Great At Acting, Now I’m Reborn

Chapter 13: Acting slaps the face


Zhou Yuhe said that he had read "Intelligence" three times, but he actually lied.

In fact, including "Intelligence 2", he has watched it no less than dozens of times.

Ji Chen is less than 30 years old, and he entered the is board of directors when his popularity was at its peak, and he has never made any movies or TV series since then.

All his traces on the screen were carefully collected by Zhou Yuhe. The other party's every move, every frown and smile were his spiritual comfort when he couldn't meet due to the busy schedule.

"Intelligence" is the work he has seen the most times.

Not only because of Ji Chen's excellent acting skills, but also because it is indeed a good film.

In the eyes of other actors, "Intelligence" with many characters and complex plots is a difficult bone to crack, but Zhou Yuhe's understanding of "Intelligence" has been deeply rooted. As long as he calls cut, he can immediately perform any of them perfectly. characters, including Ichiro Watanabe.

So why is he nervous

He couldn't say why he was nervous.

Maybe it's because of Ji Chen.

He could hardly imagine that after more than ten years, he would still have the opportunity to play against this person.

In fact, from the "poor acting" that Ji Chen said before his death, we know that he has always looked down on his acting skills.

I can't say the same, there is or there is. When I first met, it was indeed Zhou Yuhe's acting that attracted the attention of this playboy, otherwise he wouldn't be so enthusiastic about him surrounded by beauties.

But then what

It is unclear whether it is because Ji Chen's career is getting bigger and bigger, which leads to more and more commercial films received by Zhou Yuhe, or because more and more commercial films are received by Zhou Yuhe, which causes Ji Chen's career to get bigger and bigger. , In short, over time, he became the "bad acting" in his mouth.

Zhou Yuhe refused to accept it, but there was nothing he could do.

Because seeing it doesn't mean it's comparable.

Even during the best newcomer award period, his acting skills couldn't compare to Ji Chen.

He won the Newcomer Award that year, but Ji Chen won the Best Actor Award. He is fully qualified and capable of being critical or judging his acting skills.

And even if his acting skills are perfect fifteen years later, Ji Chen has become a real entertainment emperor, a business tycoon, and the word acting has no place in his heart at all.

And now...

The slightly trembling fingertips, the mood around the corner.

Not so much nervous, as - excited.


Everything is in place.

Everyone has the mentality of remedying the situation after the fact, but the tense atmosphere before is gone. After all, it's an audition, or an audition for a stand-in shot, which is really uninspiring.

In addition, there are precedents before. Yan Yingyi, who has so many fans, has been suppressed by Ji Chen. Now, what can this little actor who has never heard of his name do? If you can read the lines smoothly, and the back and figure of the reshoots are not broken, it is very good.

However, at the moment when the director shouted "action"——

Something seemed different on set.

atmosphere? Feel? I can't say what it is, and I don't know where it came from, but everyone tacitly stopped talking at this moment and began to look around. Finally, they realized that this atmosphere came from the director's circle.

To be precise, it was uploaded by the camera monitor surrounded by the directors.

That boy was different.

The boy who seemed to be absent-minded at first and was obviously nervous, at the moment when the filming started, as if his five senses were integrated into his consciousness, he instantly found the feeling of filming.

The loose sitting posture became tall and straight, and the gentle and quiet eyes became deep and cold, like a black pearl immersed in the Nine Heavens Cold Pool, exuding a deep and eerie aura.

The meticulous black hair, the dark-flowered gold buttons buttoned to the top, a military uniform without even a single wrinkle, leather military gloves, and a pocket watch with intricate and exquisite workmanship... Coupled with that upright, abstinent, and a little morbidly fair face, he Simply perfect indifference like a sculpture.

Yang Yu stood behind the camera, with his hands around his chest and his lips tightly pursed into a line, staring intently at the scene, sitting on the torture chair, wearing the Japanese military uniform that belonged to Yan Yingyi, and even the script was a teenager who had only memorized the script temporarily. ――Perhaps... Should I say youth

That mature and powerful military aura is really not like a nineteen-year-old child can exude——

For the first time, he felt unprecedented pressure.

