Great Tang Idyll

Chapter 1421: Caiyun chased the moon according to the white paper


Cultural aggression has always been a long task, and wanting to carry out cultural aggression against people without mass killing is basically not much different from dreaming.

Xiaobei did not expect to teach the children of other tribes, so they immediately abandoned their national traditions. But Xiaobei has an absolute advantage. She is a child herself, and there are eight other children behind her back.

After some research, when Xu Yilong was surprised, Xiaobei began to introduce the situation of Datang to the children in the tribe through an interpreter.

She didn't say anything about endless fields, no towering mountains, and no mention of surging rivers. She said that there are countless honey to eat, fatty but not greasy braised pork, a sleigh that runs hundreds of steps out of the snow with a light slide, turning around the labyrinth that can’t find a way out, it looks like Become a haha mirror of various shapes.

Coupled with beautiful clothes, water cannons that can shoot long distances with water, all kinds of huge animals locked in cages, jump into the unsinkable lake.

The children in the tribe listened to what Xiaobei introduced, imagined a dreamlike fairy tale world, and were full of yearning for Datang.

Xu Yilong felt that this was a kind of deception. He admitted that Datang did have everything that Xiaobei said, especially braised pork. This thing is also a luxury for adults. It is not something that you can eat every day. A meal every day is a good life.

The children can eat because they are in the school, supported by countless businessmen. The businessmen’s ideas are simple and fall into four categories. One is that they feel that they have paid for it, and the local children have received their own favor. Then in the future If there is something, the local adults need to help.

This kind of person Xu Yilong thinks it's too direct, but he can't criticize it. They have simple ideas and they really did.

The two are for the sake of fame, but also for the business of their own homes. Under normal circumstances, this part is businessmen who do daily necessities. If they don't take money, people will not go to their stores to buy things. People have a reputation.

The three are big deals. They need more bank loans to complete the fund operation. If you don’t take money, the review will be stricter than the merchant who takes the money, especially if there is no physical mortgage, credit loans. Don't even think about it, what credibility does a businessman who is not willing to take risks and love for Datang children? Social responsibility, that's not just talking.

Fourth, I have money in my family, and I simply like children, just like seeing their smiling faces.

The complexity of human nature is endless, but Xu Yilong knows that in such a complicated human society, people who are not from Datang come to Datang, and want to enjoy the same benefits are no different from dreaming.

Right now there is a group of children who are full of hope by Xiaobei. They are working harder to learn the language and writing of the Tang Dynasty, but the result of waiting for them is that even if they enter the Tang Dynasty, they still have to take money if they want to go to school. Many outsiders started to do this.

For example, Silla and Japanese wealthy families, without being invited by Datang, took the initiative to exchange the money earned in their own country for Datang money in their own domestic Datang bank, and brought their children. Datang, only for the children to have a better future.

Xu Yilong felt that as a powerful country, it was wrong to bully other small tribes, and should show more generosity, and Xiaobei and the others were really utilitarian.

He intends to have a good talk with the nine people of Xiaobei, at least not to continue to deceive others, otherwise the conscience will not go through.

"Snow-white paper is very precious. It is more precious than the leather and cloth you use to write on. Let me show you the things my Datang kids use."

When Xu Yilong was about to have a good talk with Xiaobei, Xiaobei took out a notebook, a very simple large white script. The outer skin was an ink painting with a linen pattern on it, and it had two lines on it. It's so cold, how can the plum blossoms smell so fragrant", the words are written like plum blossoms, arrogant.

Xu Yilong had never heard of anyone who wrote this sentence, and he didn't even know that the word was called Thin Jinti.

The only thing he admits is that it makes sense and writes well, both in content and font.

But now none of this is the focus, the focus is on Beckham's propaganda.

"As long as you arrive in Datang, you can also have the opportunity to use such beautiful paper. Is it white? Come on, let our sister Xiaozhu write a few words." Xiaobei handed a pencil to Xiaozhu next to it.

Xiaozhu is very shy, not talkative, and like Xiaohai, they share a common language when they are together. Xiaozhu often helps Xiaohai draw pictures. Xiaozhu can always draw a small sea at will. It needs to be used in calculations. The line is very accurate, so Xiaohai recognized this future daughter-in-law, and always helped Xiaozhu calculate the scale of a painting, especially the golden section line, which is called a fast.

After a few swipes, with Xiaoyuan’s cooperation, Xiaozhu wrote the words on the white paper. The content is simple. It is a nursery rhyme written by Xiaoyuan temporarily, but Xiaoyuan glanced at Xu Yilong when she said the nursery rhymes. .

"Isn't it pretty?" Beckham went on to carry out his own cultural aggression.

"Little... Sister Bei, what?" a child in the tribe who was younger than Becky asked in words that he had just learned.

