Great Tang Idyll

Chapter 1435: It's hard to come when you are busy


When the fallen leaves were withered and there was even a light snowfall in the Bohai Dudu's Mansion, Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan brought their younger brothers and sisters down at the railway station in Luoyang.

There were more than 2,000 support personnel who followed. As for the others, some stayed in Luzhou to rest, and some continued to take the train back to Beijing.

The people from the tribes brought back were temporarily arranged to Luzhou, where they learned the culture of Datang and various job skills. This group of people Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan did not plan to arrange them to mine or engage in danger. Live.

Instead, I want to spend a period of time for them to learn from Datang, and when the war against many cannibals is over in a few months, I will select qualified people from them and send them back to their original places.

When they are sent back, they will be provided with various help, so that they can live comfortably in the original place, and at the same time, they will be guaranteed by force.

Their task will be to do business there and help the people who contact them to work in Datang. Later people will not be treated with them. The work they do is tiring and dangerous, but they pay a lot of money.

Several times back and forth, if the local economy over there does not develop, these people who come to work directly can shock the local culture.

After all, force cannot be used all the time to solve problems. Force is only the guarantee of other means, and politics and economics are the most important.

Now Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan took the little guys out of Luoyang because they had obtained information from Hongnong County.

The people in Laoliushu Village did not send a telegram asking for help to Xiaobei, but there was the business of Zhang Wang's family in the county seat. When they landed in Luzhou, the news naturally came along.

The situation in Hongnong County finally proved the situation that Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan had talked about before. The two wanted to see for themselves what kind of impact Liu Yan’s several months of governance had had on the local area.

Xiaobei and the others thought about the auspiciousness of their homes, and at the same time they wanted to visit Old Liushu Village. Finally, they finally made up their minds to follow their brothers and sisters to Hongnong first.

In order not to be known by the locals, the team went out at night and at night. It took four days to reach the place and spread out again.

Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan led a team of hundreds of people to camp on a mountain, that is the mountain with coal. They even saw Tong Hui working with a hundred people from a distance. Of course, Tong Hui didn't find it in the mountain. Hundreds of people still exist in the depths of.

Back in Datang, the nine Xiaobei were very relaxed, even if they were on the road, they felt comfortable, at least better than on the road outside.

Early this morning, they found a hidden place and looked down with binoculars to watch other people work.

"This is the Tong Hui mentioned in the information? It is really interesting. It has been more than two months, and he can still work there with people. The information says Liu Yan is going crazy, but he can't find a good way, Tong Hui , It's really good."

Xiaobei praised, Xiao Yuan and others followed, all smiles appeared on their faces.

The information has already explained the matter clearly. Liu Yan wants to open a breakthrough from other places and let Tong Hui find someone to dig the river. It is Liu Yan's temporary money.

Tong Hui really brought people to work, but instead of digging the river directly, he first cleaned up other tributaries. Not only did that, he also cleared out a large vegetable field in the surrounding area in his free time, and planted it in it. The Chinese cabbage is now in October, and it is planted in late July without any delay.

According to the information, when Liu Yan came to check it, he found that he was fooled by Tong Hui's clever tongue, and then other people in the county cooperated with Tong Hui to find Liu Yan a lot of things to do every day.

Since Liu Yan came here once half a month ago, he can't get away anymore. He has something to do every morning, and he has been busy until the evening, with all kinds of strange cases.

For example, the Wang family’s chicken was thrown into the river by the Li family’s dog on the bridge, and six drowned. The Wang family sued the Li family and asked his family to pay for the chicken. The chicken belongs to Li's house.

In the afternoon, the Li family came and said that his family found a problem. When his chickens were scattered, two chickens always lay their eggs in the same place. This was the case before, but I never noticed it. I just heard from a child at home after school. , The egg was actually brooded by an old hen of the Wang family.

So did Wang's chickens give their eggs to their nests in the past

Asked the Wang family to ask, the Wang family admitted that his family did have some more chickens in the first two months. According to the Li family's statement, it is estimated that his eggs were hatched by his own chickens.

