Great At Acting, Now I’m Reborn

Chapter 29: Thanks bro


When Zhou Yuhe came to the crew today, she found that the atmosphere had changed a lot. The supporting characters who were originally lazy and giggling suddenly became angry and tried to be strong, sitting on the stool and holding the script frantically.

Maybe it's the atmosphere of the cast that has infected other people, and all the staff who are doing things today are much more vigorous than before.

Zhou Yuhe caught Zhang Liran and asked, "Sister Zhang, has something happened recently?"

Zhang Liran looked at the innocent face of the initiator, but she couldn't find the words to complain all of a sudden, she could only say vaguely: "Diligence is the professional quality every actor should have."

Zhou Yuhe thought for a while, and felt that what he said was correct, so he no longer struggled, and took the script to memorize it himself.

Director Cai watched and couldn't help feeling a little moved. In the past, he used the script to scold people everywhere. These little bastards were like old loaches. Now he doesn't scold people, and everyone works harder. In the end, it's Zhou Yuhehe. Xie Yifeng took the lead and played a good role.

Just as he was about to speak and praise them, he suddenly noticed that the script in Zhang Liran's hand was marked in exactly the same way as Xie Yifeng's, and he said without thinking, "Xiao Zhang, you and the script and Xiao Xie..."

His voice was not too small, and everyone present, including Zhou Yuhe, looked at Zhang Liran's script.

Zhang Liran: "Oh, this, I think the 'script annotation method' posted by my brother on Weibo three years ago is very useful, and I have been using it until now."

Zhang Qi's actor Sa Tong moved when he heard the wind, raised his eyebrows and said: "Three years ago?"

He deliberately dragged the word "three years" very long, as if there was some unspeakable secret between the two.

Deng Xian, the actor of Yang Dingding's brother Yang Chong, is also a deep gossip lover. Hearing this, he didn't need to be reminded, he immediately took Sa Tong's words, "You have a situation..."

Zhang Liran's assistant glared at Deng Xian, "Don't talk nonsense, we Liran are notorious 'Xie Yifeng fans'. Fans all know that, if you don't believe me, you can test her with random questions."

Xie Yifeng iron powder

Is there such a thing

Zhou Yuhe was stunned, looked away from the script, and turned to Xie Yifeng.

You must know that it is not easy to thank Yifeng for a meal. He has been in the industry for a long time, and he does not assign roles. In the past ten years, he has played nearly 100 roles, large and small, and fans often make up videos until they burst into tears.

Xie Yifeng has many fans, he admits, but he is a big fan...

Like Zhou Yuhe, the opposite Xie Yifeng smiled, lowered his head and concentrated on reading the script, and it seemed that he didn't pay much attention to what they said.

"Oh oh? Is that so? Then can you name Brother Xie... the first character to play a girl?"

"Deng Xian, you are going to do something! Be careful, Brother Xie beats you!"

"Say it!"

"Cough," Zhang Liran glanced at Xie Yifeng's face secretly, and whispered, "If I remember correctly, it should be Bai Shi, a troubled young man with a fetish for women's clothing that he played at the age of sixteen."

White time? Zhou Yuhe immediately smiled and shook his head subconsciously.

His movements were very small, but they were conspicuous enough for the melon-eating crowd who could accurately capture the gossip. Deng Xianqi coaxed: "Xiao Zhou looks like he has something to say!"

Zhou Yuhe: "Strictly speaking, the first female character should be in 2003, that is, when Xie Yifeng was 13 years old, he played Abin, an autistic teenager with dual personalities in "Dawn". He often fantasized about it. I am my sister who passed away four years ago, because I didn't really wear women's clothes in the play, so people usually ignore this... drama... "

After Zhou Yuhe finished speaking, he realized that something was wrong, and everyone around looked at him with a very meaningful look.

Zhou Yuhe: "..."

Zhou Yuhe defended: "No, I have been taking Brother Xie as an example since I joined the industry."

Deng Xian laughed, his tone was so cheap, "You can pull it down, have you been in the industry for a year?"

Zhou Yuhe, who couldn't wash himself even after jumping into the Yellow River: "..."

The noise around him grew louder and louder, Zhou Yuhe turned his head with a headache, and suddenly caught a glimpse of Xie Yifeng who was looking at him.

The two of them were separated from the crowd, and their eyes were right on each other.

I don't know when Xie Yifeng stopped reading the script in his hand, but looked at him with an obscure look like a deep sea.

Zhou Yuhe was staring at him so deeply that his whole body became hot. The two of them had been friends for so many years in their previous lives, and they knew that these things were normal, but now he felt a sense of nervousness about his secret being discovered. , a blush rose straight up from behind the ear.

Xie Yifeng, who had always had a light expression on his face, suddenly smiled when he saw him blushing.

Ah cute.

Zhou Yuhe couldn't stand him laughing like this, so he had to escape by urinating.

The result was another wave of laughter.

From today onwards, the name "Xie Yifeng Iron Fan" will be used.

I'm afraid he will be difficult to remove.


With the reborn "diligence and hard work" of the actors, the whole shooting progress of "Re-Youth" has been much faster. After a month, they are finally about to film the scene of Zhou Yuhe's audition.

