Great At Acting, Now I’m Reborn

Chapter 71: Cat and An School


"Why are you blushing?" Xie Yifeng bowed slightly, approached Zhou Yuhe, and touched Zhou Yuhe's forehead with his own forehead. Before the other party avoided him, he took it back like a dragonfly and said suspiciously, " Huh? No fever."

His movements are too natural, so natural that he seems to be saying that everyone is a boy, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with physical contact.

But Zhou Yuhe just couldn't stand it shyly.

"I, I'm fine, don't get so close, it's hot." Zhou Yuhe said stumblingly, that cute and shy look and the little milk cat squinting and shrunk in his arms were somewhat in sync, Xie Yingdi The heart melted at once.

So cute, even shy, we and Hezhen are the cutest in the world.

"I've already paid, let's go." Xie Yifeng's lips twitched, he decided not to tease him anymore, took out the same black mask as Zhou Yuhe from his pocket, and took the lead out of the pet shop.

The two walked on a sparsely populated small street.

The orange-red sunlight warmly filled the entire street, hitting the top of the boy's soft and delicate hair, reflecting wisps of soft light.

"Why are you looking at me all the time?" Zhou Yuhe, who was walking in front, suddenly said dully.

Xie Yifeng said cheekily: "I didn't look at you, I looked at the cat."

Zhou Yuhe simply turned around and showed Xiao Box's handsome face generously.

"Come on, you can watch it."

"Meow..." As if feeling the sight of the two, the little master meowed comfortably, and the lazy look in his eyes seemed to say that he didn't know what you two mortals were doing.

Zhou Yuhe couldn't help reaching out and licking its head twice when he saw its small size.

At this time, the other hand also touched the cat's head.

"Hey, do you think it will bite? I've never had a cat, so I don't know." Xie Yifeng said casually, as if he inadvertently touched Zhou Yuhe's finger again and again. tip.

Zhou Yuhe was very deliberately wiped by Xie Yingdi, but he did not escape, but his face was red, and with the orange filter of the sunset, the whole little face looked like a tomato that was about to ripen.

"No, the little box is very good." Zhou Yuhe said absently.

Xie Yifeng touched again and again, as if he was not touching the cat or his hand, but directly holding his heart out of his chest, as if he was groping wildly.

Otherwise, how could his heartbeat be so fast

Xie Yifeng let out an "oh", with a low and magnetic voice with a slightly pleasant end note, "Little Box, Little Kazuko... It's very suitable for the two of you~"

Hearing this sentence, Zhou Yuhe's heart beat faster.

The box that was turned into a dumb cat by two humans: "… "

Oh, the whole world is full of the sour smell of love, only I exude the fragrance of being single.


The filming of the film took place simultaneously on both sides.

One is Zhou Yuhe's life experience, and the other is the adaptation of the script.

Zhou Yuhe's life experience was not bad. He made up his mind to eat and live with the homeless Ah Piao, and he had been here for a month that was the hardest to get used to, and the later things went relatively smoothly, even a lot earlier. Time, it only took two months to complete the task of life experience.

On the other hand, in the adaptation of the script, the perfectionist Director Meng hired the entire screenwriting team to revise the original script. He was not satisfied with the changes, and the progress was stuck in this area.

Zhou Yuhe saw that Meng Dao was in a depressed mood, so he specially invited him to his house for dinner.

As soon as the door was opened, the small box that was originally sitting on the sofa, the radar on the pointed ears seemed to be turned on in an instant, jumped softly, and ran off the sofa, rushing towards Zhou Yuhe, and meowing at the same time. Meow endlessly, the little sticky cat is right!

Director Meng was taken aback by such a warm and sticky little box.

Zhou Yuhe picked up the small box and glanced at Director Meng apologetically, "It may be starving."

When Zhou Yuhe made an apologetic expression, the corners of his eyes that had been raised slightly would be pulled down, and the whole eyes became rounder. At this time, the little box just happened to be looking at him, and the cowardly, well-behaved and aggrieved little eyes were actually in harmony with him. Zhou Yuhe is exactly the same!

Meng Dao was stunned on the spot as if the Tianling cover had been split open by lightning.

There is still the spirit of inspiration on the top of the head!

"I thought about it! I thought about it, I thought about it..." Director Meng just took off his shoes, and now he hastily put them on again, and before he could say anything, he rushed out of the apartment.

Zhou Yuhe looked at Meng Dao who passed away like the wind: "..."

Are all directors so surprised


After two days, Zhou Yuhe came to the office of Yadong Culture, only to know that Meng Chuan was inspired that day, and ran back to ask the screenwriting team to start work overnight and change the script.

