Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 940: satisfy


Ever since Mo He expressed the idea of starting a sermon, Xiao Liang began to look forward to the early arrival of this day in the following days.

However, since Mo He told him the news, several months have passed, and there is still no movement. He is still constantly reading various Taoism scriptures every day, and at the same time constantly revising his "Old Plum Taoism Scripture".

Maybe it's because Mo He revised his "Original Plum Taoism" too frequently, which led to the fact that during this period of time, the entire human race began to discuss this matter, and even those powerful people, for This matter is also of great concern.

In the past few months, every time they took out the "Qingmei Daojing", they would find that the content recorded in it was different. After reading it carefully, they would feel that it was very rewarding. Actually not many.

However, when you want to read it repeatedly and understand the truth that may become more profound, you suddenly find that the content is different, and you will feel refreshed after reading it again.

Perhaps the content has not become more esoteric, but it is difficult to thoroughly understand a Taoist scripture. After Mo He revised the Taoist scripture, everyone will have a sense of freshness when reading it, and thus seem to understand something. You will also feel that Mo He has revised the Dao Sutra to be more profound.

Only those who are capable can see that every small change by Mo He does not really make the Taoist scriptures more perfect. It seems that they just adjust some meanings and express them again.

Mo He's behavior inevitably aroused speculation from the outside world, thinking that Mo He was preparing to step into the realm of good fortune, and some people even thought that Mo He might take that step soon.

A top-notch powerful person, with the treasure of good fortune in his hand, has already met the conditions for being able to impact the realm of good fortune, and it is understandable to want to go further.

Now in the world, apart from Mohe, no new top powerful person has been born from other races. If Mohe enters the realm of good fortune at this time, it will not have a great impact on the human race, and it is indeed a suitable one. opportunity.

Thinking about the past few hundred years, there have been three good fortune ancestors, and comparing the tens of thousands of years before, it is difficult to give birth to a good fortune ancestor. Some masters who have lived longer can't help but feel that this world The changes in the world are too fast. When did it become so easy to achieve the realm of creation.

The Taoist scriptures that are constantly being improved by Mohe are something that many masters in the world are concerned about. Apart from this one thing, the other thing that attracts most of the attention in the world is the human race's attack on the spirit race.

The Spirit Race, which was originally huddled in Zichen Star, joined the camp of the Monster Race before, and together with the Monster Race against the Human Race, it caused a lot of trouble for the Human Race. If it weren't for the Dragon Race to withstand the pressure, I am afraid that the loss of the Human Race before would not be small .

Now Mohe has already settled the matter on the side of Yaozu and Longzu, and the matter of the Lingzu, the human race will naturally be able to free up their hands and feet to completely solve it.

Since the defeat of the Monster Race, most of the power of the Spirit Race has actually shrunk back to the Zichen Star. The big star formed after the death of the Zichen almost communicates with the entire starry sky, forming a solid layer of defense. It has become the best refuge for the spirit race.

The reason why the Spirit Race dared to jump out in such a hurry before the millennium and regain a foothold between the heaven and the earth, the defense of this purple star star is one of their confidence.

Even if they fail, they can still hide here. Anyway, the number of spirit races is not much, and one Zichen star can fully accommodate them.

After the human race started to deal with the Spirit Race, the Spirit Race basically hid back, and the only ones who remained outside were some masters above the Golden Immortal Realm of the Spirit Race.

Because there were not many people left, and all of them were masters, the human race did not choose to suppress the land with a large army. They also dispatched masters above the Golden Immortal realm to deal with these spirit races.

After several battles, these masters of the Spirit Race have been beaten and retreated. Up to now, two golden immortals have fallen, but for some reason, these masters of the Spirit Race seem to have not all returned to Zichen Star. Meaning, even if two golden immortals have already fallen, they will still fight with the human race from time to time, and it is still going on now.

During this period of time, it is these two things that can attract the attention of all masters in the world. As for the matter of the Dragon Clan, the story has been turned for the time being.

Ever since Mo He returned from the Dragon Clan, the sea seems to have become calm. Mo He drained the sea before, and then released the sea again. In fact, it has already caused a lot of damage to the seabed environment.

In the process of draining the sea, many aquatic plants, corals and the like were all rolled up from the bottom of the sea, and the sea was put back, and these things could not return to the original place to grow.

There are many creatures in the sea, all kinds of small fish and shrimps, and there are many types and huge numbers. Let alone the water monsters who have opened their intelligence, let's talk about the ordinary sea creatures. Most of them live in the sea. To survive, they eat aquatic plants, floating algae and the like.

