Great At Acting, Now I’m Reborn

Chapter 99: Character breakthrough


"Even if it is the same river, it will become two completely different rivers in different time and space. This is also true of acting. The same character, the effect of playing twice will never be exactly the same, including the mood at that time. It is also very different. "

"More importantly, this character is too successful," Xie Yifeng's eyes were slightly empty, as if he was caught in an imaginary, "When playing the role, it will definitely be more pressured than other roles, and I can't help it... Endure I can't stop wanting to re-enact it successfully. This paradox appears, because I am not the Xie Yifeng that I was three years ago, so I can't completely re-enact it, and I will limit myself to this framework at the same time."

"So that's why actors generally don't pick up typical characters of the same type."

Xie Yifeng is Xie Yifeng.

Every word he said just poked into Zhou Yuhe's heart.

I haven't had such experience before, and I thought it would be more handy to play roles that I've played before.

But in fact it is not.

His enthusiasm for Rong Qian and the script of "Martial Arts" had all been burnt out as early as in the last life. This time, when working with Mike Lee, there was always a feeling of lack of interest during the filming, as if he had passed countless customs In all computer games, you know exactly what boss will appear in the next level and how to defeat it, so when you face this boss, you will not be as excited and looking forward to it as the first time anyway.

No enthusiasm.

Acting is limited to the original framework.

No matter how you want to express it perfectly, it is to add some technical things, and acting cannot rely entirely on skills and experience, otherwise the characters will be rigid, not vivid, and not fresh.

Become very… mediocre.

"Then what should I do?" Zhou Yuhe was a little panicked.

Xie Yifeng thought that the protagonist of a TV series that Zhou Yuhe took over some time ago happened to be this kind of scholar, and thought he was saying that he could not break through this framework, and he happened to be quite experienced in this area.

Before "Emperor Xuantong", Xie Yifeng had been playing soy sauce for ten years and took over hundreds of roles, among which there were many similar roles, but he could find bright spots in the roles every time, so Zhou Yuhe's troubled problems, If it were other actors in the entertainment industry, they might not be able to feel the same way, but Xie Yifeng could just understand his feelings.

"My suggestion is to get back to the basics," Xie Yifeng nodded at the script in his hand, "start from the script and recreate the character construction."

"Because they are similar characters, when we receive this character, we will unconsciously use our inertial thinking to interpret the role. This is actually a lazy approach. Now if you analyze the script carefully, you will definitely find that you didn't find it before. Even if I were to re-read the script of "Emperor Xuantong" now, it would definitely be different from what I had three years ago."

"Look at it from the current perspective, treat it as a brand new character, don't be influenced by previous impressions, even if you play it in a completely different way, it doesn't matter, because Xie Yifeng three years later and Xie Yifeng three years ago are not the same person, Puyi three years later and Puyi three years ago are not the same person, and acting skills that are not limited by experience are really good acting skills."

Acting skills that are not limited by experience are really good acting skills...

Zhou Yuhe is like a daigo, yes, Zhou Yuhe is not the Zhou Yuhe who was more than 20 years ago. How can it be possible to perform Rong Qian more than 20 years ago in the same way

Break and stand, break and stand, only by smashing the old things can you create a brand new Rong Qian that belongs to twenty years later!


After returning that night, Zhou Yuhe did not sleep for eight hours as instructed by Mike Lee. Instead, he lit up the night and read the script carefully from beginning to end, without letting go of every word.

Sure enough, a big problem was found.

Why can't Zhou Yuhe play Rong Qian more than 20 years ago? Because the character of Rong Qian is very unreasonable!

First of all, "Martial Arts" adopts a narrative method from small to large, and the size echoes. One of the protagonists, Lin Hanzai, has the highest force value in the world of this script, and is loved by everyone in the world. He is the incarnation of "Martial Arts". It's the "big" in the script.

So naturally, "Xiao" refers to Zhou Yuhe, an ordinary scholar who is completely irrelevant to the word "Martial Arts".

From the point of view of focus, the two roles are indistinguishable.

But at the character level, there is a gap between the two.

As the leader of the martial arts alliance, Lin Hanshao's chivalrousness and courage are all based on killing and fighting violence with violence. After this incident, the character Lin Hanzai has grown and truly shouldered the responsibility of a martial arts leader. Responsibility.

But what makes Rong Qian particularly strange is that he, a little scholar who has never seen much of the world, has a "chivalrous" spirit from the very beginning of the film, always standing up when the people around him need help the most, and always giving People can't see the change, they appear very thin.

Furthermore, in connection with his background of growth, this innate "huge righteousness" is a bit false, as if to highlight the theme of "chivalry is not so powerful in fists and kung fu, but only in people's hearts". A label that is so false that it doesn't look like a real, live person.

They didn't find this problem in the last life. One was that Zhou Yuhe's acting skills at that time were immature, but it had a kind of youthful spirit and vividness, which gave Rong Qian enough vitality; one was that commercial films paid more attention to the plot and rhythm, In terms of characters and connotations, it will not go deep into this.

Now that the shortcomings of Rong Qian's role have been summarized, it will be much easier to handle.

Zhou Yuhe took out the draft and re-established a new character on it.

First of all, he increased Rong Qian's character hierarchy, and changed the noble and upright Confucianism into a somewhat clever, utilitarian, and showy Confucian.

Secondly, it was to deprive him of his "chivalry" nature. At first, he was willing to take over the identity of the leader of the martial arts alliance, not because he wanted to be chivalrous and help others, but for his own interests. In the second half of the plot, he sat in the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance before he understood what responsibility was and what a hero was.

- In this way, the growth space of the characters is much larger.

By the time Zhou Yuhe finished these, the sky was already bright, he hurry up and slept for a few hours, and then went to the studio with his results.

Zhou Yuhe found Mike Lee in the busy crowd and immediately greeted him.

"Director, I have made some understanding and changes to the character design. Do you have time to take a look?"

Mike Lee's face was full of tiredness. In the scene last night, Zhou Yuhe was always on the hook, which caused him to delay the work he had to deal with after he got off the shed until two or three in the morning. He was angry with him, but when he saw the book The eloquent remarks and explanations show that a lot of effort has been spent.

Mike Lee reluctantly took the book, flipped it at random, and said perfunctorily: "Okay, when you're shooting this scene today, just try it out."

When he was done, he handed the book back.

Zhou Yuhe looked at his unconcerned appearance, and didn't say anything more. He walked aside and quietly waited for him to play.

The author has something to say: There is only so much today, and I will ask for leave tomorrow without updating. I have been interviewing for the past two days, and I am very tired after traveling a lot. Maybe I can’t take care of the update and look at Zhou Zhi.