Great At Acting, Now I’m Reborn

Chapter 67: Street art


"Gui Yao Zhuan" is a super big IP no less than "Xun Tian". To persuade Meng Chuan to give up such A-level production and turn to the field of literary films, which he is not good at, it sounds like an inconvenience possible things.

Zhou Yuhe knew this very well.

But what he knew more clearly was that the previous life's "Gui Yao Zhuan" was not successful.

It was still the word-of-mouth box office that both rushed to the street, which led to Meng Chuan's silence for nearly two years, and finally broke into a butterfly with "Thin Cherry Blossoms" and returned to the film circle.

He searched a circle in his mind about the reasons why film critics in previous lives encountered Waterloo, and then—

Looking at Meng Chuan firmly, he drew an infectious and confident smile.

"First of all, it is undeniable that "The Legend of Ghosts and Demons" is a modern novel, with its fans all over the country, and it is even more trendy and universal than "Xun Tian", which was enshrined in the gods more than ten years ago. But in the same way, the fans of "Gui Yao Zhuan" are not like Xuntian fans - most of them are young and middle-aged people in their 30s and 40s, but relatively young people who are the main voices in the Internet age. , and they are also the most critical group of people in the Internet age. If you want to shoot "Ghosts and Demons", it means that you have to bear twice or even twice as much pressure as the director of "Xun Tian". Have you ever thought about it, If you smash it, what kind of terrible force will you be overwhelmed?"

Zhou Yuhe did not completely deny "Ghosts and Demons" as soon as he came up, but affirmed the status of the original book, which made Meng Chuan, who was a fan of the original book, involuntarily feel a sense of identity.

With the foreshadowing, it is naturally easier to accept what he said later.

But acceptance is one thing, and recognition is another.

Meng Chuan said: "Similarly, if I shoot well, then I will also be pushed into an unpredictable position by this force."

Zhou Yuhe didn't rush to refute him, but smiled and said, "With Director Meng's strength, of course I believe you have such capital, but a movie has never been decided by the director alone.

"If there is really anyone who can decide the life and death of a movie with one word, there is only one - the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television."

Zhou Yuhe's face showed a smile that was not a smile. Those narrow and beautiful eyes looked straight at Meng Chuan, as if he could see through something he was trying to cover up at a glance, "The original is a good original, and the script is A good script, the director is a good director... But can you really shoot according to the original content? Are you sure that the final release is "Ghosts and Demons", not "Tian Yao Zhuan" and "Da Yao Zhuan"?"

Meng Chuan's face finally changed at this moment.

He turned over the script for a while, and the script in his hand stopped on a certain page.

Zhou Yuhe is right, according to the existing regulations of the Chinese film and television industry, "ghosts" are not allowed in the filmed things, and the protagonist of "Ghosts and Demons" is a big ghost who has lived for thousands of years! In order to make this movie, they not only modified a lot of plots, but also tried to rely on "demon" for everything involving "ghosts", and even the protagonist's identity has become a thousand-year-old in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas". Big Monster, such a change, in fact, even he himself is not sure whether the audience will accept it.

Meng Chuan retorted with some guilt: "Our current script has been submitted for review. I asked some insiders to read it, and they said it was not a big problem."

Zhou Yuhe seized the moment of Meng Chuan's guilty conscience, stepped up the offensive, leaned forward slightly, and shook his right hand slightly as he spoke, which was a very leadership and persuasive gesture, "They said it was not a big problem, every time they They say it's not a big problem! But in fact? How many movies have gone to more than a dozen cities for roadshows before being put on the movie screen. Don't pass! Are there still many movies that have been postponed, missed the golden holiday, and suffered heavy losses? Besides, "Gui Yao Zhuan" is so popular, so many people are staring at it, and the subject matter is so sensitive, you are so sure that no one will be there Stab you in the back?"

"At that time, the script will have to be changed, reshoots will have to be made, and the release period will have to be matched. You really believe that the "Ghosts and Demons" that will be put on the screen will still be the most original and your ideal "Ghosts and Demons". Biography?"

This series of questions made Meng Chuan's face darker and darker, and finally—

a snap—

Meng Chuan threw the script heavily on the table, his expression a little angry because of Zhou Yuhe's strength, he said: "There is no script that does not need to be changed! Unforeseen things will happen when every crew starts up, don't they? Said that because of these illusory 'accidents', there is no need to film!"

Meng Chuan's voice was so loud that everyone in the tavern could hear it clearly.

The atmosphere was so tense that it seemed to freeze.

The owner of the tavern picked up the menu tangled, and seemed to be thinking about whether to go up now to ease the atmosphere.

The girls who were eating at the adjacent table also looked at Zhou Yuhe opposite Meng Chuan with a worried expression.

