Great Tang Idyll

Chapter 1444: The new year is about to get pregnant


After discussing, Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan sent people to spread the news, and they continued to ride on horseback. When they were walking on the road, they seemed to know everyone, and even saw the original Tubo and Turkic people.

The Tubo people did not show any hostility. Like other people, the original Turkic people never rushed to find two people desperately. Zhang Xiaobao didn't even see any revenge in the eyes of the original Turkic people.

"The weak always like to depend on the strong, even if they have personal injuries, they will actively or passively accept reality under the longing for a better life and the gradual erosion of the years. Under the management of the same political system, no matter what happened. No matter what kind of pain, ordinary people will adapt well to the new environment. People who have lost their previous powers and cannot adjust their mood will be depressed for the rest of their lives."

After Zhang Xiaobao discovered that the annexed nation had no idea of seeking revenge on himself and Wang Juan, he said to Wang Juan next to him.

"Are you telling me about the animal world?" Wang Juan asked with a smile.

Zhang Xiaobao also laughed: "No, the animal world requires a large number of people's efforts. Those who have been walking in the wild all the year round to record all kinds of animals and plants are heroes. What I want to say is the future of Japan and Silla. People don’t hate us."

"This is probably where the Japanese regret and feel aggrieved. As you said, if there is no hatred, the premise is that under the same political system, Japan did not accomplish this goal when it invaded, so their right wing was so. More, incitement, and even the right wing of the whole people.

Because they hate us, just like we hate them, don't look at me that way, I really hate it. But I can't put this hatred on the innocent Japanese. We must manage their place as soon as possible, help them, and let them live a good life with the same labor but only a part of our income. "

When Wang Juan was speaking, he waved at the Japanese woman who was standing on the street and teaching her children to speak Da Tang dialect. The woman also greeted with a smile.

Zhang Xiaobao shook his head slightly, and sighed: "The most poisonous woman's heart, when you speak from your mouth, I find that even the days when the snow falls on the grasslands in winter have become warmer."

"Thank you." Wang Juan pursed his lips.

They talked and laughed, and walked for a while, and finally came to the west of Chang'an City.

Said it was a city, there was no concrete wall anymore, that thing got in the way. But the capital is still a city anyway, so there is a clear dividing line between the outside and inside of the city.

The dividing line is not drawn by a line, but a road, a wide road, the east of the road belongs to the capital area, and the west of the road is the capital area, but people living on the west side of the road always think that they are not from the capital. The household registration is transferred.

Even if Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan did not personally intervene in the reasons for not transferring their household registration, they could still analyze them.

It has nothing to do with the welfare of the capital. Nowadays, except for the officials, everyone in Datang Welfare is the same. Seeing the people on the west side of the road behave like they are familiar with Beijing, but with strangeness and want to adapt as soon as possible, you can know why they didn't come to the capital of their native place.

"The magistrate is sometimes not easy." Zhang Xiaobao sighed, got off his horse, and asked the "old man" who had just cleaned up a section of the road: "Uncle, have you been here for a year?"

"Yeah, Xiaobao? It's really Xiaobao, busy with work, I didn't see you two." The old man under fifty years old was covered with traces of time. Hearing the movement, he raised his head and looked at the speaker. Only then did he recognize who it was, he seemed very happy, and more excited.

Zhang Xiaobao grabbed a handful of dates from his slung bag and gave the old man half of it. He rubbed his hand casually with his hand, chewed it in his mouth, and said, "This shows that you are serious about your work, uncle, eat dates. I was forced by a date seller when I came on the road."

"Okay, for some people, the dates they planted by themselves are sweet, and for some people, the dates that don't cost money taste like honey. When you eat it in your mouth, you will taste more than just the dates."

The old man did not give in, took it and rubbed it twice with Zhang Xiaobao as usual, then threw it in his mouth and said.

If the old man’s words were spoken to the children in the school, the children would not understand, but Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan would understand. They looked at the old man with different eyes, and it was unusual for the old man to be able to say this.

Wang Juan came over and said, "It's sweet, sweeter than honey. Not everyone can get something that others force me. Xiaobao and I are content, and we will work harder to do what we can in the future, and don't dare to slack off. Otherwise, you won't be able to eat the sweet free dates, and the lost things are more precious than the dates. Uncle, why do you want to do this job?"

The old man squinted his eyes, looked at Zhang Xiaobao, and then at Wang Juan, repeating this several times, and said with a smile: "It really is a couple, which makes people feel pleasing. There are more cars and people on the road, and the more prosperous, the more comfortable I feel.

My family has been here for nine months. The government at the other end of the house is busy, and I haven’t sent anyone to send me the certificate of birth. Have to wait for the local yamen to come to prove it together.

