Great Tang Idyll

Chapter 1399: Demonstrate the talent of gun theory


Duoduo, who got Zhang Xiaobao's promise, jumped one after another when he started walking, his head kept looking back and forth, several times he wanted to go over and tell his tribe people good news, but he held back.

He was afraid of telling the news. When his own people met the leader of the big tribe, someone accidentally missed it. When the leader knew, he was angry and killed all one hundred and twenty-six people.

Although he said that he came with Datang's team, who can guarantee that the tribe leader will get rid of himself and others first, even if the people of Datang are angry and help revenge, he will be gone.

Duo Duo Duo cheered up, let the strong in the tribe hunt hard, bent bows and set arrows one by one, working very hard, but it was a pity that the arrows shot out did not have metal arrows.

The people on Zhang Xiaobao's side have metal arrows, but they are not suitable for casual installation on the shafts of bows and arrows. They carry crossbow arrows, which are shorter than bows and arrows, but they save effort, have a longer range, and are highly accurate. They are wound in two ways, one It uses the pedal directly, and the other is to shake the handle next to it.

Crossbows are more convenient than guns when used for assassination. The movement is small, and the most important thing is that the arrows shot out can be recovered.

Duoduo looked very envious, and at the same time surprised at the opponent's ability to adapt to the terrain. Every time he saw someone holding a crossbow, he had to look at it twice, but he didn't open his mouth. He knew which crossbow and a set of crossbows were. Arrows are dozens or hundreds of times more expensive than the set of knives I just got.

Fortunately, Zhang Xiaobao gave him a set of knives, not for cooking, but for carpenters. The bows and arrows they use are branches. With a good knife, it is easier to cut and has higher accuracy. It is used to balance the tail. Feathers are easier to find.

People of the tribe can make bows and arrows while walking. The workmanship is rough, but the effect is good after shooting at animals.

Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan also understand this, so Datang’s army has been required to be careful and careful. The group with traps and long-range weapons can teach those who underestimate the enemy a lesson.

Du Du Duo didn't know that the bows and arrows used by his tribe would make Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan nervous. He always felt that the weapons called guns on the back of the Tang Dynasty were powerful.

He was right to think this way. It was really powerful. It was just that Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan asked for zero casualties, and they did it. They didn’t directly die from the opponent’s offensive weapons during the battle. The consequence was increased logistical pressure and the use of money for lives. .

I don’t know how valuable Datang’s lives are. He is looking forward to seeing how things called guns attack. Seeing that Zhang Xiaobao hasn’t used them all the time, he couldn’t help asking: "Guns, hit them?"

Zhang Xiaobao hesitated and nodded: "Just shoot a shot. The bullet is not easy to replenish. Just like the arrow of a bow, the arrow can be retracted, but the bullet cannot be used immediately after it is shot. The shape has changed and it needs to be refilled. Very troublesome."

"Do you have few bullets?" Duo Duo asked again.

"Enough to kill you 10,000 back and forth." Zhang Xiaobao said threateningly.

Duo Duo repeatedly waved his hands: "I didn't mean that, you hit me to see."

Zhang Xiaobao reached out and someone passed a sniper rifle.

After receiving the hand, Zhang Xiaobao took it apart and put it back on again. He gently stroked the gun with his hand, and his face was attached to the gun, feeling the coolness.

Duoduo, who watched from the side, thought it was amazing. It turned out that the gun could be taken apart, but why did it feel that Zhang Xiaobao was not holding a murderous weapon, but a wonderful woman? Looking at Zhang Xiaobao's woman Wang Juan, her eyes were so soft when she looked at the gun. What happened to these two people

"When we pick up the weapon, we and the weapon are one, just like you usually have a good bow, the cook's knife, the Weaver Girl's needle, it's all like this, go, let's go forward."

Zhang Xiaobao said, and greeted Duoduo to rush forward. There were messy footsteps behind him, and the nine little guys followed Xu Yilong, wanting to see the excitement.

There are many wild animals in places that have not been destroyed on a large scale by humans. Soon everyone found a deer, an adult stag with ten branches on its antlers, and it was eating grass leisurely 300 meters away from everyone here. .

There were actually people on the other side of the deer, but it hadn't encountered it. It was a scout who had to advance twenty miles.

Zhang Xiaobao chose to stand and shoot without support. Just as he was about to aim, someone around him pulled his clothes.

"Brother, let me come?" It was the little man who was talking.

"Okay." Zhang Xiaobao handed the gun over, Xiao Nan stretched out his hands, caught it hard, took a look at where the deer was, took off the scope above, found a place to lie on the ground, and patted his right shoulder with his left hand. Put your right hand on the trigger, aim your eyes, and start to adjust your breathing.

Wait and wait, I don’t understand what a little girl is waiting for. Just when he was about to speak, a sudden gunshot appeared. The deer had fallen to the ground with only limbs left. Moved slightly.

"Quickly knead, quickly knead." Beckham yelled and ran to the little man, squatting down and rubbing his shoulders vigorously for him.

The little man was very shy and stood up: "It's okay, just get through it at once, it's not very painful."