Although I don't know what they are talking about, the situation of this little brother seems to be very bad. The long-haired man looks like he will rush to beat him in the next second...

Just when everyone was sweating for Zhou Yuhe—

Zhou Yuhe was completely relieved.

He looked at Meng Chuan's strong bow and crossbow-like expression, and a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Such an expression seemed so calm, so free, so hateful.

Zhou Yuhe's voice was not loud, but with a thousand strength, it was overwhelming.

I just listened to him casually: "Okay, then you can shoot, Han Kun is still in the bureau; Fan Junxi's "Looking for the Sky" has just been filmed halfway; Bai Ancai took a whole season of reality shows as a regular MC; Chen is busy with his business investments; Xie Yifeng…”

At the same time, he and Meng Chuan turned their eyes to Xie Yifeng, who had not spoken.

Xie Yifeng understood and replied very tacitly: "I also participated in many international activities in the first half of the year."

Zhou Yuhe turned his gaze back to Meng Chuan's face and continued: "And I'm now trying to persuade you to give up "Ghosts and Demons". If you think you can find a more suitable male protagonist... then you can shoot. "

Will, heart, one, hit.

As I said before, in front of the reason of "you can't find the hero to turn on the phone", they all seem so pale and powerless.

The sharpest knife should be stabbed at the most critical moment—

Zhou Yuhe undoubtedly did this.

Meng Chuan's originally straight back suddenly collapsed. He supported his forehead with his right hand and sighed:

"… you win."

Zhou Yuhe looked at Xie Yifeng ecstatically and said, "Director Meng, are you willing to cooperate with me?"

Unexpectedly, Meng Chuan said: "No, I was just persuaded by you to give up "Ghosts and Demons". This does not mean that I will take "Cat". In fact, what I said is true."

Meng Chuan looked at Zhou Yuhe: "You analyze "Ghosts and Demons" in every way, but have you ever thought that "Cat" actually has the same fatal flaws as "Ghosts and Demons"."

"that is you."

Zhou Yuhe was surprised: "Me?"

Meng Chuan: "Yes, you."

"I said, 'Unless I replace you, I won't direct', this is not an excuse, but the truth. The biggest reason for me to reject "Cat" is not "Ghost Story", but you - Zhou Yuhe."

Such an answer was obviously unexpected by Zhou Yuhe and Xie Yifeng.

Looking at the confused expressions of the two, Meng Chuan sighed, then stood up and walked outside the tavern.

"follow me."

The two looked at each other inexplicably, then got up and followed Meng Chuan out of the tavern.

At this time, it is summer, and the night in Tokyo is still full of subtle floral fragrance. The soft and moving guitar melody is blown by the cool evening wind, which makes the pedestrians on the street feel happy and calm.

Meng Chuan walked to the street to look around, and then walked to a foreign street singer in the middle of the long street. After discussing with the foreign singer in proficient English, Meng Chuan called Zhou Yuhe over.

A heavy object was thrown onto Zhou Yuhe's body.

Zhou Yuhe looked down—

a guitar.

Meng Chuan pointed to the small bench that the foreign singer let out, and said, "You sit here and play."

Zhou Yuhe: "But I'm not very good at this."

Meng Chuan: "It doesn't matter, you can play it casually. After ten minutes of playing, you will know why I rejected you."

Zhou Yuhe had no choice but to follow Meng Chuan's request, picked up the guitar, and sat on the small bench of the foreign singer.

He is not familiar with the guitar, but he learned it for a while when he was a student a long, long time ago, joined the club, and has almost forgotten it now.

He followed his memory and played a very simple pop song, with bits and pieces of guitar sound streaming from his fingertips.

On a summer night, on the street, the stumbling guitar strings.

Such a combination made some passers-by notice Zhou Yuhe, who was playing the guitar.

Then, I couldn't help but stop and look back.

At the beginning, Zhou Yuhe didn't understand the intention of Meng Chuan's move.

Until more and more people stopped, there were even many Japanese girls covering their faces with red cheeks, taking out their mobile phones and starting to take pictures; one after another, some people took out change from their pockets and threw them into the piano boxes of foreign singers—

He just felt vaguely bad.


The trilogy is over.

Only then did he hear Meng Chuan's voice coming slowly and leisurely.

"Have you seen it? Even if you play so badly, someone is willing to pay for your piano sound. Why?"

"… "

"You don't understand at all—"

"Your face is not convincing at all, making people believe that you are a tramp—"

"This movie is fundamentally contrary to reality and logic—"

"You're so damn good looking."

The author has something to say: Director Meng: This male lead is not as good as me :)

Homeless people: Why do people who can rely on their face to eat their food fight with us for their jobs? ? ?