Great Tang Idyll

Chapter 1398: If the nation is not enough, it can increase


Duoduo's small tribe has a total of 126 people, including all adults, old people and children.

Pack up your things, throw away everything that should be thrown away, otherwise everyone will be unable to carry a bag the size of a small mountain, regardless of the number of people, the poor life, and the odds and ends of daily necessities.

A group of people were prepared. The tribe members took a last look at the place they once lived, and followed the team of Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan to the local "central" tribe without any nostalgia.

The nine people of Xiaobei called Xu Yilong and got busy. There were two nursing children in the tribe that they couldn't control. The adults were carrying them on their backs. The others who looked small, dark and skinny were the scope of their responsibility.

Called an interpreter to give gifts to the children. There were fifteen, six girls and nine boys. After asking, they knew that their oldest was eight years old and the youngest was three years old. As for the nine-year-old, they are considered adults. , Need help with many things.

The gift is very simple. It is the candy in the toy, the bamboo toy, the candy is put in, poured out when eating, and held to play when not eating. It is a toy that Xiaobei and others don’t play at all. It is very for local children. Attractive, the little black hands grasped one by one, and made a few strange movements from his mouth from time to time, playing very happily.

There are also people who have measured their figures for everyone in the tribe. When they are resting, someone will make special clothes and shoes, just like what Beckham wears. The team carries a lot of cooked cowhide, no matter how hot the weather is. , Everyone wears high-top leather boots, otherwise it will hurt your feet.

Others in the tribe carry various tools given to them by Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan. The new tools are much stronger than the original ones. They are very happy. Zhang Xiaobao’s team has reduced the burden of transportation. Since they are given away, naturally they are not. Will continue to help carry it.

Duoduo was carrying things behind her back, and there was a set of knives hanging in front of her. There were nine knives in total, which were inserted in the wooden box and locked with clasps.

From time to time, Du Duo had to touch the handle of the knife. Only then did I feel relieved, I didn't lose anything, and I didn't feel any pain in the kicked chest.

"These knives are very valuable, right?" Duoduo asked Zhang Xiaobao after touching the handles of the knives one after another.

"It's okay. When we came out, we brought all knives with good steel mouths, which are much stronger than the broken iron piece you used." Zhang Xiaobao said. The broken iron piece Duoduo has been solemnly handed over to the other in the tribe. A stronger man.

Nodded a lot, walked a few steps, and then asked: "Why don’t you bring more bad things? Your bad things are also very valuable here. The beautiful bowls and the unbeautiful bowls won’t be bad. It’s a lot, and I can turn it over so much, but I must turn it over many times with you."

"Go out once, naturally you have to bring good things." Zhang Xiaobao explained again, and then looked at Duoduo, he always felt that Duoduo had nothing to say, as if he wanted to achieve something.

Nodding a lot, this time there is no sound. Until noon, you need to stop and rest. Choose a relatively flat place for Zhang Xiaobao's family. Others are to find a location at random. Of course, the flattest place. Leave it to those who make clothes and shoes.

The vegetables at noon today are still stewed. I put a big pot on the rack and set the fire below. I threw all the jerky that the tribe had finally saved and stewed it. That’s not enough. I added some of the wild vegetables I hunted on the road. What? After it's cooked, pour the noodles in to make pimple soup, and eat one by one.

Such a simple meal is plentiful for the people of the tribe, one hand is holding the iron bowl carefully, the other hand has to reach in to catch, and it feels hot, each of them is given a spoon, which is also very laborious.

The meals of the nine little guys are better than others. There is a small plate of kimchi. Watching the children of the tribe staring at them and wanting to grab them, Beckham had to call them and put them in their bowls. She didn’t plan to eat them. There is always a limit to what the little black hand has grasped and how approachable he wants to be.

The children of the tribe didn't realize that they didn't want them to grab and eat, and happily took a bite of kimchi, sweet and sour, with a happy expression on their faces, very satisfied.

Xiaobei looked at it, carefully savoured the food in her bowl, swallowed it and said: "It's really delicious, I also think it's happy."

"Does our chef's craftsmanship still need to be said? Of course it is delicious, you think your life is bitter." After Xiao Yuan said, he lowered his head and ate, when he didn't see Beckham's glaring eyes.

Normal adults are full after eating a large bowl, but people from the Tototo tribe look at the pot after eating a bowl, and find that there is something, make do with it. Is it braced or hot

The team continued to set off, the clothes and boots were still not ready.

Duoduo touched the handle of the knife on his chest again, and suddenly turned to ask Zhang Xiaobao: "Can you grow food? Will you raise cattle and sheep?"

Zhang Xiaobao looked over and nodded: "It's okay. My family has a farm, which is specially used to grow food and raise livestock, and the output is very high. If you want to raise, I think chickens are good. Catch pheasants and cut the wings. , Tie a rope between the two feet, and then circle out a place to fence, where you can eat eggs and chicken.

