Great At Acting, Now I’m Reborn

Chapter 68: your sincerity


When Director Meng said "good-looking", he actually referred to his temperament more than his appearance.

Modern special effects makeup is so developed, it is easy to change a person's appearance, but it is very difficult to change a person's temperament.

Although Zhou Yuhe's family background is average, but his mother is a professor of ancient Chinese, and his family education is good. He has a strong bookish spirit since he was a child.

After that, he entered the flashy and luxurious entertainment circle. Under the strict star-making system of IS, his temperament became more and more unique and outstanding. Later, he ushered in the explosive period of his career and became a super first-line superstar in China.

His demeanor, no matter how humble, can't hide the strong, star-like flavor that has long been etched into his bones.

In the more than ten years after his disfigurement, this star flavor has never been quiet and depressed.

But after his rebirth, it undoubtedly returned to him.

And after the precipitation, it shines even more brightly, making people deeply immersed in it.

It was the smell of stars on his body that was too heavy, so even at night, even if he was wearing a hat, he couldn't see his face clearly, even if he sat quietly in the corner—

It can also catch everyone's attention at once.

Such a person, even if his clothes are ragged and thrown into the heap of beggars, will stand out from the crowd.

Even if his face is dirty, the audience can see his potential from his delicate and perfect facial features, and believe that he can become a model, an internet celebrity, a star, and do everything that can rely on his face to eat.

The only thing I can't believe is that he will be so poor all his life.


Zhou Yuhe was sitting on the sofa in his living room, and it was pouring rain outside the window.

He carefully recalled the smile that Meng Chuan showed him while standing in the crowd that night in Tokyo.

The one with a three-point scrutiny, a three-point mockery, and a very distrustful smile.

Zhou Yuhe was very unwilling, but could not refute it.

What could be more convincing than facts

On the streets of foreign countries, wearing a peaked cap that even her own mother can't recognize at a glance.

The performance level is not even as good as some high school students.

But the reality is so startling.

When Meng Chuan said those words, he seemed to be poured a basin of ice water on his head in an instant.

All enthusiasm for "Cat" and for An Xue was frozen.

Zhou Yuhe began to calm down.

He leaned his head on the sofa, listened to the sound of the rain outside the window, and began to ponder over the roles he had played before.

Indeed, in his 20-year acting career, it's not that he didn't have a time when his acting skills were overwhelmed, and it wasn't when he didn't play a small person. After his disfigurement, playing soy sauce and playing the bad villain, these have become his daily routine.


There are also many different categories of small people, and he has never played such a precarious vulnerable group.

And as a supporting role, the little characters Zhou Yuhe played will not appear on the screen for more than 20 minutes at most.

His experience, his ability to figure out characters, can fill this less than twenty minutes of performance.

But it can't hold up a two-hour literary film.

This not only requires super-high acting skills, but also requires actors to truly imprint their suffering on their souls in order to perform the kind of despair that is cornered by poverty.

If you hadn't been really poor and lived in a slum, you wouldn't be able to perform convincingly.

"I can tell you clearly that your acting is very good, what you are acting like, but what I need is not 'very good', not 'acting like what'."

"Commercial films, I can not make too many demands on the actors' acting skills, and I can be natural and vivid, but not for literary films."

"Literary and artistic films represent a director's artistic pursuit and spiritual desire for his production career. I can't accept the slightest sense of disobedience that you appear on the big screen, and I can't accept that the audience only notices your face, not the movie. In itself, believe me, a director can be harsher on art and actors than you can imagine."

"It's not that I disapprove of your acting skills, or that I hate you as a person, but I said that you can't act, or you can't act, unless you can prove to me—"

"You, a 20-year-old traffic star with millions of fans, how much can you sacrifice for this movie?"

"Don't be in a hurry to refute, you'd better... think clearly."

Meng Chuan asked him to think clearly.

In fact, he does need to think clearly.

The sound of rain outside the window was pattering.

It passed into Zhou Yuhe's ears, and it gradually overlapped with the sound of rain that he heard in Yang Yu's office the day before.

"Meng Chuan is right. I can fully understand his concerns. He is a good director and "Cat" is a good script, but you may not be a 'good actor' by his standards. You can sacrifice for this movie To what extent? Time? Energy? These are often the most extravagant things for first-line students. He told me that he expected the shooting period to be seven months, and that you should set aside three months to study and experience Life. A whole ten-month vacuum period, and with that time, you can make two movies, he must be crazy."

Yang Yu frowned and added irritably: "We asked him to make movies, but he wanted to make artworks. This time cost is too high, and after careful consideration, Dong Cai and I decided to find a new director for "Cat". "

Zhou Yuhe sat on the swivel chair, lowered his head, and never spoke.

"Yuhe?" Yang Yu saw that something was wrong with him.

"...I'll think about it again." Zhou Yuhe's voice was so soft that she couldn't hear any emotion.

The author has something to say: I’m sorry everyone, I’ve been busy with a happy event at home today, and I’ve been busy since noon until now. The update time has been delayed for so long and it’s still very short. I’m going back to Shenzhen tomorrow. I love you guys, go to sleep, go to sleep, good night~