Normally, he should ask "Sister Xiaobei, what is it written?", but he is not familiar with the Tang culture. When the word "sister" is overlapped, the distance is called far. People who are close usually only call one. The words, elder, elder, elder, and elder are used together if they are used in overlapping terms. They are called elder brother and elder sister. When the elder brother is placed in front of him, it is the elder brother, and then the elder sister is placed in front of the elder sister.

The children in the tribe do not know the breadth and depth of Chinese culture, they can only understand it according to what they have learned.

Xu Yilong has never corrected her name. What he now considers is what Xiao Yuan wrote.

In fact, even if Xiaoyuan wrote, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, seven, six, five, four, three, two, Xu Yilong would not laugh at him, he did not dare, he did not want to be taught by Xiao Yuan again.

Xu Yilong knows that people are so strange. When a person with a net worth of millions of dollars wears hemp clothes, others will praise him when he sees it; if a person has a lot of money, he must wear silk, and others will laugh when he sees it. .

The same is true when writing an essay. A person who can write classical literature, even if he writes the essay in popular style, will not belittle him because he knows what he has, and if he can’t even write classical literature. , I have to pretend to write, even if I use a few decent words in the article, others look down on it.

You can see from the writing, it's very simple, different words are used in different contexts.

Xu Yilong knows the background of Xiaoyuan, even if it is a nursery rhyme, he still has to take it seriously.

Beckham looked at the nursery rhymes written by Xiaoyuan, winked at Xiaoqiang next to him, and Xiaoqiang immediately took out a harmonica from his bag.

"Caiyun chasing the moon written by my sister, start." Xiaobei nodded and gestured.

"Mid... Mila Doo, Dodo, Dodo, Dodo, Dodo, Dodo, Dodo, Dodo, Sing... Lado, Dodo, Dodo, Dodo...

Xiaoqiang took a short prelude and immediately entered the main spin.

Beckham began to recite the nursery rhymes when the first tone of "Instigation... Lado Laimi Sosula..." sounded.

"We just met and we played by the river. The sand was piled high and the mud smeared on our faces. You said I was naughty, I said you were naive. A lollipop, bite in half. Smile at each other, It’s just as sweet in your mouth. One day, you said you want to go far. With your fingers tugging, you miss the mountains and rivers. I don’t know where and how many years. Unforgettable beachside, there is still water gurgling. The moon rises, it’s too late, the moon The looming dynasty appeared. The colorful clouds chased the bright moon, only separated by one heart."

"Suduo, doo, dodo, 唆do, do, dodo, 唆... Lado Lami instigate... Lado La instigates..."

Xiaoqiang's harmonica also progressed to the next paragraph at this time. At the same beginning, the difference is that the single tone of the harmonica is added and the accompaniment is added. It sounds like there are some other chords that resemble blues and tango rhythms.

The children in the tribe didn't know what it was, but felt sad to hear it, especially the content translated to the commentary. When many of the little guys thought of leaving, their mouths puffed and their eyes turned red.

Xu Yilong was speechless. He had heard this tune. The colorful clouds chased the moon. There were people playing and humming in many places in the Tang Dynasty, as well as writing lyrics. He always felt that Wang Juan’s tune was very beautiful, no matter what Is it the beginning or the high... Tide, it's all like this, the whole song is like ocean waves, layered on top of each other.

And he can play, and won the applause of other officials and eunuchs of the same generation, especially when he is happy, he must play twice.

But until today did I understand that this colorful cloud chasing the moon is not a happy song at all, it is a song that is far away and missed and hard to see. The layers of layers are not the waves, but the lingering of the heart. And Xiaoyuan used a nursery rhyme to complete the essence of this song. The continuous use of monophonic vibrato, accented accent, and post-accompaniment on Xiaoqiang's harmonica express this feeling of reluctance to the fullest.

"Everyone heard it, did you see it? Is this kind of paper good?" Xiaobei asked the other child with a smile, just like a okay person.

Xu Yilong felt her chest tightness and her stomach was uncomfortable. She wanted to vomit a mouthful of blood to relieve the pressure of her body. I want to die if you don't want to play like this. How can you do this? The key right now is Caiyun chasing the moon, okay? What kind of blank paper is not his mother, can you tell the priority

Xu Yilong felt sad for Xiaoyuan, secretly saying, Xiaoyuan, is your role just to cooperate with the white paper? You don’t know how many people who treat Caiyun’s feelings of chasing the moon as a happy song will be embarrassed if you understand it so thoroughly

Looking at the children in the tribe again, Xu Yilong's heart is balanced. Sure enough, the children did not think about the blank paper. They were also affected by the harmonica accompaniment just now. They have not recovered one by one, depending on the situation. Thinking of playing together, and then reluctant to make a difference, after that, I can only run after the moon like a colorful cloud, but I can't catch up.

"Brother Yilong, what are you doing, you help me, tell them, is this paper good?" Xiaobei's voice suddenly came.

"Okay... right?" Xu Yilong's mouth moved.