Great Tang Idyll

Chapter 1445: It was agreed to return from the second year of the year


In the new year, every household is busy. Those who have stalls are busy selling their own things, and those who are not in business are busy cleaning and purchasing all the things needed for the new year.

The prices of commodities in various places have risen all at once. The average increase in villages and small counties is between 10% and 20%, and the increase in the county where the state capital is located is 20% to 30%. In cities like Beijing and Luoyang, the growth rate is all over 30%.

There are also 50% of individual commodities, but not more, and there is no 100% price increase. Of course, except for luxury goods, calligraphy and antiques.

This is a habit that has been developed in recent years. The market economy under macroeconomic adjustments has normal ups and downs, and businesses with no strength can't make prices, and those with strength don't dare to do so.

Datang’s domestic economy has been maintaining steady growth. It’s not that the people don’t have money, but the people who have surplus in their hands are no longer focusing on the essentials for survival, but are starting to buy goods that can improve the quality of life, good clothes, and beautiful. Beautiful jewelry, comfortable houses, these are what the people yearn for.

Some people like to travel. As long as they save more, they are willing to go out and take a stroll to see what other places look like. There is no big burden on survival. The biggest burden is the comparison with the neighborhood.

People in the village compare each other to see whose family lives well, whose daughter-in-law is virtuous and beautiful, whose children have high academic performance, and even the number of musical instruments has begun to increase. All things involved in life are In ratio.

The strong people in the village began to compare with the people in the county again, and competition was everywhere.

However, the common people have no pressure to survive. Education and medical care are zero expenditures. The theoretical zero expenditures are actually part of the cost. For example, if the school is good, the adults in the family want to move, and the children will naturally move there. I went to school in the local area, and the local medical clinics were not well-equipped with medical care. The family members had to find ways to take the patients to better places for medical treatment.

There is no expenditure on direct medical treatment and education, but the money is used for assistance. Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan do not care about such things, but they can't actually manage them. They belong to the most basic desire of human existence.

As for the social turbulence caused by the increase in commodity production in the process of economic development, it has always been balanced by the way of shifting the crisis.

For example, the production of citrus in Huainan Road has tripled, and there are also a lot of fruits in other places. In the face of a backlog of sales, some people will organize large ships to process citrus and ship them overseas. People can't maintain the original price, but their income can increase, at least outpacing inflation.

Then the excess money is naturally used to improve lives, or it is deposited in the bank for future generations to use.

Luxury goods are particularly important in such a social environment, and production technologies have also begun to be applied in large numbers, such as hand-cranked juicers and soymilk machines, such as coal or wood-fired ovens, such as glass windows that have begun to reduce prices. .

These things belong to medium-sized consumer goods, which the people of Datang who have already got enough food and clothing are willing to pursue. When wages, food and animal husbandry increase again, medium-sized consumer goods will become low-end daily products, and they will change the current situation. Of high-end consumer goods have become mid-level consumer goods.

For Datang itself, it is a virtuous circle. As long as the production technology can keep up and the speed of transformation into productivity is controlled, Datang will not have problems.

But it is a huge threat to outside countries or tribes. Their basic productivity can’t keep up. They finally bought something from Datang’s merchants. It hasn’t been used for a few years. New and better ones. Something appeared.

If there is always comparison and competition between people, whether to buy new things is a problem. If you buy it yourself, if you don’t have enough money, don’t buy it. If others save money to buy it, what should you do

"Therefore, without the help of external basic technology, the weak countries that survive on the products of the powerful countries will never develop. Their human resources have been used in the purchase of daily necessities for the powerful countries, and these daily necessities are for them. It is a luxury.

In order to enjoy more of Datang's things, they will inevitably adopt various means in their own country, or by unscrupulous means. There will be fierce internal struggles, even wars, and they will not be able to free up their hands to develop the country's basic economy.

Therefore, we must restrict the export of technology, and we must not allow them to master better technology. When we study seven generations of technology, the common people use the fourth generation of technology, and the army uses the fifth generation of technology, their technology acquisition is not allowed to exceed ours. Second generation. "

On the twenty-ninth of the twelfth lunar month, there is one day to celebrate the New Year. Zhang Xiaobao was not idle. He was giving lectures to Li Longji, members of the royal family and people who specialize in national strategy.

It’s not that Zhang Xiaobao wanted to give a lecture today. It is true that some people’s minds have become unstable. At a place leading to the Strait of Malacca, to be precise, it was a local tribe in Singapore at that time. The wise chief.

The chief told the merchants in the past that he was willing to submit to Datang, and to truly submit to it, he could even let the officials sent by Datang to govern and build factories and so on. They could provide a lot of land, low labor, and even No money is okay, as long as two meals are provided.

At the same time, they also want to accept the education of Datang, and use local jewelry to hire Datang teachers to give lectures to their people.

The news came as the merchants returned home, and many people were very happy, thinking that this was the only way to be a soldier without a fight, and to demonstrate the power of the Tang Dynasty.

So Zhang Xiaobao had to find them all and give them lessons, lest they really promised them.

Wang Juan was also in the audience. After Zhang Xiaobao finished this paragraph, she followed up and said: “They will learn our technology and then apply it. They really won’t use such technology to attack us, but they will beat others, and they will risk a lot. The big risk is to occupy other people's places on land, and to go to unknown distant places in the ocean.

