Great At Acting, Now I’m Reborn

Chapter 69: Take down Meng Chuan


Zhou Yuhe was sitting on the sofa. His back, which was originally straight, was now slightly bent. He stared at the script on the coffee table and fell into deep thought.

Yang Yu is right, ten months is very precious for any popular first-line niche student.

Now it's not like it used to be, it can take a year or two, or even five or six years, to make a good movie.

Now everything is about fast food culture, fragmented culture.

The popular young students can use these ten months to receive two seasons of reality shows, shoot three TV series, and walk four or five red carpet shows.

The only thing is that I won't bet on a movie for ten months.

Still applauded the unpopular literary film.

Even if the acting skills are overwhelming, the script is outstanding, and it has won many awards, so what

Literary and artistic films have always been weak at the box office, in case the box office is bleak...

What should he do if the box office is bad

If he only has three or four months, he can pick up another TV series or commercial film immediately after the box office hits the streets to regain popularity.

But for ten months, no exposure, no works, no news…

Once he fails, the blow to his current career will never be just a star and a half. .

The fact that Zhou Yuhe is not suitable for the role of An Xue compresses his full confidence by almost half.

He leaned his head on the back of the sofa, looked at the white ceiling, and began to empty his mind.

Fragments of many past lives flashed by in front of my eyes.

He remembered that he had not been in such a situation before.

The same good script, good director.

Likewise, longer shooting periods.

At that time, he was already the first brother of is, and Ji Chen gradually retreated behind the scenes and began to plan for his business empire.

At that time, Ji Chen looked at him with tender eyes.

"Yuhe, Director Liao's film will take a year to make, and he has to go to a closed-off experience of life in a difficult and difficult mountainous area. I don't want you to suffer so much for me, for is, and spend so much time shooting that kind of future. Uncertain, just for award-winning movies."

"You are now a top artist in China, even if you don't make movies, you just take on reality shows, endorsements, and attend international events - as long as you can maintain exposure, you can attract a lot of fans, so why push yourself to that level? , look at Fan Junxi, Bai An, they only shoot IP dramas every year, and they only take on the most popular reality shows. They can easily get what most people in the circle dream of. Your popularity is much higher than theirs, why not Make yourself a little easier, too?"

Yes, whether it is a reality show, an endorsement advertisement, or an IP drama with traffic, as long as you maintain enough exposure, you can often brush your face in front of the public...

You can live very, very well without paying anything.

Rich, status, popularity, time, and ease—

This is the life everyone is fascinated by.

It is also the fundamental reason why many niche students in the entertainment industry originally had good acting skills, but after they became popular, their acting skills kept going backwards.

Because what I want is so easy to get, I will no longer cherish every moment of acting.

So become stingy with every ounce of extra effort.

But they, including Zhou Yu and herself at that time, all forgot about the artworks—the things that truly become classics and will be remembered forever by people, originally required countless effort and energy to be poured.

He once, for money, for love, for career.

Countless opportunities to be part of the birthing process of these gems were passed up.

After finally being reborn again, is he going to repeat the same mistakes

Obviously there is such a good script and such a good director in front of you, but because of the so-called time cost and so-called commercial value, he gave up the best choice and changed to another director

Zhou Yuhe's hands gradually clenched into fists, and the words Meng Chuan said to him echoed in his ears again and again.

And every time it echoed, his blood would boil a little, and an impulse called blood would run rampantly in his limbs.

His blood, his bone marrow, every cell in his body is screaming madly!

At last.


Burn all his sanity!

He took his hooded jacket, casually grabbed a cell phone and change on the table, and went out in the rain.


In the old town of a city.

Although the entertainment industry of city a has developed rapidly in recent years, bringing the economy of the whole city a, but in the old city, city a still seems to retain its appearance more than ten years ago, with criss-crossing alleys entrenched in the city like branches In the corner of the building, dilapidated low walls, dirty streets, if there is a vague smell of taint mixed with the smell of soil in the air, no matter who passes by, they can't help covering their mouths and noses.

