Great At Acting, Now I’m Reborn

Chapter 92: The actor takes the film


After the entertainment carnival, more people returned to rationality, and began to worry about whether the resources of Xie Yindi would plunge.

Although in the current entertainment industry, the personal influence of celebrities is very important.

The popularity of a star is even more important than the resources that brokers and brokerage companies can bring.

But that's only for TV, advertising and variety shows.

The film industry looks at resources and connections.

Although Huanyu is no longer as glorious as it used to be, it is still an old-fashioned economic company. It has watched many showbiz leaders go from their youth to their peaks, and witnessed how many entertainment circles are ups and downs.

They have deep experience and knowledge, and their natural human resources are also deeply rooted and complicated.

They want to push people, no matter how big the director is, they will make three points thin.

But what if Xie Yifeng came out

Without this old tree, can he still be favored by those big directors

Many fans are worried about this.

Yang Yu walked into the office in a hurry.

Followed by Xu Feng, who had a completely different demeanor and was leisurely wandering.

"Have you seen the reaction on the Internet?" The expression on Yang Yu's face was a little heavy.

Zhou Yuhe took the coffee that Su Su handed over, took a sip, his face was not good-looking, "I see."

Sure enough, the temple is too small.

The outside world is not good, he can take good care of the big Buddha Xie Yifeng.

Yang Yu looked at the other party.

"Yifeng," originally there were only Zhou Yu, an artist and Yang Yu's agent in the studio, but now Xie Yifeng took his agent to buy a stake in the studio, and he was considered half of Yang Yu's artist. A lot, "Now the outside world is staring at your next work, if the production team and quality can't be on the same level as the plays you've taken on before, it's too bad for our studio's reputation."

Xie Yifeng: "I know, Mr. Xu and I have been having a headache over this matter."

Xu Feng nodded with a smile. Unlike the worried expressions of the three of them, he seemed to be calm and relaxed no matter what happened, and the breeze was blowing the hills. It was the first emergency meeting in the studio, but he seemed to be here for afternoon tea. It's like, people have to admire Xu Lao's heart.

For Xie Yifeng, this time was just an embarrassing period of green and yellow.

Because of the high ocean route that has been taken for the past three years.

The big director, the big male protagonist, the award, the international film festival, none of them have fallen behind.

The force is to go up, but it is a little too high, which means that it is arrogant.

The roles that can be received and the roles that can be played have also become less and less as these stereotypes become less and less, and the way of play is getting narrower and narrower.

Xie Yifeng left the world.

I just want to take off these burdens and labels on my body one by one and walk down from the altar.

If it is a literary film, with his status in the film circle, it is definitely not difficult to receive a film from the director.

But isn't this going back to the old ways

If it is a commercial film.

There are also great risks.

Today's investors especially favor some super IPs, and it is just embarrassing that 80% of these super IPs are bad movies, and fans of the original works and passers-by can spray the directors and actors to the sky.

If Xie Yifeng took over the IP movie, the altar would be down, and the image would be close to the people, but in the same way, once the box office waterloo, then Xie Yifeng's godhead would be smashed to pieces.

Fans will also point to Zhou Yuhe's nose and curse.

What kind of movies did Brother Xie receive when he was in the world, and what kind of movies did you take for people

Are you here to suck his blood and drain his popularity

Therefore, IP movies that are popular in the movie market cannot be accepted.

In the same way, films that are too obscure and not hot enough will make people suspect Zhou Yuhe's lack of ability.

In this way, there are very few films that can be performed.

It happens that their studio needs to rely on a strong work to gain popularity at this time, and it is naturally not easy for the existing executives of the studio.

"I've talked about a movie recently, but it's a pity that the two male protagonists are the same." Xu Feng said, Xu Feng has a lot of experience in the brokerage line, and even if he leaves the world, he can still win good resources for Xie Yifeng.

Xie Yifeng: ""Wuxia"?"

Zhou Yuhe was stunned when he heard the words, and involuntarily said in surprise, "Martial Arts?"

"Wu Xia" is a good movie.

The director is Mike Lee, a big-name director who has been editing Hollywood animations abroad all the year round. He is over fifty years old, but he is very energetic. He won some awards abroad in the early years, and once returned to China, he made six consecutive films. It was praised and sold well, and because of his diligent and hard work attitude, he was crowned with the title of "Xie Yifeng in the director's circle".

To be able to add the three words "Xie Yifeng" to the title is of course not just diligence.

Five years ago, Mike Lee's foreign-language film "Blue Moon" won more than ten awards at home and abroad, and it was a well-deserved award harvester.

In addition, his other films also performed well in award winning.

Impulse at the same time, the quality is also very high.

This is what he and Xie Yifeng have in common.

In terms of seniority, Mike Lee is the most famous director among the top directors except Director Liao and the others. Even if Meng Chuan wants to surpass him and become the king of commercial films, it will be six or seven years later. .

