Great At Acting, Now I’m Reborn

Chapter 107: Like Zhou Yuhe


The story of "Bo Ying" can be traced back to the Bai Ying case 20 years ago. In the early morning of March 21, 1998, Jiang Si, the wife of the protagonist Cheng Ying, had a dispute with Cheng Ying, killed her, and then put Cheng Ying in her sleep. Five members of the family, including her son, were killed and dismembered to vent their anger. This was a world-famous and appalling and shocking case at the time. It was also because of this case that the huge number of people who had been cowering in the shadows— The same-wife group was exposed to the sun in an unexpected way.

Jiang Si's method of committing the crime is extremely cruel, and the victims are family members who have been with each other for nearly ten years, including her own son who has just started elementary school. When the case came out, the whole world was outraged, and they accused Jiang Si of being inferior to livestock. Tiger Poison still doesn't eat children, and she is simply mad!

At that time, the Internet was not yet developed, and people who had learned about the case through newspapers began to speculate on this woman named Jiang Si with the worst malicious intent.

She must be the butcher's daughter, that's why she doesn't take human life seriously.

Her son is not his own, otherwise how could he be cruel

The Cheng family must have treated her very badly, and they drove her crazy by beating and scolding her every day!

She has never read a book, she is very arrogant and domineering on weekdays, her father is an official, she...

However, with the in-depth understanding of the case, an unacceptable reality is placed in front of the world: Jiang Si is the only daughter of the vice president of the city hospital. Well, treat her like her own daughter. The mother-in-law of the Cheng family will always praise her daughter-in-law every time she goes outside. The Cheng family itself is a scholarly family. As the secretary of the county party committee, she has a promising future, and Cheng Yi also has a job as a civil servant with an iron rice bowl in an organ...

If there was a concept of "winner in life" at that time, then it must be Jiang Si.

But why

Why! Why does Jiang Si have to do such cruel things even though he has such a happy family? !

People all over the country waited with bated breath for the Jiang Si case to be heard... Yes, it was still called the Jiang Si case at the time, but when it was reported in the newspapers on the first day of the trial, people called this very representative case: the Baiya case.

The two other protagonists of the case are involved: Cai Baiwen and Cheng Ying.

They are gay.

And Jiang Si has been the same wife for nearly ten years.

The Bai Piao case, hidden behind the cruelty, is the tragedy brought about by the times and culture, so deep and dark.

After Jiang Si's case broke out, the same wives all over the country seemed to be suddenly stimulated and twisted into a rope. exposed in front of people's eyes.

Either in shock or in disbelief.

What befalls more people is fear.

Whether it is the same wives, same-wife families, or those gays and their families, they are all terrified of the fate of the Cheng family and Jiang Si. They all realize that bringing innocent girls into the marital swamp is not a redemption or a cover-up. But the abyss.

The following year, under the excitement of the crowd, the state had to introduce laws related to same-sex marriage and publicly recognize same-sex marriage.

However, with the passage of time, the laws and regulations on same-sex marriage have been changed again and again, becoming more and more strict, and the relevant information on the Baiya case has also been deliberately suppressed. It is inevitable to suspect that the law was only a stopgap measure.

But that's all off-topic, and now they are faced with the problem of script shooting.

The day after the four-person meeting, they found Meng Chuan, the original director of "Bo Ying" in their previous life.

In the last life, Meng Chuan spent his entire life working on commercial films. The only literary film he ever made was "Bo Ying", and "Bo Ying" lived up to his expectations and brought him the highest artistic attainments in his career.

In this life, apart from "Bo Ying", he has already made a "Cat and An Xue".

""Bo Ying"? You can even get this kind of book?" As soon as Xie Yifeng and Zhou Yuhe asked him to shoot "Bo Ying", Meng Chuan's eyes lit up, obviously he had heard "Bo Ying" before. The name of "Bo Ying", but the next moment, it quickly dimmed.

"But "Bo Ying" is not as popular as it was when it first came out. I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse when I buy it now..." Meng Chuan sighed.

Xie Yifeng and Zhou Yuhe were not surprised by Meng Chuan's attitude.

Because they had long expected him to have this attitude.

In fact, with the Bai Ying case as the basis, as long as "Thin Sakura" is not out of line, the effect of the shooting will definitely not be bad. What's more, "Bo Ying" is still a good script that has been polished many times, so when it appeared in the market that year, it attracted great attention from various capital parties, and it has always been very popular.

However, "Thin Sakura" also has a fatal problem -

The script is incomplete.

The author of the script lives in the same city as the two parties involved. When this incident broke out, he realized that it would be a very good script, so he visited many parties and tried to restore the Baiya case as much as possible. The artistic technique is written into a script.

With his perseverance in understanding, the ins and outs of the matter have been known from most of his friends and relatives, but there is only one thing that he can't figure out anyway.

According to the neighbors of the Cheng family back then, Cheng Ying often disappeared for a day or two without going home. The Cheng family was anxious like ants on a hot pot at first, but then they got used to it, but at the time of the incident, he had been a week old. Not going home.

Jiang Si said in the court statement: "Cheng Yian often doesn't go home for a day or two, and he doesn't say anything when he asks him why he is going. Later, I figured it out. Maybe he can't stand it and wants to escape... I know. , but I'm too lazy to care about him, because no matter what, he will come back in the end. Only that time, I don't know why, I have a hunch that he will not come back, and if he leaves, he will never come back."

