Great At Acting, Now I’m Reborn

Chapter 16: Plagiarism


The person who called was Cao Qiyue's assistant Da Pan. When Zhou Yuhe met him, this famous helper who was out of the house was in a hurry to move back and forth, and even the hairline on his forehead moved back. A few millimeters, it can be seen that this little ancestor is really about to grind people to death.

"Oh my god, what do you think we should do? We are so anxious about plagiarism. I don't know how many people are waiting to see our jokes. How can you say she can do this! She's still missing at this juncture!"

Zhou Yuhe was annoyed by his shaking, and interrupted aloud: "Don't turn around."

Da Pan was stunned for a moment, but he didn't seem to realize that the young man in front of him had a different aura from the past. With his brows burning, he had to rush up and ask, "Xiao Zhou, do you remember anything?"

Zhou Yuhe raised his eyes and glanced at him, "Even if you think of anything, you will be swayed by you."

Da Pan immediately sewed his mouth.

Cao Qiyue entered the entertainment industry two years earlier than Zhou Yuhe, but his fate was completely different from his tepid little transparent.

Her musical talent is extremely high, her ethereal and tactful unique singing voice and her independent and straightforward personality have made her countless fans in just three years, like riding a rocket, soaring into the sky. In such a slump in the record industry, the first album "July" sold 300,000 yuan, and then the sales increased year by year. This year's fourth album "Liuhuo" sold out directly, and the title song of the same name dominated the chart. In two months, the music award was weak, and she is the hottest music diva.

It is conceivable that for an original singer with a talented woman, nothing is more devastating than plagiarism.

However this is only the beginning.

Homosexuality, playing big names, low emotional intelligence... The next series of scandals will knock her down from the sky directly into the mud, block the whole network, and finally can only make a living by singing in bars.

The genius with infinite light, the old friend who has always been by his side like a family...

He will never forget that after the fire, he heard in the hospital that Cao Qiyue was insulted after drinking and committed suicide by cutting his wrists. The blow was a thousand times more painful than Ji Chen's departure!

Disappointed? The Walking Dead? Even he himself didn't know how he survived at the time.

The most ridiculous thing is that Cao Qiyue's death has become a turning point in her "career".

A deadly hot search made this man who had been in the public eye for many years to set off a violent storm again!

Her songs, her talents, and her maddening and fascinating personality and free and easy, after her death, countless people fell into this whirlpool called "Cao Qiyue". The hot search exploded, and the plagiarism of the year was also clarified. Countless people sighed, and countless people looked back. Her old club, Heihuang, heard the news and released an album, recording seven songs that Cao Qiyue had no chance to release in the past. It sold a miracle in sales, with 50 million electronic records sold, sweeping all the music awards that year, and no one has surpassed it in more than ten years.

But she has never been able to know her achievements...

In the past, these things were pressing on Zhou Yuhe's chest like a big rock. He rubbed his face and told himself that everything was too late now! Find Cao Qiyue first!

Zhou Yuhe took Da Pan to the training room, bar, apartment, and park where Cao Qiyue might be haunted, and went through all of them... In the afternoon of the second day, in the old house that her family bought for her near the school when she was in high school found her.

Zhou Yuhe anxiously rang the doorbell, but there was no echo inside for a long time.

Just when the two thought they were going to go again in vain, the door clicked and opened.

Wearing a t-shirt, big pants, a pair of slippers, and a messy short-haired girl, she showed a "good-looking" face that was not considered popular by the public from behind the door, but she had a very delicate and charming face.

"Hey, it turned out to be Porridge and Da Pan. I thought it was another arrogant kid who didn't have eyes..." Cao Qiyue said, and burped a full-bodied wine burp.

"My grandma Cao!!!" Da Pan was about to cry immediately, grabbing the corner of Cao Qiyue's vest and refused to let go, and squeezed into the small house while shouting.

Zhou Yuhe was very quiet, looking at the familiar old house, the familiar smell of wine, and the familiar Cao Qiyue, the sudden loss that spanned more than ten years made him stand at the door for a long time.

It was Cao Qiyue who called him, and he reacted. He walked to the center of the living room in two steps, and lifted Cao Qiyue from the sofa easily.

"Do you know how serious the situation is now?" Zhou Yuhe asked coldly, frowning.

Da Pan, who was only concerned with his complaints, reacted immediately, and hurriedly continued: "Yeah! Your album is only half-recorded, and the day after tomorrow, there will be an audition for the theme song of "Looking for the Sky", so hurry back with me now!"