It's winter, how come it's going to be delivered in winter. When our group of people leave, there will be a group of people who will continue to live on the west side of the road, waiting for the government to bring the certification papers. "

The old man's words are simple, and there is no lack of profound meaning in the simplicity.

After saying this, the old man finished eating his dates, clapped his hands, picked up the broom again, and said to Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan: "I'm going to work, you two go to work, I heard someone said that I want to build a train station, the road People in the west have to change places."

Seeing the old man wave his broom one step at a time, Zhang Xiaobao clicked his mouth, put the uneaten dates back into his bag, and said, "It's actually so enlightened nowadays?"

"Uncle is a person with a story, don't worry, when his native place enters the capital, he will naturally show his ability slowly. There are more and more people in Beijing."

Wang Juan is thinking about another question. Everyone is squeezing into the capital, whether to expand the city after a while.

Zhang Xiaobao said: "It seems that the station has to be repaired far to the west, otherwise it will be caught in the city. The people are concentrated in the central city, which shows that our productivity has not kept up. We guide the use of resources and give the people of Datang a happy life. The positioning implies that there is still a long way to go. Isn’t it good to live in the country?"

"I have my own direct machine shop, combined with a combine planter and harvester, a full set of household appliances, so I am willing to live in the country." Wang Juan said to Zhang Xiaobao with his eyes tight.

"The task now is to give full play to the role of the steam engine and go." Zhang Xiaobao didn't dare to think about what Wang Juan said, it still needs hard work.

The two remounted their horses and continued to the west. Originally, they planned to put the new station not very far from the current road, just to borrow the transportation function of the lower road. After hearing the words of the old man, I had to give up this convenience and repair the station far away.

As for the transportation of loading and unloading goods from the station, the two are not worried. I believe that between this road and the new station, there will soon be a large number of people to plan and construct.

This is the difficulty of city planning and construction. The city is divided into blocks by the streets. If there are not enough people to live in, it will be expanded. The last big project will be expanded far, otherwise it will be filled up in a short time. Large projects are packed in the middle of the city.

But if it is too far away, it will become a new city, and it is impossible for people who do things in large projects to run long distances for several hours. As a result, due to the distance between the new small urban area and the normal urban area, the promotion effect of large projects on the urban area is not obvious.

Therefore, the planning and construction of a city is planning, construction, prosperity, relocation, re-planning...

The two of them rode through this area that was still a bungalow, walked five miles west, avoiding a hill, and finally determined the location. The soil structure looks good, and they will know when they are sent to investigate and verify. Can you repair the station

When a foot-thick snow fell in the capital area, the various construction sites had already stopped, and the teams that went to eat food and war also returned. The third-line teams that had fought from the Datang Land Road came back. They were in Zhang Xiaobao and Wang. When Juan returned to the capital, he successfully reunited with the people who had landed on the sea.

After half a month of suppression, he returned by boat. The task of suppression was reserved for the landing operations. At the same time, a group of troops were sent there to fight for two to three months, and the previous landing operations returned.

Returning with the combat team was a large amount of gems, gold, fur, plus barrels of oil. The first batch of items was directly plundered by the war, and the largest amount was robbed of the local people's homes.

Only this batch of things, in terms of pure monetary economic value, has been able to cover the cost of war, and opening up wasteland is just like playing games, and can always take advantage of it.

But the accounts cannot be calculated like this. The metal used in the war can be offset by the harvested items, and the stolen items even exceed the price of the consumed metal. However, if the metal is not used for war, but for infrastructure construction, the money earned and the foundation laid are more than what is robbed.

Having said that, the money directly obtained in the war is not as good as using the metal of the war for construction, but it has defeated the gluttony and created the conditions for the long-term economic plunder in the future.

Counting over and over again is a very interesting thing.

In Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan's view, it was a good deal, and the military, politics, and economy all gained.

"It's the 21st of the twelfth lunar month in the blink of an eye, and there will be two more days in the small year, and then in the new year, the first month, and we have one month left when we get married. In fact, it should be in March, early summer. "

Zhang Xiaobao spent a long time thinking about it, patted the thick paper piled on the table, and said to Wang Juan who was writing and painting next to him.

Wang Juan stopped his actions: "What? Do you think it's too early to marry me?"

"No, this half month is really tough, and there are more than eight months and nearly nine months more difficult. Pregnant women are really angry. I mean, on the twenty-sixth month of the first month, we got married. Businessmen in the catering industry that we cooperate with will be even busier in business. They are already busy during the New Year, but they still have to prepare banquets in advance. I am afraid that many people do not have the mind to celebrate the new year and wait for the day when we get married. "

"Let’s be older. The kids are happier," Wang Juan said, touching her belly. She has confirmed that she is pregnant for one and a half months, and she confirmed it 20 days ago. Since she is going to get married, she naturally doesn’t have to do anything else. The measures were planned to be delayed, but the adults of the two families urged them to advance.

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