Great Tang Idyll

Chapter 1425: The strategic goal is changed again


"So simple?" Xu Yilong listened to the plan, looking unbelievable.

"It's not simple, it's the rules. The dominant capital in the economic field is absolutely oppressing small capital. More than 300 land leasers seem to be a lot, but it depends on who is compared, Baby Candy House can bully them. Without capital. Whether it’s in the virtual economy or the real economy, you can only follow the trend. If you want to be a waver, you must have the consciousness of being overwhelmed by the waves."

Zhang Xiaobao said with deep eyes.

Wang Juan showed a different smile, and then said: "Except for my little treasure, my little treasure is playing the slanting front. If the more than 300 people are under his command, I will deal with it personally and need to mobilize more. Capital, and even so, I'm not sure to keep him."

"I believe it." Xu Yilong nodded.

Becky and the others went to send a telegram and send one to their sweet candy store. Tell the people in the candy store to tell the capital and it doesn’t matter. For them, they can’t meet in person and fight against each other. It’s just a remote command, which is nothing. feel.

They are not afraid of other wheat-producing merchants transporting to Henan Province, because the freight is very expensive. After shipping, they will find that the price must be very high to make a profit, and there are merchants who can reduce transportation costs by large-scale transportation. In the leaderboard.

These figures in the upper echelons of Datang’s economic field will not be as stupid as the three hundred people from Henan Province who did it first. More than three hundred people are ignorant and fearless. They have not entered that circle and will never know that circle. It’s difficult to personally understand Zhang Xiaobao’s strength.

Just like the people on the top and the bottom of the mountain, they are so small when looking at each other. The difference is that it is easy for people on the mountain to get down, and it is difficult for people to go up.

Half a month later, news came from the three fronts again, and they had continued to penetrate more than 1,000 kilometers into the multi-cannibal territory in three directions.

The response measures taken by many cannibals is to strengthen the walls and clear the country, while the main force retreats. Now the third-line army of Datang is resting on the spot, waiting for the arrival of follow-up supplies.

And the many cannibal troops are also gathering, blocking the front of Datang's third-line troops.

Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan took out the map and looked at it. Because there were no detailed intelligence records, they only used circles to represent various places. The two estimated that Datang’s army had actually passed through the area of Afghanistan at that time. Entered Iran.

"It seems that we have to speed up, which is inconsistent with the strategic goal. How can they stand firm and clear the country? Is the autumn harvest finished? How to deal with the grain?"

Zhang Xiaobao obviously saw the third-line troops rushing past, but he did not show a happy expression, because his tactics could not be used under the current circumstances.

He wanted to defeat the main force of cannibalism, and then take economic measures, now it seems impossible.

And he can imagine that when many cannibals retreat on a large scale, many people will definitely die. The old, weak, sick and disabled cannot keep up with the pace of the retreating team. Coupled with the complex terrain environment, there can be three or four out of ten people. Those who successfully go back alive are considered good.

You must know that when Datang's army advances, there will be non-combat attrition, but they are all young and strong, and there are no old people or children.

Wang Juan also frowned. She also didn't want to occupy a deserted place after the fight, but she understood that this was the best way that many cannibals could think of at present.

Looking at the map again, Wang Juan said to Zhang Xiaobao: "Don’t go, go back and pick up the MLM staff with Seymour Tamahe as the top of the tower. Let’s go home instead of going forward. It is estimated that our landing troops have already occupied the same place. In a very big place, it happened to be able to double-team with the third-line army.

And we don’t plan to hit Mecca directly at once, just this place, first find the oil, and then transport it by sea to..."

"It is transported to Xinyuan Island for processing, that is, Luzon Island, where coal is also produced, and there is still a lot of coal. Don't transport it to our Datang again. When the technology is mature, when will we return to Datang to build a factory.

In recent years, for development, our soil workshops have destroyed the environment a lot. Of course, the people in Datang don't know the environment is good or bad. We used to encourage the destruction of forests and land.

Let’s not go straight back. Passing through India, it is estimated that many people will be attracted along the way. When we get to the seaside, we will take a boat back. I believe that the fleet going by the sea will increase if the forces ahead gain an advantage. Transport intensity. "

Zhang Xiaobao temporarily put aside his depressed mood and considered how to proceed with the next move. As for the cannibalistic base camp, let it go first. As long as there is a fleet, control the Euphrates River, and then sandwich the polyphagia between the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea. The region is basically under control.

When the time is spared to fight again, the front-line troops have been in a war situation for a long time, which has a great impact on morale. The main problem is environmental adaptation.

Not to mention being a soldier, even if he was flying around the world before, he could not withstand the wild environment in the Arab region, and people would go crazy after a long time. At present, the driving force supporting the advancement of the Datang army is the belief in the great power of the Tang Dynasty.

Wang Juan is in the same mood as Zhang Xiaobao, uncomfortable. She thought she had the opportunity to organize a few tactical cooperations in person, and she enjoyed it. The result became what she is now. There are many complaints in her heart about cannibalism. You are not paying attention to death rather than surrender. And kill people who don’t have the same faith? Why do some people surrender now, and they still know how to retreat strategically

If you can hold on for a while, Datang’s army will not directly rush in. What are you afraid of? As a result, a lot of people died and the autumn harvest was confiscated. Why bother.

