Great At Acting, Now I’m Reborn

Chapter 70: Quasi-shoveling officer


Director Meng exclaimed, the three words "Zhou Yuhe" were so clearly bitten, that the passers-by around couldn't help but look back.

They looked away from Zhou Yuhe, who had shoulder-length hair, wheat-colored skin, and a stubborn beard, and looked up. It happened that at this time, a skin care advertisement of Zhou Yuhe was playing on the outside screen of the building, which was astonishing. The face value makes people almost can't take their eyes off.

But even if I can't take my eyes off it, this ad has been running for two or three months.

Passersby walked away disappointed, and a few others muttered "what's all the fuss about".

Meng Dao and Zhou Yuhe escaped the catastrophe because of this.

If passersby were told that Zhou Yuhe had suddenly appeared on the street, there would be no traffic jam, and it would be suffocating.

By the time the passersby were gone.

Meng Dao Cai stepped forward and asked like a ghost, "Why did you torment yourself like this?"

Zhou Yuhe smiled, a pair of dazzling and bright eyes, under the gray-faced appearance, like two diamonds inlaid in the eye sockets, shining:

"Director Meng, you asked me 'how far I can sacrifice for the movie', now, are you satisfied?"

Meng Chuan was silent for a while.

He looked at this "flowing little student" who was probably unrecognizable in front of his own mother. In addition to admiration, he also felt a strong, indescribable feeling that filled his chest.

This guy…

He destroyed his self-confidence with a street performance a month ago.

A month later, he will be able to repay him in the same way, proving himself in the same way.

Although there is a distraction factor, you must know that Zhou Yuhe a month ago, even wearing a peaked cap, even in a foreign country, sitting in the far corner and playing the guitar intermittently, is outstanding enough to make people look at it. recognized him.

But now, as he said, for two full minutes, Meng Chuan stood in front of him and didn't notice anything unusual.

What's this

This is acting.


After finalizing the director's contract with Meng Chuan, the "Cat" crew quickly entered the preparation period before the filming started. Cai Dong, Meng Chuan, Zhou Yuhe, and Yang Yu, who was on the sidelines, all felt that although the original work was The plot is wonderful, but in the expression of the core, it is too...

"It's too complicated," Meng Chuan said sharply. "The author wants to express too many things, but there is no point. This does not match the excellent plot setting. We have to lose something... "

After two days of meetings, Meng Chuan, the director, finally decided on the direction of revision—

He decided to cut off the love line and not the heroine.

From the warm interaction between the milk cat and the protagonist An Xue, the core proposition of self-growth and family affection is expressed.

In this way, although the width of the film is reduced, more things can be excavated in depth.

The direction of revision has been set for the time being, but the specific plan has not yet come out.

Meng Chuan said that the film is still under preparation, and there is no rush. Let Zhou Yuhe continue to experience life and adopt a cat by the way.

After all, the audience will still see the difference between the real shit shoveling officer and the performing shit shovel officer.


Zhou Yuhe took orders to leave.

Speaking of cats.

He suddenly thought of the raccoon flower, the small box, that was raised by Xie Yifeng in his previous life.

It is said that when I bought it, the little guy kept squatting in the small toy box of the pet store and refused to come out, so it was called the small box-

Yes, we Xie Yingdi named it so casually.

Xiao Box has been in poor health since he was a child, and Xie Yifeng was extremely busy in the next few years, so this guy was fostered at Zhou Yuhe's home for almost half a year.

He still remembered making a joke at the time.

When the small box was originally delivered, it was thin and energetic. The long legs were like a cat's small chestnut, and the legs below the neck were not exaggerated at all.

But Zhou Yuhe was recovering from illness at that time, so he asked his aunt to take care of his daily life.

Auntie is warm and loving. So when he went out to film, he gave the small box to his aunt. He didn't expect to come back in three months to see—

Who is this fat ball Nima? ?

A handsome cat face turned into a cat cake face directly. Legs below the neck? Sorry, this fat ball has no neck.

He could never forget the expression on Xie Yifeng's face when he took the small box back.

It was as if the little box had eaten up a building with my own eyes.

Shocked, bewildered, and at a loss.

Zhou Yuhe deeply felt that at that time their friendship did not come to an end, it was already the greatest miracle in the world.

