Great At Acting, Now I’m Reborn

Chapter 3: Mysterious judge


Under the guidance of the staff, the audition proceeded in an orderly manner.

One by one, smug young people walked onto the stage, and then walked down one by one in dejection. Even some girls with poor psychological ability ran out of the theater with red eyes after hearing the severe criticism.

Director Cai shook his head, and without looking further, he immediately started calling for the next person.

Such a stern and tense atmosphere made everyone who was still laughing at the bottom beating like drums, and their eyes seemed to be on the script, and they recited their lines with a determination to see through the script.

Zhou Yuhe smiled, no wonder these children were walking on thin ice. After all, Cai Rongxi added Fang Ling and youth films. I don't know how many artists this combination has become popular.

Moreover, Director Cai is one of the few great directors in the entertainment industry who chooses newcomers every time they make a film.

It has to do with the type of film that was made.

"Youth films" require the starring to be "youth".

This youth does not refer to youth, but to youthfulness. It is necessary for the audience to see the budding youth and the beautiful feeling of youth at a glance. With this requirement alone, those artists who have debuted for a long time and have rich experience are not in the selection range.

Although this is the first time for the two to shoot a TV series, it is nothing to young people with an actor dream. They are willing to fly moths to the flames for the word "Cai Rongxi".

This is his magic.

But there are exceptions.

Unlike the crowded back seats, the first two rows are very empty, with only a few people sitting. They look relaxed, their chins are slightly raised, and even the script is not always in the palm of the hand like other people.

They are new-generation actors who are already well-known, and naturally have the capital to not take chances as important as others.

Of course, Zhou Yuhe was not in this ranks, and the third row he was in was the hardest hit area.

Because the audition venue is a theater, the stage is a certain distance from the auditorium, and the contestants do not bring microphones. They want to observe the opponent's situation, so they can only squeeze forward as much as possible. Zhou Yu and everyone could reserve a seat for him when he came back from the toilet, all because of the coercion of the big company and the little recognition that his face brought him.

Zeng Ang came back from the bathroom, and his originally very angry expression suddenly turned into a little smug after seeing Zhou Yuhe squeezed in the crowd. He glanced at Zhou Yuhe and sat in the empty second row.

Zhou Yuhe didn't care about these details, and now all his thoughts are on the script in his hand.

Although he has participated in the show, after all, it is a play from more than 20 years ago, and many details have been blurred.

Fortunately, in this scene, on the night before the audition, Zhou Yu and Zeng Ang attacked and helped him confront him many times, so now that I think about it carefully, those forgotten things come from the depths of my memory.

about there.

After going through it several times, Zhou Yuhe pursed her lips and raised her head.

The audition in the venue had already passed for a little while. Director Cai and Lin Bian glanced critically at the auditee, while looking at the door of the theater from time to time, as if they were waiting for someone.

"Who are they looking at?" Zhou Yu and a little girl behind asked the young man beside him in a low voice.

The young man looked back, "I don't know, it is said that this audition, the actor of the actor Shen Yan will also come to help for reference."

The little girl was startled: "Do these two still need someone's advice?"

Young man: "Yeah, I heard it's still a showman."

The little girl is even more strange, "Didn't you say that Director Cai only chooses new actors for youth films?"

"This is not clear, let's take a look, don't keep asking more questions."


The discussion between the two people in the back row fell like a feather in Zhou Yuhe's heart.

He stared at the vacant seat on the long table, suddenly feeling uneasy.

He knew who they were waiting for.

Thanks Yifeng…

These three words, even if they are chewed and swallowed into the stomach, they will still spread between the lips and teeth.

Xie Yifeng is the actor of Shen Yan, the hero of "Re-Youth", that is, the "accidental" star.

To say it was an accident was actually inevitable.

Xie Yifeng debuted as a child star at the age of 12. He quickly became popular and disappeared within two years of his debut. Since then, he has devoted himself to studying with the mentality of a newcomer, and has gone to countless studios and tricks.

In the past ten years, in his mouth, it seems to be just a frivolous white horse passing by, but the bitterness and bitterness of it are only known to the parties themselves.

Finally, at the age of 24, Xie Yifeng, who had been silent for ten years, won a total of seven film emperors at home and abroad with the role of Pu Yi in the movie "Emperor Xuantong", breaking the film history record.

Before that, he was just a young actor with extremely high attainments, but no one cared about it.

His fame is not only the achievement of the "Re-Youth" broadcast at the same time, but also many of the previous classic but indifferent works, which have also been turned out by fans for repeated analysis and repeated amazement.

Xie Yifeng, he is the actor with the most awards in the history of Chinese film, a national treasure actor, and one of the most important people in Zhou Yuhe's previous life.

In the previous life, Ji Chen's biggest enemy was Xie Yifeng, so even Zhou Yuhe didn't like him, until after the fire, Ji Chen gradually disappeared from his life, but Xie Yifeng took good care of him and was nominated for the Golden Dragon Award for Best Actor. , which was recommended by Xie Yifeng.

He regarded Xie Yifeng as his benefactor and the best buddy, but before he died, the pictures that flashed through his mind told him that this person might be much more important to him in his imagination.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuhe's mood became inexplicably nervous.

Then, he saw a young man wearing a peaked cap sitting diagonally in front of him.

The heart skipped a beat.

