Green Dragon Totem

Chapter 106: birthday


Shan Chao only saw Xie Yun injured, but never saw him sick.

However, this serious illness came aggressively and was caught off guard. That afternoon he hurriedly invited the imperial physician, and after a long time of pulse diagnosis, he couldn't see that he was ugly, so he could only say that wind evil had entered his body, and he prescribed a tepid medicine to keep him healthy; at night, his body temperature dropped a little, and Shan Chao returned to normal. Before I could breathe a sigh of relief, it burned again the next day.

"Why didn't he recover after drinking the medicine? Where was the imperial doctor yesterday?! Get it back for me!"

The butler was obsequious on the side, Xie Yun leaned on the pillow, and weakly taught his apprentice: "Sickness comes like a mountain, and sickness goes like a thread, how can it be effective so quickly. If he can really prescribe a dose of medicine, he will be cured." Fang Zi, I have already gone to the emperor to see a doctor, so is it your turn?"

Shan Chao walked around the room twice with his hands behind his back, and said angrily: "Then drink for another day, if tomorrow is not good, I will come to see him in person!"

"Stop spinning, it makes me dizzy." Xie Yun pointed to the side of the couch: "The book of ghost stories I bought a while ago, sit here and read to me, here."

Shan Chao had no choice but to take out the storybook from under the pillow, sit on the side of the sick bed, hold Xie Yun in his arms and read the story to him.

But the temperature did not drop the next day, and even rose again on the third day. When Shan Chao touched Xie Yun's forehead when he got up early, the temperature was so high that it was almost hot to touch. In the past two days, his mind, which was still sober, became dazed, and he couldn't even speak clearly.

Shan Chao has never been the kind of person who seeks death from a doctor if he is not well treated, but at this moment he deeply understands the state of mind of the patient's family members. Hastily invited the imperial physician to the palace, but the old man was humming and memorizing the medical book in front of the sick bed, and he couldn't understand two and a half of the three sentences. Shan Chao immediately became furious: "Mr. please, can you speak human language?"

The old doctor said: "There are few good and evil people, and they are seen first in their appearance, but not in their body..."

Shan Chao had already tossed and beaten the old man eighteen times in his heart, and after a while he finally got to prescribe the medicine. He thanked the old doctor with a lot of money, and closed the door to drink the medicine.

This time the doctor was finally willing to prescribe some heavy medicine, but Xie Yun was so feverish that he couldn't even open his jaw, so Shan Chao could only pull it hard, and then drank the bitter medicine himself, feeding it in mouthfuls.

At the beginning, he didn't feed well, and Xie Yun always choked out the medicine when he was in a coma, which made both of them very embarrassed-Shan Chao had never learned to take care of others since he was a child, and his living habits were quite rough due to years of fighting. But no matter how careless a person is, when taking care of the person he likes, he will naturally develop a delicate heart; soon he will figure out the skills of feeding medicine without a teacher, and gradually practice makes perfect, even chewing porridge and egg yolk Broken and fed in.

After several days like this, Xie Yun finally woke up.

When he woke up, it was late at night, and Shan Chao was sleeping soundly on the edge of the couch, without even taking off his coat. Under the shadow of the lamp, the profile of his side face was tall and deep. Xie Yun squinted his eyes and looked at him quietly. He saw that even in his sleep, his brows were slightly furrowed, as if he was still worrying about something, and his lips were swollen because he hadn't shaved for a few days. With stubble, there is a sense of fatigue and vicissitudes of a mature man.

Something indescribable gradually appeared in Xie Yun's eyes, as if it was lingering warmth, or reluctance before parting.

He stretched out his hand to caress Shan Chao's hard, messy hair on the sideburns. Unexpectedly, as soon as he moved, Shan Chao woke up: "... Xie Yun?"

The high fever that has not yet subsided made Xie Yun's face pale, and the corners of his eyes were abnormally red, but his hoarse voice was filled with a smile: "Why do you sit and sleep?"

Shan Chao suddenly sat up straight, and after a while he let out a long breath as if he was exhausted, and held Xie Yun's hand tightly in his palm, with a hint of joy that was lost and found in his expression: "You finally woke up...God, you But finally woke up."

Xie Yun moved in slightly, and patted the bed: "Come up and sleep."

Shan Chao hesitated for a moment, then blew out the oil lamp, took off his outer robe, carefully touched the edge of the bed, and hugged Xie Yun in his arms. However, Xie Yun was ill and dishonest. After knowing for a while, Shan Chao avoided it several times, and finally couldn't bear it any longer. He grabbed his hand and stuffed it under the pillow, yelling in a low voice: "Do you want to die?"

