Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 950: Shocking Good Fortune (Part 1)


Mo He decided to really start retreat and charge towards the realm of good fortune, but because he showed up on the earth before, many people thought that this top powerful man of the human race had not yet launched a charge towards the realm of good fortune, but was now Wandering around on the ground.

In this regard, everyone just watched the excitement. The existence of Mo He, as long as he was there, would be a great deterrent to all races except the human race.

On the contrary, it was Ren Yunteng, who was under Mo Hemen, who had just broken through to the Golden Immortal realm during this period of time. With the capital to roam around, he immediately started running around, and he also used his superb communication skills to make his reputation in the world. In a short time, it became famous.

In the small space of Mohe Dojo, Mohe deliberately divided a separate area for himself as his retreat place. The reason for this is to separate oneself and not affect other existing things in the small space.

Mo He had a hunch that if he could successfully break through this retreat, there might be a lot of commotion, and he couldn't be bothered for a while, maybe all the things in the small space now would be destroyed because of his retreat.

Although Mo He is not very distressed about these precious elixir in the small space, these things can be regarded as valuable, and they are carefully taken care of by the two little guys every day. If they are destroyed casually, It is also a pity.

Ever since there were signs of a breakthrough, Mo He has seriously launched a charge towards the realm of good fortune.

What is good fortune? Mo He already knew the answer to this question before, especially after sacrificing the treasure of good fortune, Mo He became more certain about his answer.

Knowing what good fortune is, but how to truly break through the realm of good fortune is not a simple matter, even if Mohe has already had such signs now, the same is true.

However, after there are signs of an imminent breakthrough, at least everything becomes traceable, so you don't have to rely on your own random groping.

The first thing Mo He did was not to meditate cross-legged in the area of his retreat, but to take out and refine the few materials he had harvested during this period of time. A few magic artifacts were collected, and then several magic artifacts were sacrificed.

The purpose of Mo He's doing this is to make the forty-sixth innate divine prohibition that is about to take shape in Xuanyuan Gourd completely formed. more clearly.

Relying on the feedback given to me when the innate divine prohibition in Xuanyuan Gourd was formed, I can make rapid progress in the practice path after the realm of the mighty and even to the peak. This is what Mo He has already done before. Think good things.

Everything was as he expected, relying on the feedback brought by the formation of the Innate Divine Forbidden in Xuanyuan Gourd, after his cultivation base reached the late stage of the realm of the mighty, the speed of improvement became very fast. From the late stage of the realm of the powerful to the realm of the top powerful, it didn't take long in the middle.

Now, Mo He is going to use the feedback from the formation of a new Innate God Forbidden, so that he can start to impact the realm of good fortune and take the last step in a relatively short time.

The forty-sixth innate divine prohibition, which has not yet formed, has almost been completed. After Mo He began to sacrifice a few new magic tools, the speed of forming this innate divine prohibition immediately became faster. .

With the experience of refining treasures before, Mo He sacrificed these new magic weapons very quickly. Before the materials in hand were used up, he had already achieved his goal. Through the sacrifice of new magic weapons , so that the forty-sixth complete innate divine prohibition appeared in the Xuanyuan gourd.

The moment this innate god-forbidden form took shape, Mo He immediately revealed a mysterious Taoist rhyme from the inside out, and the aura of his whole body also changed instantly, becoming more elusive.

At this time, Mo He didn't care about the unsacrificed magic weapon in his hand. The blue mana appeared between his hands, and then he suddenly exerted force with both hands, and forcibly pulled a magic weapon that was being sacrificed. The weapon was directly broken into two halves, and a part of the restriction that had been driven into it was also destroyed. In this way, will this magic weapon that has not been refined yet suddenly explode.

Throwing the broken magic weapon aside, Mo He immediately sat down cross-legged, his whole consciousness sank into the sea of consciousness, he carefully comprehended the mysterious and mysterious Dao rhyme, and was ready to seize this opportunity and follow that The sign of the direction has been touched, and the impact on the realm of good fortune has begun.

After his consciousness sank into the sea of consciousness, Mo He quickly fell into a very peaceful state, and all distracting thoughts and desires disappeared in this state.

