Great At Acting, Now I’m Reborn

Chapter 77: Fraud overturned


Zhou Yuhe's situation is very embarrassing.

on the one hand.

There are many players who want to directly advance to the next issue by pitting him.

On the other hand, he himself is in urgent need of getting out of trouble.

In the eyes of other players, he is also a dangerous person.

In this situation.

The player who extended an olive branch to him was not credible.

But if she was wary of him like female player b, worried that Zhou Yuhe would deceive herself by any means in order not to be eliminated—

This is the reaction of a normal player.

Zhou Yuhe took a lot of effort to persuade female player b to form a team with him.

The two just reached an alliance, and the countdown in the castle also ended.

That means the time for players to form alliances is over.

Everyone came out of the room.

The card duel has officially begun—

Everyone started the duel according to the divided teams.

The camera jumped to three groups, namely Zhang Sheng and player c, the glasses man and player a, Zhou Yuhe and player b, and they all gave three wins to each other according to the agreed method.

Just when the audience wondered if the show went on smoothly like this—

Fraudsters appear.

The glasses man has won three games against the female player a. According to the original plan, he should lose three more games to the female player a.

In this way, they each have three victories to ensure that both sides are safe and sound.

But he suddenly said no to play.

Female player a looked at him in shock, as if she couldn't believe she had been deceived.

The man with glasses smiled at her in a victorious manner, "I'm sorry, I'll accept these three wins, and you should pay the IQ tax once."

After speaking, he and Lulu walked into the small room one after the other.

It seems that those two people are allies.

Totally cheated...

Female player a holds the remaining six cards and stands helplessly in place.

The other players around were busy with their duels and didn't seem to notice the situation on her side.

Being deceived and no one comforted her, her mentality collapsed all of a sudden.

Female player a walked into the corner alone with a confused expression, her mind went blank.

She didn't know how she survived.

It seems that someone came to fight her three times in the back, right? She had no memory of it at all, and her mind was full of the sarcastic smile of the man with glasses before he left.

Everyone is the successor of socialism, living in a normal sunny world.

No one can adapt to this environment where they may be deceived and betrayed anytime, anywhere, and it is too cruel and destroying their views.


Twenty minutes left.

Only then did someone notice the situation of female player a one after another.

Player c is a smart looking girl. She noticed female player a and stepped forward and asked, "Little a, what's the matter with you?"

"I was deceived... I was deceived by Brother Liu (glasses man)!"

"How could this be?!" Player C's eyes flashed with unacceptable surprise.

It's one thing to know the rules of the game, it's another to actually see someone throw the floor and betray a teammate who completely trusted you.

The shrewd girl c brought the deceived girl a to the small room where Zhang Sheng was.

Tell the big brother what happened to the girl.

Zhang Shengdao: "It seems that things are not so simple... Zhou Zhou was also deceived, do you know?"

Player a and player c were shocked at the same time: "Zhou Yuhe was also deceived?! It's impossible!"

They were mainly surprised at how popular Zhou Yuhe was, and it was really courageous for player b to lie to him!

It's not surprising that Zhou Yuhe would be deceived.

Because this little fresh meat has always made people feel relatively tender during the entire competition.

At this time, the director also cooperated and cut out the picture of Zhou Yuhe and Player B's duel—

As if withdrawn.

When player b won three games and Zhou Yuhe was about to win three games, the man with glasses suddenly walked past them and said, "Are you still competing?"

As soon as he said these words, Zhou Yuhe immediately felt that something was wrong.

But it's too late.

Player b, who heard the "password", immediately told the croupier that he was no match.

Then he neatly put away the remaining six cards and followed the eye man away.

Leaving Zhou Yu and one person stunned in place.

He didn't even think about the possibility of being deceived.

I just didn't expect to be deceived by this girl.

She looks pure and honest, and she is always timid when chatting with Zhou Yuhe, as if she is afraid that he will lie to her.

At that time, the preparation time was almost over, and Zhou Yuhe was anxious to prove to her that he was not trying to harm her - but forgot to prove himself why it was him and not her

"I'm so careless." Zhou Yuhe, who was deceived, had a shattered smile on his face. He was angry and said that it was impossible, but he thought that he was funny, and he committed such a crime in such a small place. Big mistake.

The audience looked at his somewhat lonely back, and instantly scolded Lulu, the man with eyes, and the player b—the three cheating camp with the same hatred.


"So don't worry too much. I have observed that in addition to the three duels with Xiao B, Zhou Zhou has played against Xie Yifeng three times. Logically speaking, he should also have three cards in his hand. Go out, and when the time is up, he wants to clear his points like you, but he will be eliminated unconditionally." Zhang Sheng comforted female player a while analyzing.

"Really?" Female player a panicked for a while, and could only take Zhang Sheng's words as a life-saving straw.

Game time is over.

