Great Tang Idyll

Chapter 1434: Give benefits to help return to the country


I thought that I would wait until dawn to see the passing ships and contact them to help them pass the news. However, when a campfire was being held at the beach, there were a few lights on the sea, and my eyes hurt.

Suddenly there were two missing lights, and Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan sighed at the same time.

"What's that? Why don't the two lights shine?" Beckham asked when looking for the binoculars in his bag.

"It's broken." Zhang Xiaobao explained to his sister: "The quality of the big searchlight is not very good due to technology."

"It's a ship belonging to the military of Datang. The merchant ship does not have this equipment, so I can send a telegram. Now I can contact." Wang Juan immediately judged the ownership of the ship on the sea.

At this time, only Datang has this kind of technology, so don't worry about ships from other countries.

Sure enough, the telegram was sent, and a reply was quickly received. There was a gunboat and a supply ship, on a regular cruise. When I saw countless fires on the beach, I took a photo. If there is no signal from the radio station. In the past, small boats would be sent down to check.

Now there is no need to worry about the danger of being hit by the reefs by the sea. The two ships were ordered to drive towards the nearest lighthouse.

As long as you contact the lighthouse, other problems will not be a problem, and ships will be dispatched soon.

The rest of Zhang Xiaobao's side is waiting, waiting for the big ship to gather here in a few days, ride back together, and organize the things to carry.

Passing all the way through the borders of other people's India, naturally you will not drive empty-handed, but will trade with the locals when you encounter them.

The method of trade is not to barter, but to buy directly, using Datang's money, which is a hard currency. Wherever there is trade with Datang, they are willing to use Datang's money.

Because Datang merchants go elsewhere, one is to exchange goods directly with the locals at a high exchange rate, and the other is to slightly lower the price of their goods and let the other party use Datang currency to buy them, but they rarely use Datang money. Buy the other’s goods unless the other’s goods are very good, such as precious luxury goods such as pearls and gold.

This has had a consequence, Datang's money is very valuable outside. Datang also exports many low-tech but high-quality things. As long as you use Datang’s currency, you can directly row to Datang, buy things in Datang, and make a fortune after returning to your own country or tribe.

The technological and military powers are so directly squeezing weak countries that they don’t even need to set up special trade barriers. However, Datang still has export tariffs and no import tariffs. It is not worried about the impact of other local primary products or raw materials on Datang’s related industries. .

Exports are different. Datang’s current products are of good quality and contain certain technical content. Other countries come to buy them and add an export tax. People don’t care. They bring the things back to their place and put this part of the tariff money directly. Let other purchasers bear the cost of merchandise sales.

Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan knew this, and they understood very thoroughly. For example, their foreign luxury goods, such as leather bags, were added an export tax to their country, and when they arrived in the country, they also added an import tax, which seemed very expensive. But there are still people rushing to buy.

The value of its own raw materials and working hours is not very high. The high price lies in the brand effect. It seems that if you have such a luxury product, your identity has also improved.

Zhang Xiaobao bought a lot of luxury goods, including yachts and airplanes, for professional needs, while Wang Juan did not wear or wear any branded things. She was specially made by someone in the family, and she could not see the brand on the clothes. Randomly pull a piece of cloth around her neck, and others will also praise her for the beauty of her scarf.

But not everyone can be like her. If you can’t increase the value of the product with your status, you need to use the value of the product to improve your status.

The countries and regions with which Datang has contacts at the moment are like this. The cost of raw materials is not important, but the important thing is that it comes from Datang.

Beckham flipped through the bag, but didn't turn out the telescope. What turned out was a rough diamond with the size of a fist, which had not been cut into a cloth.

She looked at the bonfire and praised: "It's really cheap. It's a big diamond. It only sells forty. If you take it back, you can make at least 500 glass knives."

Xiaohai sighed and said, "You don't work hard to learn mathematics. You can make at least 3,000 glass knives for such a large diamond. If the craftsmanship is good, you can increase the number."

"That's not getting rich?" Xiaoqiang poked his head and said in agreement.

"I'll calculate how much a glass knife is." The little man also joined in the fun.

Xu Yilong looked at her eyes hot, hesitated for a moment, and discussed: "When I go back, I will use 10,000 glass knives to change it with you, okay?"

"Are you stupid or treat us as stupid? Let's just talk, really thought we would use this diamond to make glass knives?" Beckham asked Xu Yilong dissatisfiedly.

"I heard you guys say you want to make a glass knife."

"Believe you when you hear it? Didn't you also buy two yuan, go back to make a fortune, remember to pay back the money, 10% of the profit, calculated on a daily basis, recalculated every day, you borrowed a total of 220 from us , Buy a lot of things, right?"

