Great Tang Idyll

Chapter 1426: It is definitely not the intention to rush to kill


When Li Longji was talking with Gao Lishi, Queen Wang and Concubine Wu Hui in swimsuits also came to the shore, and while pouring water from the bucket on them, they listened to Li Longji chatting.

The two of them like this lake very much, they don't have to go to swim by themselves, they can't fall down when they lie down casually. But there is also a downside. There is too much salt. You have to wash it every time you come out, otherwise it will hurt your skin.

Hearing the topic of Henan Road, the Concubine Wu Hui who had just rushed in broke in and said: "The concubine has also heard that Baby Candy House has signed a one-million-dollar contract with more than 300 people. If the time comes If they can’t make enough money, they will lose one hundred thousand guanan. On average, each person who rents the land needs to put out three thousand guanan, which is enough for them to earn in a few years."

Queen Wang wiped her hair and leaned forward, listening to Concubine Wu Hui's words with worry in her heart.

"If they take out the money, where can the little guys find food for them? One million grains, how high a mountain must be piled?"

Li Longji chuckled, looked at his own queen, looked at Concubine Hui, and shook his head. Obviously, the Queen was inferior to Concubine Hui in this respect.

Gao Lishi explained: "The queen does not have to worry, one million sticks of wheat is more, but it depends on who raises it. Henan Road is only adjacent to the Yellow River, water transportation is developed, and there are railways passing by. Even if they transfer from other places, I can also transfer the food."

Queen Wang thinks about it and feels right. Although it is the little guys who made this shot, there are Xiaobao and the cuckoo behind them. At the same time, the candy house itself cooperates with many people, logistics, food, even small Bo and the cuckoo don't care, the little guys can also get the wheat to the place.

Queen Wang was not happy just now, and she felt a little more uneasy. Although she was not very concerned about economic issues, she still understood some things.

Then he asked: "What about the transportation cost? If the transportation money exceeds one-tenth of the cost, Xiaobei and the others will lose the transaction. The palace does not want to watch the little guys lose money."

The more you think about Queen Wang, the more you think that your consideration is justified. The more than 300 people in Henan Province made mistakes. As a result, the little guys used to clean up people and lost money, and wasted money on transportation losses. Wouldn't it be a loss for both sides?

Concubine Wu Hui picked up a piece of watermelon and was about to eat it. Hearing what the Queen said, she stopped eating, and said with a smile: "My sister thought it was too simple. Go from elsewhere to Henan where the three hundred people are. The scope of transportation is not very expensive. You forgot who controls Hebei Province

Since Xiaobao and Juanjuan solved all the local tribal problems over there, there has been a concentrated area of grain cultivation, including early rice, late rice, spring wheat, winter wheat, as well as rape, sugar cane, soybeans, and so on. One grain produced in Hebei Province can solve the problem of grain supply and demand in several provinces.

There is a plain there. It turns out that there is no actual control of our country, so the food has little impact on our country. It is not what it used to be. In addition, Xiaobao and Juanjuan control them as various crops in the Northeast. If they were not for their loyalty and patriotism, they It can mess up the agricultural economy of our country.

Especially this year, the Ministry of Industry and Sinong Temple cooperated to convert diesel engines into machines suitable for farming, and test them there before the beginning of the spring. We don't have to worry about a certain part of the country being affected by a disaster without food.

The cost of growing food has always been very low, just in order not to affect the price of food in other parts of the country. A small part of the sold price was artificially increased by them, but more of the food was made into wine by them, and part of it was sold overseas. Part of it is stored.

Without the two of them controlling that large area, how can your Majesty dare to be so casual in the court? For example, Luoyang’s military power control generals weren’t the people whom His Majesty had hoped to serve before, or that His Majesty believed that the other party was loyal, or that he didn’t care at all. Oh, your Majesty forgive your sins, and your concubines are talking too much. "

Concubine Wu Hui, who was talking endlessly and excitedly, suddenly reacted. As a harem person, she acted too arrogantly today.

I should follow the Queen to take care of the harem. It is not right to run out to discuss politics, or analyze your Majesty's thoughts in front of others, and let the ministers know, there will be a lively watching next morning.

Li Longji, who came out to relax, didn’t take it seriously. He patted his legs lightly and said, “It’s okay to talk about it today. Unless they can clean up Little Treasure and Cuckoo first, they have to work honestly for me.

Just now, I added that in addition to the food in Hebei Province, which can be transported to the place across the river, there is another reason that even if the more than 300 people have the money to buy the food, they will suffer a 10% loss. Where do you sell your wheat

It doesn't matter if Beckham and the others hold a million consistent things in their hands. They can't use up their money now, and they have been kept in the bank. Can the more than 300 people afford it? If you want to ship in small amounts, the surrounding area will be saturated with wheat; if you want to ship large quantities to far away, who will you sell to? Merchants who can afford to buy the goods dare not buy, so their losses will be even greater. "

"As soon as your majesty and sister Huifei said, I felt up again. As soon as this happened, people with other thoughts should be honest. There was no use of Xiaobao and the cuckoo. Only the little guys took care of the people. What about those three hundred people who lease land?"

