Great Tang Idyll

Chapter 1413: Every bit is non-trivial


The nine little guys don't want to think about things that are too deep. They only think about it when they need it. And they don't worry about not being able to figure it out. They have older brothers and sisters as backers, very powerful brothers and sisters.

Therefore, what they are thinking about now is how to wrap the box of small root vegetables and fry them in a frying pan.

Today they plan to cook a meal by themselves, including the cat's ear soup that goes with the small root vegetable box, but the fresh cucumber pickles are gone.

If the team comes to travel, fresh cucumbers are not a problem. Someone will carry the soil and grow cucumbers on them. But now it's a war. Who would dare to waste manpower and material resources so much? It's better to put salt or bullets if there is room.

The nine people who made the box for the first time were very nervous. Xu Yilong also hadn’t cook before, so he couldn’t cut the dishes, so what could he expect from him

As the main force of branding boxes, Xu Yilong seemed very excited. He felt that pancakes and other actions could be regarded as an art. But only those who pancakes every day understand that it is actually a kind of life.

Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan stopped going in to rest, but took out folding stools and sat down to watch their younger siblings and Xu Yilong cook. The two looked at each other, and at the same time remembered how they looked when they made wontons for their family for the first time, the same passion, the same excitement, and the different craftsmanship.

The little guys use their hearts when wrapping the boxes, and the boxes that come out are also weird-shaped, and they don't even pinch the sides of the box at all.

"Only clumsy sees simple, big skill is clumsy." Zhang Xiaobao didn't care. The poor packaging of the box was nothing more than three consequences. The filling was leaked when it was baked, and the filling was not cooked when it was too thick. 3. It's a thin place.

This is not a big problem. If the filling is missing, you can also fry it. Don’t be afraid if it’s not cooked. In the filling of wild bird eggs and small root vegetables, the bird eggs must be fried first, and the raw and cooked small root vegetables can be eaten. As for the simmering place, chew it as a strange smell.

As long as the little guys do it with their own heart, no matter what they make, adults will feel delicious when they eat it. The delicious food made by a super chef is not as delicious as the noodles made by a few years old. This is the world's adults. Consensus.

Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan don't care. Waiting to eat, the little guys also don't think about what they make. They maintain absolute self-confidence and think that the food they make is bound to be good.

Only Xu Yilong, who was a little older, was afraid, worried that Xiaobao and the cuckoo would not like to eat the food he made with him.

From time to time, I looked at the pot, and then at the Xiaobei who wrapped the box, and looked at the filling in the pot. They had a sudden inspiration and suggested, "Can you add something fishy to it?"

Xiaobei is trying new and good fillings, to see how salty it is. Hearing Xu Yilong's movement, she raised her head to look at each other and said helplessly: "Brother Yilong, cooking and poetry are the same. I don’t care how much you add. The taste depends on whether you can express a taste, like something with leek stuffing, you want to add meat and fish, yes, it is very simple, no matter what you add to it, there is no problem.

Tonic lamb is good, warm chicken is also good, cold crab meat is even more okay, it can be integrated, but ah, what I said is but, okay? "

Xiaobei is like an adult. She takes a lot of effort to cook and eat, but she eats a lot and reaches a certain level. When she is used to watching the wind and waves, the trickling creek is the pursuit.

Xu Yilong knows what leeks are. He doesn't like to eat them very much. Every time he eats them, he has a bad stomach. Only when he eats them in Zhangwang's two restaurants, he doesn't have a problem. He doesn't know what's going on.

Seeing that Xiaobei said that he could put everything, he asked: "Is it bad to put venison?"

"Okay, but... But we want to eat the pure taste of small root vegetables. It is a rule for the emperor and the minister, whether it is used in medicine, in calligraphy, or for the current food, who is the emperor and who is the minister? Put deer on For meat, I just want to eat venison, and eating venison and small root vegetables together will make it too much."

"Why put wild bird eggs again?" Xu Yilong asked in general. In terms of life enjoyment, he knew very well that he was not the opponent of the little guys. Don't look at other people's hardships, they are willing to eat. But don't endure hardship, say enjoyment, I'm a long way from others.

Beckham "pooh" twice, spit out the stuffing in her mouth, reached out for the salt, stopped when she touched the salt box, bit her lower lip, looked up at the sky, her eyes rolled, her hands shrank again return.

"You can't put salt anymore. If there is less salt, you can eat it with other seasonings. If there is too much salt, you can't reduce it. It's not for takeaway. What are you talking about? Bird eggs? Fresh, brother and sister As I said, the simpler the organizational structure, the fresher the taste.

If you want to put something, you can actually put river prawns. They should be big ones. Use only meat, no shells. Sea prawns are not good. Sea prawns are too fresh and will suppress the taste of small root vegetables. What we want to eat is small root vegetables. "

"Then why don't you put river prawns?" Xu Yilong felt that the knowledge of eating is indeed not small, so he became more curious.

"Because no one catches or peels the shrimp, I want to eat something with three fresh fillings. The eggs are cooked and the shrimps must be raw. It's not fresh. Peeling raw shrimp can easily cut my hands. I would rather not eat it than do it. What if I get injured and infected!"