"Has it been corrected?" Zhou Yuhe asked in surprise. After processing the script for a month, it was corrected in just two days

"It's changed, let's take a look..." Meng Chuan, who had only slept for six or seven hours in two days, seemed to have been drained of his blood by a goblin, and his whole body was gone.

Zhou Yuhe opened the script and looked at it, and was instantly attracted by the new script content.

Most of the plot has not changed much, and the main thing that has changed is the part of the protagonist's setting.

An Xue in the original script was a young man of twenty-six or seven years old, but in order to fit the new theme - self-seeking, he made a change in age and became a skinny boy of eighteen or nineteen.

The protagonist, Gong Xue, is an orphan with a withdrawn personality. After being adopted by his adoptive parents in an orphanage, he has been reluctant to open his heart. This self-isolation culminated in the birth of a son from adoptive parents who had thought it would be difficult to conceive.

He has been fond of painting since he entered adolescence, but due to the influence of his living environment, his painting style has always been relatively intense, with rich colors, and his abstract painting methods have not been accepted by mainstream aesthetics.

One day, after his dark paintings made his ten-year-old brother cry, the family conflict broke out completely.

An Xue, whose academic performance has been bad, was furious, dropped out of school and ran away from home, and began to live a homeless life.

An Xue is an extreme, dark, withdrawn, low self-esteem, and a genius with super talent.

It's a pity that art is not clear. Many painters' paintings were discovered after their deaths, and their prices soared and even sold for sky-high prices. However, many of them lived down and unhappy all their lives before they died.

An Xue falls into this category.

After he mustered up all the courage to run away from home, he found that the "free" life was not as easy as he thought.

He was underappreciated, and he did not have too many skills and IQ. He could only make a living by painting people on the street. He often ran out of food and lived in poverty.

It's not that he didn't regret it.

When he cautiously returned to the vicinity of his home, he saw his adoptive father and his younger brother came back from shopping for toys with a smile on his face. The scene of cuddling in the sunset deeply stimulated An Xue, who originally wanted to walk under the sun. The An Xue, who silently retreated into the darkness.

From then on, the young man's eyes became more and more numb and indifferent. He wandered on the edge of the city, living a life at the bottom and the most loss of dignity.

It was at this time that the kitten Anan appeared in the teenager's life.

The appearance of this cat brought An Xue great luck, not only in career and economic changes, but most importantly, this kitten changed An Xue's barren world.

He can slowly feel the connection with the world, slowly feel the love and warmth, and slowly find himself in the process of raising An An.

Rather than saying that An Xue saved An An, the stray cat, at the most critical time, it would be better to say that An An rescued An Xue at the most critical time.

"I intend to connect An Xue and An An through similar appearances. An An implies the original An Xue, who has not suffered from the cruelty of life and the tempering of dreams. The cowardly, quiet, but clean and clear An Xue represents An Xue. The beautiful side of An Xue, it walked into An Xue's dark life and pulled him out of the abyss - 'Only you can save yourself', this is our entire movie, hidden under the themes of self-growth, family affection, and caring for animals A deeper, warmer and better idea." Meng Chuan cheered up and expressed his thoughts to everyone present as much as possible.

Only you can save yourself...

Just these few words can already make people think of a lot of things.

Zhou Yuhe was stunned, looked at Meng Chuan, and then looked at the new script in his hand.

The new script is no longer called "Cat", but "Cat and An Xue". Under the adaptation of the new script, An An and An Xue are now a whole.

A whole that cannot be divided.

The script seems to still have some residual warmth from the printer, like a slowly beating heart.

The previous script is not bad, just "self-growth", "family affection" and "caring for animals" are enough for people to play, but what Meng Chuan said makes people feel that this script is instantly alive. It got up and became flesh and blood, and even the person holding it could feel that its pulse was beating warmly and firmly.

Zhou Yuhe watched the script and said slowly, "I think this adaptation is very good."

It's really nice to get this movie.

"Then the most difficult problem is solved now. We will audition for the 'male lead' next." Cai Dong glanced at Zhou Yuhe and joked that the "male lead" he was talking about certainly wasn't sitting here. Zhou Yuhe, but another male protagonist in "Cat and An Xue", Kitten An An.

"Speaking of the male protagonist..." Meng Chuan glanced at Zhou Yuhe with some itchiness.

Zhou Yuhe said decisively: "No."