Queen Wang began to worry about the pitted people again. Although the more than 300 people acted hatefully, after all, they were also people who had supported land leases. If they really lost their capital or even owed debts, they would still be able to survive. Will it be next year

"Sister, don't worry, Beckham and the others will not rush to kill them. They just want to warn people and don't intend to take advantage of them. You will know when you look at your sister."

Concubine Wu Hui is much better at understanding human nature than the Queen and Queen, and she is also good at calculating. At first, she almost got the Queen and Queen down, but Wang Juan made a move later.

"That's good, that's good." Queen Wang was completely relieved this time.

Concubine Wu Hui also said to Li Longji while she was happy: "Your Majesty, let's go for a swim, but unfortunately it is open to the outside world and there are too many people."

Li Longji could understand her words with obvious hints, and Queen Wang's face turned red.

Li Longji suppressed the eager thoughts in his heart and sighed: "Oh... how can I make a profit if it is not open to the outside world? Even if Xiaobao and the cuckoo don't care about the money, can I still own it alone? It's not a palace, what do the people think

I also intend to continue to invest money and continue to expand the unsinkable lake, so that the capital and the people who come to the capital can see that some water is not without people and belong to the category of physics, so that children will be interested in this aspect since childhood. Speaking of which, I’m not as good as Beckham. Every baby candy shop has a swimming pool for children to play. It’s free, so when it’s hot, children don’t have to go to other water to play, preventing danger. "

"Your Majesty has already given them tax exemption. The concubine thinks it would be good to expand it. There is so much salt in the sea that you can't use it up if you just expose it to the sun. You don't need to dig too deep in the lake, so the cost of transporting the salt will not be consumed. "

Concubine Wu Hui quickly said it was nice.

Li Longji stood up from the recliner, moved around, and waved his arm: "Go, get into the water."

In a large courtyard connected by people in Henan Province, all the 311 people who participated in the price speculation of wheat were gathered here.

At the same time, there are people from Yaxing who are specially guarded, not for fear that they will not lose money, but for fear that they will not want to commit suicide.

Now everyone who has learned about this understands that the more than three hundred people who have joined together will be unlucky. The price of wheat has not risen as expected, but has dropped a little. Their opponent is the Datang Inspector, that is, the cute little one. Nine people.

Someone is gloating, planning to watch the excitement and see what the end result of a group of people who have nothing to do.

Someone was surprised that what happened in the local area actually alarmed the Zhang Wang family. It seems that their actions have annoyed Xiaobao.

Some people are rejoicing, thanks to the fact that they didn't follow along when they found themselves, otherwise the unlucky person would have to be more than themselves.

Merchants with a lot of wealth have deepened their awe of Xiaobao. They have long seen the hidden things behind this incident and understood that the court and Wang Zhang’s family have responded to it. What they did not expect was that it was not Xiaobao that made the shot, but a smaller one. Child.

From the fight between the two sides, you can feel the will of Xiaobao and the cuckoo. No one needs to take care of it personally. This is not only a suppression of more than 300 people, but also a warning to other people who have the same thoughts, but also to yourself. This kind of shock for people who make it to the rankings.

The meaning is very clear, don’t some of you businessmen always want to test our methods? Then let you see if you can find loopholes, so that we can't deal with it.

Don’t some of you want to know how big my little treasure is? See it now, right? My little treasure has no abilities, so I can only let my brothers and sisters take action. Who will be the next wave of temptations

The businessmen in the rankings understand that this kind of deterrence is the most powerful. More than 300 people have just figured out a trick. They have not waited for those who are on the sidelines to increase their confidence. They are immediately cleaned up, and Xiaobao does not bother to personally. Tube.

He didn't tentatively come out without telling the truth, but instead made Little Treasure look more and more profound. Maybe someone will think of a good move in the future, and it will still be for Xiaobei and others to deal with it, and Xiaobao is too lazy to bother.

This was a blow to confidence. When I thought that I was getting bigger and I could touch that high existence, I was awakened by a thunder, and what I touched was a dream.

The people in Yaxing naturally understood the meaning of the Zhang family's doing this, and they also understood that Xiaobei and the others could not kill 311 people, so they must be protected and persuaded.

Someone was talking to three hundred and eleven people at this time.

"This time what you did was really too much. Xiaobao and the cuckoo stayed over there. You don't want to help, but you want to take advantage of it. It is a big crime to make war fortune. See it? Seeing to lose all the capital, and there are debts.

But, don't worry, there will be no hurdles in his life. Xiaobei and they believe that you all know that they will not rush to kill. If you don't plan to ask for their wheat, you can just pay off the deposit and distribute it to you, paying 3,000 per person.

Money, a lot, I understand, you know, and Beckham also understands it. What should you do now and how to do it, settle down, and wait for Xiaobei and the others to save you, okay? Don't worry, you still support Xiao Baoding's national policy after all, which is considered meritorious and demerit..."

Three hundred and eleven people who listened were silent.