Green Dragon Totem

Chapter 24: Stuffed goose


—Feng Chan.

Fengchan sacrifices are made to the gods, 禋 sacrifices to the six sects; Wang sacrifices to the mountains and rivers, and universal sacrifices to the gods. Fang was born in Qin Dynasty, and was extravagantly used in Han and Wu, but in troubled times, it cannot become a ceremony. Therefore, Taizong tried to enshrine Zen several times but failed, and now he has done it.

At the same time, what he did was to enshrine the Zen together with the queen, proclaim the heaven and the earth, and govern the dynasty together, which can be called unprecedented.

Xie Yun didn't go back to the Qingning Palace banquet, but went straight back home. Shan Chao was as soaked as he was, and sat in the chariot that had been smoked by the heater. He was silent all the way, only listening to the sound of the wheels passing by Zhongzheng Street.

When passing by the gate of Ci'en Temple, Shan Chao suddenly stretched out his hand to lift the curtain of the car. The tall temple gate is majestic and silent in the night air, and the jade steps at the gate go up, disappearing into the deeper and unfathomable darkness in the temple gate.

"If you want to go back and knock on the wooden fish, just say so," Xie Yun suddenly said lazily.

But Shan Chao stared at the gate of the temple as the carriage moved away, and suddenly showed a slight mocking smile: "No, I was just thinking...that day when Master returned home late at night and passed by the Temple of Mercy, why did there suddenly Car curtain, took a look outside?"

Xie Yun finally slightly opened his eyes that had been closed just now. The heater in the car was very smoky, and his wet eyelashes had already dried up, and he set off a lazy, careless arc, and asked instead: "—Do you want to go back to the Temple of Mercy now?"

go back

Shan Chao actually didn't think there was anything wrong with his two-year clean-up in the temple. As long as a man's heart is calm, he can live anywhere, and there is nothing he can't bear.

But—Shan Chao concentrated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Not yet."

Xie Yun mocked: "So the reason why you lifted the curtain to look out just now is the same as I did that day... It's very boring, just look."

Shan Chao's forehead twitched, and Xie Yun closed his eyes again.

When the carriage drove back to Xie's mansion, the servants had already turned on the lights and waited in the courtyard, and the leader was the maid in charge wearing a crimson veil. Xie Yun got out of the carriage wrapped in fox fur, she immediately stepped forward, bowed solemnly, and raised a big gold lacquer plate in her hand: "Commander, the Queen of Qingning Palace just sent someone to give you a Things that slaves dare not touch, please take a look!"

Shan Chao walked behind Xie Yun, and stopped in his tracks.

On the gold plate were two brand-new brocade robes of the imperial guards, one with a white background and deep red flying fish pattern, with a belt and leather boots, needless to say, it was the style of the imperial army commander, and a shining pearl was pressed on the robe ; the other is also a brocade robe, but there are not so many intricate weavers, and the color is just the opposite.

Xie Yun unfolded the one on the right, and compared it to Shan Chao, the shoulders were wide and the legs were long.

"—for you."

Xie Yun casually threw the brocade robe into Shan Chao's arms, turned and left.

It was a trivial matter for the commander of the imperial army to patrol the falling water at night, especially when the Holy Majesty announced to the world the next day that he would patrol Mount Tai in the east, it was a detail among the details.

But such a small incident caused quite a stir in the palace and even in the court and the public. People even talked about it—Empress Wu was vicious and cruel, Commander Xie helped the evildoers, and died unjustly in the palace. Concubine Xiao, the deposed empress, was dragged into the water and risked being a scapegoat; Empress Wu went against the law, Commander Xie was a swindler, and the upright official who was unjustly killed in the imperial prison searched for his soul in the middle of the night, and entered the palace of Hades...

"Change the soup but not the medicine." Xie Yun turned over a page of the scroll in his hand: "It was like this when the Wu clan was enshrined, it was like this when he was established as a prince, and it was like this when he was entrusted to Chan Taishan. There are reasons for resentment in the world, it's just rumors, don't mind."

Xie Yun hadn't been to the palace since he fell into the water that night, but there were wave after wave of visits. Nearly half of the officials in Chang'an City came to report—even if they didn't come, the ceremony has arrived .

For the remaining half who didn't arrive at the ceremony, the rumors spread by them also reached Xie Yun's ears, and he gently drew a circle around their names with a pen.

Standing beside him, Shan Chao could only see the names of people circled in ink one after another on the official register of Chang'an. Xie Yun pointed to the top ones and said leisurely: "Zhang Wenguan, a member of Dongtai She, once ordered four books to be collated. His Majesty intends to teach him Zuo's history; Xitai Minister Dai Zhide, Taizong Dai Chancellor's nephew, the current inspector prince Zuo Zhonghu, will definitely be able to enter the cabinet to pay homage to the prime minister in the future... "

Shan Chao asked suspiciously, "Why did you circle them?"

Xie Yun said solemnly: "Hacked me once."

Shan Chao: "..."

