Great Tang Idyll

Chapter 1407: The dice falls before they are cast


"Okay, two wins in three games, what's the comparison?" Zhang Xiaobao asked with a relaxed look.

Seymour Domo is not as easy as Zhang Xiaobao, and he stretched out a finger: "Climb a mountain, first climb a mountain, see who climbs faster."

Duoduo suddenly said from the side: "There is a cliff with water underneath. Will it climb there?"

"Yes, it's there." Seymour Tamahe finally smiled, and he felt that his person was familiar with the terrain.

Zhang Xiaobao blinked and asked, "What about the second one?"

"Swim, swim under the water, and see who swims far." Seymour Tamaha has been staring at Zhang Xiaobao, wanting to see Zhang Xiaobao's expression.

Zhang Xiaobao blinked again and asked, "Where is the third one?"

Seymour Tamahe who saw nothing, stretched out his third finger: "Throw the dice."

Zhang Xiaobao was finally taken aback, and seemed surprised. Do people in India also play dice? So he asked: "How... How to play? Dice."

Seymour Tama was satisfied, and finally saw Zhang Xiaobao's expression change, he smiled reservedly, and said: "Hehe, simple, three dice, from three to eighteen, throw them into the bowl with your hands, whoever counts the bigger one wins. "

"Okay... OK, but I have to look at the dice first. Are the other two rules determined? The simplest one is, during the comparison, can each other's time attack each other?"

Zhang Xiaobao asked, he was afraid that Beckham would not be able to beat an adult when he was underwater.

What Seymour Tama thinks together is that if they can attack each other and the other party uses guns, wouldn't he die before he waits for any action

Then he shook his head vigorously: "You can't attack, you can only control yourself."

"Okay, starting in the afternoon, I will choose the hand." Zhang Xiaobao promised very happily. The other side said that the competition is beneficial to his own side. If it is better than hand-to-hand fighting, it is really easy for his own people to appear in danger, or to play alone. What about wolves, you will have to surrender at that time, otherwise it will be really dead.

Seymour Tamago left happily, went back to prepare, and had a sleep first.

Zhang Xiaobao found Xiaobei and told him that she would dive and swim with him. Xiaobei was very excited, she nodded her head and agreed, and began to prepare the tools. She found that the rules did not say that the airbag should not go down.

Xu Yilong also took this opportunity to find Xiaoyuan, and when it came to the place, he wanted to fulfill the things he said before, and asked Xiaoyuan to find a place with good scenery, and the two wrote poems.

Xiaoyuan is also not afraid, saying that he waited for the afternoon to compare with the locals. If it doesn't rain at night, you can see the scenery at sunset.

Zhang Xiaobao estimated the time, ate some meat, lay down to sleep, and sent someone to the cliff to see if it fell, how deep the water was and whether there was a shallow reef, so don't accidentally fall to death.

The pool where Xiaobei is going to swim with others also needs to be seen. In case there are big water snakes and other water monsters, Xiaobei may not be able to handle it.

As a result, Zhang Xiaobao got up at noon. People in the past came back and reported that the cliff and the snorkeling lake were the same place. The water was clean and deep. There were big fishes in it, but they could not dive too deep and there were water plants.

So Xiaobei took two small knives on his body again, which he used to cut water plants.

Zhang Xiaobao deliberately went to the toilet, did not eat at noon, only drank some soup, adjusted his body condition to the best.

The group came to the lake of the tribe where Seymour Domoha was located. Seymour Domoha also woke up and brought people to greet him.

Basically all the people in the tribe gathered, only those who were far away, like Duoduo, didn't know the news. Seymour Tama didn't care anyway.

Everyone already understands that today's three gambling is related to the destiny of their own and others. If they win, they will have a good life, and they will no longer worry about salt. If they lose, they will have to work for others, and they don't know what will happen in the future.

"Compared first?" Zhang Xiaobao looked up at the cliff. To the west of the lake, there was a cliff that was hollowed in by water for a certain distance. To the east was a mountain extending into the water. The bottom was also hollowed out a bit, but not to the west. That's serious.

Zhang Xiaobao knew at a glance that there was once a big river passing by, forming a canyon, and then turning into a lake. The west is affected by the rotation of the earth, so the impact of the water is a bit more severe, and the specific changes are unclear. I know, but the local scenery is really good, especially the lake, suitable for farming, and suitable for fish and shrimp farming.

When it is completely occupied in the future, a beautiful restaurant must be built here, a restaurant with a polo field, a football field, a table tennis field and all the balls, and water polo is indispensable.

The more you think about it, the better Zhang Xiaobao feels about the future. For a while, he began to design a layout based on the scenery he saw before him.

"Let's compare the dice first, Zhang Xiaobao." Seymour's voice interrupted Zhang Xiaobao's thoughts.

"Yes, you can also build a casino." Zhang Xiaobao clapped his hands and said happily.

Then he turned his head and looked at Seymour Domohe: "Okay, dice, are you ready?"

Seymour Tama nodded together, and brought Zhang Xiaobao to the front of his courtyard. There was a square-like place, which seemed to be used for some kind of ceremony.

There are a few people in the tribe who wear clothes of good materials, fine linen, and color. They stand next to a bowl.

