Great Tang Idyll

Chapter 1418: How do men and women choose?


Seymour Domohe was sent to a place out of reach of his own tribe. Wang Juan looked unnerved, and said coldly: "Did you see my things spilled? Give me a serving."

Immediately someone brought a new bowl of stew over, and he kept asking for guilt, but Wang Juan waved away.

Duo Duo Duo is stupid. He was watching and listening from start to finish, but he couldn't figure out what was going on anyway. In a normal situation, why Seymour Tamago was protected and left

There is also the boy's marksmanship. He used to hit a deer more than 300 meters and directly penetrated his eyes. Now he is less than ten paces away, and he has fired two shots in a row and he has missed all shots. Isn't the cuckoo good for opponents? Why are you talking so coldly? I didn’t eat anything special before, and I ate with everyone, and seemed to love my subordinates. Now I’m doing this, so I’m not afraid of the chills of my subordinates

"Madam, don't be angry, it's all trivial." Zhang Xiaobao smiled and comforted.

"You shut up, and I'm annoyed when I see you. I can't do anything well. Look at how much wronged Beckham and the others have just been. Don't talk to me today." Wang Juan scolded Zhang Xiaobao again.

Zhang Xiaobao's smile was overwhelmingly flattering: "Yes, yes, what the madam said."

Duoduo began to feel depressed. He found that he couldn't keep up with other people's thoughts. The cuckoo was too domineering. Zhang Xiaobao really didn't look like a man.

The others returned to their previous appearances, except that Wang Juan kept his face cold, and Beckham quietly touched Xiao Nan and gave a thumbs up, which meant that he was hitting accurately. Xiao Nan said in a very embarrassed voice, "Yes. it is okay."

The cook who was scolded by Wang Juan just now was equally happy after returning, and he took out a small mirror to take a photo, trying to imitate the previous expression, and then boasted: "I'm also an acting school."

"Don't blow, my hands were trembling when I saw you cooperate just now." A woman grabbed the mirror next to her, and cast a blank glance at the cook.

The cook laughed and said, "Madam, you can't open my desk in front of you. You can't show your ability if you bully me. Be careful to let the little son and the little lady know and take care of you. Don't think you are good and take advantage. No, my silence doesn’t mean that I really don’t know how to resist."

"You, you know how to use the little son and the little lady to press me, when will you be the second master by yourself?" The woman continued to look at the cook with her eyes.

"How can I be willing? When you are okay, you will bully when you are okay. Look at our little boy, you always let the little lady. You have to learn from the little lady. When you are okay, you will bully me No matter what, you must support me when something happens."

"I know, which time I didn't listen to you, especially at night."

"What about tonight?"


Duoduo didn't know how the cook who delivered the food just now communicated with the other's women. He still uses his little experience and wisdom to analyze the behavior of Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan.

Wang Juan looked like I was very angry, but he didn't eat less food. For lunch, you must eat more, otherwise the body will be exhausted and difficult to cope with.

Zhang Xiaobao also eats a lot. The difference is that there is no staple food at noon today. There are only meat and wild vegetables in the stew, so he eats very slowly and chews very finely so that his stomach can digest quickly. Supplement nutrition before eating.

The same is true for Wang Juan, chewing faster and slowing in food. The more crushed the food in her stomach, the larger her stomach acid contact area. She also drank some white wine, one or two, to stimulate the secretion of gastric acid.

Duto Duo doesn't think it's bad. Eating vegetables and eating seems to be the same. Just eat enough. After eating three bowls in a row, I can't make it anymore.

Sitting there, looking at a couple of wines in the wine cup in front of him, reluctant to drink.

"Come here, find the warriors from the tribe." Wang Juan found that he couldn't eat anymore, but there were still some dishes in the second bowl in front of him, so he first put down his chopsticks and ordered.

There are many warriors in the Seymour Domohe tribe. Wang Juan called for the warriors to come. In fact, all the leaders of the small tribes came. They may not be the most powerful hunters, but they are the smartest in the tribe.

A group of people gathered and looked at Wang Juan. They were all full. One is that the dishes are really good, and the other is that the salt is sufficient. Unlike before, when the salt is low, it is not put in the food, but put it out a little. Drink it in water, or put the food there and eat it with salt.

Now they can eat whatever they want. They naturally want to eat more, so they don't even chew and just swallow them, and even the stew soup is not wasted.

Wang Juan and Zhang Xiaobao could also understand, so they didn't let people make the staple food at noon, otherwise it would be easy for the people in the tribe to eat too much and suffer from illness, but the digestion of the staple food is very slow.

Of course, if you want to delay digestion, it is simple to drink water and drink water after eating. The concentration of stomach acid is always low, which can slow down the digestion of food. The disadvantage is that drinking too much water can cause diarrhea.

