Green Dragon Totem

Chapter 112: After the Chinese Valentine's Day


In the first year of Shenlong, Daming Palace.

More than half a year after he ascended the throne, Shan Chao still has a sense of unreality. After the court was over, he sat alone on the high dragon chair and looked around. Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration, and he patted the armrest and said, "Queen!"

Xie Yun ignored it.

"Queen!" Shan Chao blustered and said majesticly, "Hey, I'm calling you! Don't pretend you can't hear me, come here and feed me grapes!"

Empress Xie didn't even look back, a hidden weapon flew out of her sleeve. Shan Chao couldn't dodge in time, and was slapped all over the face by the Chuan Guo Yuxi flying from the sky, and fell on his back under the dragon chair.

"If you don't feed, then don't feed, why are you so angry?" The emperor got up with two nosebleeds, and ordered: "Tie up the queen! I... I feed him grapes!"

One person achieves the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, this sentence is used to describe Commander Xie is really...

Xie Yun, as the most hard-working minister in this dynasty-has gone through the three dynasties of Gaozong, Zhou Wu, and Shenlong; he pulled the current emperor from Mobei, where birds do not lay eggs, and single-handedly helped the emperor to the throne. Every night, he comforts the emperor and suffers from the censor Destroyed body and mind... It can be called the pillar of the country, and it is not easy.

Therefore, Commander Xie also got his wish and lived a life of honor at home, holding the power of the dragon in his hand, walking birds and raising flowers, and enjoying a dignified life at home. Except that he is not surrounded by cloudy beauties, he has all the standard equipment of a successful man.

The Qixi Festival, boudoir Qiqiao, Chang'an night market fiery tree and silver flowers.

The emperor finished his official duties humming a little yellow tune, and the last memorial was stamped with a big red seal. In an instant, it was as if a spring had been attached to his buttocks, and he rushed out of the imperial study with a whoosh.

Outside the promenade, a little chubby man wearing a big red jacket, wearing a golden lock, and licking a candy figurine was walking towards him. Shan Chao recognized that it was Li Longji, the eldest son of the Ji Wang family, and asked by his nickname: "Ashan! Seeing you, have you thanked the Commander's carriage?"

Ah Shan came running up and down holding the candy figurine, greeted the uncle first, and said bluntly, "See you! Commander Xie has been waiting outside the north gate for a long time, thinking about setting fire to the Efang Palace!"

Shan Chao lifted his robe, turned around and left, and went to the north gate to welcome the queen.

Unexpectedly, the more the dog abuse festival is, the more old men with no winks will come out to disrupt the situation. The emperor was galloping romantically on his way to meet the empress, when suddenly there was an explosion in front of the palace gate: "Your Majesty!"

Shan Chao staggered: "Old man?"

There is only one man in the Manchu Dynasty who can be called the old man of the country, and that is Tongfengge Luantai Pingzhangshi, Doctor Yinqing Guanglu, and Di Renjie who gained great reputation during the reign of Emperor Wu. Prime Minister Di also dragged another bearded old man behind him, with an aggrieved expression on his face, he was obviously Dai Zhide.

Shan Chao stopped in his tracks and sighed: "Old man Guo, you have finally figured out that you are willing to come out with Dai Xiang, and you have come to invite me to marry you during this festive season, haven't you?"

Di Renjie asked doubtfully, "What do you mean by 'coming out'? It's a new word invented by the Master of the Ming Dynasty?"

"… nothing."

Di Renjie completely ignored the emperor's troubled handsome face, and said earnestly: "Speaking of offering a marriage, that's why the old minister came to look for His Majesty today. Dare I ask His Majesty where are you going, and are you leaving the palace again?"

The emperor bit his head and said: "Today's night market, I will go out to the palace with Commander Xie Xie of Beiya, and soon..."

Di Renjie stammered, "Your Majesty!"

Your Majesty: "..."

"Your Majesty is in the prime of life, and the spring and autumn are at their peak. It should be a good time to recruit concubines and spread leaves. However, Your Majesty hangs out with his courtiers every day, neither marrying queens nor accepting concubines. When is the future? The old minister dares to invite His Majesty to take advantage of the Qixi Festival to entertain civil and military ministers and select ladies from aristocratic families, so as to be my successors in the Tang Dynasty and pass them down from generation to generation... "

Guo Laoyi chattered endlessly, the emperor's face darkened as he listened, and he raised an eyebrow and squinted at Dai Zhide, meaning that Di Xiang came back from Luoyang, so it's fine if he doesn't know my details, Dai Xiang, why don't you Stop him

Little did they know that Dai Zhide was also sweating profusely, only hating himself for not being able to break free from the bruised iron claws of old Jianguo. Before coming here, he had repeatedly hinted to Di Xiang gently, don't talk about the future with the emperor, the emperor can talk to Commander Xie about "the future" every day, and doesn't want to think about others; but the straight and straight old man like Optimus Prime didn't listen Understood, every now and then, he would go up to the court to ask for a queen. If Commander Xie hadn't had the last sliver of reason, the Di Mansion would have been wiped out by the wolf-like Forbidden Army of the Beiya.

"If your Majesty is burdened by tedious state affairs, you can also pamper the palace people a lot and hope for Lin'er." Di Xiang changed his tone and felt that he was already very enlightened and earnest: "It is a blessing for the world to spread the branches and leaves of the royal family. Nine Five Supremes, the Sangong Sixth Court is a common thing... "

Shan Chao was like a monkey that had been cursed, sighed helplessly, and was struggling to hint at this overly upright old man, when someone not far away said with a smile: "The old man—"


Shan Chao's tiger body was shocked, and Dai Xianglao's eyes filled with tears!

