Great Tang Idyll

Chapter 1431: What is the end of the overthrow plan?


The group of people on the opposite side were still watching, no one said anything.

"It can really be changed. This county is for the development of Hongnong and the prosperity of your old Liushu Village. This county is dedicated to the public, and you wait but don't understand it. It makes people feel chilling." Liu Yan stood tall and spoke. Said sincerely.

It would be better if his eyes were less aggressive.

"Have you seen it? Go back to eat the meal after you have seen it. The meal is almost ready. Today's meal is shortbread cookies and potato chips dipped in tomato sauce."

The old village was telling the children who came to watch the excitement that he had been with the children in the village to attend the get out of class just now, and only came out after class, just in time for the children to eat snacks.

When the children heard that there were potato chips and tomato sauce, they cheered and ran back. After all, Liu Yan couldn't compare with the food.

Listening to Liu Yan, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva. He came out in the morning without eating, thinking that he could eat here. As a result, the bridge board was removed, and the market that should have existed next to him also did not appear.

It proved a problem. I came out today and someone leaked the news to Old Liushu Village in advance. I still couldn't help it. Even if I made a temporary suggestion this morning, my car was not as fast as others.

Lao Liushu Village is really different. I think it was because they rescued many people and helped others to raise their children. The remaining affection played a role.

That's why I should start with Lao Liushu Village first and solve the problems in Lao Liushu Village. Are the problems elsewhere in the county still a problem

I don’t know what the taste of that potato and tomato sauce is. When I went back to Beijing to report on work, I ate pig offal, chicken heart and chicken liver. I heard people say that the meat was canned and sent to the front line. The rest was just right. Used to entertain officials who report on their duties this year.

It's hateful. Why can the people of King Zhang's family eat whatever you want? Even if you find what you find, you just give it to others. Is there any court in your eyes? Is there a world

After his thoughts turned abruptly, Liu Yan saw that the old man opposite stood still quietly, so he had to take the initiative.

"Liu Cunzheng, can you go over and talk?"

"It's too hard to lay the boards, and the villagers are busy." The old village replied with a flat face.

"Can you come over and speak?" Liu Yan asked again. He stood on one side, and the person who wanted to speak was on the other side. He felt uncomfortable, and it was not an elder brother and sister.

"Stand and talk, I'm annoyed to see you old man up close." Lao Cun Zheng said with his eyes narrowed.

"You... Okay, that's fine." Liu Yan couldn't help it. He couldn't let people go over and arrest the village, otherwise he would be easily pushed down the river.

"Liu Cunzheng, the county can give way to the plan in the first three talks."

"Oh? Let? Don't you say that the river will not be expanded, the current deep river will not be filled into a shallow river, and the people in our village will not be allowed to move out?" The old village was standing on the other side and asked, full of breath, and his voice was loud. The reverberation in the river was much stronger than Liu Yan's movement.

Liu Yan stepped back two steps, he was afraid of being shaken down, and looking at the height, he was always dizzy.

"Liu Cunzheng, you know that these three points cannot be changed, so what do you mean by saying that? The county can make concessions. First, the old Liushu Village can be relocated to the county seat without having to find other places around to rebuild the house. ; Second, the cost price provided by Laoliushu Village can be reduced from the original 100 per day to 80 pieces; third, Laoliushu Village Tiesuoqiao County collects iron chains used to make boats, which are no longer in the county. It is used free of charge, but a certain amount of compensation is given; fourth... ”

"Xiaoyan, you don’t have any dreams, old man, I know what you think. You plan to increase your political achievements at the expense of the local people in this county. I don’t know how you did when you were the county magistrate in Bajiang. What I want to tell you is, if you are there also at the expense of the local people’s political achievements, you should be careful, as long as there is a report, even if you become a middleman, it’s useless. The emperor doesn’t deal with you. Can Xiaobao and the cuckoo let you go

Before you came to Hongnong, Xiaobao had specially formulated a plan for the development of Hongnong within ten years. Your last term was done in accordance with Xiaobao's requirements. If you want to treat the officials as security, don't move, not only in my old Liushu Village, but also other places in the county.

It's not that I despise you, it's that you really don't have that ability. Xiaobao's plan is a state policy when placed in the court, but a good governance when placed in the local area. You will study for another twenty years, and look back and see how ignorant you are now. "

Before Liu Yan could finish speaking, the old village was interrupting what Liu Yan was about to say next, and gave the other party a severe meal.

Liu Yan gasped hard, and he was mad at Liu Cunzheng's words. There was a kind warning, which was clearly degrading and degrading himself worthless.

Slowly, Liu Yan took a deep breath and said with a smile to Liu Cunzheng, "Why is Liu Cunzheng so powerful, why are you the magistrate of Hongnong County, but you are just the village chief? So if you maintain a village, you still OK, but to talk about the governance of a county, you, work hard in your next life.