In the dark, only Xie Yun smiled softly, with a bit of seduction and contempt.

Shan Chao couldn't laugh or cry, pinched the tip of his cold nose, and said with a straight face, "Go to sleep!"

Shan Chao closed his eyes, felt Xie Yun's hand move, and quickly grabbed it. A moment later, the other hand got into the bed, and before he could make a move, he was caught again, and both hands were held together in Shan Chao's warm and powerful palm.

Xie Yun opened one eye, and saw that Shan Chao was breathing steadily, motionless as a mountain, pretending to be sleeping, pretending to be very attentive.


So Xie Yun bent his knees quietly, and saw the silk quilt undulate. After three or five strokes, Shan Chao finally couldn't pretend anymore, got up with a flushed face and said angrily: "Thank you! Yun!"

Xie Yunhou made a countermeasure: "How? A villain?!"

The villain Shan Chao lost all his arrogance, so he could only hug Xie Yun's hands and feet in embarrassment, and forcibly wrapped him in his arms. Whenever there was any movement, he used brute force to suppress it.

However, it's not a good idea to stick skin to skin in this warm night. After a while, Shan Chao was distracted, his mouth was dry, his bottom was so hard that he was about to explode, and his sad accusation of being a man almost rushed to the sky. Xie Yun buried his face in the soft pillow and laughed haha, Shan Chao bit the tip of his ear and urged sadly, "It's all because of you!"

Xie Yun turned his face away with great effort, and was about to put up his master's airs to teach him something, but Shan Chao blocked his mouth.

The two kissed intermittently, and Shan Chao was panting heavily, rubbing against him through his clothes. The heat steamed into a blurred and charming summer night. After an unknown amount of time, Shan Chao finally couldn't help but put his hand under the quilt, stroked it a few times quickly, threw off the quilt, turned over and got out of bed, and rushed outside.

Xie Yun slapped the bed and laughed, Shan Chao finally turned around after a while, his clothes disheveled, his strong chest heaving violently, as if he wanted to scold his mother.

"Sleep!" Shan Chao yelled angrily, climbed onto the bed, pressed Xie Yun into his arms forcefully, and blindfolded him involuntarily.

Probably because of the torment day and night during this period of time, and the sudden relaxation of body and mind, it was already morning when Shan Chao woke up the next day. With the sound of birds chirping and the sunlight passing through the window lattice, Shan Chao stretched his waist, and suddenly sat up straight.

What about Xie Yun

"Where is Commander Xie?!" Shan Chao rushed out of the bedroom and grabbed the housekeeper who was already waiting outside.

"Ouch—" the housekeeper said bitterly, "Commander Xie went out early in the morning, and he couldn't stop him, and it didn't look like he was going back to the Commander's Mansion of the Imperial Army. The younger one sent someone to chase after him, and he seemed to have entered the palace... "

Enter the palace

Tianhou was imprisoned, Xie Yun naturally became a thorn in the side of countless people, and how many people in Chang'an city hated him so much that their teeth itch. In particular, the little emperor failed to force Shan Chao into the army, so he might use Xie Yun as a raft. !

Shan Chao was agitated and walked around the house several times, countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

Suddenly he stood still and thought of something that he had neglected.

- Today is the queen's birthday.

Qingning Palace is no longer its former splendor. Although the carved beams and embroidered buildings are still there, and the food supply should not be much less, but the hot and prosperous scene when the Queen of Heaven was in power is no longer, and the deserted scene of the empty house now makes this gorgeous palace reveal an indescribable desolation.

Shan Chao waved off the guards, stepped on the smoky garden to the corridor, and stood behind the door.

The door of the room is ajar, and inside is a deserted side hall. The sunlight seemed to have faded from the deep space, leaving only a little dust in the air, and two long and narrow figures were cast by the table.

"...The survivors of Koryo have nothing to fear, and Silla's hidden mischief is the root cause of Anton's repeated grievances. However, now that Tubo is growing stronger, and the threat from the Northwest is increasing. If the two sides go to war one day, the situation will be extremely unfavorable to Tang Dynasty..."

Tianhou's sonorous and forceful voice echoed in the hall, Xie Yun raised his hand to pour her a glass of white water, his face was as pale as snow, and his fingers trembled slightly.

"Based on the current overall situation, we should quickly defeat Silla, accept the peace talks, and then deploy our troops in the Anxi and Anbei areas, and wait for the opportunity to consolidate the four towns of Anxi..."

"Who should be dispatched as commander?" Xie Yun hoarsely asked.