When the environment of the seabed is severely damaged, even if these creatures are released back, it is difficult to survive without food. are no longer in their original habitat, making survival even more difficult.

The survival of these small fish and shrimps has problems, and it actually has a great impact on those water monsters who have opened up their intelligence. After all, the water monsters with lower cultivation bases have not yet reached the level of survival without eating.

Therefore, during this period of time in the sea, almost all races are working hard to restore the environment in the sea, and then move some sea creatures that have high requirements for the sea area environment back to the sea area where they originally lived.

It's a little troublesome to do such a thing, but no one in the whole sea dares to pursue Mohe who caused all this. After all, it is the top that can drain the whole sea, so that they can't give birth to much resistance. Almighty.

What's more, compared to the previous atmosphere of tense swords and turbulent undercurrents, the whole group got busy and worked together to restore the sea area. On the contrary, the environment in the sea became very harmonious, and their impetuous hearts gradually calmed down.

It is very harmonious in the sea, and it is also very harmonious in the Mohe Dojo now.

While Mo He was flipping through the Taoist scriptures in his hands, he would look up from time to time to take a look not far away. There, Xiao Liang, Yu Yue, and Nie Duxian were standing together. The immortal, listening carefully to the three of them talking about the main points of breaking through from a real immortal to a mysterious immortal.

In addition to Ren Yunteng and Wuyou who did not come back, there is also a pair of brothers and sisters Wang Yan and Feng Ying who don't know if they should be counted as Wang Yuezong's side, and two others are working hard for the human race, and there is no way to rush back for the time being Except for the immortals, almost all the immortals who can be regarded as under Mo He's sect are here.

It didn't take long for Mo He to go from being single and weak to gradually forming a large-scale force, and he didn't spend too much time in the process, but everything was developing in a good direction.

Xiao Liang told Nie Duxian and others the news that Mo He might preach in the near future, so after everyone came back, they began to gather at Mo He's dojo these days, waiting for Mo He to start preaching.

Turning the Taoist scripture in his hand to the last page, Mo He put it aside, and then carefully pondered what he saw just now.

Today's Mo He has basically read all the Taoism scriptures of the human race, and even some foreign masters have read some of the Taoism scriptures compiled by them.

Almost all of the Taoist scriptures compiled by these people are not as good as Mo He's current "Qingmei Taoist Scripture", and some Taoist scriptures are even ridiculously shallow and of very low value.

After Mo He passed these contents, he didn't care whether the truths contained in them were superficial or ridiculous. He only valued the parts worthy of his own reference, and then further improved his "Qingmei Daojing", but it was a pity that he had little effect.

Putting away the Dao Jing in his hand, Mo He took out his own "Qingmei Dao Jing" and read it several times from beginning to end, but this time he did not change a single word, because there seemed to be nothing to modify.

"Is it true that I will be able to look back and complete the "Qingmei Dao Jing" after I break through the realm of good fortune?" Holding the Dao Jing in his hand, Mo He couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.

After revising the Taoist scriptures up to now, it seems that everything that can be changed has been changed. Even changing the sentence seems to be helpless. Mo He feels that with his current cultivation base of the top powerhouse and his height on the road of seeking Tao , this is the only way to go.

Thinking that he had spent several months, but in the end he still hadn't perfected his "Qingmei Daojing" to his satisfaction, Mo He felt very regretful in his heart.

Raising his head, Mo He stared at the void, passing through the barrier of distant space, his gaze finally landed on the Green Plum Temple on the ground, and fell on the two familiar green plum trees.

At this time of year on the earth, the two green plum trees are bearing fruit. Through the gap between the leaves, you can see that there are not many fruits on the green plum trees.

And in front of the green plum trees, there happened to be two young Taoist boys standing in front of the green plum trees, pointing at the two green plum trees, and carefully counting the number of people on the tree. fruit.

The two of them counted over and over again, as if they were not at ease with what they counted before, and they seemed to be looking forward to another fruit suddenly appearing on the tree. Their immature faces clearly carried a look of anticipation .

Seeing this scene, Mo He couldn't help but feel a little funny, so he took a second look, and when he saw the look of expectation on his face turn into disappointment after counting the two of them several times, his heart suddenly moved, and he immediately withdrew his gaze, turned to He opened his own "Qingmei Daojing", and inserted a line of words in the middle of one page.

"Assess the time and the situation, make expectations, respect the reality, not be happy with things, not sad with yourself!"

After writing this line, a satisfied smile finally appeared on Mo He's face, and at the same time, a sense of satisfaction arose in his heart. After several months, the perfection of "Qingmei Daojing" finally reached degree of self-satisfaction.