Mo He's consciousness is very clear, but it seems to be very hazy. He knows that he is hitting the realm of good fortune, but it seems that suddenly, he has no desire to break through the realm of good fortune, but reason tells him that he should continue to move forward Go, that's all.

In a daze, Mo He suddenly realized that he seemed to be walking on a small dark road. The road was so narrow that he could only pass through it alone. Although the two sides of the road did not seem to be completely black, they could see everything. The kind that is not clear, but if you look at it, you will find that all the scenery is relatively hazy, like looking at flowers in the fog, and it is not really clear at all.

On this narrow and dark path, Mo He found that he seemed to have reached the end of the road, and if he went further, there was a barrier, I don't know how thick it was, but it was definitely very strong.

Turning his head and looking back, Mo He found that the road he walked seemed to be relatively spacious, especially the further back, the wider the road.

Mo He turned his head, looked at the barrier in front of him, took a step forward without hesitation, pressed his body directly against the barrier, and tried to move forward, but the power he felt on his body was like It is like a mountain, and it is difficult to shake at all.

Mo He's peaceful state was suddenly broken after he came into contact with this barrier. His emotions began to return at this moment, but it would never affect his reason.

Carrying a weight like a mountain, Mo He tried his best to move his feet, and prepared to move forward as much as possible, even if it was just a little, at least it could show that he could shake the barrier in front of him.

After Mo He tried his best, the barrier in front of him was actually shaken by him, and as Mo He stepped forward, he was slightly pushed back.

But when the barrier began to recede, a picture suddenly appeared in Mo He's mind. It was a little Taoist boy holding a volume of "Book of Changes" in his hand. Teaching materials, while learning the content on it, read and recognize characters at the same time.

The old Taoist priest in this picture is clearly Mo He's master, Daoist Qingmei, and this picture is the scene when Mohe first started teaching him after he went to Wangyue Mountain.

At that time, he thought that "The Book of Changes" was the cultivation method he had dreamed of. He was still very interested in learning it at that time, and that feeling flooded into his heart at this moment, making him feel as if he really It is back to that time.

Doing his best, Mo He took another step forward. This time, the picture that appeared in his mind was when he could truly sit in meditation and feel the aura around him. It laid the foundation for him to get to where he is today so quickly.

Now, Mo He seems to have experienced that time again, but when he faced the few scenes in the legacy of his previous life, all he could feel was amazement, but now he can get a lot from it. There are more things, but the mood at that moment is re-experienced at this moment.

Taking another step forward, the image that floated in Mo He's mind this time was when he entered the Tao, which meant that he had really opened the door to practice, and since then he was a real practitioner, able to cast spells, and possessed some miraculous powers Ability.

The next scene is when he started to learn the first technique, and then he fought with others for the first time, and then he witnessed Daoist Qingmei being defeated, the conversation between the master and the apprentice at night, and then he practiced In order to break through to the realm of the soul...!

Pushing the barrier step by step to move forward, Mo He felt that he had to do his best with every step, otherwise he would not be able to shake the barrier in front of him at all.

Instead, he walked forward step by step, and now on the path of his cultivation, all the memorable scenes appeared in his heart one after another. What happened at that moment, the feeling in his heart at that moment, Mo He and All over again.

And these precious memories, as he moved forward step by step, were all included together. His own experience, cultivation, and understanding of the Dao and everything he had learned were integrated into a tree. Among the fruits, it is like a ripe fruit, but also like a seed that is about to be reborn.

Mo He now understands that it doesn't take a lot of strength to shake the barrier in front of him. All he needs is the words "do your best". Every step of the way, you must do your best, which represents a sincere heart. An unwavering heart to the Tao.

Consciousness is moving forward step by step in such a state. Mo He doesn't know how many steps he has taken, but he feels that he has not walked too far during this time on the way to the avenue. The barrier in front of him, It just pushed myself forward for a certain distance, but did not break it. There is still this layer of barrier between myself and the avenue.

And to break through this layer of barriers, one has to push this layer of barriers to the end that he can reach, and this is the time to take the last step.