Under such a big director, even in commercial films, there are high requirements for acting skills.

And the overall style will not be too "pipeline", which is very in line with Xie Yifeng's current needs.

But unfortunately, the two male protagonists.

Another actor has been confirmed to be the popular Xiaosheng Bai An.

"If I remember correctly... The other protagonist of "Wu Xia" is Bai An?" Yang Yu raised his eyebrows with a somewhat disapproving expression.

Bai Anren is extremely beautiful, the kind of masculine and feminine looks rarely seen in the entertainment industry, but not feminine and annoying.

He has a lot of fans, and his traffic is second only to Zhou Yuhe. He is considered the second echelon in the entertainment industry.

Also, he's not very good at acting.

Playing with him can generate topics without any pressure. Logically speaking, it is a very good choice.

But unfortunately, the other team is very good at hype.

Pulling, stepping, touching porcelain and rubbing heat are all trivial.

The scary thing is that Bai An himself is well versed in this, and to cooperate with such a scheming traffic niche, the status and nationality of the two sides are so different, Xie Yifeng will inevitably be rubbed off.

"If it's Bai An... Then let's take a look." Zhou Yuhe tilted his head with a puzzled look, and then his expression soon returned to normal.

The discussion of the filming has come to an end for the time being.

After all, it is very important to take strong works to rectify the name of the studio, but Xie Yifeng's feathers are equally important.


When sleeping at night, Xie Yifeng wrapped Zhou Yuhe in his arms and asked softly, "You don't look right during the day, what's wrong with Bai An?"

This person's insight must be strong!

Zhou Yuhe was secretly shocked.

There was no sign on his face, he shook his head and said, "Nothing."

Xie Yifeng rubbed his head, didn't push him, just held him gently, and put his hand over his neck and put it on his back.

The warmth that kept coming from the palm seemed to say, don't be bothered by the current predicament, you still have me.

Zhou Yuhe shrank into his arms.

Actually, it's not surprising.

It's just that this "Wu Xia" in his previous life was obviously played by him.

The opposite actor is Xie Yifeng.

At this time in the previous life, Zhou Yu and Gang were together with Ji Chen. At that time, Ji Chen of course did everything possible to show his favor to Zhou Yuhe. He could even tear up resources like Mike Lee, and he was even with Xie Yifeng. one.

For Zhou Yuhe, who won the Newcomer Award not long ago, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Therefore, even though there was a lot of controversy over the casting on the Internet, and fans of the actor were dissatisfied, he still took over Rong Qian, the role that Bai An is now playing, amid the discussions and abuse.

It was also in his impression that he had dealt with Xie Yifeng for the first time.

Although he has been on the crew of "Youth Again" before, his Zhang Qi is a school tyrant who plays soy sauce. , naturally left no impression.

On the first day we met, he felt this person.

Not too messy.

Zhou Yuhe in his previous life was withdrawn and would not get along with people.

After a long workout, I learned to hide myself in front of the camera, talking and laughing more or less like a normal person.

But in private, it was quite quiet.

With such a character, if the other party does not take the initiative to come up to greet him, he will not dare to go up and talk.

Not to mention Xie Yifeng, who had already won more than ten Best Actor trophies at a young age, and was a senior in the entertainment industry that Zhou Yu and Paima couldn't keep up with.

Even in the same space, you can feel the aura and vigor of the other party that is like a real superstar.

Obviously, he is also the male lead, one of whom is able to navigate the crowd with ease and chat and laugh.

He shrunk in the corner desperately to weaken his sense of existence.

Fortunately, he was facially paralyzed enough to look so cool that no one would notice the difference.

Xie Yifeng is probably a born star.

Even when not acting, walking in the crowd is the focus of attention.

The photographer, the director of the props group, the makeup artist, and the supporting actors who played together surrounded Xie Yifeng.

The crew was very noisy, what they were saying, Zhou Yu and this distance could not hear at all.

But he could clearly see that the original arrogant and picky makeup artist kept exclaiming praise and exclamation; after hearing Xie Yifeng say two words, the fierce props director's whole face smiled as warm as a spring breeze; The supporting actors who were arrogant and intriguing, all became shy and well-behaved little white rabbits in front of him...

He stood in the crowd like a giant luminous body.

So cheerful, friendly, friendly.

It was Zhou Yuhe who could never do it, his opposite.

thought here.

The icy temperament on his body became stronger by three points.

It is at this time.

Xie Yifeng saw Zhou Yuhe directly opposite from the gap between the shoulders of the two actors in front.

Then... turned his face away unnaturally.

Oh? Could it be that people from different worlds have such a strong repulsion force

Zhou Yuhe's face darkened even more.

The author has something to say: Xie·Past Life·Yifeng: Good bacteria are dirty, good bacteria are dirty, we are going to play opposite our first love. Hehehehe... Will we have a relationship because of the drama? I'm looking forward to it, Wori! ! !

Me: Son, Mom, I'm sorry for you qaq!