Great Tang Idyll

Chapter 1423: The domestic economy does not stop


The team continued to move forward, Seymour Tama was honest, and when the team passed by somewhere to take a break, he took the initiative to ask to contact the locals.

He said that he was sent by the king and could lead others to live a good life. When he left the borders of the Kamorepo country, he had successfully attracted more than 300 people and followed behind the team. Of course, the children were still the same. Leave it to Beckham and them.

Seymour Tamaga finally regained his power. The people who were fooled by him saw that the things provided here were really good, and they did not think about other things, followed very honestly and listened to Seymour Tama's "lecture". Then there were strong people scattered.

They went back to other places to tell others about this theory, and then went to a meeting place where they had said it, and waited for someone who could give them happiness to pick them up. They have sharp knives in their hands, dozens of kilograms of salt, and canned food.

Seymour Tamahe told them that they would get ten catties of salt if they pulled one person. If the people they pulled could still get, then they could get another catty of salt. If they pulled it down, they only needed If more than a dozen people are drawn in a month, they will no longer have to pull people after half a year.

If you don’t need salt, you can replace it with something else, such as a powerful and easy-to-carry crossbow, such as silk clothes.

Those who were hired by him found it reasonable to put the children in the family in the team, so they don't have to worry about anything else, and they can put all their efforts on attracting people.

When Seymour Tamahe felt that he was getting closer and closer to regaining the good days and was happy, the nine Beckham thought that they had found a new world.

When the team stopped and waited for some of the people and livestock sent out earlier, Beckham found his brother and sister here.

"Brother, you give me ten pennies." Beckham was out of a chubby hand.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Xiaobao spread his hands without carrying any money on him, indicating that he could not get it out.

"You can mortgage something for ten thousand dollars, I will tell you a way to make a lot of money." Xiaobei did not retract his hand.

Zhang Xiaobao turned over on him, took out two small copper beads, and said to his sister: "The place now is, copper is also very valuable."

"Well, this time you count the value of your hidden weapon. My method is that you say the same thing to others, and then let them give you the money, and you give it to me. You can get ten percent of it for every success you say. One, and then they go and say, how about you..."

"I can wait to get rich, right? Today I said that I succeeded in ten. Even if I did not complete the ten tasks, I only say one a day. After a month, there will be 30. They also have a low chance of success, one a day. , The second month is 900, and the third month is 27,000. According to the formula, I will definitely be a millionaire in half a year. Do you have a formula?"

Zhang Xiaobao asked his sister with a smile.

Beckham blinked his eyes and stuck out his tongue: "Formula? Is it mathematics?"

"Calculate with mathematical methods. For example, if I go to find someone else, everyone will give me ten points, and the money will be given to you? What about me? The person I find will look for someone, what about him? You have to make people look reasonable, don’t Talents are willing to join."

"Yes, it needs to be counted back and forth. The following people get less than me, right? No, if they are less than me, why should they give me the money?" Xiaobei thought very well, and related to the specific organization. The situation is not simple.

She looked at her sister, hoping that her sister could give an idea.

Wang Juan patted his forehead: "After all, someone thought of it, Xiaobei, you can't do this. No one wants to pay you for nothing, and if someone can persuade others to give the money, why give it to you

So, I offer you two ways, one is the real thing, let someone buy the new product from your baby candy shop, a piece of sugar, 50 cans, and then let this person help you sell the sugar, first brag about your sugar, That's good and that's good, he can get what percentage he can get when he sells one piece, and how much he can get in the next level, and when he sells a certain amount, he will be upgraded. "

Wang Juan knows that MLM is not good, but she is willing to tell her sister this truth, and she does not believe that the little guys will be too poor to play MLM.

Beckham thought about it and shook his head: "No, how much is sugar worth? Others are not fools, and luxury goods can't be sold so expensive, and there are more and more people participating. Everyone always eats sugar?"

"That's the second way. In fact, your brother is better than me. You prepare some principal without too much, and then treat you as a bank, collect deposits, give high interest, and let this person help you collect deposits. , Or high interest rate. The more people he finds, the higher the interest rate. Your propaganda philosophy is investment.

The more abundant the funds, the easier it is to make money. You exaggerate your funds, and then others will believe it. Where is the money saved? You can get more interest if you deposit it. "

Wang Juan glanced at Zhang Xiaobao and explained to Xiaobei.

Beckham frowned vigorously, her little hand clenched into a fist, and said bitterly, "What should I do in the end?"

"There are two results. One is that you do have the ability to invest in financial affairs, and you can make more profits with this money than you give, so you make money; the other is that you have no ability, and then collapse, you are rolling Money ran away, and other people who invested money later cried."

