Green Dragon Totem

Chapter 99: miracle


"Xie Yun lives another two hundred years, and he will almost grow up to this size." Yin Kaiyang laughed.

Shan Chao: "..."

Yin Kaiyang pointed forward: "There are also various branches in the Qinglong Indian clan. The blue dragon in front of you belongs to the same family as Xie Yun. It has been guarding Luoyang City since the end of the Sui Dynasty. It only surrenders to those who have seven stars. All attackers will end up decapitated."

The dragon's head in the distance gradually raised, and the movement of the huge body brought up a high-altitude violent airflow, and even the clouds in the night sky began to spin rapidly. However, what's creepy is that when the dragon's body crossed the plain and came straight to this side, its deep pupils stared straight at Shan Chao without any deviation!

"... Can it recognize me?!" Shan Chao said in amazement.

The giant dragon opened its bloody mouth wide, and jumped down with its head full!

The hurricane swept across the battlefield, and people were thrown off their feet in an instant. Thousands of torches were extinguished at the same time, and the plain was instantly plunged into boundless darkness.

The soldiers shouted in fear, but no one could see the row of giant dragons coming from the mountain, only heard the clear whistle that ran through the four fields and suddenly sounded from above their heads!


The dragon's head descended from the sky, and at the very moment, Yin Kaiyang's body was filled with basalt tattoos shining with white light. Immediately, he transformed into a giant basalt head, charged forward to support Shan Chao, and flew into the sky through the gaps of the densely smashed dragon scales!

"It can recognize you." Yin Kaiyang's indifferent voice sounded in his ears: "Because it can recognize people with seven stars."

Shan Chao held Shangfang's sword at his waist, realized something immediately, and let go of it again. The sharply tensed back muscles caused the spring in the white shark's sheath behind him to snap, and the seven-star dragon came out of the sheath!

The dragon's body twisted sharply under its feet, roaring and rushing towards Xuanwu, and it was right in front of it in an instant.

—In the instant the two strokes intersected, Shan Chao grasped the hilt of Long Yuan's sword, and the seven stars lit up one by one.

Invisible, soaring blood erupted from the dragon's neck. Its color was black and yellow, and it was extremely salty, as if it was raining heavily in the sky.

"If it's Xie Yun!" Shan Chao roared, "What if Xie Yun knows that I killed his relative?!"

Yin Kaiyang was impatient: "Do you have to tell him? Let's talk after we can beat him!"

The giant dragon was furious, and its sharp golden dragon claws smashed their heads and covered their faces and pressed down on Xuanwu, instantly smashing them into the ground!

Smoke and dust filled the air, gravel splashed, and Shan Chao pressed Long Yuan firmly against the dragon claw that was close at hand with both hands, and pressed the blade of the sword inch by inch towards his own forehead.

Xuanwu, who was firmly pressed into the ground by a huge force, couldn't help struggling. At this moment, the Big Dipper on the sword burst out with frightening light again, and the long sword sank into layers of dragon scales like a blade cutting tofu. , split the dragon claw into two like lightning!

Qinglong was in extreme pain, let out an extremely high-pitched roar, and flew into the sky with a bang!

The huge battlefield suddenly turned into an iron pot being stirred on the fire. Soldiers, horses, and luggage were all mixed together, turbulent as the giant dragon rolled up and down, and there were corpses of indistinguishable shapes everywhere.

Xuanwu stood up staggeringly, and flew over with a long howl. Shan Chao saw that its tortoise shell had been shattered into countless small pieces, so he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said mockingly: "Seeing that you deal with Xie Yun very quickly, it's not good against adult Qinglong, is it?"

Yin Kaiyang sneered: "Wuzhi Lizi." Then he pretended not to hear, and refused to say a word.

They went up into the air, only to see not far away that Qinglong had a crippled claw, and was curling up in pain, his pupils constricted into a sharp needle, staring closely at Shan Chao. There seemed to be fear in its eyes, but more anger, its body swayed slightly from side to side, and suddenly turned around and swam towards Luoyang City.

What are you going to do

The intuition cultivated in the battlefield for many years suddenly tightened, but after all, it was a step slower. Shan Chao turned back and crossed the sword, and his arms were too weak to fully attack, and the huge barbed dragon tail knocked his head into the air!

This time, even Xuanwu had no time to save him, Shan Chao was like a kite with a broken string, spurting a mouthful of blood, and fell into the wilderness in the fierce battle.

War halberds were densely packed, horseshoes stepped past, and the hot ground shook beneath him. Huge spurts of blood poured out of Shan Chao's nose and throat, he gritted his teeth and got up with his sword in hand, his distracted vision saw black shadows descending from the sky.