This scene is about Shen Yan, who skipped class and came out to buy a birthday present for Yang Dingding, and accidentally met Xu Chang, who was also skipping class. After the two avoided the "chasing" of the dean, they shared their thoughts under the night sky and understood. Both sides like the Yang Dingding thing.

When it was officially filmed, some changes were made to the plot.

Because of the change in the character, the current version of Xu Chang is a person who hesitates about his feelings and is afraid of losing. Xie Yifeng's Xu Chang has more human frailties than the original Xu Chang, so facing Shen Yan's question, he He did not admit that he likes Yang Dingding.

And this version of Shen Yan treats feelings more sincerely. When he thought that Xu Chang was just teasing Yang Dingding's feelings, he couldn't be as rational as in the original script.

So Director Cai added a fight scene for them.

Although the scene of the fight in the plot may only be for a few seconds, for the sake of filming effect, Zhou Yuhe and Xie Yifeng both agreed that they should really fight.

Photography is in place.

Xie Yifeng pointed to the protective belt that the assistant was wrapping around his waist, and grinned at Zhou Yuhe: "Beat it hard, you're welcome."

Zhou Yuhe watched Xie Yifeng lift up his school uniform, revealing his eight-pack abs, and then he was put on a protective belt by his assistant... The despicable male self-esteem made him also point to his waist with less obvious abdominal muscles, and said indifferently: "I don't want to be If I beat you and cry, don't save your effort."

Deng Xian laughed blindly: "The director asked Brother Xie to beat your chin. You mean there is a hair in your stomach, hahaha."

Zhou Yuhe glared at him, and the latter immediately shut up obediently.

Who is the senior, and does he still have a place in this studio!

Deng Xian thought with tears streaming down his face.

The director said "action"——

Zhou Yuhe took the lead in rushing up and punched Xie Yifeng in the stomach. His beautiful eyes were full of real anger. He said, "Xu Chang, you coward! You bastard!"

Xu Chang curled up in pain and raised his head, but he still had a sneering look, his eyes were sullen and a little teasing, he said, "Bastard? It's been!"

Shen Yan grabbed his collar and slammed his knees into his abdomen.

Xu Chang wasn't a messy master either. He broke free from Zhou Yuhe's restraint, clenched his fist and was about to swing it towards Zhou Yuhe's smooth jaw—

Zhou Yuhe jumped in his heart and closed his eyes involuntarily.

The expected fist did not fall, he opened his eyes in confusion, but saw the fist close at hand, and the heartbroken and stubborn eyes behind the fist.

"You're right, I'm a coward." Xie Yifeng said these words through gritted teeth. He didn't dare to admit his feelings or fight for everything he wanted. Maybe Xu Chang like this should really be punished. Get a good beating.

His eyes shot straight into his heart, where layers of inexplicable protective shells seemed to fall apart in a short period of time, revealing a terrified, trembling child inside.

No one can accuse Xu Chang of this appearance. Zhou Yuhe was stunned for a while, but just as he was about to speak, the other side shook his head and walked away.

At the moment of leaving, Zhou Yuhe clearly saw that the fortresses in the eyes of the other party were being built up layer by layer. This rebellious and stubborn young man would never allow himself to show too much cowardice in front of outsiders...

"cut! Very good! One pass! Everyone worked hard!"

"Very good?" Zhou Yuhe was at a loss when he heard Director Cai's words.

It's not like this is the story. It was originally said that it takes two people to fight.

Although this rendition is indeed better...

Director Cai stuck his head out of the monitor and laughed, "Yifeng and I have already discussed it, he can't hold back this punch and not hit you. But this way, I'm afraid you won't be able to strike, so I'm hiding it from you, Xiaozhou. "

Zhou Yuhe raised his eyebrows, this story was only temporarily notified last night to be changed, and the newly added script was completed in a hurry this morning. If it was discussed early in the morning, he did not believe it, but Xie Yifeng had a sudden idea and said this punch. don't really fight...

So is he unable to make a move, or Xie Yifeng unable to make a move

There was a strange feeling in Zhou Yuhe's heart. He walked towards Xie Yifeng, who was helped by his assistant to rest, and asked softly, "Are you okay?"

Xie Yifeng's hand was just rubbing his abdomen, he could clearly feel the skin under his palm, and it didn't hurt much under the action of the protective belt.

Xie Yifeng used his super-high acting skills to make his expression look as weak as possible, and then said very deliberately: "It's okay."

Your face is so bad, is it alright

Then, Xie Yingdi looked at Zhou Yuhe and ran with a worried look to ask the props team to beat the medicine.

The assistant looked at Xie Yifeng's slightly raised mouth and thought suspiciously: My protective belt is quite thick.


At the end of the shooting, Zhou Yuhe received the first phone call from Cao Qiyue in more than a month.

Cao Qiyue: "I got back with Meng Churong."

Zhou Yuhe: "..."

Cao Qiyue said again: "Haha I lied to you, Happy April Fool's Day!"

Zhou Yuhe: "You said you were all boring."

Cao Qiyue paused before saying solemnly: "No, I do have important news to bring you today."

"About the Black Emperor, is, "Re-Youth", and you."