However, even in such a messy environment, there are still many homeless people living here. They do not seek wealth, nor do they seek food and clothing, and they do not even dare to ask for a decent job, just like Like an ant, it clings to this rotten branch as tightly as possible, just asking not to be picked up by anyone and then thrown away.

As long as it is not abandoned by the city.

A shirtless young man in old yellowed beach shorts walked out of a cramped, dilapidated bungalow.

The skin on his body was dark, apparently the result of years of exposure to the sun.

In addition to black, there are some indescribable dirt and scars.

The hair grows to the shoulders and is messy, and I don't know how long it has been since I haven't had a decent bath to get this rough.

Holding the kettle, he was thinking of getting some water from the faucet at the corner of the street, when a deep and pleasant voice penetrated the thin rain curtain:

"Hey man, do you live here?"

The young man shook his head, turned his head, and saw a hooded jacket in the drizzle, a boy with a black body, but with a special temperament, or a young man

He narrowed his eyes slightly and leaned his head forward.

Zhou Yuhe judged from this little action that the homeless man was short-sighted and could not see his appearance clearly, so the corners of the originally raised mouth became more curved.

"I'll discuss something with you..."

The young man looked at him warily.

Zhou Yuhe was not annoyed either, he took out thirty dollars from his pocket and handed it to the homeless man.

Although the homeless man couldn't see Zhou Yuhe's face clearly, he could recognize that it was three ten-yuan banknotes by the color alone, so his expression softened, but he still didn't reach out to pick it up.

"I have nowhere to go. You take me in for a while, how about I give you thirty yuan a day?"

Although Zhou Yuhe has a lot of money, he also understands the truth of raising Mien and fighting Mien.

Thirty bucks? Or every day

The homeless man's ears moved, and he rubbed his water bottle with his hands in a tangled manner. In the end, he couldn't stand the temptation and slowly stretched out his left hand.

"… good."


a month later.

Meng Chuan's destination was walking on the street.

He has already rejected "Ghost Story", but he has not accepted other movies during this time.

He was walking absentmindedly, when suddenly an unpleasant singing voice entered his ears. He looked back and saw a street singer on the corner of the street, with a stereo and a microphone singing.

He suddenly thought of Zhou Yuhe.

After being rejected so clearly, it could even be said to be embarrassing, Zhou Yuhe never mentioned to him that he wanted him to direct again, and Zhou Yuhe himself seemed to have evaporated from the world, and had nothing for a whole month. sound.

Hey, I can actually understand that a big star who is held in the hands of fans as a baby is suddenly hit like this, no matter who it is, it may be a little affected.

He approached the street singer erratically, and he was fascinated by his unremarkable appearance and temperament.

He is so ordinary that he can't be found in the crowd, but his eyes are very special.

The starlight in his eyes is on and off, the kind of numbness and unwillingness to life; despair, abandonment, and a little cautious hope...

That look made Meng Chuan's heart itch uncontrollably.

Perhaps rejecting "Cat" was a wrong decision? It's a really good script. As long as Zhou Yu and Ken sacrifice a little more, why can't he make some concessions


Meng Chuan shook his head. If he said something, how could there be any reason to take back the water he poured out

However, the street singer did cause him melancholy.

After the song was over, he took a little change from his pocket and threw it in the small box in front of the singer.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, suddenly—

"You just stood in front of me for two full minutes, Director Meng."

Meng Chuan was shocked.

He turned his head suspiciously, just as he was about to ask how the wandering singer knew about him, when he saw the corner of the other's mouth curled into a smirk but not a smile—

Meng Chuan felt like he was struck by lightning in an instant.

The other party straightened his back, which had been slightly hunched, and his slightly wretched philistine temperament was instantly swept away, and the other party's unremarkable face gradually became familiar.

The stronger the sense of familiarity, the more surprised Meng Chuan was.

After more and more surprises gathered together, it finally turned into a scream of his collapse and gaffe—

"Zhou, Yu, He?!!!"

The author has something to say: Director Meng: You are so ugly one day that I can't recognize you! ! I lost:)