If you can pay a sufficient price, I can even have someone specially send you good breeders and pigs, and tell you how to serve them. "

"What's the price?" Duoduo asked urgently.

"Uh..." Zhang Xiaobao paused, clicked his mouth, and shook his head: "Let's not talk about the cost, you have nothing. Except for more than 120 people, you can't get anything at all. Let me tell you how to raise pheasants and wild boars. Well, I'll find a few people to introduce you specifically."

"Okay." Duoduo felt very helpless. He really couldn't bring out enough things to exchange with the other party. After hesitating for a while, he took a deep breath, and said to Zhang Xiaobao with a look of courage:

"I've thought about it. When I return to the big tribe, they will take away my knife, and they will take away the clothes and shoes you made for us. I can't resist at all. They will kill us all.

I plan to stay away from them, go to a place they can't find, and lead my people to live a stable life. But we don't know how to grow food, and we don't know how to raise things. We used to need to exchange the prey and the fish we caught every few days with them.

If you can teach us, I can no longer worry about things that are not exchanged. If you leave us more of your good tools, I am willing to do everything for you. "

This time Zhang Xiaobao understood that Duto Duo was also ambitious and wanted to resist exploitation and oppression, but he had no ability before. Now he feels that he can find a temporary backer and learn his skills so that he can be free from the control of the big tribe.

Zhang Xiaobao didn't reply immediately, and while rushing to the road, he considered how to solve the current problems of the many tribes.

Until night fell, and one day when the road would reach the area where the large tribes live, Zhang Xiaobao didn't figure it out, and he seemed very tangled.

At dinner, I personally exploded the meat of a deer hunted on the road to my younger brother and sister, made a roasted deer belly, steamed rice, and brought the children of the tribe to eat together, plus the four wounded and sick. He and Wang Juan continued to eat a big pot of rice with the team.

Duoduo looked puzzled, pointed to the two servings of dishes and rice, and said, "You can eat it."

"We can't eat." Zhang Xiaobao replied earnestly.

"You are the leader." Duo Duo emphasized.

"Yes, but we are not wounded and children." Zhang Xiaobao said again.

Shaking his head a lot, obviously don't understand why as the leader of a group can't eat well.

Zhang Xiaobao didn't expect Duoduo to understand. After dinner, he went into the tent with Wang Juan and began to discuss the things mentioned by Duoduo during the day.

"I really can't arrange it." Zhang Xiaobao sighed.

"You are able to help them, but you don't think you can get enough rewards, because they are not from Datang, you are more hesitant to include them in Datang. You consider that there are no among the 56 ethnic groups, so it is natural. Xenophobic, isn't it?"

Wang Juan analyzed Zhang Xiaobao's thoughts and spoke out.

Zhang Xiaobao admitted: "Indeed, I always treat them as outsiders, and they are too backward, and I don't understand Datang. If I want to classify them into Datang, it takes a lot of thought.

Where to arrange them is a problem, at the border? Their lives will improve. At the same time, they are still them, not my Datang people. The population has broken up, and they are not used to it. They are almost a family. It is immoral that you have to split the family apart. "

"The Liuzhao, the original Tubo, and the people who were deceived as hostages at the junction, the Turks, the Silla, and the remote areas, how can you arrange it?" Wang Juan asked suggestively.

"Because they are... Well, they are from fifty-six ethnic groups. They can be fifty-seven, fifty-eight, eighty-five. I just haven't turned the corner for a while. To help them is to help yourself, plus people from their big tribe, deprive the leader of the power, and return to Datang together."

Zhang Xiaobao wanted to open it, and the previous problem was no longer a problem.

Wang Juan smiled and said: "The leader can not kill, but he can't let him have a cronies around him. According to the plan, he will take it with him first, and let us serve as logistics personnel. Slowly get in touch with each other. As time goes by, their leader will be authoritative. Will gradually weaken in the hearts of other people in the tribe.

If they engage in small actions, they will use this as an excuse to kill. If they are honest, they will be left with their lives. I hate the existence of the original management when accepting a certain group. Military, political, and business are all the same. "

"I hate it too. Go to sleep. I won't tell Tototo of all the plans tomorrow, just tell him to help him, and then I will talk about it after I arrive at the place and trick everyone into following."

Zhang Xiaobao yawned, pulled over the blanket to cover himself and Wang Juan, listening to the playful sounds of the little guys who couldn't sleep, and fell asleep.

After getting up early the next day, the people of the Tototo tribe put on new clothes and boots.

After eating breakfast, Zhang Xiaobao pulled Duoduo and muttered, finally showing peace and excitement on Duoduo's face.