This is a competition for resources and a driving force to promote the development of their civilization. If you want to leave some enemies to your children and grandchildren, then agree to their proposal. "

"A good New Year, a good Chinese New Year." Li Longji threw a word, got up and left, expressing the meaning clearly, asking the person sitting not to agree, and also be careful in the future.

"Madam, let's go too." Zhang Xiaobao went to help Wang Juan like a baby, and the others stood up and sent it off.

"Let’s go, let’s go, come back for a year and still encounter such things, make trouble, don’t put your mind to the outside one by one, let’s develop within Datang, the outside strategy does not require you to change, help one For a hundred outsiders, it is better to improve the living standards of a Datang citizen."

Li Xun, who rushed back from the outside, complained to a group of people, and walked away. The expressions on the faces of the remaining royals were not very good. Why did he Li Xun speak like this? It's nothing more than a close relationship with Zhang Xiaobao, and the prince didn't say anything.

The New Year’s firecrackers sounded one after another, and many people came to compete for the residences of the Kings and Kings. There were dealers, as well as members of the royal family such as Li Longji. Instead of celebrating the New Year with the people, they went to the Kings and Kings family. Have a New Year's Eve dinner.

It’s impossible to celebrate the Chinese New Year if you change your family. The emperor is here, and you can’t wait for him. Fortunately, it’s the Zhang family and they often meet with Li Longji, so they don’t have the kind of care and caution under Longwei. Li Longji even The grandparents who returned to Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan for a New Year's greetings, although they did not kneel down, their waists were bent.

Like other princes, they all have to pay New Year’s greetings. People like Xiaobei’s prince and others need to kneel and kowtow. Don’t look at the old man and the old lady, who have no authority. They are nothing more than a reward for a false job, but they have good grandchildren and granddaughters, both of them. Kneeling, what about you

Of course, it’s not just kneeling in vain. The old lady gave a big red envelope. In addition to tens of thousands of dollars, there is also a planning book related to their current busy development of the Tang Dynasty. It was specially formulated by Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan. For them, planning books are more useful than money.

The amount of each dish on the dinner table is not large, but there are many varieties, and you can taste everything. In fact, I can’t eat much at all. The adults are chatting, while the children are led by Xiaobei to set off firecrackers. The children from their own home and the children brought from Zhuangzi, more than 100 people listen to Xiaobei’s Bei was so busy, he didn't play much at all, and was always organizing and coordinating.

"When Xiaobei grows up, she will also be a female prime minister." Li Longji looked at Xiaobei who ran in and asked the children to grab some melon seeds, and then hurried out with them, and said with a smile.

The royal family heard other thoughts in their hearts. Before anyone could talk, Zhang Xiaobao's voice sounded: "Bei Bei can't be a prime minister. It's too tired to be a prime minister. It's better to play happily all day. Only those who serve the people can be prime ministers."

"It's a pity!" Li Longji shook his head and said, but in his heart he still considered that even if he abdicated in the future, he would get someone from the Zhang family's family to Zhongshu, otherwise bad things would easily happen.

For example, when someone sees that no one in the Zhang family's family is an official in the court, they think that the power of the family is getting smaller, and then they don't care, and they usually have conflicts and bullies.

The consequences would be very serious, and it would be easy to send a bad signal to the people. Even if the provocative person is cleaned up, the people will think that no one dared before, but now someone dared, because the royal family doesn't value Zhang Wang's family.

Li Longji thought about this, not knowing who should be pulled into the middle book for a while, so he temporarily put it down and asked Zhang Xiaobao: "When will you leave?"

"After the second day of the first lunar month, leave immediately and get married. You must return to Zhuangzi. That is the real home." Zhang Xiaobao replied. He and Wang Juan had to go to the two Zhuangzi of Zhangwang in Sanshui County to complete the wedding.

Li Longji frowned: "Is there enough time? The cuckoo can't bear the bumps."

He knew that Wang Juan was pregnant, and he congratulated this. Unlike the women in the village, it would be a shame to get pregnant if she was unmarried, but it would be nothing to switch to Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan. It is reasonable to say that she cannot be unmarried. In the same room, two people are no different from those who are married after booking.

This is actually discrimination against women, but even if Xiaobao and Cuckoo gave birth to their children a year ago and were not married, no one in Datang would think Cuckoo was bad, but gave the children a lot of blessings. However, it is estimated that some people will say that Xiaobao, why he did not get married early and gave birth to the child.

As Li Longji thought, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He believed that the people of Datang could really talk to Xiaobao in front of him. Now he is all right. A month in advance, it is just right. The adults who want to come to the two of them are anxious.

Zhang Xiaobao didn’t know how Li Longji’s defamation was. He replied: “It’s okay. The ice on the river that passed this year hasn’t broken. Walking on the ice, snowmobiles powered by diesel engines, you can go back a few days in advance, arrange arrangements, and rest. ."

"Really?" When Li Longji asked, he already knew that the facts would not change, it must be true. He thought in his heart that, sure enough, the best technology has always been used in his house. , And so now.

Zhang Xiaobao nodded firmly.

Li Longji laughed again: "It just so happens that I will also go and join in the fun."

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