Cao Qiyue shook off Da Pan's hand, and said lazily in a drunken voice: "What's the hurry! I don't even know where to look for the male protagonist of "Seeking the Sky"..."

She stared dazedly at Zhou Yuhe's more handsome and dignified face than usual when she was angry, "Hey? Porridge, your image fits Yuan Tian... Why don't I help you get an audition opportunity?"

"You're drunk." Zhou Yuhe said.

"I'm not drunk, you are drunk!" Cao Qiyue broke away Zhou Yuhe's hand, slumped on the sofa, and murmured with a wry smile, "You don't understand at all, there is no album, there is no audition, I have nothing There's no more…”

Da Pan: "What nonsense are you talking about! There are hot searches for your plagiarism all over the Internet now, hurry up and clarify, my aunt!"

"It's not that I didn't clarify, but the Weibo account is with the company. It's been two days, no PR, no statement..." Cao Qiyue propped herself up and looked at Da Pan as if she was looking at a poor bastard who didn't know anything. , "Don't you understand? It's not the plagiarism scandal that will destroy me, but the Black Emperor."

Da Pan was shocked: "Why did the company do this?"

"Because of Meng Churong, I fell in love with Meng Churong."

"My God..." Da Pan was stunned for a full minute before letting out a long sigh.

Meng Churong, the daughter of Heihuang Company, is also the fiancee of Ji Chen in the previous life, and his future wife.

Being able to marry Ji Chen, Meng Churong is naturally not an unknown person.

Meng Churong's mother, Fu Xiaoyu, her most famous name in the industry is neither the nominal helm of the Meng Group nor the director of the Black Emperor, but the first agent in the entertainment industry.

She acts resolutely, her methods are fierce and clever, and she has a soft-hearted policy. Under the combination of grace and support, all the artists she has brought are very loyal to her. Twenty years ago, she brought more than 30 top artists and agents to Heihuang, and almost emptied the deeds of the entire universe of film and television. It is still a legend widely circulated in the entertainment industry.

Meng Churong has such a mother, one can imagine what will happen to Cao Qiyue.

What about the super rookie? What about the popular little diva? Are there still few top artists that the Black Emperor has won over the years

Cao Qiyue's face still has a very clear sadness of being trapped by love. There seems to be infinite melancholy and emotional thoughts hidden in those autumn water-like eyes. Zhou Yuhe only felt a dull pain in her heart when she saw her like this.

She was obsessed with Miss Meng, but she didn't know that not long after her death, she and Ji Chen officially made their relationship public.

That's right, this couple walked together without any guilt after Zhou Yuhe's disfigurement by the fire and Cao Qiyue's suicide.

Successful careerists never look back. Their hearts have long been corroded by capital games, and there will be no pain, nor will there be those who have been abandoned by them.

The anxiety and anger in my heart turned into deep pity for my old friend at this moment.

Zhou Yuhe squatted down and straightened the broken hair in front of Cao Qiyue's forehead, her eyes were gentle and firm, "Aqi, the company won't save you, but you can't give up yourself, do you remember when you said 'your own' Dreams, how can the decision-making power be put into the hands of others'? Since they won't help you, let me help you, okay?"

Cao Qiyue stared blankly at Zhou Yuhe, and her empty eyes gradually gained focus.

She yawned heavily, turned around and slumped into the sofa, leaving a lazy back for Zhou Yuhe.



at dusk.

In the nostalgic and cramped old house, Zhou Yuhe was sitting on the floor in front of the coffee table, with a laptop on the left and right. A warm picture is formed there.

The rescue work of the two was in full swing, and Cao Qiyue couldn't sleep even if she wanted to.

She rubbed her hair, and was about to pick up the half-drinking beer bottle from under the sofa, when she suddenly saw Zhou Yu and the tensed jaw angle, her outstretched hand paused, and finally she took it back.

Zhou Yuhe opened Weibo, and the battle situation on Weibo can be described as dire.

Nearly half of the top 10 most searched are denouncing Cao Qiyue's bad plagiarism behavior. If you click on it, you can see the opinions of various so-called professionals on the comparison of soundtracks.

It was the title track of the album of the same name that was caught in the plagiarism scandal.

"Liuhuo" is accused of plagiarizing the work "songyou" by the British niche musician Lucas. The melody of the two main songs is quite similar. Almost everyone who has heard these two songs thinks that "Liuhuo" is a plagiarism. The conclusion is drawn, but in fact

It's not plagiarism, it's sampling.