Beckham shook her two chubby little hands, indicating that she didn't want to be cut.

Xu Yilong has to admit that she is inferior to the little guys in many aspects of life, and she is unavoidable to envy for a while. It is not that she has never experienced life, but that no one has ever told herself this in daily life. It seems simple but endless. The truth of learning.

No wonder your Majesty also put his youngest sons and daughters beside Xiaobao and Juanjuan. Those are the eldest princess and the prince. It turns out that their education starts from the little bit of life.

The small root vegetable boxes were branded in half an hour. The black, yellow, and gray boxes were stacked one by one, put on a plate, and delivered to the dining table in front of Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan.

The wild vegetable soup with the smell of raw oil was also brought over.

Because the number of small root vegetable boxes is limited, they only take care of Xiaobei and the others in the inner courtyard. The wild vegetable soup is much easier. In addition to a little green onion, it contains water, salt, pepper powder, and some unboiled raw oil.

There are two large pots, and there are less than half a basket of vegetables in them, which are distributed to more people to drink. There are a few wild vegetable leaves in each bowl. Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan have the most wild vegetables in their bowls.

This kind of soup is simple to make, but it is good for people's health. Whether it is cold or hot, drinking a little while eating will replenish water, and eat it with steamed buns, and save the vegetables.

It's not as good as the soup of rich and honorable people. That kind of soup is boiled or boiled. If you want to say that the best flavored soup, rich and honorable people generally can't drink it. It's not that there is no material, or that technology.

Zhang Xiaobao took a sip and looked at Wang Juan. Wang Juan clicked his mouth and said, "No wonder people in the south said that the soup of northerners was pot water. If this oil does not explode, it is indeed similar to pot water. ."

"If the soup in the south is not cooked well and there is no difference from the pig food in the north, let's not attack it geographically, okay? Generally, people who have never gone out, or people who have gone out to suffer a loss, are willing to attack geographically. Who will attack? It means whoever feels inferior, the strong are respected wherever they go, so everyone is friendly.

I never attacked the country when I was abroad, and I even wanted to come back, but I knew that as long as I showed up, I would definitely be arrested, especially the genius beauty who was willing to arrest me. "

Zhang Xiaobao looked at the soup bowl in front of him embarrassedly, and said to Wang Juan.

Wang Juan bit the simmered small root vegetable box, slowly swallowed it, drank the soup twice, and exhaled: "Ah, I'm not afraid that there will be extra food left in my stomach now, but people with stomach problems absolutely can't Eat this kind of box. Eat it, don't complain, it's my task to catch you."

"I didn’t talk about you, but the beauty, Xiaobei, come and tell you. When making this soup in the future, remember to sprinkle the chopped green onion into the oil first. If the chopped green onion does not turn black, it means that the oil temperature is not enough. Don't add water right away."

Zhang Xiaobao ran against Wang Juan. Seeing that Wang Juan's eyes began to deform, he hurriedly greeted his sister.

Xiaobei also knew that the taste was not very good, but they made it. She had to drink and eat. She put a black box on both sides and put it on her brother’s plate. , I won’t do it next time. Don’t drink it if it doesn’t taste good."

Zhang Xiaobao was speechless at the moment, do you think it's just that the soup doesn't taste good? Then what are you doing with me holding the simmered box? But he said: "Why don't it taste good? It just didn't reach the highest level. Now the soup is for the people of the Duoduo tribe. They are happy to die. It would be nice to have salt."

"I think so." Xiaobei is very considerate of others, but still frowns at Tang and asks: "Brother, is there any way to avoid the oily smell no matter when the water is added?"

"Yes." Zhang Xiaobao touched Beckham's head: "The oil is cooked before. Didn't you find that there are many oil jars in our kitchen?"

"It's so simple? So, what should I do if the soup already smells oily?" Xiaobei felt that the first cooking was really a failure.

"Any green onions?"

"Yes, there are wild onions on the mountain, a lot."

"You cut the green onion into froth and sprinkle it directly on top of the soup." Zhang Xiaobao gave a remedy when there is really no way.

Beckham was happy. Sure enough, his elder brother was the best. He threw down the chopsticks in his hand and ran to find Xiaoyuan and the others to make arrangements.

Zhang Xiaobao smiled and said to Wang Juan: "Let's eat, beauty, this soup and box are actually good."

The title of beauty has worked. Wang Juan didn't mention the matter again. He drank the soup lightly, which seemed to be really delicious, and then said: "Compared with the people in the refugee area, the food right now is the delicacy of the mountains and the sea."

"Yes, the damage caused by natural disasters is great, but there are also a lot of artificially formed refugee areas. I don't know how many refugees can appear this time by eating more." Zhang Xiaobao also chewed the simmering box sent by Beckham. .

"It depends on the situation over the sea." Wang Juan turned his head and looked west.

In a strait viewed by Wang Juan, more than a thousand boats were looking for a place to dock at this time, and the people on it were ready to land.