Grasping Evil

Chapter 94: Wang Yao? Bone King! (third more)


(Occasionally a little warmth... Depressed! Yesterday's third update was not sent out! The automatic release is stupid... My update ticket! Hey... This is yesterday's third update... )

In the dark of night, Ning Fan pushed open the door and left the Shuangxiu Temple, not knowing that the sword thoughts he planted on the storage bag had shocked countless cultivators.

He walked through the valley, and Lanmei lived in the women's hall, which seemed to be the place where all the female disciples lived except the Shuangxiu Hall.

If you want to go to the women's hall, you must first pass through the deacon's hall. On the road at night, there were occasional deacon disciples who were patrolling. When they met Ning Fan, they all bowed in awe.

"I have seen Elder Ning!"

"Well, no gift."

Ning Fan has long been accustomed to being an elder, and treats everyone with awe and indifference. This is the realm of comprehension, and strength determines treatment.

The leaves are sparse, and the moonlight is shrouded in dark clouds.

Ning Fan passed the Deacon Hall and passed through the bamboo forest at the back of the hall, but after going deep into the forest, he suddenly stopped his steps, his eyes narrowed, and without hesitation, he spat out a starlight sword shadow.

"Who is here!"

His face turned solemn, as if he was facing a great enemy, and in his eyes, there was a look of extreme vigilance that can only be found in the dangerous area of the ghost forest!

Ning Fan felt that there was a person hiding in the bamboo forest in front of him, and he could give him a great threat!

But inside the sparse forest, a gray-clothed young man with an ordinary appearance, walked out of the bamboo forest, and saw Ning Fan, who was also a little weird. It seemed that he did not expect that he would meet Ning Fan on the way back to the deacon's hall.

"It's him!"

The two of them said softly at the same time.

Ning Fan had some impressions of this gray-clothed boy. This boy was the disciple who was second only to his own in the Demon Forest Trial, Wang Yao!

It is not surprising that Wang Yao, who was promoted to the deacon's disciple with a spiritual cultivation base, appeared outside the deacon's hall. It seemed that he was overthinking it.

However, the blood energy on Wang Yao's body is so heavy!

Ning Fan's eyes narrowed, and he was secretly startled. Wang Yao had an invisible killing intent and blood in his body.

It was this deterrence that made Ning Fan feel extremely dangerous when he didn't see Wang Yao.

"This person is not Rongling!"

Almost immediately, Ning Fan made sure that Wang Yao's cultivation was far above Rongling.

Early Jindan!

Ning Fan's face was calm, but he was secretly surprised, this Wang Yao is actually a master of gold elixir, is he hiding it!

Moreover, there is a trace of bloody aura that is so strong that it cannot be dissolved, and the mana seems to be extremely depleted. Could it be that where did he go to kill someone

Murder must be outside the Ghost Sparrow Sect. Could this Wang Yao sneak out of the Ghost Sparrow Sect? How did he do it? You must know that there is a large formation in the Ghost Sparrow Sect. When you leave the sect, someone must be aware of it...

And what made Ning Fan more concerned was that when Wang Yao didn't show up, he felt extremely dangerous to him! The danger made him terrified and shivered for a moment. That sense of threat was definitely not something that a master at the early stage of Jindan could bring to Ning Fan!

"This Wang Yao's strength is not limited to the initial stage of Jindan... and his purpose of coming to the Ghost Sparrow Sect should not be simple. Should I investigate, his details..."

Ning Fan was a little hesitant. Based on all kinds of clues, he deduced that the Wang Yao in front of him should not be underestimated, and he may even be stronger than himself...

Inquiring into the details of this person is undoubtedly causing trouble, and may even cost his life. If it was the previous Ning Fan, he would definitely not meddle in his own business, and he would definitely be indifferent to the life and death of the Ghost Sparrow Sect.

But now, the relationship between himself and Lanmei is becoming more and more unclear... Once he gets married with Lanmei, the Ghost Sparrow Sect will be his other home. Seeing that the Ghost Bird Sect has hidden dangers, it seems inappropriate...

Ning Fan's heart froze, as if he had made up his mind, his eyes swept over Wang Yao, but he couldn't see his anger.

And Wang Yao was stared at by Ning Fan, and immediately showed a look of sincerity and fear, and flinched,

"Deacon disciple Wang Yao, I have seen Elder Ning... Does the elder need the help of the disciple?"

"No need, go back and rest."

"Yes." Wang Yao bowed respectfully and left immediately.