Wang Juan was talking, staring at the distant sky, as if he was reminiscing, but also at a loss.

"Isn't this a lie? The interest paid is low, and people won't come. If the price is high, what can I earn?" Xiaobei sighed.

"It's not a scam, it's nothing more than a private capital operation. The money is stored in the bank, isn't it the same? The bank takes out the loan and uses the earned money to repay your interest, and at the same time keep a part of the profit.

It’s just that it’s too risky, not in line with Datang’s overall economic stability. Therefore, your brother and I will not allow them to borrow high-interest loans in private, but try to improve the functions of the bank, including small household loans, including the emerging real economy production and R&D venture capital.

Not every loan money can make money, and some even lose money, and not every venture investment can get a corresponding return. But these are all allowed. "

Wang Juan introduced to Xiaobei the doorway inside, only to mention briefly, but did not say too much in detail, and Xiaobei could not understand it.

Xiaobei nodded, looking very frustrated: "It turned out to be like this. I thought it was the first thing we thought of. Others might have thought of it a long time ago, but no one dared to do it. Are there any other loopholes to exploit?"

"Yes." Wang Juan does not expect Zhang Xiaobao to answer this small question. She can easily explain: "For example, in shares, many of our businessmen and Datang businessmen are cooperative in nature, including your baby candy. House, then can this bill be traded?"

"No, you sell the bills. If everyone buys them, it will be messy." Beckham said confidently.

"The restaurant that belongs to me, can I put it in the bank as collateral?" Wang Juan asked.

"Yes." Beckham nodded.

"Then we two will open a restaurant in partnership. I need money. Can I mortgage the restaurant that belongs to me to the bank?" Wang Juan asked again.

Beckham was stunned. She figured out what was going on in an instant, and continued to frown: "I know, if you say no, it is obviously unreasonable. If you say yes, then the bill must be charged. If you don’t want to continue cooperating, selling is also selling bills, no matter who buys them, what should we do?”

"Set up a place for stock bill trading, where everyone buys and sells bills." Wang Juan replied.

"Why not now? They all bought and sold privately, right?" Beckham thought of a question.

Wang Juan smiled and said: "Yes, a small number of them have bought and sold privately, and there will be in the future. Not in the short term. Your brother and I will not be able to make a move, and there will be fewer financial operators. You will know in a few years. If a country develops, economic problems will appear one after another. As long as people still have desires, they cannot be stopped."

Xiaobei really couldn't think of what it would look like in the future. He nodded his head seemingly understandable, returned the two copper beads to his brother, and ran to other little guys to repeat it.

Seeing his sister running away, Zhang Xiaobao smiled and said to Wang Juan: "Our younger siblings are still very smart. After discovering what Seymour Tama had done, they were able to think of such a good idea."

"The idea they think is not as good as you. Look at the idea you gave Seymour Tama, so good and so shameless." Wang Juan thought of Seymour Tama who was deceived, and felt sorry for his people. .

She knows that Zhang Xiaobao's strategy is not illegal pyramid schemes, but is quite reasonable. Finding people by people, through the development of offline for their own interests, can be settled with salt, or can be exchanged for other things of equivalent value.

In this process, there is no deception. As long as people come, they will be given. The more people are drawn, the more things will be given away.

The problem is that this is still a slavery society, just like the place where his team will pass through for a while, where Zhang Xiaobao directly instigated people to arrest slaves with salt and exchange slaves for salt. Now it is changed to another way. But it still encourages others to arrest slaves.

When the people before them really get salt and weapons, what about the people who can’t persuade? They will definitely solve it by force, and then form groups, gradually growing in size, and using the money from the slave trade to continue to seduce others and arm themselves.

In that case, the entire area is included. What will happen to this place in the future

Zhang Xiaobao looked innocent, looked at Wang Juan with ignorant eyes, and asked, "Who did I accidentally hurt?"

"No, you are helping others, I just used the wrong word." Wang Juan looked back and said.

"Thank you, I forgive you once." Zhang Xiaobao sighed.

"Brother, brother, I have a telegram, and I have contacted again, look now." While Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan were talking and playing, a group of little guys hurried over, and Beckham turned the head, waving his hand to translate the telegram. Paper.

Zhang Xiaobao took it and glanced at it, then stuffed the telegram into Wang Juan's hand, and said, "Someone is upset again, thinking that I can't deal with them if I'm far away, right?"

Wang Juan read it again, and gave the telegram to Xiaobei to let them watch and play, and said to Zhang Xiaobao: "I told Xiaobei and them about illegal pyramid schemes and stocks before. This time there is another futures, I remember. Whoever came from the Japanese before, just played this set, but they were playing with warrants. Now that the food futures are produced, they can’t stop?"