Great At Acting, Now I’m Reborn

Chapter 105: Come out publicly


Zhou Yuhe was afraid of something called the unknown.

In his last life, even when he died, his sexuality was well hidden. Although there were a lot of rumors in the circle, no one dared to cross the level of Ji Chen.

So he had no way of predicting what kind of storm this would be.

Unlike the overwhelming reports expected, only one media exposed the news of Zhou Yuhe coming out of the closet.

But this one is the most authoritative paparazzi media on the entire network—Huoyu.

According to the previous style of Huoyu, a notice letter will be issued a week in advance, calling "Zhou Xie", and some looming clues will be attached to attract attention.

But this time, Huo Yu kept his head down, and suddenly released the news on Monday morning.

Even the copywriting is very simple - "Xie Yifeng, Zhou Yu and Stone Hammer for coming out of the closet!"

Huoyu used to write very exaggerated whether it was a preview or a copy, the purpose was to attract heat.

And this time "naked explosion", there is no other reason, because just the three words "Xie Yifeng", "Zhou Yuhe" and "coming out" are enough to set off a huge wave!

In the face of such explosive news, any modification is superfluous!

Almost instantly, the reading volume of this Weibo increased exponentially at a speed visible to the naked eye!

five minutes!

In five minutes, the entire Weibo hot search exploded! !

Who is Xie Yifeng

Who is Zhou Yuhe

The two of them... come out? !


At the moment of seeing this Weibo, countless people were so surprised that they were speechless, countless people felt that the sky was about to fall, and there were even more people who captured the Weibo of the two of them like crazy!

After any phenomenal event explodes, the first to react is the fans.

"It must be an outsider's rumor, as long as Brother Xie doesn't admit it, we will never believe it!"

"Zhou Zhou, come out and respond! The photo was taken out of context, right? Don't make trouble with you and July, aren't you?"

"All fans of Brother Xie please stay calm and wait for Brother Xie to respond in person. Before that, fans should not respond to any passers-by's posts! Please spread! [Prayer]"

Fans can't accept it at all, because there was no sign at all before, and although the two did not explicitly say in public that they liked women, these two... Obviously they are not gay at all! !

Even the CP fans who have always been cute crab porridge were stunned by this news at this time.

It's one thing to be a cute cp, but it's another thing completely if your cute male cp becomes a real cp!

You must know that most of the cp fans still have attributes. Once the vital interests of the life are involved, the first to get rid of the fans and step on is the cp fans!

For a while, the dining circle became a mess. Even Zhou Yu and the support club Guan Bo, who prided themselves on being rational, were paralyzed. The usually orderly and quick-response Guan Bojun was completely lost in the face of groups of crazy fans, and he could only pin his hopes on Zhou Yuhe. And Xie Yifeng himself can explain it as soon as possible.

Fortunately they didn't wait too long.

Ji Chen vaccinated Zhou Yuhe, so they knew very well what they were going to face next, so they prepared a statement early, and Xie Yifeng wrote a very sincere sentence when he forwarded the statement: "I talk to you. The origin of his story is very early, it arrived early to you, and even he himself did not know. For the consideration of both parties, I am very sorry for not confessing our relationship for a long time, but I do not regret it, because Zhou Yuhe is really A very good person, he is so beautiful that every moment I get along with him is a joy from the bottom of my heart. I say these words today in the hope that you can understand my determination, Zhou Yuhe is my bottom line, any No one can go beyond me to hurt him. I don't need fans like that, using love as a shield, throwing aside all judgments about right and wrong, belittling or attacking others, indiscriminately."

I don't need fans like this.

This sentence was so deafening that many fans who were about to scold Zhou Yuhe suddenly stopped.

Xie Yifeng's words are very skillful. Logically speaking, if you live frugally to help idols make lists, brush data for idols, and chase stars with all your might, in the end, your destiny is to stand against you for your boyfriend, and you say, "I don't need you like this. "Fans", it must be very hurtful.

But it just so happens that Xie Yifeng is not an idol. He does not sell boyfriend characters, but sells fantasies for a living. He is a powerful actor who has been out for more than ten years, swept the Grand Slams, and got the trophy. The best actor, so his fans themselves are different from many fans of Xiao Xianrou. Even if the group of girlfriend fans is missing, there are still many people who are willing to pay for his talent.