Zhou Yuhe looked over uncontrollably. From this angle, he could see the smooth profile of the other party's face and the sexy Adam's apple with strong masculinity.

The young man sat down with his long legs elegantly folded, holding the script in his left hand and gently clasping his right hand on the table. From time to time, he looked up at the stage with a leisurely and intriguing expression.

He just sat like that, and a mysterious and powerful aura spread around him.

There began to be whispered discussions around.

Some people are like that, even if they don't do anything, they are noticeable.

This kind of temperament, this kind of aura, this kind of ease, should not appear in such a young actor.

This is undoubtedly uncomfortable.

Especially... without knowing him.

He made room for the youth, and the one sitting in front of Zhou Yuhe was a popular newcomer signed by Tianchen Film and Television last year. One of the people, he saw that the other party came eagerly and took it for granted, so he gave him a seat without looking at it.

Han Cheng pushed the young man with his arm, and asked casually, "Which company is this from, buddy?"

The young man looked up, looked at the other party for a while, then looked back at the crowded back row and the empty front row, and immediately understood what was going on.

Although there are no written rules, but in this big dye vat in the entertainment industry, who does not understand a little worldly manners, depending on the situation, can the first two rows be allowed to sit casually

Looking at the young man's actions, Han Cheng thought that the other party would leave with an apologetic expression, but the young man turned his attention back to the script in his hand and said lightly, "Universe Film and Television."

Hearing the words "Universal Film and Television", Han Cheng completely relaxed, and his attitude towards the youth was even more arrogant. He kicked the other party's upper with his foot, "This is not where you sit..."

The young man just smiled: "Why?"

"I don't like sitting next to other people."

"Oh, really?" After saying that, he stopped looking at him, as if even the answer just now was a subconscious "automatic reply".

Seeing that he was so ignorant, Han Cheng wanted to say something, and Zhou Yuhe's cold voice sounded behind him.

"You blocked me."

Han Cheng's stature is relatively tall, but why does it happen at this time...

Han Cheng looked back at Zhou Yuhe and asked in a bad tone, "Who are you?"

"is entertainment Zhou Yuhe."

is Entertainment, one of the largest brokerage companies in China, and the most prestigious idol incubation base in Asia. I don’t know how many idol groups have swept Asia in recent years. Although its actor department has just started, it is indeed a big one. company.

"is?" Han Cheng's tone was a little subtle, he looked at Zhou Yuhe's face, and unconsciously matched him with the vase, "This is not the place where idols should come, if you are conscious, leave early, Don't lose face of is."

Idols and actors seem to be born with a chain of contempt. In the eyes of many self-proclaimed actors, idols can attract a large number of fans just by their faces and personalities. They can achieve success so easily, why do they want to grab the jobs of actors

If it is some brain-dead idol drama, it’s fine, but those who dare to audition here are more or less confident in their acting skills. At this time, I heard that Zhou Yuhe, who is outstanding in appearance, is from is entertainment, which is rich in idol groups. Look at him. There was involuntary contempt in his eyes.

Not only Han Cheng, but also the people around him were never dissatisfied with Han Cheng's troubles, and gradually turned into schadenfreude.

Zhou Yuhe raised her eyebrows, ignoring the gazes of others, and said coldly, "You blocked me, do you want me to repeat it a third time?"

"Xingxingxing, I'll make way for you, lest you complain on Weibo, and a wave of brainless fans will attack me later," Han Cheng moved his seat amid the relish discussion, with malicious eyes Glancing back and forth between Zhou Yuhe and the youth, "You and your idol friends have to work hard, don't hurt the hearts of fans."

There was laughter all around.

Zhou Yuhe…

The young man recited these three words silently in his heart, as if he suddenly recalled something, his eyes moved away from the script and fell on the young man's stern face, his sexy lips involuntarily drawn a small arc.

"Quiet! Quiet! The people below don't affect the selection on the stage..." At this moment, Ms. Fang Lin's voice came from the direction of the stage. Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by a surprised voice.

"Yifeng! How did you get down there?" Director Cai was so excited that he forgot to turn on the microphone, his thick voice penetrated the entire theater, allowing everyone in the theater to hear it clearly.

The face that was originally gloomy because of passing one player after another, also became warm and warm like a spring breeze at this moment.

The whole place was instantly silent.

Even if you don't know what the word "Yifeng" means, you can figure out this person's extraordinary origins from the friendly tone of Director Cai, who is known for his seriousness and harshness.

Han Cheng followed the others and held his breath, followed Director Cai's line of sight--

His pupils shrank suddenly.

"This perspective can see a lot of different things."

Compared with Director Cai's gaffe, Xie Yifeng offstage was much more stable.

As he spoke, he leaned lazily on the back of the chair, and the expression under the peaked cap was still leisurely.

Director Cai urged: "Come up quickly."

Xie Yifeng smiled slightly, then turned out of the audience, and with his long legs, his calm steps seemed to be stepping on the hearts of everyone.

There was an uproar at the scene.

This young man not only has a good relationship with Director Cai, but is also the third judge today? What is his origin

When everyone was chatting, the circle that was watching the lively just now was dead silent.

Especially Han Cheng.

He prides himself on his good acting skills. He has been in the entertainment industry for a while. As early as he heard the word "Yifeng", he guessed who the other party was.

A person who may not be able to catch up with acting since his mother's womb is actually mocked by him like that

Han Cheng suddenly felt that all the blood vessels in his body were cold.