"At the end of the year, there was a banquet in the palace, and the officials were drinking and talking and laughing. The sage suddenly asked me: 'Why are the people in Puyang called Emperor Qiu? 'Because Zhuanxu lived in ancient times, so he was called Diqiu. Although Commander Xie has perfected the way of martial arts, he has nothing to learn, which really makes me ashamed.'—It means that I have no ink, simple mind, Well-developed limbs."

Xie Yun put down the brush and raised his chin towards the tea bowl.

Shan Chao was actually a little bit resistant, but from his angle, Xie Yun's raised eyes just formed a very... a young man with inexperienced like Shan Chao didn't know how to describe it in his heart. After watching for a while, he obediently poured a bowl of hot tea and handed it to Xie Yun's cold palm.

Xie Yun sneered: "It would have been nice to have known this early on."

"..." Shan Chao said indifferently: "If there is something to do, the disciple should do his best."

Xie Yun sneered: "Who is your master?"

Shan Chao took a deep breath, pointed to the official register and asked, "—Are these people the Eastern Palace Party?"

"Of course it is."

"Since the queen dares to kill the prince, why not just kill them?"

"Of course not."

Shan Chao narrowed his eyes slightly.

Xie Yun took a sip of hot tea, and closed the official register: "The empress has three...four sons, and the prince is gone, so it's okay to change one. However, although these old men who are full of etiquette and morality make things hard for you, mean you, and wish they could copy the wat The board beats you to death, but you can't move them, because you still have to rely on them to govern the country."

"They are different from the Guanlong Clan back then. They did not threaten the most fundamental cornerstone of imperial power. Everything they do in normal times is ultimately for the sake of the country and the country-killing people is very simple, but what happens after they are done? It's better to be full of courtiers who are able to fight tit for tat; those in high positions need to tolerate dissidents, and this is the reason."

Shan Chao suddenly discovered that Xie Yun seemed to love teaching him very much, and he wrote a long novel, which seemed to be full of bureaucratic careers, but sometimes he even got into it.

In contrast, Xie Yun never taught martial arts, and he didn't even practice martial arts himself. After returning from Forging Sword Village, he never took out his sword again, and he seemed to be extremely afraid of the cold, and he had already wrapped himself in a furry cloak in late autumn.

Shan Chao stared at him thoughtfully, Xie Yun's soft fingertips flicked casually from the yellowed sheepskin official book, and asked, "Do you understand?"


"Understand what?"

"The prime minister can pull a boat in his belly, and it is for the sake of the country. Although some people are annoying, they cannot be killed."

"Yes," Xie Yun's beautifully shaped lips curled up, "but what I teach you is not the way of appearance."

—The person in a high position is not a phase, so what is that

Xie Yun did not explain, and suddenly repeated with great interest:

"These old guys make things difficult for you, mean you, and always think about killing you. Although you are annoying, there is nothing you can do..."

"Because you eat his, use his, and live in his, and if you mess with him, he will be driven out to sleep in the bridge hole..."

Shan Chao: "..."

Shan Chao asked seriously: "How much do you want to charge, Master?"

Xie Yun seemed to find it very interesting, he tilted his head and looked Shan Chao up and down, his eyes seemed to be looking at the value of the product with a trace of estimation.

"Forget it, you are still worth investing in." He said lightly, "In a few years, you will be prosperous, don't forget to leave a bowl of rice for the teacher."

Shan Chao shook his head and didn't take it seriously. It just so happened that the maid came in to invite dinner, so he turned and walked out of the study.

When he reached the door, he stopped suddenly, looked back at Xie Yun and said, "You are not old, Master."

Xie Yun was putting the official books back on the bookshelf, he was startled when he heard the words, and then he laughed: "Yes, I am just self-effacing as a teacher, please don't take it seriously."

Shan Chao lived in the Xie Mansion temporarily for more than half a month.

He has nowhere to go except Xie's mansion, and he has nowhere to go - because the second day after the palace fell into the water, the empress sent someone to praise Xie Yun in parallel, praising him for being loyal to the emperor, patriotic, diligent in the king's affairs, and Zan Danchao is brave and quick-witted in saving lives. Although on the surface it is to appease Commander Xie who has been taken advantage of, her original intention is also vaguely revealed at the end: since Shan Chao was brought by you, then stay in Xie's mansion honestly and wait for the palace to make a decision. Make up your mind.

— Fortunately, Empress Wu doesn't have the energy to make up her mind now. In a few days, Shengjia will set off for Luoyang, the eastern capital, and head to Mount Tai via Henan via Henan with a mighty military guard of honor.

Xie Mansion was rarely quiet that day, only Xie Yun and Shan Chao sat opposite each other at dinner, and the maid in charge served the dishes herself—it was later that Shan Chao found out that she was given by Empress Wu of the palace, named Jin Xin. For this reason, Shan Chao has always respected her at a distance, but Jin Xin seems to like Shan Chao very much. Whenever she meets her, she always covers her mouth and smiles, and her eyes spread around, as if she is hiding a lot of words.