Wang Juan didn’t care about how others eat. He saw that everyone was there, and said: “Now a new rule is announced. Women in the tribe who do not yet have men can choose men on their own. Women who already have men can also choose new ones. Man.

But a woman can only choose one man, and a man can only choose one woman. A man with many women in the past can still have many women as long as the woman does not leave him.

Starting from tomorrow, a resource point system will be implemented, which means that as many prey a man can obtain, his points will also be the same. Go back and talk about it. If I find a man intimidating or threatening a woman, I will kill that person directly. "

After speaking, Wang Juan waved his hand like a fly, lowered his head and continued to eat slowly. In the end, one third of the bowl was left and he pushed it in front of Zhang Xiaobao.

Zhang Xiaobao took it and continued to eat, and said as he ate, "Thanks to my preparation, you usually don't have this amount of appetite. You have to eat more. Do you think your digestive system can immediately change according to your situation?"

"Why don't you say that you are a good husband? You don't seem to pay attention to anything at ordinary times, but you are actually careful. Don't worry, I will not leave you to choose another man." Wang Juan said to Zhang Xiaobao with a smile.

"I really don't care. I can't keep you. I don't have the ability to keep you. But I don't want to come back. , Which means no fate.

You should actually tell those leaders that a man can have multiple women, just like we did at that time, men without women should not complain about society, but should be self-reliant. In fact, the status of women has not improved. Their improvement is relative because they have discovered men who can obtain more life resources.

So there is a phenomenon that there are more men and women who make more money. For men who make less money, women's status has improved, but for men who make more money, women's status is lower. "

Zhang Xiaobao said nonchalantly while eating the food.

Wang Juan continued to beat Zhang Xiaobao: "Macho, who cares about a woman who loves you, never compromises like a woman who wants to leave. You can give everything for the woman who loves and loves you, but you will never feel sad because of a woman's betrayal. , Do not wronged the woman who loves you, and do not wrong yourself because of the woman who left you.

Unfortunately, there are fewer people who think like you. Many men want to find more women when they have the opportunity. When a woman wants to leave him, he feels uncomfortable. "

"That's because he didn't regard women as his lover, and he didn't regard himself as an individual. A person's life spans so many decades. Who cares about your life and death? If you see everything through, it's the same thing that thinks men and women. Well, it’s okay for you to find 10,000 women; if you see through everything and feel that there is only one love in this life, then you'd better not look for a second woman, because you can’t pass this level of your own.

You are the latter like me. I never measure my success or failure by the number of women. Therefore, I am very angry with what you just said. You are making unnecessary provocations to my view of love. What about me, now..."

"It's gentle enough, right? What are you doing? I just said it accidentally. Don't be angry. Husband, know you are a good man, at least the good man in the heart of a woman like me. Of course, the good man in many women's hearts is not necessarily It’s the same position as me, eat fast, everyone else has finished eating, just wait for you."

Wang Juan became soft at first, but then he felt uncomfortable and stared again.

Zhang Xiaobao bowed his head and ate, who made him care about his only wife, it would hurt feelings if he said too deeply.

The two of them had an argument and psychological analysis, but there was chaos in the Seymour Tamahe tribe. Many men felt the crisis, and many women felt that they had new hope.

Then the struggle between women and men and between men and men began.

Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan held hands and watched indifferently. Regarding the struggle between men and women, they believed that there was no right or wrong, but only a choice. Of course, this choice could be regretted, and then choose again. Unlike Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan, once you have made a choice, then even if you regret it, you have to admit the passing years and the rejection deep in your heart. Wrong, is wrong, and will not give you a new start.

This is the character of the two, so when watching the people of the Seymour Tamahe tribe make another round of choices, there are blessings and disappointments.

"It's too cruel. It turns out that many of the people who were together obviously left again. Xiaoyuan, will you be in the future?" Xiaobei doesn't know love, let alone sex, but she knows that people who play together every day suddenly Becoming a stranger is a painful thing.

Xiaoyuan frowned and looked at him. He really couldn’t understand, he was as sad as Beckham. He heard Beckham’s question, thought about it, and said: "Lang rides on a horse, trips on a horse and waits for each other. Watering the orchids and plants together, the two will see each other. ."

"Xiaoyuan, I know you are the best. I will never trip you up again. Brother Yilong, what do you think of Xiaoyuan's new rhyme?" Xiaoyuan happily pinched Xiaoyuan and asked. Xu Yilong.

Xu Yilong, who thought he had already passed the shadows, remembered the events of the previous two days again at this moment, and still chanting and nursery rhymes? Cursing people for not doing that, killing people is nothing but nodding their heads.