However, the chicken that was driven down by the Li family dog belonged to the Li family, because his family did not use the eggs for incubation during that period, but sold them for money.

So the Li family quit, and my dog drove his chicken down to the river. Why should my family pay for it? The Wang family said it was raised by me.

The Li family said that I did not let you raise them, and my family’s eggs can hatch on their own.

The Wang family said that I was still wasting time, and my working hours are not counted as money.

A simple case becomes another situation, and Liu Yan is stupid. How can this be done? After investigating many previous cases, as well as the laws of the Tang Dynasty, I found that if a good judgment is made, it needs to be done layer by layer, and each family has the responsibility.

In the end, the two families were satisfied. The government also lost part of the money. Because there was no guardrail on the bridge, a chicken would be a dead chicken if it fell, and a person could die if it fell, so the government has certain responsibilities.

After one case was judged, Liu Yan spent three days, and then there were other cases, each of which went around.

In this way, Tong Hui, who works at the foot of the coal mountain, is relaxed. He is no longer disturbed by Tong Hui. The tributaries are cleaned up well. The cabbage is growing well. If it gets colder this year, it can be cut down. ate.

He didn't know anyone was watching him on a nearby mountain, and he didn't even know that the people who watched him had a good impression of him.

I was still busy cleaning up the river. I bought a lot of lime with the money Tong Hui gave. I looked for ant holes by the river, especially under the trees. The danger of piping occurs.

"Go, go back and put on a dress, go down and have a look." Xiaobei wanted to talk to Tong Hui.

Xiao Yuan said, “You can’t go directly after disguising. First, find someone to go to Lao Liushu Village and call the children in their village. A girl, what was the first thing I thought about?"

"It's the Datang inspector. Okay, listen to you. Today, let the children in Laoliushu Village absent from school for a day. Hurry up. There is still some distance from Laoliushu Village. You have to hurry."

Beckham agreed to Xiaoyuan's idea and immediately found someone to circle around and rode his horse to inform the people who came to Liushu Village.

In the afternoon, the children from Lao Liushu Village came. They came in a carriage, dressed in the same clothes, all very excited, looking around, as if looking for something.

Liu Feifei also took the same clothes with several children, with a look of expectation on her face.

Tong Hui wondered, what happened today? Children in Lao Liushu Village do not go to school? Come here to play? Putting down the pickaxe in his hand, greeted him, and said hello to Lao Cunzheng: "Lao Liu, I think of bringing the dolls to see us to work today? Don't worry, we won't listen to his Liu's words. Right now, the people in the yamen are dragging him. He couldn't make it through, and when he could come, it was getting colder and it was not suitable to start work at that time.

When winter is over and spring arrives, spring plowing is another matter. You can't ignore spring plowing and digging the river. If you are busy with spring plowing, you can think of other ways. Anyway, it won't let him succeed. "

Lao Cun was smiling and said: "Yes, yes, I can't let him succeed. I originally planned to use Feifei's identity as an excuse after spring ploughing next year, but it doesn't seem to be needed anymore. You work first. I will take the children. Go for a stroll over the mountain and feel for some river snails to eat."

The old village was talking, and he walked away with his back. After half an hour, he returned with a group of children. The children's faces were flushed, and they looked at several places in the crowd from time to time. Talking and laughing, jumping around.

There are indeed a lot of straw woven net bags on hand. For Lao Liushu Village, the children can quickly complete this simple woven net bag by themselves.

There are some river snails in the net bag, and they will be peeled out afterwards, blanched with water, then mixed to eat, and drink some wine.

Tong Hui was also very happy when he looked at the happy children. Just about to say a few words, he suddenly raised his brows as he watched the gruel on the way through, gritted his teeth and said: "So busy, I didn't forget to come over, admire, I really admire it."

Lao Cun was watching after him, snorted coldly, and said, "You don't need to be afraid of the little boy today. You can say whatever you want to say, and work against him. Don't worry, he can't take care of you."