In the afternoon, Jin Xin specially asked someone to make a bowl of vegetarian goose, and when it was served in the evening, she paused, picked up the bowl of soup in front of Shan Chao with only the bottom left, and brought it to Xie Yun's eyes, and then put the tender and sweet soup The stuffed vegetarian goose is placed in the place where the soup used to be.

Xie Yun was eating porridge lazily, but he was a little surprised when he saw this, and asked, "Who is your master?"

Jin Xin smiled and said, "So what if it's my master? The Commander doesn't like to eat this in the first place, and he doesn't allow anyone who likes to eat it."

Shan Chao touched his nose and looked away, but Xie Yun seemed to find it very interesting: "Since you like him so much, I'll let you serve him, how about it?"

He has said this a few times, but every time it is a joke, and no one takes it seriously. Jin Xin also giggled like a bell, blessed her body, and went out lightly.

Unlike Xie Yun, Shan Chao went to bed very early every night, and woke up very early the next day, which was an extremely regular and even harsh work and rest habit formed by him in the temple.

He fell asleep quickly after turning off the lights, but not long after, a certain nerve suddenly tensed subconsciously, Shan Chao opened his eyes and turned over to sit up.


A graceful figure narrowly dodges, and the room is filled with incense, and then the woman's Qingqian voice resounds: "Don't be surprised, sir, it's me."

Shan Chao frowned.

That was Jin Xin!

Fortunately, he turned his hand away at the very moment, otherwise the woman's tender throat would have been broken in two at this moment.

Jin Xin smiled and patted her chest, the room was full of moonlight, she was standing by the bed, her tender skin was faintly visible under the light veil, such a stroking showed the alluring lines of her chest. The waterfall-like long hair and clothes faintly exude a fragrance, which is so intoxicating and captivating, it can make any normal man in this world sway.

A very absurd guess vaguely floated in Shan Chao's heart, but he didn't show it on his face: "What's wrong with the girl?"

Jin Xin's bright eyes stared at him without blinking, as if she wanted to look straight into the depths of his mind and into his heart through the eye sockets, and then slowly reached out and stroked Shan Chao's strong and stiff shoulders.

—Chang'an is very luxurious nowadays, and men also put on a lot of makeup. It is rare to see such strong and stiff shoulders.

"Don't you understand, sir?" Jin Xin leaned into his ear and smiled, "The commander ordered me to serve you... Naturally, you can do whatever you want."

She felt a slight tense in the muscles of Shan Chao under her hand.

"Of course, if you don't like me, you can change to someone else." Jin Xin smiled and said, "There are many beautiful maids in the mansion, but I will be more... lost."

The moonlight meets the darkness, and Shan Chao's expression can't be seen clearly in the light and shadow. He only saw his chest heaving for a moment, and then said coldly: "Your commander, do you often use this method to treat guests?!"

Jin Xin was slightly stunned, and then laughed and said: "The commander can do as he pleases, treat guests as he likes—it's just Master, Chang'an is a place full of luxury and beauty, since you are here, why don't you go to the countryside and do as the Romans do?"

Shan Chao leaned back, Jin Xin leaned over and almost stuck in front of him, and the catkins slipped from his shoulders to his chest a little bit: "Master, there are still many temptations to encounter in the future, such as power and status, wine, sex and wealth, and pink beauties like... As the clouds pass by, all kinds of sensuality will make you overwhelmed... If you can't bear it now, what will you do if you are dazzled in the future?"

Her red lips approached slowly, but at this moment, Shan Chao suddenly raised his hand to block her jade arm, then got up and put on his clothes, and strode towards the door.

Jin Xin was slightly stunned, and frowned, "Master?"

Shan Chao pressed his hand on the door frame, his back was heavy, it seemed that all the moonlight was hidden in the shadow, and there was no glimmer of light to be seen.

"Girl, I'm just a passer-by in Chang'an. No matter how powerful you are, the sensuality is just a fleeting cloud. Thank you for your wrong love—please go back."

He opened the door, and walked out without looking back under Jin Xin's astonished gaze.

In the night, the backyard of Xie Mansion was full of brilliance, Shan Chao strode across the long corridor, went straight to the door of the study, and pushed the door amidst sharp creaking sounds!

The inner room was brightly lit, Xie Yun was leaning on the table and flipping through the paperwork, beside him in the next room, there was a faint figure of a singing girl playing the harp, she was startled by the sound of the door opening and the tune paused.

Xie Yun raised his eyelids: "What's the matter?"

Shan Chao glanced at the beautiful figure in the veil: "—Stand back."

His voice was actually not heavy, but the singer was quite frightened, she got up tremblingly and lifted the ice cream, looked timidly at the man who broke in suddenly, and saw that Xie Yun didn't intend to speak, she hurriedly walked away on tiptoe.

Shan Chao waited until the singer had completely disappeared in the corridor before closing the door with a bang. Turning around, I saw that Xie Yun had already put down his pen, and got up from behind the desk to look at him. There was no ambiguity or guilt in his eyes, but on the contrary, there was a clear, cold and terrifying scrutiny.


As soon as Shan Chao said a word, Xie Yun calmly raised his finger and interrupted: "What are you doing here, why don't you go back?"