Female player a walked out of the small room under the leadership of player c and Zhang Sheng.

At the poker table, all the players are waiting.

Female player a glanced at the man with glasses angrily, and the man with glasses immediately said, "Xiao A, I have no choice but to do it, the competition system of the show is like this, you shouldn't be angry with me, right?"

With so many spectators watching, of course the female player a couldn't tear her eyes off the man on the spot, she could only grit her teeth and say, "Of course not, we will still be friends in private."

"That's good."

After a brief chat, the game results began to be announced.

On the big screen, players who are absolutely safe and will not be involved in the winning battle are displayed first.

Wu Kun won one, Zhang Sheng and player c, Lulu and player b, each had three wins, and now the rest, Xie Yifeng, glasses man, player a and Zhou Yuhe's rankings have not been announced.

The man with glasses glanced at Xie Yifeng and Zhou Yuhe, and suddenly asked in a heartfelt way: "By the way, I have a question that I haven't asked. If, I mean if, what if Zhou Yuhe and the infiltrator were eliminated at the same time? It's possible, right?"

Zhou Yuhe was at the bottom of the points, and the infiltrator didn't get the first place. This situation is not impossible.

At that time, there were only seven people left in their team.

The dealer explained: "If Mr. Zhou and the infiltrator are eliminated at the same time, then we will directly start the new player's replacement mode in the next issue, and a new player will take the place of the two."

The eyed man nodded, "Then I'm fine."

The results of the four people are related to winning and the generation of candidates for elimination, so they are announced at the same time.

At the moment before the announcement, player c was still comforting player a: "It's alright, you will be alright, don't hurt... !!!!"


Everyone took a deep breath—

Because the big screen shows—

Player a gets 0 points, Zhou Yuhe gets 1 point, glasses man gets 9 points, and Xie Yifeng...

he is…

10 points! ! ! ! ! ! !

"This... how is this possible!!" The glasses man was dumbfounded.

The others present were even more puzzled by the monk Erzhang.

According to the alliance between Xie Yifeng and Wu Kun, even if Wu Kun exchanged all the big names for Xie Yifeng, he would only have 9 wins in full play, not to mention that Xie Yifeng also played against Zhou Yuhe for three rounds, and exhausted the big cards.

How is it possible that Xie Yifeng has 10 wins when Wu Kun already has 1 win, and...

Zhou Yuhe? ? ?

Zhou Yuhe actually had 1 win? ? ?

Zhou Yuhe actually used up his cards? ?

Wasn't he also deceived! !

Everyone looked at Xie Yifeng and Zhou Yu and the extremely strange final score with the eyes of monsters.

The author has something to say: This chapter is made up for Saturday. It was explained before that it will not be updated on Thursday and Sunday, and it is a leave of absence on Friday, please know.

I went to the company to work overtime yesterday. I am still adapting to the new job, and the company also works a lot of overtime. I have to think about the code when I get home every night. , to be honest really tired.

I was supposed to go out for jazz class today, but I wanted to make up for Friday's update (although I took a leave of absence), so I stayed at home and wrote.

But when I turned on the computer, I felt a lot of pressure when I thought about writing 6,000 today. As a result, I sat for a whole day and didn't start writing at 9:30 in the evening.

I don’t know if you can understand this feeling. I’m either at work or coding every day. I don’t seem to be me anymore, but a working machine, and coding is a very brain-intensive thing. Keep enough creative enthusiasm... I don't get used to this kind of life very well qaq.

Another, asking for leave is really something that cannot be falsified. If you don’t explain it, some people will say that you are irresponsible and disappear for no reason. If you explain it, many people will say that you are looking for excuses to ask for leave. No matter what I do, some people will say a lot of ugly things. I don't have a diamond heart, so I may not be able to withstand the high-pressure life, so I can't completely ignore other people's opinions.

I'll say it again for the last time, I can't guarantee the daily update, and I can't guarantee how many words will be updated every day. What I can guarantee is that there will be no abandonment, no unfinished work, and unacceptable readers can leave. I can fully understand it, but don't say something that hurts the author. If so, here, the person who typed these words for you is a living person, not a code machine. Everyone's living conditions, growth conditions, including personalities, are different. I think it is the most basic courtesy to be born as a human being.

As for the issue of waiting for updates, I will not update after 24 o'clock in the future. If there is an update demand, it will be moved to 7 o'clock in the morning the next day, so everyone should not wait for more than 12 o'clock in the evening. Emphasis Now, I update every Friday, I don’t update it on Thursdays and Sundays, I occasionally update it every day, and I occasionally ask for leave. I won’t update it after twelve o’clock in the evening. If I rush the draft in the early morning, the update will be moved to the next day. At seven o'clock in the morning, as for the punctual update at 10:30, because I changed jobs, it may become a myth in the future. I will try to update it before 12:00 qaq.