Zhou Yuhe's relationship with Xiaoqiang is not deep or shallow, but even so, when he knew that Xiaoqiang died of an infectious disease because Xie Yifeng was too busy to take care of it, he was still sad for a while.

This time in the cat movie, Zhou Yuhe's sadness was brought out at once.

He was sad for a while and remembered that May 2015 was almost the time when Xie Yifeng bought the small box at the pet store.

So I reported it to Yang Yu, took the nanny car, and came to the pet shop in my memory.


Peaked cap, black mask.

Zhou Yuhe got out of the car wearing full armor.

The pet store sits in an unremarkable place on the corner of the street.

The store is not big, but clean.

The little milk cats in the pet cages opened their big eyes and looked at Zhou Yuhe curiously and timidly through the glass windows.

Zhou Yuhe saw the small box at a glance in the crit of such a group of cute creatures.

It is probably a little raccoon flower that is less than two months old, with black and light yellow striped fluff, which is beautifully and evenly attached to the soft body, its ears are pointed, and the blue membrane of its eyes has not yet faded. , the tip of her red nose and the corners of her reserved mouth, she just raised her head without warning and looked at Zhou Yuhe blankly.

The weeds grew wildly on the chest of the prospective shit shovel officer in an instant, and it was so cute that I could breathe!

Zhou Yuhe took a step forward involuntarily, and seemed to have alarmed the little guy. His eyes changed, his round eyes suddenly became sharp, his two small claws were on the iron railings of the pet cage, his mouth grinned, revealing himself With small sharp and thin teeth, and a small face with alternating stripes, it looks a bit like a little tiger, and it looks majestic at Zhou Yu and Miao Miao Miao.

It's a genuine small box!

The first time I saw the milk cat version of the small box, Zhou Yuhe was so cute that he couldn't help himself, and it took a while to find out—

The environment in which the small box is located is no different from that of other milk cats. There is no toy small box like Xie Yifeng said in the pet bar.

Ok? Did he remember it wrong

Just when Zhou Yuhe was confused.

The pet cage of the small box was opened, and the lovely-looking clerk carefully took the small box out of the pet cage—

No, it's going to be bought!

Such thoughts flashed across Zhou Yuhe's mind.

Without much thought, he stepped into the pet shop with his long legs.

In front of the cashier, I saw a familiar figure, holding the small box in his arms with a loving look on his face, and stroking its little head once and for all.

The little guy squinted his eyes with enjoyment, and let out a soft long meow, how can he still look like that fierce milk before

Zhou Yuhe didn't have time to scold this unscrupulous little thing, and was stunned when he saw the face of the cat buyer the next second—

"Thank you brother?"

Xie Yifeng was also startled, "Yuhe?"

No way? Is there such a coincidence

Zhou Yuhe pointed to the small box in his arms and asked, "How about buying a cat?"

"Yeah," Xie Yifeng looked at Zhou Yuhe's face with anxiety and concern that had not yet faded away, and his highly emotional intelligence rolled his eyes slightly and said, "You also like this milk cat?"

"No, it's actually Director Meng who asked me to have a cat by myself, so I can get into the movie when I'm filming."

Xie Yifeng nodded, Zhou Yuhe was busy experiencing life, although they didn't meet much during this time, but he also knew about "Cat", he handed out the small box in his arms: "Then let it go to you."

"Don't you like it too?"

"If you like it, you have to have time to support it." Xie Yifeng's mouth raised a wicked angle, he pretended to be casual, "I think it is more suitable for you to support."


"Don't you realize it's a bit like you? Especially when you're surprised and your eyes are rounded..." Xie Yifeng slightly curled his lips, and the doting in his eyes was enough to drown people.

His voice suddenly hit Zhou Yuhe's heart.

Little Box... Like him

He looked down, and the little box was staring at him with round blue eyes, bewildered.

One person and one cat just stare at each other like this, let's not talk about how synchronized the expressions are!

Zhou Yuhe, who suddenly thought of something, glanced at Xie Yifeng who was smiling but not smiling, and his cheeks suddenly burned.

The author has something to say: Zhou Yuhe: Since there is no small toy box, it means... (*/w\*)

Xie Yifeng was stunned: Did I sell myself in my previous life? ?

I can often go and watch cats at home, so beautiful (/≧▽≦)/