The time she mentioned was on the night of the crime, Cheng Ying suddenly went home, went back to her room and rummaged through the cabinet. After she got it, she was about to leave, but was smashed by Jiang Si, and the conflict between the two came into being.

Later, the police discovered that he was looking for a household registration book.

Why did Cheng Ying, who disappeared for a week, suddenly appear at Cheng's house in the middle of the night

Where is he going with the account book

This is a secret that cannot be learned from Jiang Si's mouth.

But it is the most crucial part of the whole script.

It's not that the screenwriter didn't think about writing this part of the plot by himself, but no matter how he wrote it, he always felt wrong.

It doesn't fit the whole story.

Not that taste.

The screenwriter tried to write this part of the plot three times and found it boring, so he gave up the creation of this part.

But even so, even incomplete scripts are extremely popular in the market of capital and art.

What the screenwriter can't find out, the capitalists can.

Cheng Ying will not leave home for no reason, just as he will not go home for no reason to get a household registration book.

Account book.

What a sensitive three words, people can think of Cai Baiwen with almost no effort.

The first investor who bought "Bo Ying" went to the canteen where Cai Baiwen was.

It's a pity that Cai Baiwen is unmoved no matter how much he spends to buy his story.

The words Cheng Ying, like a spell and a secret, were buried in the deepest part of the trench by him.

Because of Cai Baiwen's non-cooperation, the script of "Bo Ying" was smashed in the hands of investors for two years. In the end, due to the problem of the company's capital chain, it had to be transferred to a second investor.

The second investor was not as talkative as the previous one. He had some background in his family, so he wanted to use coercion and inducement to force Cai Baiwen.

Unexpectedly, before Cai Baiwen's family was down, his father was a local high-ranking official. Although Cai's family was in decline, but Cai's father had many friends in the official circles when he was in office. These connections that cannot be ignored have prevented anyone from embarrassing Cai Baiwen. possible.

After all, it's just a script, no matter how amazing it is, it's just a script. Are there still few examples in film history where a good script is a bad movie

For the sake of a script, it is really unnecessary to offend those forces, so people keep buying back "Thin Sakura" from the market, and people keep giving up on filming.

Going around, the market price of "Thin Cherry Blossoms" became lower and lower, and finally Xie Yifeng bought this legendary script at a cheap price.

"To be honest, you really found the right person. I really want to shoot, if not..." Meng Chuan glanced at Zhou Yuhe. Although he didn't finish speaking, everyone knew what he meant. " The only literary film I want to make is "Bo Ying". From another point of view, I also know the difficulties you two are facing now. Do you want to rely on movies to turn around? It's difficult, but if it is "Bo Ying", it is indeed possible I'm willing to help the two of you if it's true, but... You have to get Cai Baiwen first, he's really a hard bone. Or we can find another screenwriter to write it again, not necessarily the original screenwriter. ."

Zhou Yuhe hesitated.

In the previous life, the producer of "Bo Ying" spent a lot of effort, moved it with emotion, and understood it with reason, only to pry open Cai Baiwen's mouth, so that this film can be fully presented in front of the world.

The influence of this film in the previous life was too great, and later it almost became a textbook of literary films. There are not many filmmakers in the circle who do not understand the plot of "Bo Ying".

Zhou Yuhe naturally knew it too.

At that time, what Cheng Yian went back to was not the household registration book.

but ID.

He and Cai Baiwen agreed to run away, but when it was over, he realized that he didn't have an ID card with him, so he went home to get it.

When he was rummaging through the boxes, he somehow thought of the household registration book, maybe because of some obsession, he brought the household registration book with him.

After the police investigation after the death, it was very normal for the deceased to carry an ID card, but the account book on his body was abnormal.

So at that time, everyone turned their attention to the account book.

He is very familiar with not only the hidden details of the final plot, but also the techniques and scenes of the film. Even without Cai Baiwen's consent, they have absolutely no problem if they want to shoot.


Zhou Yuhe said: "I still hope to get the approval of Cai Baiwen. Whether it is using a real story or we re-edit it, this is a real case after all, and we must obtain the consent of the parties before filming. This is the principle."

Hearing what he said, Meng Chuan was a little surprised.

He looked at Zhou Yuhe for a while, and his eyes became firm.

"Okay, I also agree to use the original screenwriter, the original story. I don't know how many times this book will need to be changed when it is reviewed. Others may not have so much patience with this script. But you guys have figured out how to convince Cai Baiwen. ?"

Zhou Yuhe: "..."

Meng Chuan: "..."

Meng Chuan: "Isn't it? Are you looking for a director without solving the problem of your script?"

At this time, Xie Yifeng smiled slightly, "I have a way to convince Cai Baiwen."

As he said that, he took out a folded newspaper from his trouser pocket. The newspaper was very old, and when it was just unfolded, there was a faint smell of dusty paper in the air.

In the center of the huge page above are two gray-and-white photos of teenagers.

Xie Yifeng pointed to one of the teenagers and said, "Look, this is Cheng Ying."

The two just glanced at the newspaper and were stunned.

This Cheng Ying, and Zhou Yuhe actually looked five or six points similar.

Zhou Yuhe was shocked.

No wonder.

No wonder they found him back then.