What's more, what he said was "indiscriminate, using love as a shield, throwing all judgments about right and wrong, belittling or attacking others, I don't need such fans", and added a qualification before "don't need such fans" The conditions do not necessarily refer to Zhou Yuhe, but they have their own attitudes and principles, which can be convincing. The angry fans instantly felt "wake up".

Looking at Brother Xie's unreserved maintenance and cherishing of Zhou Yuhe's words, more people hesitated.

Brother Xie has said so, so wait, if Zhou Yuhe's fans come to tear them apart, then they can't say anything to fight back against Brother Xie!

With such a mentality, many people followed Zhou Yuhe's Weibo to watch the fun. Unexpectedly, the inside of the porridge was torn so badly that they didn't have the energy to run under Xie Yifeng to make trouble.

The reason is that Zhou Yuhe wrote the following words when he transferred the statement:

"I'm not gay, I just like Xie Yifeng. If you can't accept this statement, then I'm here to sincerely say sorry to everyone. I still like Xie Yifeng even when I know what I'm going to lose. "

Zhou Yuhe has a much more humble attitude than Xie Yifeng, because he is a niche student.

No matter how strong his own business ability is, in the eyes of the public, he is a top traffic niche.

Such stereotypes have also determined the composition of his fans since his debut.

It was also decided that he would be torn apart by fans after such a voice.

"You really admit it? Don't, why don't you be careful, why don't you hide it, do you know how tired I am when I scan data for you in order not to eat or drink? I feel my youth now. They were all eaten by dogs [cry]"

"The sky is falling, I have a drawer of your posters, and now I want to burn them all. I can't bear to step on you, but I really don't dare to love anymore..."

"When you liked him, did you think about liking your fans? Have you considered that many girls treat you as a boyfriend? Now you tell us that you have a boyfriend yourself, and you still suffer?! Yuhe【Goodbye】"

"Many passers-by are watching the fun, and they can't understand why fans can't stand it. Let me tell you, what makes your idol like a man, that is, you save money and go to the idol's meeting, act like a spoiled child and pretend to be cute with him, imagining that he is When your boyfriend is sitting next to him and looking at you, what does that feel like? We don't discriminate against homosexuality, but we can't accept Zhou Yuhe's open relationship at this time, and he is in a fucking relationship with the same sex. An idol doesn't take his own future seriously. Who will take him seriously? Xie Yifeng can talk about it without any problem. He is a powerful actor. He has been out for more than ten years, and his godhead is stable. What the hell are you? Level, you've only debuted a few years ago, don't you have anything in your heart? Without the love of fans for you, how far can you go on this road?"

The logic of stepping back is quite strong, and it seems to give everyone an outlet to vent their anger and watch the fun.

Whether it's Xie Yifeng fans, Zhou Yuhe fans, or cp fans with crab porridge attributes, everyone began to accuse Zhou Yuhe of not taking on the responsibilities that an idol should have. How can something so cheap

For a time, it seemed that scolding him as an idol became "justice for the vast majority of people".

And one has two.

Once the diss Zhou Yuhe situation was opened, many unwarranted black materials also appeared, saying that Zhou Yuhe was playing a big name on the set; not only robbed the protagonist of Fan Junxi, but even the protagonist of "Martial Arts" ... many, many The unfounded things, the entertainment big Vs described as if they had seen it with their own eyes, made Zhou Yuhe's reputation fall to the bottom.

But these things are not a fatal black spot, the real killer is Cao Qiyue—

You must know that he had a love affair with Cao Qiyue before.

Overnight, people who denounced Zhou Yuhe for Cao Qiyue appeared like bamboo shoots after the rain. "Sympathy for Cao Qiyue" and "Zhou Yuhe using Cao Qiyue" also exploded in the hot search after coming out of the closet. on the list.

Cao Qiyue immediately said: "No love, no use, no involvement, iron buddies, do not accept any 'sympathy'."

Fortunately, both of them died at that time and did not admit it. In addition, Cao Qiyue was only rumored to be gay by the media at that time, so after making it clear now, it did not have any effect on Cao Qiyue, even if someone came to tear them apart. The hype was also returned by Cao Qiyue's fans.

"I didn't say a word about being together from beginning to end, and the interaction between Ah Qi and Zhou Zhou became more and more like brothers. It was the media who said they were together. If they didn't clarify, they said they wanted to protect their relationship. Now Ah Qi has stood up and clarified again. Speaking of hype, you have it all, do you have to be 'sympathized'?"

The black powder suddenly disappeared.