Great At Acting, Now I’m Reborn

Chapter 73: Little people


This is of course Zhou Yuhe.

From the facial features to other physical features, it can be easily seen that this is Zhou Yuhe, but when they took a closer look at the boy on the poster, they were not quite sure...

Atmosphere, too different.

If the Zhou Yuhe on TV is the ice spring under the moon and the cold jade in Kunshan, then the boy on the poster is a rock, a lump of mud... In short, a very "little person".

Yes, little people, not passers-by.

A passerby is a character that looks very ordinary and unrecognizable when thrown in a crowd, but a "little person" character is not.

Although the stray boy looks like a low-level character, the tension between his eyes and his appearance, the sense of drama and texture rushing out of the screen, plus the contradictory and strange harmony with the kitten around him...

So playful!

The trending search for "Cat and An Xue" jumped up.

Countless people are amazed by this poster—

"Wow, Zhou Yuhe is too cruel to himself, does he really have the self-consciousness of being a traffic niche?"

"I seem to see the next little plum..."

"Upstairs, I was so frightened that I went to make up for the prosperous beauty of the Laneige Award hundreds of times!"

"The kitten is so cute! I don't know why, but I feel a little distressed when I see it..."

Before the notice came out, there were a lot of "tap water" on the Internet. After learning that the original intention of this movie was to encourage everyone not to abandon cats and adopt stray cats instead of buying cats, many cat lovers expressed their opinions. No matter how good it is, it will definitely go to the cinema to contribute to the box office.

Of course, more people became very interested in Zhou Yuhe's "Golden Finger" after the movie "Looking for the Sky" Waterloo. They wanted to verify whether it was the real Zhou Yuhe, which film and which one The department will explode.

The literary film, which was originally thought to be popular, unexpectedly became the most watched film in the beginning of 2016.

"Cat and Anxue" focuses on the warm and healing style, and the selection is also on the second day of the new year.

Due to the many New Year blockbusters in the same period, Zhou Yuhe's fans broke into a cold sweat for their little idol.

Early morning on the second night of the New Year's Eve.

Most of the people who can support the movie at this time are some die-hard fans of Zhou Yuhe.

Walking into the movie theater, there were young girls of the same age. They looked at each other and smiled, and some cheerful young ladies even began to discuss in a low voice with the people around them. When they walked into the premiere one after another, the lights dimmed, and the title was released, and the auditorium, which was somewhat noisy, immediately quieted down.

An ordinary street was drawn out on the huge three-meter-wide screen. Accompanied by the title music, the subtitles of the main creators appeared in the corners of the film. Zhou Yuhe followed the subtitles of director Meng Chuan. When they appeared, the screening room, which was all Zhou Yu and Tiefen, instantly boiled.

Considering that there is also a 1 in 10,000 chance that passersby are watching the movie, the young ladies immediately remembered the etiquette of watching movies and kept silent.

After all the subtitles came out, the movie was also fixed in the center of the street along with country music. The pedestrians passing by were bustling, the buns were neatly raised, and the brushstrokes of the street painters were rustling... Everything together constituted a busy scene. Another light picture.

This picture lasted for more than twenty seconds, just when the audience wondered why the main film had not started yet—

The street painter who watched the booth in the lower left corner walked to the street on the right with a backpack, and the camera moved with him.

After seeing the appearance of the wandering painter, there was another burst of exclamations in the projection hall.

It feels as if a part of the perfectly fitting machine that is running suddenly falls out;

Continuously flipping through the book suddenly turned to a confession written to you by someone;

It's as if you were watching TV and suddenly the people inside came out of the TV.

Just when you thought that the protagonist had not appeared in the picture, he suddenly came out of the picture. This feeling of overturning your expectations, although only for a moment, it is easy for people to have a kind of "oh~" admiration. .

This is not only a dazzling skill of Meng Chuan, but also a dazzling skill of Zhou Yuhe.

Just like Meng Chuan didn't recognize him when he stood in front of him for two minutes, now, he has successfully copied it again, so that these fans who are very familiar with him did not notice any strangeness or sense of disobedience, so when the camera followed Everyone was so amazed when he moved.


After the wandering painter closed the booth, it was a series of daily routines for about ten minutes, which very smoothly showed how he was disliked by people in the subway, rejected by the gallery owner for selling paintings, and even sheltered from the rain under the eaves. Slowly retreating into the rain curtain... Being isolated from the normal world, I was used to the sadness and loneliness on my face, and finally hunched over with numb eyes and left—

Just at the beginning, many fans have already made their noses sore.