It was clear that Ichiro Watanabe was not looking in this direction, and he knew that it was acting, but under such a deep gaze, the repressed and deadly power still penetrated a small space around him - the set of the set, towards the people outside the set. Lay out.

Everyone was as nervous as stranded fish.

Difficulty breathing.

This deadly atmosphere was broken by the unreasonable Gu Wuxi who pushed the door in.

Although Gu Wuxi was a prisoner under torture, before he was convicted, he was still an important member of the pseudo-government, and the two soldiers who escorted him did not dare to embarrass him at all. He almost walked into the torture room swaggeringly.

However, the moment I saw Ichiro Watanabe——

The smile on Ji Chen's face was obvious.

Such a state, such expressive power, let alone a stand-in actor, even if he has acted in many plays, an experienced actor may not be able to achieve—

He didn't even say his lines, he just sat there, sitting in the corner of the scene, and stunned the whole picture

It should just be a coincidence...

Suppressing the shock in his heart, Ji Chen calmly walked in with a smile, sat down, took out the means of communication that he was good at, and began to change the atmosphere of the conversation, trying to take control of the initiative.

There was no displeasure or impatience on Ichiro Watanabe's face. He just opened his pocket watch with a snap after Gu Wuxi's teasing. But it makes people feel unreasonably nervous.

"Ten forty-three, you're three minutes late."

The cold and mechanical sound, which sounded like an old clock, stopped time instantly.

Watanabe Ichiro raised his head, and the enlarged handsome face on the monitor showed a faint, sarcastic, bloody and cruel smile.

This smile is in stark contrast to Gu Wuxi's loose and arrogant smile. One is smooth and cunning, the other is ruthless, and the tension of confrontation overflows from the entire picture in an instant.

Yang Yu's heart "squeaked"—

This Zhou Yuhe!

Yang Yu was not the only one who was amazed by this smile. He could almost hear everyone around the monitor taking a deep breath.

How did such a malicious and cold smile come about

As we all know, such a ruthless character, once the actor's control is not good, it is very likely to be interpreted as a facial paralysis - apathy becomes a blank face, pain is just a slight frown, even a smile It is easy to bring a sense of madness and coolness.

But Zhou Yuhe, you absolutely cannot link his performance with "facial paralysis".

There is a popular saying that people use: the eyes are the windows to the soul.

This sentence is very suitable for actors.

A character, especially when it is an introverted rather than extroverted character, the eyes are the best tool for an actor to convey emotions.

When many actors perform cold character roles, their eyes are often empty due to the limitation of expressions, so they have become the common "facial paralysis face" in the eyes of the public.

But Zhou Yuhe is not.

His eyes are like sharp knives ready to be unsheathed anytime, anywhere. No matter whether there are lines or expressions, his eyes are full of emotion, playful and indifferent like staring at prey.

And his so-called "no expression" is not really expressionless, but the expression is not large, and it doesn't seem to be so extroverted, but it will not put the character in a "standby" state.

What about the "expressions"

Each of his facial muscles was pulled just right, neither too "retracted", becoming "facial paralysis", nor too "relaxed", too exaggerated and unsuitable for human design.

Just by raising his eyebrows, hooking his lips, glancing, sneering, grinning and other facial expressions, he accurately and vividly showed a Japanese officer who was cold and bloodthirsty, but bloodthirsty in his bones—

It's not an exaggeration to describe it as stunning!

Such an atmosphere unconsciously attracted more staff from outside the circle to squeeze next to the monitor.

There are also many smart people like Yang Yu who found a place with a good perspective around the studio.

After that irresistible smile, everyone forgot that it was just an audition, and began to fully appreciate the next performance.

Yes, the show-

"I have to ask Mr. Watanabe about your subordinates. I don't even know how Fuchun Road is so short a few minutes away. How did it get to this point?" Gu Wuxi glanced at the soldiers beside him. His head dropped immediately.

The dark eyes lingered on the soldier's face for a while, then turned back to the middle part of the eye socket, "But how did I hear that they had arrived at Qingxintang an hour ago, it was you who stopped everyone outside, alone Inside, it has been dawdling until now.