Cao Qiyue not only sampled "songyou", but also the Russian folk song "lake", both of which have been purchased for copyright through formal channels. However, the line between plagiarism and sampling is not very clear. Unless it is brought to court and judged by professionals, the so-called comparison of audio tracks on the Internet can easily lead public opinion in a very unfavorable direction. Coupled with the inaction of Heihuang's official blog, it does not explain that he has bought the copyright of the sampling, and it suddenly pushed Cao Qiyue under the fire of public opinion.

The most important thing right now is to criticize.

If the public opinion cannot be controlled in time when the situation is the most serious, then even if it is clarified later, everyone will not care about the follow-up development. The bad influence that has been caused cannot be reversed, and Cao Qiyue will be branded as "suspected plagiarism" for the rest of his life.

Zhou Yuhe took a deep breath. In his previous life, he climbed from the ground to the cloud, was kicked from the cloud to the ground, and was dragged into the quagmire to roll and sink. The number of crises he encountered was countless. Someone once calculated that in the 20 years from 2015 to 2035, all the crises in the entertainment industry that may bring people to ruin and finally come back to life add up to less than half of Zhou Yuhe's, and the top ten textbook-like PR examples Among them, seven cases were from Zhou Yuhe's team.

When it comes to crisis public relations, when it comes to clarifying statements, I am afraid that even the most professional public relations companies in the circle may not be able to match him.

After carefully passing the cause and effect of the matter in his mind, he was calm and flicked his fingers. In less than half an hour, a long and emotional public relations article was written.

Zhou Yuhe called Da Pan: "Do you have a channel to buy hot searches?"

"There is, but there is, but why are you asking this..." Da Pan looked bewildered.

Zhou Yu and Nunuzui, Da Pan looked in the direction of the computer, and was instantly dumbfounded like being struck by lightning.

A full three times.

He stared at the computer and read the PR text three times without blinking, before he seemed to be stuck in his throat and asked hesitantly, "This, is this what you wrote?"

Zhou Yuhe nodded tiredly, "Can you see it?"

"Yes? It's really good! Oh my God!!! This is absolutely explosive! If it is sent out, the public opinion will definitely turn against you in an instant!! Xiao Zhou, you are so fucking talented!!!" He hugged Zhou Yuhe and shook his shoulders desperately.

There is nothing more ecstatic than seeing hope in the most desperate times. Da Pan, who has been refused to speak up by countless media, is probably in this mood.

Zhou Yuhe frowned deeply, Da Pan realized his gaffe, and quickly let go and apologized.

"Don't be too happy," Zhou Yuhe waved his hands, showing no signs of relaxation on his face, "No matter how good PR needs to be backed up by facts and evidence, now Heihuang has made it clear that he doesn't want to buy copyright publicly, and Ah Qi's Weibo account is also in their hands. Unless he gets the most direct and strongest support - a statement from the original author Lucas, this public relations will probably turn into a farce, and it will also make me Take it in too…”

Da Pan's ecstatic face changed instantly.

Lucas? That eccentric musician

Not to mention that the channel for them to purchase copyright has always been the responsibility of the Black Emperor, and they themselves do not have any contact information for Lucas. Even if they are contacted, which original author is willing to come out and help a guy who may have plagiarized his own work? This kind of thankless thing, as long as the brain is not bad, it is impossible for anyone to do it, let alone Lucas, who is known for his violent temper

Da Pan's heart that was held high was suddenly thrown back to the ground.

at this time--

"With his help, this might be possible..."

Da Pan stared closely at the source of the sound like the sound of nature.

He looked at Zhou Yuhe and hesitated for a long time, then took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and made a call out of his pocket.

After three seconds of beeping, a deep voice came from the microphone, allowing Da Pan, who was already very close, to hear it clearly.

"Hello? Is something wrong?"

Zhou Yuhe hesitated for a while, then decided to get straight to the point: "Although it is a bit abrupt to say this, I do have something very important today and I hope you can help..."

There was a pause there for a second, and then magnetically, with a mocking voice, he said something that made people's ears turn red:

"Why is this Valentine's Day approach popular now?"

Zhou Yuhe was stunned for a while. He cut out the call interface and saw that the large characters "February 14" were very dazzling on the screen.

What the fuck

Da Pan was also stunned, because he had clearly seen that this person's note in the address book was - Xie Yifeng.

What the hell! ! !