And Ning Fan took a deep look at Wang Yao and left.

It's just that after Ning Fan walked out of the bamboo forest, Wang Yao's eyes turned, his fear disappeared, and a sneer appeared.

"It's very dangerous, I never thought that after the massacre, when the mana was exhausted, I would meet this Ning Fan... The so-called 'people who walk in the night have no goodness', this son, most of them are doing shameful deeds... He knows that the true identity of this emperor may be in danger... But unfortunately, unless the day he dies, he will never know that I am the Bone King! Soon, this emperor will soon restore the golden core The mid-term cultivation base is only a few months away from the Nascent Soul Stage! Once this Emperor returns to the Nascent Soul Stage, not only will Ning Fan lose his life, but also the entire Yue Kingdom and the entire Rain World will be brought down!"

In Wang Yao's sneer, with a trace of domineering arrogance, his ambition is not small!

A rare trace of true soul has left the ghost forest. How to say, it is interesting to have to level several human kingdoms.

He took his look away, left the bamboo forest, and walked towards the Deacon Hall, walking like an ordinary disciple.

But after walking a few hundred meters, he noticed that Ning Fan had gone far, Wang Yao suddenly turned into a phantom light, ignoring the defense of the Deacon Hall, and flew into the Deacon Hall in one fell swoop. No cards are used!

This method is exactly the same as Xiao Sable, and it can ignore the defense of the spirit-level formation!

"It's him!"

After Wang Yao left, Ning Fan's figure appeared out of thin air, with a look of shock in his eyes.

Previously, Ning Fan pretended to leave, but it was just a pretense. After walking away, he immediately used the pseudonym to hide his figure, return, and follow Wang Yao. Consuming a piece of God Refining Leaf, Ning Fan's chanting pseudo-art, is still a little weak, but the effect is more subtle than the Jin Xuan Spiritual Clothing. At least, Wang Yao did not notice that Ning Fan had gone and returned.

After all, Ning Fan couldn't bear to turn a blind eye to the safety of the ghost bird, and decided to find out the details of Wang Yao.

Unexpectedly, before this investigation began, an astonishing fact was discovered.

That Wang Yao actually had the same supernatural power as Xiao Diao Meichen, ignoring the spirit-level formation.

And at the moment when he used this magical power, the real aura radiated a little, so that Ning Fan could recognize it when he turned into ashes.

Bone King!

"Unexpectedly, the Bone Emperor is hidden under my eyelids... No wonder this Wang Yao, whose previous grades were mediocre, suddenly emerged on the last day... Is it because he was possessed by the Bone Emperor's true soul... But I don't know. , If I cut off the Bone Emperor's clone, what a heavy blow to his body!"

In Ning Fan's eyes, a cold light flickered, he remembered the day when he was attacked by the Bone Emperor.

If he hadn't been careful, he would have died under the claws of the Bone Emperor that day.

But this time, the Bone Emperor didn't seem to notice, he discovered his true identity.

It seems that it is my turn to attack the Bone Emperor!

In Ning Fan's heart, a bold thought arises. It is better to take advantage of the next time Wang Yao leaves the Ghost Sparrow Sect, and secretly follow him out. Behead!

At this moment, Wang Yao has devoured countless blood and food. Although his mana has been lost in his eyes, he has recovered a few percent. It is not easy to kill him... At least Ning Fan, he is not 100% sure.

Murder the Bone Emperor, a must, careful plan! Be sure to kill in one hit!

Today is not the best time. In the future, there are opportunities!

"Thanks to my concern for the Ghost Sparrow Sect, I discovered this big secret... Well, I'll go to Lanmei and repay the kindness of the Ghost Sparrow Sect... At this time, she won't sleep... . "

Ning Fan accepted his expression and quickly left the Deacon Hall.


The Palace of Nursing is located in the Mingque Valley, the most peaceful sub-valley.

Here, the mountains are bright and the water is beautiful, and there is a cool water pool called Mingyuetan between the mountains and rocks. On weekdays, there are countless women playing in the water here, but this night is already deep, there is only one woman, the blue shirt is thin, sitting on the bluestone, facing the moonlight, sighing slightly.

This woman was dressed in a blue shirt, her blue silk was pulled up high, and there was a hint of arrogance between her brows... and her cheeks were slightly pale, with a hint of resentment on her face.

"He won't come... He's a liar... Tonight, he doesn't know if he is refining alchemy in the alchemy hall, or the little goblin in the egret, hanging out! Damn it! I'm not as good as the egret... where... "

Lanmei's voice gradually became lower and turned into a miserable smile.