Zhang Xiaobao understood that this was a witness, and he was afraid that he would fall back on his account at that time. He nodded to Duoduo and Wang Juan, and the two of them also stood up.

Looking at the bowl, Wang Juan boasted: "Yes, it's ivory."

Then she said to Duoduo: "Your tribe has no shortage of good things."

Dodo look at Seymour Domoha's eyes a little more anger, you use ivory things, my children starve to death and no one cares.

How can Seymour Domo have the mind to pay attention to Duo Duo? His attention was focused on Zhang Xiaobao. With a beckon, someone took a box with a beautifully carved pattern and opened the box. There were a few dice inside. He asked Zhang Xiaobao. Signal.

Zhang Xiaobao saw that the dice were also made of ivory, which was the same as the one used by Datang, with six sides and the same number of points. So he took out the dice one by one and weighed them in his hand. Finally, he picked out three of the same weight, which felt good. I want to be played by people often.

"I will try a few shots." Zhang Xiaobao didn't wait for Seymour Tama's agreement after he finished speaking. He pinched a dice and threw it into the bowl, took it out, and replaced it with another one, like three times, and then threw it into the bowl together in pairs. The same three times, the last three dice are thrown together.

"Okay, let's start, who will come first?" Zhang Xiaobao threw it a few times and asked Seymour Domohe.

Seymour Domohe did not speak, and took the dice. Like Zhang Xiaobao, he tried it. Compared with Zhang Xiaobao's casualness, his hands were all sweaty.

After thinking about it, he said to Zhang Xiaobao: "You come first and win two games in three games."

"Okay." Zhang Xiaobao happily agreed. He took the dice and wiped it on a piece of white cotton cloth. The three dice were lined up in Zhang Xiaobao's palm. Zhang Xiaobao's hand suddenly flipped and flicked. Each dice rotates and falls into the bowl, each dice is a little bit apart, and does not collide with each other.

After turning a few times in the bowl, when the bottom of the bowl was about to stop, there was a slight contact, and when it stopped steadily, three six o'clock appeared in the bowl.

The viewer stared at the three sixes in amazement, and then looked up at Zhang Xiaobao. Zhang Xiaobao's expression was indifferent, and only a little embarrassed expression appeared when he met Wang Juan's eyes.

Because he cheated, the normal throwing of the dice cannot allow the dice to rotate around a point. In that case, the state of the dice at the stop can be well grasped, and it seems that he throws the dice together, but the dice go out in order. Order, so as to prevent premature collisions.

But nowadays people don't pay attention to it, so he cheats and bullies people. Of course, he must first have a strong foundation, otherwise even if he knows the theory, he won't be able to throw it out.

Seymour Domohe did not know that there were such techniques. At the time Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan used the technique that would be chopped off by others, he instantly broke out in sweat. The sweat on his forehead gathered together and followed his The temples and eyebrows drip down.

He knew that what he saw was definitely not a coincidence, three six. Why did he choose this kind of game? Encountered a master.

"Seymour, please!" Zhang Xiaobao gestured.

Seymour Tamahe raised his sleeves to wipe the sweat, rubbed his hands on his body, trembling, picked up the dice in the bowl, shook his hands together, muttering words, and another hand, the three dice touched each other. There was a crisp sound in the ivory bowl.

When it stopped, it became four, five, three. The few people watching in the tribe showed disappointed expressions. They felt that the leader had performed improperly, and he could always throw big points when he threw it.

Zhang Xiaobao picked up the dice again and flipped it twice as before. The three dice had the same number facing upwards, arranged in a row with a distance in the middle, and then continued to flip them out.

This time there was finally a deviation. The dice in the bowl was June 4, and Zhang Xiaobao clicked his mouth: "I missed it."

The last bit of luck in Seymour Tamahe's heart was gone. He confirmed through Zhang Xiaobao's words that they were really not dumbfounded.

When he picked up the dice again, his hands trembled even more, and his whole body was trembling, accompanied by a clatter. When the dice stopped, he shook his body a few times and panted hard, so that he didn't fall down. Then he looked at Zhang Xiaobao and smiled: "Ha ha, ha ha ha, I am also on June 4th."

"Congratulations." Zhang Xiaobao didn't care at all. There was also the process just now, shaking hands, dice stop, six six six, and said to Seymour Tama: "Please!"

Seymour Domohe reached out for the dice, but suddenly his left hand lifted up and grabbed the position of his left chest. His face was pale, his eyes were round, his mouth was open, and his body slowly fell.

"Uh...! This psychological quality is too bad, right? Come on, doctor, take a look, don't let him die." Zhang Xiaobao knew what was going on at a glance. As for the nervousness, he just lost the game.

Immediately a doctor came over, listened to the heartbeat, took the pulse, opened Seymour Tama's mouth, let him sit there, and took out the nitroglycerin tablets and stuffed him under his tongue.

After waiting for a while, Seymour Tamahe's face finally changed back, and his lips were no longer purple, but his eyes were still relatively hollow.

Zhang Xiaobao looked at Seymour's state of domo and was very embarrassed. He wanted to remind the other party that the dice hadn't been thrown out yet, but he was afraid that after speaking out, the other party's eyes rolled over again.