Great Tang Idyll

Chapter 1411: Seasoning can be sold together


The laughter of the Beckhams awakened Xu Yilong, who was digging wild vegetables by the lake. He raised his head to look at the nine happy little guys. The corners of his mouth were slightly turned up, and a look of relief appeared on his face.

Zhang Xiaobao happened to see how Xu Yilong looked when she raised her head. At this time, Xu Yilong no longer had the spirit of following the team before, and she seemed very easy-going and natural.

Zhang Xiaobao knew that this was a sublimation of thought, and when Xu Yilong returned, he would be a lot higher than other people of the same generation. In that case, he and Xu Jian old man could be considered as an explanation.

At the same time, Datang will have one more available talent, or a good official.

Despite the fact that the children nowadays have academic studies, the requirements for students in the imperial examinations are getting higher and higher. It feels fair, but in fact, it can't offset the advantages of official families in any case.

This is inevitable. The same situation exists in any system country and era, whether it is China, the United States, Japan, or an Islamic country, origin has always played a very important role.

So since I can't stop it, it's better to find a way to improve the personal qualities of the officials' children.

The system is used to restrict part of the power, and the humanities are used to influence some officials. Even if there are still all kinds of corruption... Corruption... Failure, the number will naturally decrease. Try to improve the abilities of officials while ensuring the relative income of officials. Their salary must be in the upper class of society, and their welfare must be higher than that of ordinary people, otherwise they will be exposed to strong temptation.

"Yilong, how many wild vegetables have you dug?" Zhang Xiaobao, who was in a good mood, waved to Xu Yilong and shouted.

Xu Yilong stood up slowly, with a basket in one hand and a sickle with leeks in one hand, and walked towards this side. After a few steps closer, he tilted the basket so that Zhang Xiaobao could see the wild vegetables inside, and said, "Not much. It’s only half a basket, enough soup for a few people to drink, but not cooking."

"Huh? Why is it different?" Xiaobei jumped down two times to Xu Yilong's face, looked at each other carefully from top to bottom, and looked at the wild vegetables in the basket with a curious look.

Xiaobei felt that Xu Yilong in front of him looked like a different person than before. The tone and movement of her speech gave her a sense of calmness, not deliberately or pretentiously, and her gaze was not aggressive, but so soft.

"You change too fast, how do you play? Teach me, you teach me to change your face, I teach you to negotiate, and I negotiate very well."

Beckham touched Xu Yilong and said to him.

"I want to thank you. In fact, I am still me, but I am a little different when I meet you. As for your ability, I must learn it. Even if I cook for you every day, I have to learn all of your skills, otherwise Didn't I ran such a long way in vain?"

Xu Yilong raised the basket in her hand and said to Xiaobei, meaning that he was going to cook today.

Beckham took a step back and waved his hand: "Don't, learn from each other. As for cooking, please forgive us. You are a good person. You can't torture us like this, but... We have a seasoning called Shisanxiang, which is still very good. If you don’t believe me, ask Seymour Tamaga leader."

Beckham smiled and looked at Seymour Domohe.

Seymour Domohe's face is not very good-looking, he really wanted to bully the little guys during the negotiation just now, he wanted to exchange an ivory bead for Beckham's 50 catties of salt.

He has a very good idea. It is safe to change the salt into his own hands. Although he follows the team of Datang, there is salt to eat after discussing it before, but if someone gets angry one day, or the whole team does not have enough salt, It will inevitably burden the people of their own tribe.

I have a little salt in my hand, and I can use it at critical moments. If the little guys can replace a few more ivory beads, they will have a lot of salt, which will melt in the water, and a sip will make people stronger.

In the end, several people asked Xiaobei what kind of seasoning he needed to match. If he sold salt directly, he would not sell it, but must match the seasoning.

So this seasoning is expensive. It is said that there are 18 kinds of seasonings, matched with salt one by one, and then matched with two, three or three, until there are 18 kinds of combinations. The result is that there are 100 kinds of pure two kinds of spices and salt. Fifty-three kinds, and then eighteen kinds of collocation with salt alone, become one hundred and seventy-one kinds, and then three-three collocation, four-four collocation, etc., I am considered confused, anyway, there are many, many.

Such a calculation is obviously impossible. Seymour is not stupid, so he wants to talk about other things, only salt.

Of course, it is impossible for the nine people of Xiaobei to sell the salt directly. Don't look at the large amount of Tang's salt, it's only useful if you bring it with you. Otherwise, if you don't eat the salt, you will get sick. They are also fancy this point, they use salt as the main condition to talk about other spices.

Because there are a lot of seasonings in the local area. Except for peppers, many other seasonings grow well. Xiaobei and others are still wondering why there are so many seasonings grown in the local area. How do they know that if there are not so many kinds, Their elder brothers and sisters couldn't eat curry every day in India at that time. Even if they were introduced from outside, they would have to take into account the climate, so it was said that they were produced locally.

