Great Tang Idyll

Chapter 1396: First contact with Language Communication


The topics in the courtroom have been one after another, and there are no major issues.

The only thing that needs to be solved is some things that you don't want to buy after renting someone else's land. The officials have no good solution. People pay the tax that should be converted. If you don't sell food, you can't punish others.

Moreover, this year’s autumn harvest has been pre-estimated that the output will be very high. Some people will let them put it at home if they don’t sell it, and see if the price of food will come up at that time, will they sell it in the end? If you don't sell it, you can hold it down, which can be regarded as a cost, and if you don't flow, it will depreciate.

There is also a small question about who is responsible for accepting Liuzhao immigrants. People in important positions are not suitable for going to Beijing, and people who are not important do not seem to pay much attention to going out.

In the end, it was decided that Pei Yaoqing, the servant of the Ministry of Households, was a good person. Li Longji believed that he could do a good job, and he could not be too enthusiastic about the people who came from Liuzhao, so that the people of Datang felt that they were inferior to the foreigners and could not be right. The people of Liuzhao were indifferent. They left their homeland and went to the capital of Datang. They were full of yearning for the life of Weilai.

If you call someone over and treat them badly, isn't that a deception? People do not listen, and wherever you arrange them, you will plant the bane of turbulence.

Pei Yaoqing is capable, upright, and not of a low grade. He happens to belong to the household department, and he is greeted all the way. By the way, he can also see the local livelihood situation.

Li Longji specially allocated two million dollars from the national treasury to make him do things cheaply on the road. It’s better if the road is bad and the bridge is damaged. He can withdraw the money from the local bank. Hire someone to fix it.

When things were decided, Pei Yaoqing didn't stay to watch the movie, and hurriedly left Hanyuan Hall. He went home and said, ready to prepare, and set off that night.

The early morning was over at this time. Li Longji raised his head and looked aside. There was a clock hanging there, and the pointer pointed to ten and forty.

Touching his stomach, Li Longji ordered: "Eat breakfast."

The steamed stuffed buns were delivered. They were so cold that they were still warm, but some of them had collapsed after a long time. The ministers didn’t bother to worry about this. They started to eat them at the Hall of Hanyuan. There was a lot of crab meat lingering in the whole early days. the taste of.

In addition to steamed buns, there is also cucumber and egg soup, and two kinds of pickles.

After eating this breakfast, I guess I don’t need to eat it at noon. I can leave work early in the evening and go to the movies with your Majesty. The first film officially aired in Datang, ministers to watch, is regarded as a political task.

Li Longji ate two steamed buns, took a sip of the soup, and saw Gao Lishi standing next to him serving, pointing his chopsticks to the steamed buns in front of him. Gao Lishi shook his head. The court ladies and eunuchs didn’t eat them. He still waited a while and ate them together. good.

"The fat clams in Jilizhou have also come down? In a few days, the hairy crabs in Taihu Lake can also be eaten. Are the lotus flowers in Hangzhou West Lake open with green leaves or are they budding?"

Li Longji seemed to ask Gao Lishi, and he seemed to talk to himself, but his microphone was not turned off, and the officials below heard the truth, bowed their heads and ate, but Quandang did not hear.

Gao Lishi helped Li Longji add another spoon of soup and said, "Your Majesty, many animals from the Beijing zoo have adapted to this year. They looked very lively. Two pandas have given birth. Why don't you go and see it tomorrow? "

"It is said that Penglai in Dengzhou, Henan Province can always see a mirage and a good place for fishing." Li Longji ignored the zoo.

"What your majesty said is that a lot of marine fish species can be seen there. The artificial saltwater lake next to the capital city a few days ago tried to find a group of marine fish, but unfortunately they all died. It was too salty and the fish could not stand it, but the artificial There are no reefs on the beach. The solar terms are just right now. Why don't you go and play tomorrow?"

Gao Lishi followed Li Longji's words, talking about the artificial saltwater lake, a big project, if the capital suddenly runs out of salt, take the water out and boil it, the capital will immediately be stable and enough to eat.

Li Longji nodded: "Speaking of salt, it is convenient to dry. The salt produced at the mouth of the Yangtze River is relatively small. The river water is not so salty. The saury of the Yangtze River must be desalinated when it swims from the sea to the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. I still remember Beckham and the others went to Xunyang and encountered danger.

Later, Xiaobao gave an idea to specialize in processing various things, and there is a section of railway over there. I really want to see the bustling level there with my own eyes. The fish in Pengxin Lake tastes equally good, and I can climb Mount Lu in the back. "

"Your Majesty, speaking of the scenery, the hot springs in Gyeonggi Province are also very good. It's hot. The bubble bath used to relax and relax, which is good for the body."

Gao Lishi said another interesting place.

Li Longji sighed and said: "Okay, well, I don't want to travel. If Xiaobao and the cuckoo are there, it will be fine. I can always find a good excuse for me to wander around."

After Li Longji finished eating by himself, the courtiers below were also relieved. Just don’t go out, otherwise things will be delayed, and the most important thing is who will accompany them out. If Xiaobao and the cuckoo are there, they can really bring your majesty. Go to other places to play, anyway, they don't have a place to be a serious official.

Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan, who were missed by Li Longji, who wanted to travel, have come into contact with the locals.

With the help of an interpreter, everyone can communicate with each other. There are not many locals living in the outskirts. There are more than one hundred and thirty people who are dark and thin. They all looked at the coming Datang people with vigilant eyes.

They already knew that the kind of weapon in the hands of the Tang Dynasty that didn't look as powerful as a spear could kill people from far away, and they also knew that people from the Tang Dynasty had good things in their hands.

"Come here to take care of things." Zhang Xiaobao yelled when he saw that the other party had no weapons in his hands.

The translator also shouted.

A person came out from the crowd, his hair and beard were very long, and they were stuck together, one by one. I don’t know how long it has not been washed. It has just rained. How convenient is it to stand in the heavy rain. lazy.

Zhang Xiaobao commented so, and then said to the other party: "My name is Zhang Xiaobao, I am a good person, what do you look like, I haven't translated it yet."

"I can understand you, my name is Tototo Racorto..."

"Okay, Duo Duo Duo is enough, how can you say our words." Zhang Xiaobao knows why people have that expression when they say that he is a good person, is he really bad? People who are far away have heard of it? Well-known!

The Wang Juan next to him was silent, pursing his mouth and smiling. Beckham also laughed, like the little fox who ate the chicken secretly, the thief who laughed.

Duoduo had been looking at the group of people in front of him, and found that they did not look fierce, and his eyes were not ridiculing, so he relaxed a little, and replied: "The people I saved you before, no, they were caused by you. I was rescued by people in the mountains far away. I was bitten by a snake and fell ill. I met a Datang merchant passing by and rescued me. I followed the team for a while, learned what you said, and when they left, they Two beautiful jars were given to me, one of them broke accidentally."

In order to prove what he said, Duoduo also asked people to fetch the jar.

While waiting, Zhang Xiaobao looked at the other party’s living environment. It was really poor. The shack made of wood and branches, the house without bricks and tiles, the wooden basin and the wooden bowl, the child is naked, whether it is a man or a woman. Only the "cloth" and animal skins simply woven from plant fibers around the waist.

There are even knives made of stone, as well as the sharp pieces of stone used to tie the tip of the wooden spear. Only the front of Duoduo is tied with a rope. The metal knife slung in front of you has a weird shape, more than a kitchen knife. It is longer, narrower than a kitchen knife, straighter than a watermelon knife, and more pointed than a watermelon knife. It is estimated to have many functions. It can cut, cut and poke, but from the color and luster, the quality of the knife is not very good.

Unlike our own Datang, any household has several knives, and a metal pot also has several bites. Unlike the two or three households that used to have one knife, it shows that the living standards of Datang people have improved.

Zhang Xiaobao thought, becoming proud, he felt that he had a lot of credit.

After looking at the other person, the other person will look at it again. When the person who is going to fetch the things comes back, the two people each hold a jar.

When Zhang Xiaobao saw the jar, he felt that saving too many Datang people was sluggish and uneasy. A jar can hold 30 jins. Tao's, two 60 jins. It’s not easy to hold. I really don’t know how to handle it. Two jars were brought back.

Two jars are filled with things, one is jerky and the other is... That is, whip? Shade-dried animal whip

There was indeed a jar with a horn missing, and it didn't look very harmonious. The whip was placed in it.

Zhang Xiaobao stepped forward to feel the gap, and said, "Actually, you can use it in a huge amount. Jars, jars and bowls will do. Unfortunately, you don't know how to do this."

"If your Datang jar is broken, it will turn out to be good?" Duo Duo asked yearningly.

Zhang Xiaobao shook his head: "Whoever has that time, throw it away if it breaks. It used to be huge, but now it is easy to produce. No one will spend a huge amount of money on it. It is not cost-effective. Unless it has been used for hundreds of years and is reluctant to throw it away, I will save it as a souvenir. "

He listened a lot, and yearned even more, and turned his head to translate with his own people, so his people's eyes lit up one by one, looking expectantly at the many, many people who suddenly appeared.

Zhang Xiaobao was embarrassed to be seen, and quickly said to Duoduo: "I can lend you a batch of ceramic utensils first. To be honest, I don’t bring many of them. They are all metal, just like your knife, but better than yours. Good knife."

"Borrow? Broken?" Duoduo wanted to borrow, but had his own worries.

"Throw it away if it breaks. Even if the bowl has a mouth as big as a grain of wheat, you don't need to give it to me. The child can easily cut his mouth when eating."

Zhang Xiaobao compares how big the wheat grains are.

Duoduo Duoduo followed the signs in surprise, then lowered his head and sighed. Obviously he knew how much the person on his side was inferior to that of Datang. For himself, if he had a beautiful bowl, it was a bit bad, and he still had to use it. , Is very precious, but Datang throws it away.

He translated it to his tribe. The tribesmen made cheers one after another, looking at Zhang Xiaobao with a warm look on their faces.

"It's all a group of real people, welcome if you give them any benefits." Zhang Xiaobao thought about it, waved his hand, and someone from behind immediately delivered the things.

Zhang Xiaobao took a golden flower bowl, hesitated, handed it to Duoduo, and said: "I borrow something from you, but I have a favor and need your help."