"So please tell me - what are you doing in this hour of time? Mr. Gu?"

The words "shameless" were bitten very lightly and seemed inadvertent, but Ji Chen's heart was shocked.

He's talking.

Because Gu Wuxi was indeed destroying something in the church.

Under the oppressive eyes, Ji Chen really felt that his pressure value was soaring, he adjusted his suit and said with a smile: "Those who know me know that I pray at this time every week, and belief is a A sacred thing, no matter how much you pay for it, it's worth it, not to mention the short one hour a week... Of course, I imagine Mr. Watanabe, you Japanese who follow Bushido, probably can't understand this kind of thing. Feeling."

Both have something to say.

Ichiro Watanabe's pressing step by step, Gu Wuxi's smooth and sophisticated.

No background soundtrack, no long- and slow-motion transitions.

The blood is tense, and the urgent tension is diffused from the center of the scene, and even the air is divided into hairsprings, which makes people a little hypoxic.

Who was defeated first

It should be Ichiro Watanabe.

Because at this time, the Japanese side was already at the end of the fight. In the face of the oppression of the US military and the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, they were already in a dilemma. Gu Wuxi was not only a government official, but also had a very strong background and a higher official rank than him. , In the face of such prisoners, Ichiro Watanabe played by Yan Yingyi retreated steadily.

Because he couldn't convince himself.

How can the Japanese side, who can't be persuaded, which is weak and unreasonable, can overwhelm Gu Wuxi's momentum during the trial.

Guilt, this is the root cause of the pressure drama.

But what about Zhou Yuhe

His originally straight back leaned back slightly, and his leisurely and slightly disdainful expression made him look like a medieval European aristocrat, and the chair under him was no longer an interrogation chair, but a gorgeous and comfortable carved sofa. ——

"Faith? What faith are you talking about? The Faith of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere? Or the Three Principles of the People? Or... Karl Marx? Sober up, Mr. Gu, Faith will not save you." The condescending tone and arrogant expression seemed to He is saying: I am the only one who can let you go out. Obeying me and following my orders is your only choice.

He once again had a malicious and indifferent smile, but this time, there was a little disdain and contempt in the smile. With such a complex smile and that exquisite face, the impactful picture not only stunned everyone outside the monitor , also stunned Ji Chen who was in the "trial".

He held his breath and stared at the officer opposite him without moving his eyes. Before he could respond, the other party stood up first.

Click, click, click.

The sound of military boots stomping on the floor seemed to be stomping on the prisoner's heart again and again.

Everyone, including the director behind the camera monitor, was afraid to take a deep breath.

Watanabe Ichiro looked down at him condescendingly.

At that moment, arrogant, indifferent, sinister... All complex emotions rushed out from those slender eyes, hitting the soul!

Ji Chen's eyes suddenly widened.

Boom, boom, boom.

He heard the sound of his heart being stomped under his feet.

In the blink of an eye, Ichiro Watanabe had come to him.

The Ling Chi-like eyes not only did not make the noble-born prisoner feel uncomfortable, but made him immerse in an indescribable pleasure of being insulted.

The heart was beating wildly.

He couldn't help looking up at the indifferent ascetic officer.

next second-


The cold water washed away his golden glasses and his meticulous black hair——

Like heavy rain washing cold and arrogant flowers, like waves rolling over a lonely boat——

It washed away all his self-esteem.


The iron bucket was thrown aside.

The hair on the back of his head was pulled back with force.

Before he could breathe out the pain, he was forced to raise his head to meet those long and narrow eyes.

Like transparent and clear colored glass, in those eyes——

He saw the indifferent and strong killing intent.

He saw himself trembling uncontrollably even in his soul.

At this moment, he just wanted to crawl under this person's feet.

Totally... surrender to him.

The officer smiled slightly, and he approached the prisoner.

The slight voice is so cruel, cold, bloody, and has a fatal temptation that seems to exist.

"Here, I am your faith."

I am your faith!

After the hand holding his hair was released, Ji Chen raised his head and panted slightly, his consciousness was empty for a long time, but he didn't come back to his senses.

Press play!

This is another press game!

Everyone was shocked.