What is Meng Chuan thinking? Why doesn't he know

An An in the new script is somewhat similar to An Xue, where can I find a cat that looks like "An Xue" so quickly

"Zhou Zhou..." Meng Chuan softened his tone. He is younger than most of the directors in the circle, and Zhou Yuhe is not as transparent as he used to be. It is obviously inappropriate to call it "Xiao Zhou", so not only Meng Chuan, now Susu and Yang Yu almost all call him that.

"It is written in the new script that in order to highlight the changes, An An will become fatter in the later stage, I don't agree." Zhou Yuhe said coldly.

His cat Nakaguri Shun had been fed into a fat ball once in his last life.

You can stop filming in this life, but your appearance must be preserved!

No matter how Meng Chuan grinds him, we Zhou Zhou have taken the posture of a first-line niche, and we will not shoot if we say no, which is very impersonal!

Meng Chuan had no choice but to quit and take the retreat as the advance, indicating that the cat actors on their side were going first. If they couldn't find someone who looked like Zhou Yuhe, then the movie had to be filmed...

Zhou Yuhe thought about it, and suddenly felt that the long legs of the small box would not be able to be preserved in this life...


"Cat and An Xue" successfully started filming.

Four months, plus two months of life experience.

A full half-year vacuum period, no exposure, no works, no news...

Zhou Yuhe's fans can be said to be very disappointed. At first they heard that Zhou Yuhe had turned down all invitations for commercial works and received a literary film, and their hearts were extremely relieved.

Zhou Zhou is obviously going to sprint his acting skills!

No matter how disappointed the outside world is, ridiculing Zhou Yuhe for "still too young to understand the rules in the circle", "no vision", "it's a pity for a good seedling", they are always willing to believe and follow Zhou Yuhe's choice!

Zhou Zhou's acting skills are so good, but outsiders only stare at his appearance, it's time to use strength to respond to those who question him!

Although there are a lot of bad raps now, when the movie is released, it will definitely surprise all four!

But as time went by, things developed more and more in the opposite direction of their imagination.

The investment cost of "Cat and Anxue" is not high, but the closed period for filming is very long!

People are prone to love the new and hate the old. In addition, for traffic stars, exposure and popularity are life. If you don’t make a sound for months, people will soon forget you.

Although Zhou Yuhe has been the king of dramas for two consecutive years, he is not as vulnerable as the general traffic niche, but now the voice of discussing him on the Internet is obviously less than when "Xuntian" just aired by nearly three times. Two out of ten!

Popularity comes and goes quickly—

No foundation, no foundation, that's all.

Even if the fans are in a hurry, it is useless. How should Meng Chuan shoot or how to shoot, as if he did not perceive the anxiety in the fans' hearts at all.

I thought that this anxiety would gradually subside with the smooth progress of the filming, but a road photo recently released on the Internet completely shattered the fantasies of fans.


So ugly, so ordinary, with such bad skin, and very ordinary temperament, even a hint of wretchedness—

This unsightly "passer-by" is their prosperous beauty Zhou Yuhe? ?

Although this inadvertently leaked photo was deleted immediately, it still hit the self-esteem of countless face fans.

And the black fans also waited for the opportunity, and began to talk about the "refined beauty" that had been proved to be nonsense by countless people before.

Many fans who have not seen Zhou Yuhe with their own eyes began to wonder, is makeup really a witchcraft? Is Zhou Yuhe really just such a "passer-by" in private

When the food circle was full of panic and the momentum was low.

More ominous news emerged—

The movie version of "Searching for the Sky" is coming!

The author has something to say: Let me tell you about my recent living conditions. Some time ago, I asked for leave to say that Sanyuan was busy. It was really busy because I changed jobs. Although the new job is busy and the working hours are longer, most of the time, even if I stay up late until the early morning, I still try my best to work daily.

I feel really bad recently, one is due to work and the other is due to physical reasons. In February, I took a month’s leave to recuperate because of my low back pain. Everyone knows that now, because I have to code words when I go to work, take a bus, and go home, I have to work at a desk for a longer time, so my body is really overwhelmed. I hesitated for a week, and after considering my own situation, I decided that this article will start from tomorrow, temporarily change from daily to five-week update, not update on Thursday and Sunday, and occasionally update every day. Daily update, I hope everyone understands that qaq fatteners can be fattened, and those who abandon the pit can be abandoned. I can understand it, but if you leave, please leave silently without telling the author. If there is still a little angel who continues to support every day, that would be really touched and thank you qaq

The day is changed to Fridays a week, and it is not updated on Thursdays and Sundays, and occasionally it is updated daily; the day is changed to Fridays a week, and it is not updated on Thursdays and Sundays, and occasionally it is updated daily; the author will not abandon the pit. Will abandon the pit, say important things three times, hope everyone knows qaq.