After being depressed for a while, Wang Juan commanded: "Come on, generate electricity, and tell the third-line troops to find supplies on the spot. You don't need to attack anymore. Waiting for the landing troops to fight and converge. After the last land supply is delivered, there will be no more land. Supplies."

Someone will send a telegram immediately and get in touch now, otherwise there may be no signal anymore.

Wang Juan said to Zhang Xiaobao: “How about this and that kind of accidents will always occur in the course of the war. If we want to control it, we can’t control it. We only consider our own strategic arrangements and deployments, and have not thoroughly studied the other party’s ideas. More oil, it’s just our oil extraction technology... alas..."

"It's the same as China's printing degree before. Who would have thought that the Indian army would be so non-fighting, and the fight would be over. At that time, China, India, and the United States were not all dumbfounded. Later, the United States airdropped things to India. It proved once the absolute superiority of advanced weapons over backward areas, and it is impossible to accept it.

As for the extraction of oil, it’s easy to dig. I don’t believe that many cannibals in the war zone will be killed this time. There will always be a large number of survivors. Now there are people digging oil wells. As long as enough benefits are given, I believe we can dig out more.

In addition to collecting spontaneously flowing oil in Datang, there is also shallow oil that can only be drilled with drilling tools. This technology does not need to be placed in areas with many cannibals for the time being.

For them, oil is of little use. One is to fight a war, the other is to burn a fire, and to treat camels' skin diseases, which is a worthless thing. Once dug out, it’s very simple to pack. One barrel per barrel, just a few clicks is a ton. We can exchange them for higher-value items, such as cooling oil and toilet water.

Ten tons, only ten tons of oil, they can get a small box of cooling oil, put some on it, and no longer worry about heatstroke easily, it is suitable for all ages. "

Zhang Xiaobao couldn't think of a better way. Where is the industrial base? Now Datang uses all native methods. It was hard to get a gasoline engine and build an airplane, but there was news that it had not successfully taken off yet.

Wang Juan sighed: "Resources have been greatly wasted. Now you start to count people. You didn't have a chance to implement your calculations before. Do you have anything to say?"

"What are you talking about? I'm used to it. Not every deception can be successful. You will always meet a fool. He doesn't bother to open his mouth when you bring the meal in front of him. How do you deceive? The line is occupied, and then discuss with more cannibals, anyway, the place was not theirs at the beginning.

While the spread of their doctrine is not stable, we should change it quickly and instill in them the idea of loyalty to the emperor and serving the country. As for the plan to build a road that has always been connected, it continues to be postponed, but I don’t know the specifics at all. If the road can be repaired here, it is better to repair the road inside our Datang first. "

While talking, Zhang Xiaobao rolled up the map, leaned back on the chair, and closed his eyes to rest.

Wang Juan pulled another chair and lay down on his back, resting on Zhang Xiaobao's legs.

At dinner in the evening, the two announced their decision to go back. The happiest one was Xu Yilong. He felt that if he followed the team again, he would die in a foreign country. He admired the soldiers who came to the war and suffered more than him. , Advancing faster than him, and fighting with the enemy, no matter the psychological or physical pressure is countless times greater than him.

At dawn the next day, the team set out and walked southward, passing through a part of Indian territory, and then to the beach, waiting for the passing ships to help send news, and then return home by sea.

"Your Majesty, have a mouthful of melon." Not far from the capital, by the artificial saltwater lake, Gao Lishi put a plate in his hand with a sliced watermelon, and spoke to Li Longji who was lying under the parasol.

Li Longji waved his hand, motioned to not eat, and said, "It's really hot this year. Is there any place to say that it was a disaster?"

Collis pondered it over, put the tray on the table, and replied: "One state and two counties in the Yangtze River basin were washed by water, and a county in the Yellow River basin also suffered floods, drought... No."

"Oh, it's good if there is no drought. The flood is rushed, people are transferred out, and they can go home and rebuild after the water passes. I only worry about the drought. After a few years of drought, locusts will fly everywhere. People's lives are better, I I feel better. Today I see other places on the lake that are open to others. The children are happy to play. I feel more refreshed than eating iced watermelon."

Li Longji lay there, slightly raised his arms and imaginary fingers, there really were a lot of children screaming and fluttering in the water.

"Your Majesty is kind to the world, people in the world live well naturally, and they also know how to be grateful." Gao Lishi picked it up and said.

"Huh!" Li Longji snorted coldly, and said, "Not at all. There are always people who think that peace is not good and want to find something. What's the situation in Henan Province?"

"The price of wheat is 20% lower than this time last year. Changping is preparing to collect grain at a premium. The price is the same as last year, but we have to wait and wait until Xiaobei's baby candy shop has been collected and given to others to complete the contract. It is estimated. The money lost by those people is not a small amount, because they talked about too much food with Baby Candy House."

Gao Lix replied gleefully.