It's not that I feel bad for the real star Zhou Yuhe.

Instead, I just feel sorry for the lonely, cowardly, inferior, wandering teenager in the movie who was arbitrarily manipulated and discarded by reality.

The boy with no grains returned home in the rain—

If only this was a place to call home.

He took off his wet and dirty clothes, revealing a very scrawny back. That shocking thinness was even more shocking than seeing Zhou Yuhe's skinny face!

How much did he pay for this movie

This scene can almost be said to ruthlessly put the mother's heart on the baking tray and roast it—

Please, be a substitute!

However, in the next scene, the owner of the back turned around, revealing the familiar facial features of the audience, shattering the last fluke in their hearts.

Zhou Yuhe... She lost weight to this extent for the sake of the movie! ! !

This determination, this perseverance, is undoubtedly moving!

Fans continued to look down while holding their hearts.

Get dressed, wait for the rain to stop, go out, be rescued by kind neighbors, and return home with their half-cut birthday cake.

Although An Xue is very hungry, his stomach is very small now. Even if he devours it, he can't eat much. There is still a considerable part of the cake left, which is placed on the table for tomorrow's breakfast.

Just as he was about to fall asleep after a brief wash, there was a small meowing sound outside the window.

A light figure jumped up on the windowsill.

An Xue turned his head back, and his eyes met An An's.

Those are two pairs of the same, quiet, pure, clear eyes.

But An Xue's eyes only existed for a moment.

The next second after he reacted, his eyes immediately returned to their previous numbness and emptiness. He stood up and wanted to drive An An out, but he saw that An An's feet were cut by something sharp, and the little things were flowing. Bleeding, and after a meow in the direction of the cake, his heart softened.

That cake is also his breakfast tomorrow...

From soft-hearted to tangled, to forcing himself to be numb and indifferent, ruthlessly closing the window—

In less than a minute, a very short period of time, Zhou Yuhe's performance filled the minute.

The emotional transformation in him was very obvious.

It was obvious that his every movement and every look was full of texture.

It is obvious that every audience in the theater cannot be ignored!


Different from the high opening and low walking of "Searching for the Sky", after the premiere of "Cat and An Xue" was over, all the fans of the premiere were Amway.

When they think of Zhou Yuhe's dedication to the movie, they feel so distressed that they can't wait to bring audiences from all over the world into the movie theater. Amway's words will inevitably have some irrational words, such as "very beautiful!!", "No. Look not Chinese!!", "As long as you buy movie tickets for Zhou Yuhe, then we will be good friends for life.jpg"...

Compared with this kind of confusing Amway, who has also seen the premiere, the articles of film critics who have a deeper understanding of the film are more convincing.

There is no doubt that the screenplay and the director are excellent, and almost every professional who writes film reviews will praise it.

Of course, they will praise at the end, the most important thing is Zhou Yuhe's performance.

Big or small, which one is more difficult to play

I believe that in real life, most people will think that big people are more brilliant, while small people are more ordinary.

But in fact, the exact opposite is true in the expression of the film.

Big characters have many lines, even exaggerated movements, and facial expressions to help them complete their performances.

But little people don't.

Small-person protagonists have a natural disadvantage in this regard.

They don't have the help of plot lines, and they don't have the ups and downs of life experience. They are like the reefs under the water, the mellow wine heart in the sandwiched chocolate. If they don't have enough acting strength and rich acting experience, they can easily act. With ordinary water and chocolate, I can't see anything special.

It is precisely because of this that there are many actors who play small-character protagonists. When they have no lines or stand on the side, they often become the background boards of big supporting roles and big villains, and they have zero sense of existence—

But they are the protagonists, not passers-by, nor are they tricks!

This is a point that many actors ignore when acting.

But Zhou Yuhe didn't.

In this movie, even when there are no lines, even when standing on the edge, even when An An shines brightly, as long as the camera sweeps over him, you can see that "An Xue" is very full and vivid of!

Eyes, small movements... His acting never stopped for a moment!

That kind of natural feeling, who can imagine that he was only 20 years old when he made this movie? !

The author has something to say: I wish everyone a happy 520, confess in advance, there may be more updates tomorrow, I am not sure, I stayed up late tonight my mother qaq