Divine soldiers descended from the sky, shining golden light. The majestic commander of the imperial guards of the Tang Empire arrived with a purple aura of celestial light all over his body, and instantly blinded the emperor's 24K gold dog eyes!

Di Renjie said: "Commander Xie came just in time. Please help the old minister to persuade His Majesty. He is not married yet, and he doesn't have a prince or princess under his knees. When the old minister was as old as His Majesty, he already had three sons. Whenever he thinks of His Majesty, he will be happy." Feeling anxious…”

Xie Yun was dressed in a white brocade robe, a sapphire jade belt, and held a red gauze palace lantern in his hand, which was beautiful and picturesque in the halo of light. He couldn't tell that the lantern in his hand was about to burn Afang for three hundred miles. Ju asked: "The elder of the country is full of grandchildren now, right?"

Di Renjie said: "That's not true. My incompetent dog has not yet been successful..."

"How is your reading?"

"Now I have read thousands of volumes..."

"When will you take the test?"

"Get ready at..."

"Where will I take office after the imperial examination?"

"Uh… "

"When will you talk about marriage? Which lady will you marry? How many grandchildren will you have? Mr. male or Mr. female? Which private school will you go to? Which gentleman will you invite? When will the grandson be enlightened? When will he take the exam? Where will he be an official in the future?"

Di Renjie: "..."

Xie Yun was aggressive: "Where can I buy property after three generations? Living in Chang'an is not easy. Have you prepared the money to settle down and buy property? Have you prepared the dowry for your granddaughter? Have you saved the dowry money for your granddaughter-in-law?"

Di Renjie: "..."

Xie Yun said contemptuously: "It seems that Mr. Guo hasn't taken care of the affairs of his own family. If that's the case, don't worry about when His Majesty will get married. Maybe His Majesty will have grandchildren before you."

Di Renjie was stunned by the bandit's logic, and the emperor, regardless of his appearance, applauded enthusiastically: "Well said!"

Commander Xie rolled his handsome eyes, pulled the emperor past him, and walked away proudly under Dai Xiang's hospitality.


In the fifth year of Shenlong, the emperor decreed to adopt Longji, the third son of King Ji, and named him King of Chu.

A few years later, the emperor still had nothing to do, and issued an imperial edict to make the king of Chu the crown prince.

Winter goes to spring, light and shadow change. The Daming Palace stands under the blue sky, and its glazed bricks and tiles reflect the vicissitudes of many years.

Cars and horses come to disturb the nine gates, and pedestrians should not envy Chang'an Road. People in Chang'an City get old first.

Human beings are born, aged, sick and die. In the first year of Yanhe, a resounding bell rang in the city of Chang'an, and the twelve tolls continued for a long time, spreading throughout the land of China in the afterglow of thousands of hectares.

— that was the death knell.

Today is dead.


When the imperial mausoleum was closed, there was a series of bangs in the deep tunnel. The ground trembled unceasingly, and finally subsided after a while. The evening wind passed through the plain, bringing up countless weeds in the afterglow.

The new emperor, who had just been promoted from the crown prince, stood at the entrance of the imperial mausoleum, raised his robe, stepped on the white jade steps, and slapped himself a few times: "Ah, I'm finally exhausted! "

The little servant was busy fanning and handing water, but was pushed away by the new emperor casually. He squinted his eyes and looked at the silent imperial mausoleum in the setting sun. There seemed to be some inexplicable things on his face, which seemed to be sadness and nostalgia. It was mixed with more and more complicated expressions, which could even be called a look of relief.

The confidant servant misunderstood his emotions, glanced not far behind, and reminded in a low voice: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, there are still people watching from behind, you still..."

Li Longji said: "Hey, what do you know? If the late emperor had a spirit in heaven, he wouldn't want to see everyone's fake and crying faces."

The waiter was taken aback for a moment, and saw that the new emperor was silent again. After a long while, he suddenly asked without thinking: "Do you know how the former emperor survived until now?"


"The first emperor dragged on like that in the end, even the coffin was prepared, and all the imperial doctors told us to be ready at any time... But he just waited until the day after Xie Yun died. Do you know why?"

The little servant stole a look at Li Longji's face, but saw that his expression was dim in the afterglow. The servant said cautiously: "Young one... I don't know wow."

Li Longji said: "Because humbleness does not respect dignity. If the first emperor hadn't survived until that time, the imperial tomb would be sealed after the coffin went in. Even I would not be able to open the imperial tomb and bury Xie Yun in it."

The waiter was moved instantly, but he didn't speak for a while.

Before the late emperor passed away, the crown prince pointed at the heavens and the earth on the sick bed, and vowed to follow his last wish and use a joint burial coffin. Sure enough, he did not violate his oath. When the first emperor closed his eyes, countless clans jumped out to oppose the unceremonious funeral specifications, and they were all suppressed by the new emperor.

"So the first emperor is very happy." Li Longji said lightly, "He has practiced Buddhism, fought in wars, served as a slave, and also served as a general in his life. Wherever he is and what his identity is, Xie Yun is always by his side, even after death."

"Such a legendary life, when it ends, there is no need for others to howl to show their sadness." Xindi turned around, patted his cuffs and said, "Let's go."

The setting sun stretches for thousands of miles, like pouring rich golden water from the sky, dyeing the horizon into endless brilliance. The young new emperor of the Tang Dynasty walked slowly towards the chariots and horses in the distance, opened the curtain of the car before setting off, and looked at the imperial mausoleum in the twilight.

At the end of the plain, the forests are all dyed. Two figures stood side by side at the bottom of the jade steps, waved to him in the wind for the last time, then turned around and walked towards the dark depths of the mausoleum.

"... goodbye," Xindi whispered.

He lowered the car curtain, and in the distance Chang'an City Gate was magnificent, and the Daming Palace reflected dazzling golden light under the last ray of sunset.

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