Tianhou was silent for a moment, and said, "Xue Rengui."

Shan Chao stepped across the threshold, and stood quietly in the shadow cast by the door with folded arms. Both people in the hall saw him, but they didn't express anything, they didn't even look at him, they just heard Xie Yun say: "Xue Shuai has been demoted to a civilian since the end of the Tang army in Dafeichuan, is he going to be reinstated now?"

"The defeat in the battle of Dafeichuan was due to the right time, place, people and three factors. The late emperor who overcame all opinions and appointed Guo Daifeng as the deputy commander could not escape the blame. Although Xue Rengui was punished, he could not ignore his tactical skills. For the sophistication in this aspect, I will be grateful and more dedicated after this recovery."

Tianhou pondered for a while, and then said: "You can make him the general manager of Jilin Road, and send 100,000 troops to visit the old place of Goguryeo."

"What if the little emperor doesn't listen?" Shan Chao's voice came from behind.

Tianhou didn't answer, but a mocking smile appeared in his eyes.

"Most of the Chang'an aristocratic families have rich men who fill the court and serve as butchers for officials. The little emperor tends to trust the wet nurse's son and Wei Xuanzhen and others, while Dai Xiang and Zhang Ping are aging one after another, and there are no good officials who can govern the country..."

Tianhou interrupted Shan Chao and said: "You can add a palace examination after the general examination, ask questions to the tributes, and decide on appointments. You can get rid of the red tape and all kinds of tricks in the Ministry of Households in one fell swoop. In addition to the Jinshi Division, you can also set up Martial arts, the main test is weightlifting, riding and archery, rifle shooting, carbine, and the secondary strategy is the test of the school's four books."

Xie Yun stood up, stepped back half a step, and signaled Shan Chao to come.

"..." Shan Chao hesitated for a moment, then walked over, sat in Xie Yun's position just now, and faced Empress Wu: "You can send the governor to inspect the various ways, and recommend talented people, regardless of their background. Receive interviews, appoint according to ability, and even add an examiner system to test the talents of the school." Shan Chao said slowly while thinking: "In this way, poor families can also produce noble sons, which will surely attract scholars from all over the world to return."

He stared at Empress Wu, but saw her smile, without any refutation or affirmation in her expression, and he sighed after a long time: "...It's really my own."

Empress Wu stood up, walked quickly to the paper and pen table in the hall, took out a thick roll of memorials, and threw it in front of Shan Chao.

Shan Chao frowned, only to see that the handwriting on the memorial was sharp and small, it was clearly written by Empress Wu himself, and the first line was impressively: Persuade Nong Sang, thin Fu Fu.

Persuade farmers and mulberry, pay less corvees; give back three auxiliary lands, exempt Beijing and Zhou from corvees; quell the disaster of soldiers and horses, speak widely and avoid slander, and ban exaggeration in the north and south; Hundred officials have worked for a long time, and their talents are high. Those who are below will have to advance to apply for delay...

Later, there is the agricultural book "Zhaoren Benye" edited and usurped by Empress Wu himself. What is said is all about agricultural customs and planting in four seasons, which is used by prefectural and county officials to guide the people in farming and mulberry.

Shan Chao was slightly moved, he didn't expect that the dignified queen would compile and usurp agricultural books by herself. He raised his eyes to look at Empress Wu, and saw that she lived in a secluded palace, but she still maintained the luxurious dressing and dressing she had when she was in power.

It was a rock-solid, formidable composure.

An indescribable feeling suddenly rose in his heart. At this moment, in this cold and deep Qingning Palace, he felt for the first time that his blood was incomparably similar to this woman.

Empress Wu said lightly: "Let's go, there is no need to celebrate your birthday." After saying that, she stopped talking, turned around and walked away.

Her long skirt meandered and disappeared outside the side door. Xie Yun patted Shan Chao's shoulder from behind, and sighed, "Let's go."

Shan Chao got up and supported him, and walked out of the cold palace door side by side. The two stood outside in the warm sunshine, Shan Chao let out a long sigh, and opened his mouth to say something, when he suddenly felt Xie Yun's body trembling in his arms.

"What's wrong with you? This is... Xie Yun!"

Xie Yun's complexion was pale, but his eyelids were morbidly red, as if he had finally exhausted all his energy, gasping for breath but unable to utter a single word, he coughed up a mouthful of scarlet blood foam!

The accident happened suddenly, Shan Chao's pupils constricted instantly, and he shouted: "Come here, quickly recruit the imperial physician!"

Before the words finished, Xie Yun collapsed down.