The county didn't come over to frustrate you, but the county asked you, do you understand the economy? Know how to travel? Understand… "

"Tourism is a part of the economy, and it cannot be said in parallel. Xiaoyan, do you want to talk about finance? Do you want to talk about pure capital operation? Old man, I'm a literate, literate, every time Xiaobao and Juanjuan are involved. When the new book of Datang Secrets is printed, someone will send me a set to the old man.

I'm not an old man. I have some great abilities. It's Xiaobao and the cuckoo who know how to respect the old and love the young. They know better that I, an old fellow, can not even live for the sake of Lao Liushu Village.

Come back, ah, go back and take a good look at the plan that Xiaobao had left. I also have a copy of it, and I will always check it out when I have time. Xiaobao's plan is called a plan. Your business is a one-off deal, and you don't even have a supplementary plan with various problems. Rice is eaten one bite at a time, and the road is taken step by step.

There is not so much foreign capital, and the local investment atmosphere has not yet formed an absolute advantage. What do you take for rapid development? It is the plan you mentioned to sacrifice the interests of local people and then attract outsiders to travel, and the county will get tax from it.

You directly control how much money we want, why go around in a big circle, you are tired and we are tired. The basis of development is to make the local people richer, not to simply increase the tax revenue of your county government office. Small words, understand? Come back, ah. "

Lao Cunzheng gave Liu Yan another lesson, but instead of using casual words this time, he started to talk to Liu Yan about economics, development, and planning.

"Cunzheng Baodao is not old. That's great. Hongnong County has developed to a certain extent. What we need is precipitation and accumulation, rather than overthrowing everything before and restarting. It is easy for officials to overthrow a decision. But it will suffer.

Xiaobao said that the magistrate cannot make decisions by patting his forehead, guaranteeing his chest, or patting his butt to leave, and he can't leave now. If something goes wrong, he will have to be cleaned up even if he leaves.

My lord, let's go back. There are still a lot of things to deal with in the county. I haven't even completed the framework for the species co-ordination set for the autumn harvest this year. "

The county prince who followed was cooperating with the old village to speak.

"You, you short-sighted people, this county doesn't understand it to you. I would like to emphasize again that it is not to discuss with you, but to ask you to do what you do. It is good for you to do it, and things will be counted in the county. "

Liu Yan decided not to talk to others. He wanted to take strong measures to achieve his goals. He had to overthrow everything before, otherwise, where could he show his ability? How can I continue to be promoted without showing my ability? It's not that I don't understand the economy, it's nothing more than that.

"Counting on you, may I ask, who are you?" A crisp girl's movement sounded behind the people who came from the yamen.

The old village across the river was smiling kindly.

Liu Yan and the crowd turned around and saw a girl wearing a seven-rank official uniform. There were four people standing beside the girl, with the word "forbidden" embroidered on her chest.

The county Cheng who spoke just now saw the person behind him who didn't know when, and immediately said with a smile: "Yo... Our most beautiful, smartest, and most capable Feifei is back."

"Well, it took a long time to go to the capital. Uncle Sun, what are you doing? Huh? Where is the market?" Liu Feifei, who came back, said to the county happily, and suddenly found a problem. The existing market is gone.

The county prince smiled: "Feifei, the county magistrate is here, so maybe everyone is afraid to see the high officials, so they didn't come out."

He also started to target Liu Yan, anyway, and let Liu Yan continue to toss, he might not be better.

"Liu Yan? Right?" Liu Feifei knew the name of the new county magistrate.

"It's in this county." Liu Yan is now full of fire, and his eyes are sharper when he looks at the little girl.

Liu Feifei started to look at Liu Yan, and nodded after a while: "I see, it looks like this, and introduce yourself. This is the Liutun Supervisor of Sinong Temple in Laoliushu Village, Hongnong County, Guozhou, Henan Province, and Liu Feifei is the same."

After introducing herself, Liu Feifei did not wait for Liu Yan to speak, and then asked the county prime minister: "Uncle Sun, what did he say just now count on him?"

"It was Hongnong County who re-designated the development plan, and problems were counted as the county magistrate." The county prime minister explained to Liu Feifei.

"Ah? A problem in the development of such a big county, then he can bear it alone? His life is not worth the price, right? Brother Xiaobao said before, people, you can’t take yourself too important. Ah, what a good point, you said that if a person cheats so many people in a county, he can afford it

No, our old Liushu Village does not need someone to bear any responsibility alone. If we are stable, what, Liu County Order, can you go to other places and ask if it’s okay? See if they are willing to let you take it after you pit it. "

Liu Feifei's words were merciless, because she passed by the county seat when she came back, and already knew what the new magistrate was. She pretended to be unclear before.

Liu Yan stared at the girl in front of him in a daze, and couldn't think of it. How could these words come from her mouth, now that the little girl would turn around and humiliate people

"Feifei, what you said is so good." The master book, who has been silent, also followed up with a word.