After speaking, she still shook her arms. Obviously, the recoil just now made her uncomfortable. In normal practice, she does not often use a sniper rifle to practice. Her pistol is also the most accurate among the nine people. Where to fight.

Take a look at the fallen deer, and look at the girl who used the gun just now in disbelief. He ran towards the deer with his legs open, and he was still observing when Zhang Xiaobao and his party came closer.

There are no other wounds on the deer body, only the eyes are messed up. Lifting the head of the deer, the other eye is the same. Needless to say, it must go in from the eye on one side and come out from the eye on the other side.

Duoduo looked back at where he was standing before, set his gaze on Xiaoman again, and asked in surprise: "Can you hit your eyes at such a distance?"

"I... I didn't look at my eyes, I aimed at the head, so far away, without the scope, I can't see the deer's eyes." The boy was still as embarrassed and didn't show a hint of pride. She is still good, and she needs to continue practicing.

"Why don't you use that mirror?" Doudoudou was puzzled.

"Brothers and sisters said that people with good guns will use too many auxiliary tools to suppress their talents before they are finalized. I want to shoot based on my feelings, and people and guns are one. My brothers and sisters said that many sniper shooting methods are good, so go ahead and execute them. The mission was more than enough, but one day when confronting a talented sniper, the gap appeared. One was the gunsmith and the other was the gunman.

The gunsmith is the target of missions and plans. The gunmaster is the control field. A gunner who does not waste his talent and practice hard, sometimes he can even shoot bullets within the range of the distance he can grasp intuitively. Within that range, he It's God. "

The little man said yearningly, she was still holding the sniper rifle.

Duoduo couldn't understand how powerful the gun god was, but he knew how powerful the little girl in front of him was, so far away, where the bow and arrows could not be shot, and if he hit the head, he would just hit the head.

No wonder the tribe leader said that Datang’s weapons would be so scared, and children could easily kill people. I heard that the number of people in Datang is also countless. If everyone has a gun...

Du Du Duo dare not think about it anymore. He used to admit that Datang was powerful, but he was impressed. When he saw Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan's team, he felt that Datang had countless good things, but now he really admits that Da Tang has many good things. Tang's strong is unimaginable.

While he was thinking about it, Zhang Xiaobao had already skinned the deer. This deer skin is too complete, and the deer is not small, so he can make something for his younger brothers and sisters.

After thinking a lot, he realized that a large part of the deer's skin was peeled off, and the deer skin was peeled off very well, better than him. He was embarrassed to help out, squatting on the side and watching, and said to Zhang Xiaobao: "The deer head should be To your sister."

"No." Zhang Xiaobao replied casually.

"It is a symbol of the warrior. Our children will leave part of the beast for the child the first time they hunt a beast." Duoduo thought that Zhang Xiaobao was greedy for that deer head, so the tone was different when he persuaded him.

Zhang Xiaobao kept moving in his hands: "Can I keep it over? She kills too many things. The purpose of killing prey is to eat and use, not to show off, otherwise it will be disrespect for life and humanity. Of blasphemy.

When you leave your animal's head on the wall, you actually want to let others know how good you kill animals and how good you are. My wife and I don’t need to put any heads on the wall, but where we stand, who dares to say that we are not good? "

"Yes, yes, I don’t want a deer head. That stuff takes up space. There are thousands of people who died in the hands of brothers and sisters. The walls of the houses of brothers and sisters in the family are painted with pictures of mountains and running water. They use the corpses of other things. When I came to show your courage, it was because of your lack of confidence."

The little man stood with a gun and watched the deer skinning, supporting his brother in words. Although she already knew that her elder brother was not a real brother, she couldn't understand the difference between a real brother and someone who was not. Moreover, she had forgotten all the things when she was younger, but she always remembered the moment when Xiaobei gave her candy.

So everyone who questioned her brother was opposed by her.

Duo Duo Duo was speechless by the young man for a while. There were indeed a few beast heads in his original home, including bears, tigers, and many wolf teeth. Even a string of bear teeth was hung on his neck. Up the chain.

He used this to show the power of his tribe, just as Xiao Nan said. Later, following Datang's team to leave, it was inconvenient to carry, and the beast's head was no more precious than a set of knives.

Putting his hands on his neck secretly worked hard, and then struggling, his neck hurts a bit, and the bunch of bear teeth placed on his neck was pulled off by Duoduo. With his wrists, he threw them into the barley nearby, which made him feel at ease.

"What are you eating tonight?" Zhang Xiaobao asked while packing up the deer skins.

Without reminding, Beckham knew that he was asking himself to wait for someone, come over to see the bloody deer, and ask: "Isn’t I already at the tribe’s place at night? Let them entertain me and make me unsatisfied, I’ll... I’ll... Our escorts brought them, which happened to be training, and they are also very big. The eldest one is already twenty years old."

Xiaobei wanted to tell her guards to clean up people who could not receive her. Thinking about it, she found that she didn't really belong to her own guards. They belonged to her elder brothers and sisters. His nine guards were still undergoing training, and she was very depressed for a while.