretty in the sea of fire, looking coldly at the master Aobu who was getting closer.

"Let them go, I'll go with you..."

She said lightly to Na Qing Rampage, but she had already decided in her heart that once Ning Fan and Ning Honghong escaped, she would cut off her heart and die, and would never be insulted by this person.

However, her mind seemed to be seen through by Qing Hengxing at a glance.

"Hey, in the hands of Lao Tzu, you are not qualified to negotiate conditions!"

Qing Hengxing was extremely satisfied. Although he lost a life-saving talisman, it seemed that he could not only complete the mission of the Great Elder, but also capture two stunning women, which was a profit.

His cultivation base in the late stage of Jindan was released arrogantly, and with just one impact, Mu Weiliang was slammed to the ground. And he approached Mu Weiliang step by step, hehe smiled, and touched his chest with his palm.

"don't want!"

Mu Weiliang showed a look of despair, and at this moment, the purple sea of fire within a hundred miles suddenly shook violently.

And the four sword shadows hanging in the sky were all smashed!

An extremely cold voice came from the sea of fire, and under this voice, the swords around the waists of several Qingbe masters seemed to be afraid, and they made a soft trembling sound.

Dead things with swords are afraid, what are they afraid of!

Qing Hengxing took his palms and retreated without hesitation. In the distance, where he had just stood, a star-light sword shadow, with the magic power that was enough to burn out the golden elixir ghosts, slashed past!

so close! As long as he stepped back half a minute, at this moment, he just wanted to touch Mu Weiliang's palm, and he would have been chopped off!

"Who dares to attack Lao Tzu!"

He was both startled and angry, and what was startled was the power of the Soul Burning Sword, which was an indefensible dream for ghosts. The anger is because it is obviously the Qingbu who is handling the housework here, how can there be an ignorant master who wants to intervene

He didn't realize at all that the person who shot was Ning Fan, because in his impression, Ning Fan had been submerged by the purple fire and was already dead.

However, in the purple sea of fire, a young man in white clothes like a god and a black cloak hunting, black hair like a demon, and a thrilling sword light glowing in his pupils.

He was obviously just a teenager, but his face was cold and his eyes were ruthless, as if he was a piece of mysterious ice that would never melt, standing between heaven and earth.

"Zhou Ming, it's you, how is it possible, you should have been beheaded by Zhu Xianling, and you should have died in the sea of fire..."

Qing Rampage took a few steps backwards, his heart and soul trembled. At this moment, this young man only revealed his late Rongling cultivation base, but Qing Rampage felt an unstoppable pressure in the eyes of the boy, as if he was facing the Heavenly Emperor, like a sea of anger. The turbulent waves made Qing rampage feel anxious.

That gaze was not the murderous aura of the Immortal Emperor, but a sharpness that slaughtered everything, like a sword beam that slashed all the gods and demons!

The waves of fluctuations from the soul caused the sea of consciousness of the people present to set off big waves, and even showed signs of fragmentation.

Not only was the youth rampant, but there were dozens of youth masters present, but none of them dared to look directly into the eyes of the young man!

"He's Zhou Ming! Impossible! I've seen Zhou Ming before. On the day he joined the department, it was extremely laborious to kill Huang Xie in the medical center!" A man with a wretched face was horrified. Just because he knew that Zhou Ming was weak, he volunteered and asked the elders for his orders to join the task of beheading Zhou Ming.

But before his words fell, his body was cut into two out of thin air, without any warning! The dignified master of Jindan in the early stage was so inexplicably beheaded!

And the same situation happened in an instant. The 21 masters in the early stage of Jindan were either cut to the waist and died, or they were chopped into flesh by the invisible sword light!

Only the 14 middle-stage Jindan and two late-stage masters including Qing Hengxing did not die in a strange way, but one by one was already terrified and looked at the young man in fear.

Undoubtedly, it must be that young man who killed so many Jindan masters by strange means!

"what have you done!"

Qing Hengxing almost shouted out to hide the panic in his heart.

As for the young man, it was naturally impossible to give him an answer, and with an indifferent speech, the spiritual sense of the later stage of Jindan swept out.

"If there is no master of the half-step Nascent Soul among you, then today, you can die!"