"Yes, I am indeed inferior to the egret, she is a sound woman, I am not... "

Lanmei's plain hand stretched out to her genitals, but it wasn't self-reading, she was just touching the impassable privacy...

Without experience, it is impossible to understand the pain.

And people are more contradictory. I want to be understood, and I want to keep it a secret.

"I'm not as good as her... But, at least you should come to see me... But I know you won't come... "

She sighed lightly, but the sigh was only halfway through when it was interrupted by a light laugh.

"Miss Lanmei, you are blaspheming yourself under the moon, Ning Mou can see it, Sansheng is lucky!"

A teasing, extremely indecent, but it was the voice that Lanmei had been looking forward to for a long time.

Her bright eyes were filled with a hint of embarrassment, and in the embarrassment, there was also a hint of joy. Just thinking of the act of stroking her lower body just now, was actually seen by Ning Fan and made fun of it as 'self-blame', her pretty face suddenly turned red to the bottom of her ears.

"Bu... bullshit, I've never... never blasphemed... Only slutty women will blaspheme..."

"You really haven't insulted yourself? It's really pitiful, can I help you?" Ning Fan smiled playfully. For some reason, he always felt that it was very interesting to tease and tease the serious Lanmei, even if it was just verbal teasing.

"Whoever asks for your help, I myself will... no, I mean, I never profane..."

Lan Meibei bit her lip, secretly annoyed, she was actually surrounded by Ning Fan, and went in

Damn, this Ning Fan, why does he always like to talk about these shameful topics in front of women...

And speaking of it, this Mingyue Lake is where all the women bathe and play in the water. Women play in the water, naturally without clothes. The female hall is the forbidden area of the Ghost Bird Sect, and all men are forbidden to enter. And Mingyuetan is a forbidden place in the forbidden land!

good romance novel

This Ning Fan is so bold, how dare he come here...

And thinking that he was touching his lower body just now, and being stared at by Ning Fan, Lanmei's pretty face became more and more red.

Feeling the shyness of Lanmei, Ning Fan stopped teasing and shifted the topic to Fengyue.

"What a Mingyuetan... 'A half-dock of white clouds can't be ploughed, and a pool of bright moons can't be fished without a trace'. If I can be buried in this Mingyuetan after I die, it won't be in vain..."

The verses that Ning Fan recited casually were beautiful and refined, open-minded in life, and extraordinary in bearing, which surprised Lanmei secretly.

Surprisingly, it was Ning Fan, who had always been rude, but he was an open-hearted person... But how can a cultivator who cultivates and nourishes be an elegant person... If Ning Fan didn't practice the double-cultivation magic art, it would be fine. ..

It's just that Ning Fan hadn't been serious for a moment, so he smiled at Lanmei,

"You said, if I am buried in this pool of water after I die, will you come here to take a bath? Accompany my body to relieve the boredom?"

"Bah! You are so beautiful! Do you want to take advantage of me when you die! Never think about it!"

Lanmei looked ashamed and annoyed here. It really was Ning Fan, as expected of Ning Fan. It's not comfortable to talk about men and women in three sentences, isn't it

But when he thought of Ning Fan's question, Lanmei rarely showed a serious look.

"If you die and are buried in Mingyue Lake, I will, as you... die in this lake..."

As soon as these words came out, Ning Fan's heart trembled, there was no trace of teasing in his eyes, it turned into a slight sigh.

These words are so heartfelt...

Blue Eyebrow, seems to like herself...

"I'm not going to die...I haven't lived enough."

Under the moonlight, Ning Fan's icy light flashed, and he flew from the lake to Lanmei, revealing a smile of spring breeze on his face.

I won't die, but it makes Lanmei feel at ease.

Not a gorgeous oath, just a juvenile, a word of comfort.

You have to remember that the red sandalwood has not been destroyed, and I have not gone. If the sky does not cover, I will not die.

You have to remember that under the dark clouds, white clothes and black snow, beside Mingyue Lake, smiling like fleeting years.

The scene quieted down, and what broke the warmth was Ning Fan's teasing again.

"I'll help you with a knife, don't worry, it won't hurt, and it will be very comfortable!"

"You... what did you say... don't you, here!"

Lanmei seemed to have heard something terrible, but for the first time in her heart, she was looking forward to it.

Don't be a stone girl, but be your bride! Will there be such a day!