With him as the center, all the soldiers and horses flew backwards in a radius of tens of feet, and the green dragon smashed to the ground in the huge earthquake.

Shan Chao got up and ran wildly, Qinglong chased after him and crushed all the way, then raised his head high, forming a standard bending posture for the prelude to attack, and immediately plunged down!

Time was stretched infinitely at that moment.

Shan Chao twisted his body and swung his arms, and Long Yuan swept out regardless of everything, and the seven-star light burst into a fan-shaped light curtain.

Just like a star river hanging upside down, the tens of thousands of air blades rolled up by the sword collided with the giant dragon at the same time, breaking several dragon teeth at the same time!

The sword energy shook the stars directly, and Ziwei star suddenly brightened in the sky in the wilderness. At the same time, in the Chang'an Daming Palace thousands of miles away, Empress Wu suddenly raised her head.

The Tai'a sword was hanging on the palace wall, and it was trembling in the scabbard at this moment.


Empress Wu got up and quickly walked through the hall and pushed open the palace gate. In the midsummer night sky, the stars are twinkling, and in the northern sky, the Dou and Niu Erxing are facing the magnificent mountains and rivers of the Tang Dynasty, glowing with a burning bright purple light.

—Bullfighting brilliance, thunder turning dragon shuttle.

Empress Wu gritted her teeth tightly, trembling every word from the gap between her teeth: "Long, Yuan..."

The huge rock-like dragon tooth slammed to the ground, and the blue dragon let out a wild howl, bathed in black and yellow dragon blood, soared into the sky, and then dived straight down!

This impact was enough to turn the mountain stone into dust, and no one could survive under that terrifying force.

And just now the sword had exhausted all the strength of Shan Chao, he knelt on the ground on one knee, supported his body with the long sword full of purple light, gasped and swallowed a mouthful of bloody saliva, and closed his eyes—

Just at the moment when he was ready to resign himself to fate.

On the hand holding Long Yuan's sword hilt, the light red hair band that had been wrapped around for many years suddenly unraveled, and floated towards the sky with the wind, blocking the eyes of Qinglong rushing forward.

The ribbon fell slowly, and in Shan Chao's indescribable sight, it landed on his open palm.

"Hoo... hoo..."

Qinglong stared at the blood-soaked man in front of him who was panting continuously, and seemed to be unable to understand why there was a trace of young and similar aura lingering on this man.

It gasped in unease, anxiety, anger and doubt, its eyes darted back and forth between the man and the Dragon Abyss with seven stars shining in his hand. After an unknown amount of time, Canglong finally raised his head and let out a clear howl, then immediately lowered his head.

At that moment it finally took shape in the wilderness.

Tens of thousands of soldiers were stunned, witnessing the miraculous appearance of the real dragon at this moment. Countless weapons fell to the ground with a bang, and the crowd knelt down in groups, kowtowed desperately, and the sound of "long live" filled the mountains and plains.

"Ziwei came to the world and stepped on the seven stars, it recognizes you." Yin Kaiyang turned into a human body at some point, and said calmly behind him.

Shan Chao couldn't help breathing out bloody hot air, and saw the dragon's head touch the ground lightly in front of him, and then swam forward. Yin Kaiyang stabbed Shan Chao and signaled him to climb up the dragon body, and then the dragon rose into the air again, and in the focus of everyone's eyes on the battlefield, it carried Shan Chao and flew towards the Luoyang city tower.

Li Jingye shook off the support, struggled to climb off the stretcher, his eyes widened in shock.

At the end of the plain in the distance, Luoyang City made a loud noise.

The walls fell.

This city wall, which has been impenetrable for hundreds of years due to wind and rain, turned into broken tiles in an instant.




The horn of the charge resounded through the wilderness, the army of one hundred thousand gathered into a torrent, and the rain of arrows covered the eastern capital Luoyang with the flames!

Shangyang Palace.

The ridge of the roof collapsed in pieces, and Shan Chao inserted his sword into the glazed tiles, using his strength to stand up. He wiped the blood all over his head and face, and when he looked up, he saw the green dragon swimming and circling around him above his head, casting countless golden rays of light.

This place is the highest point of the Eastern Capital Palace, and it is also the top of the main hall of the current emperor.

Shan Chao stood facing east with Longyuan in his hand. Even from a long distance, he could clearly see the deep night sky behind him, and the Big Dipper was lighting up one by one as the green dragon danced.


The dragon's roar shook the land of Kyushu. Qinglong finally took a look at the capital city that he had guarded for hundreds of years under his feet, but now it has changed hands. He rushed to the sky without looking back, and disappeared into the sky.