Xiaobei and the others took out a few pieces of dried venison and let Seymour Tama taste them together. The dried venison was made with several kinds of seasonings. It was impossible for them to carry the seasoning on their bodies. The taste was too unpleasant.

After Seymour Tama had eaten it together, I thought it was really good. Then I heard Beckham and they said that it tastes better with more kinds of seasonings, and I couldn't help but be tempted.

Beckham and the others struck the iron while it was hot, saying that they could provide Seymour Domohe and his people with this condiment in unlimited amounts.

The prerequisite is that Seymour Tama also needs to give it all.

Seymour Tama is happy, and you say you give me as much as I want? Beckham said no, it's how much you can eat. If you eat one catty of salt a day, you will give you one catty, and if you can eat two catties, you will give you two catties.

They said to each other about this question, Seymour Domo is very tired, there are nine people, he is only one, and he said for half an hour, he agreed, and when he agreed, he was in a good mood. In the future, he thinks he can hunt for ivory or something. , But the seasoning and salt can’t be found.

When he went out, Xiaobei told him that the seasoning is available locally. If they want it, they need to send someone to pick it. Then someone in the team will make it. There will be as much as they can eat. The premise is that they can get it. If you don’t pick it, your team will pick it and provide you with the seasonings. However, if your team picks things, the usual wild hunting will be done by the people of your tribe.

When Seymour Tamaha knows that he has it in the local area and that he needs to work for it, he becomes frustrated.

What Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan saw was his tired and depressed appearance.

Of course the nine little guys are happy, because they still have something to do. They do not eat Shisanxiang, but it does not mean that Shisanxiang is worthless. There are still many people in Tang Dynasty who don’t eat much, and if they keep going, they will eat more. People's territory can also be sold to them.

In addition to the seasonal factors, the thirteen incense or the eighteen incense also has a secret recipe for processing. Either you gather thirteen kinds of plants or thirteen incense. If the combination is not good, people will get sick if they eat it. Sun-dried and shade-dried, special ones need to be smoked.

This didn't tell Seymour Domoga, and it was not within the agreement. When the time comes, after they have collected the types in the solar terms, they will process ten copies and give them one copy, which means that the processing process has failed.

Seymour Tamahe doesn't know right now, otherwise he would fall to the ground again, and the nitroglycerin would not be able to save him.

When he heard what Beckham said, Seymour Domohe smiled at Xu Yilong, grudgingly.

Xu Yilong doesn’t need to ask to know what’s going on. He has heard too many legends about Beckham’s negotiations with others. Shisanxiang knows better. Although this thing is not very cheap, it’s not too expensive. Unbearable point.

Even for ordinary people, they don’t usually eat it. You can buy a packet for more than a dozen cents and throw it at home. You can cook and enhance the flavor when guests come. Just like tea, that packet is enough to eat for half a month and live a little bit. Better ones can eat whatever you want.

Its biggest role is to make meat. Even if your cooking skills are poor, you can cook a chicken, cook some pork, put water in the pot, put thirteen incense, the taste is very good, the salt should be put last, this is now The rule is that if you put salt in advance, you will find that the same saltiness uses a lot of salt. Unless it is specially made for lo-mei, you must put the salt first, and then it will take a long time to soak.

What Xu Yilong wondered at this time was exactly how Beckham and the others bullied Seymour Domohe with their thirteen incense. Seymour Domohe's state was obviously wrong. It was really not easy for him to just fall ill.

However, after seeing Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan, Seymour Domohe, who was in a bad mood, suddenly smiled peacefully. He instantly understood that his own things may not necessarily be his own.

Since following Datang, there are still a lot of good things in his hands, what will happen? Why not take this opportunity to exchange it with nine children. Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan would be happy to see their younger brothers and sisters have more good things.

"Hey? You will change your face too." Xiaobei was about to show off his record when he suddenly found that Seymour Tamahe's expression had also changed, and he was deeply puzzled.

Zhang Xiaobao smiled and said to Xiaobei: "They are not changing their faces, they are changing their hearts. People know how to make choices. That's why they have a broad heart. They will clean up and we will leave in two days."

"Oh!" Xiaobei agreed, but still didn't understand what was going on. He found that he couldn't figure it out for a while, so he stopped thinking about it, grabbed the basket in Xu Yilong's hand, grabbed one end by himself, and handed the other end to Xiaobei. In front of the distance, the two of them hopped and ran to the camp with their baskets together.

"Do I need anything else?" Seymour Tamahe asked Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan.

"Don't carry too many things, especially wooden tools that you don't usually use. You should throw them away. When the people are all there, some sick people will gather together." Zhang Xiaobao said to Seymour Tamahe.

Seymour Tamahe hesitated, then nodded: "I know, kill the sick."

"What did you say?" Zhang Xiaobao asked in surprise.