Xiaobei mentioned Xu Yilong's loan of money. Xu Yilong didn't have any money with him. He followed the team. He didn't spend any money on food and drink. When dealing with others, he had to borrow from Xiaobei.

After borrowing two hundred and twenty pens and buying a lot of good local things, after going back, after processing, the value can be increased by nearly three hundred times. Now he hopes to get home soon.

"Yes, yes, 10% profit." Xu Yilong replied, while still calculating in her heart, but she couldn't figure out how much it would be after dozens of days.

"Just admit it, let me remind you first, Brother Xiaohai, forget it, if it's 100 days, then you need to pay more than 13,780 times of 220 sticks." Xiaobei smiled to Xu Yilong Say.

Xu Yilong's face was bitter, and she nodded: "It won't be a hundred days. It's 15 days since I borrowed the money. As soon as I set foot on the territory of Datang, I will immediately find a bank and give you the money. For fifty days, just count as fifty days. How much is it?"

While speaking, he looked at Xiaohai.

Xiao Hai frowned, found a branch, drew it up on the ground, drew it twice, shook his head, took out the abacus from the bag, and beat it. After dozens of breaths passed, he said to Xu Yilong: "For fifty days, 10% interest rolls over every day, which is 117.39 times."

Xu Yilong couldn't say anything, she stretched out her thumb to draw a picture to Xiao Hai.

Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan also looked at their younger brother Xiaohai with satisfaction, and if they said they would, they would also, but they were not as proficient as Xiaohai and not so fast.

Of course, what makes them even more happy is that their younger brother Xiaohai is indeed very talented in mathematics, but he is not stupid. If only numbers and formulas are in his mind, the two will take coercive measures.

Xu Yilong heard that it was only one hundred times in fifty days, and she relaxed in her heart. One hundred times could bear it. If it was more, it was 30,000, which is more than 13,000 times stronger than one day.

Although I can’t get 30,000 coins from my family, I can go to the bank immediately after going ashore and take out the mortgage loan and pay the money back to Xiaobei. If the loan is severely depressed, I can still use the family’s reputation. Loan, or even take care of others to borrow.

No matter how it is calculated, it is more cost-effective than the money owed to them by Xiaobei, the interest is too high, and it is very profitable.

Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan didn’t care about the transactions between Xu Yilong and his younger siblings. They believed that the little guys would not specifically pit Xu Yilong. They must have calculated the time to go back before. If it takes 100 days, the interest will definitely not be the case. high.

Regarding this transaction, the two people are more happy and gratified. Are they short of money? Naturally, there is no shortage. What I worry about now is how to make good use of the money, not to make more money, but how to improve the lives of Datang children.

Giving Xu Yilong an interest shows that the little guys are sensible and borrow two hundred and twenty pennies directly, or give Xu Yilong the money, it doesn't matter.

But then Xu Yilong lost a sense of accomplishment. When he arrived in China, people in his circle would look down on him, thinking that he was taking advantage of Xiaobei and the others, not his own ability.

According to the current situation, Xu Yilong took the risk. It was his own judgment and decision. When he went back, he could pat his chest with the people in the circle and said that under such a high interest rate, he bet that he believed his own. vision.

In this way, the old man Xu Jian will also be happy.

This time when I came out, I didn't enjoy the battle, but I didn't make less money. All the way through India, except for the tribes I had collected before, everyone else had traded with the Indians.

The method of trading is to first take money to buy good local things, and then sell consumables such as cans that are not used up in the team to the locals who have just got the money. The sales are not very expensive, and half cheaper than the merchants.

Anyway, if you don’t run out of things, they will be worthless when you go back.

Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan’s team waited for six days before they assembled the ships that could take them back. Some of them were ships that just came out of Datang and wanted to go on a long voyage. The ships carried things and unloaded the things, leaving a few people behind. With the cooperation of the escorts, trade with the local area, so that the ship can be empty to carry Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan back.

Also, after countless days from the outside, the merchant ships loaded with cargo and wanted to return to Datang. They also unloaded the cargo and put it in the local area. After the team of Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan returned, they would take a short trip.

No one mentions compensation, it is voluntary.

Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan didn't talk about state compensation. They wrote down every merchant ship, and after they returned, they provided some good methods or techniques for merchants.

The people who went with the team to Tang's previously collected tribe, at this moment finally felt what a powerful country is.

Especially the former leader of the tribe, Seymour Tamaho, he knew what was behind this incident. It was the cohesion of a country. If you change to your own tribe, you change to your own country. This will never happen unless it is a threat of force. Otherwise, who is willing to give up their own interests easily

"It looks like it won't be long before Datang will occupy all the places around them. At least I can see it when I'm alive. It's really strong."

When he came to the boat and watched the people on the boat show joy to Zhang Xiaobao and the people in Wang Juan's team, Seymour Tama murmured with emotion.