Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 952: too mysterious


Every cultivator is essentially a seeker of the Tao. Everyone has his own answer to what the Tao is, because this is a different pursuit for each person.

Mo He naturally also has his own unique understanding of the Dao, as well as his own cognition of the Dao, but now, when he really stands beside the Dao and comes into contact with the dark, mysterious and mysterious Dao, Mo He I just feel the mystery of all Dao, which is so simple and complex.

Suddenly, Mo He recalled a sentence in his mind at this moment, "Tao can be Tao, but it is not permanent Tao." The mystery of the Dao is difficult to express clearly in words, because it is inherently impermanent, just like In this world, there is no one reason that can apply to all things.

Therefore, for the description of Dao, perhaps the most appropriate sentence is the opening sentence of the "Tao Te Ching", which is almost well-known in previous lives.

Maybe this sentence still can't explain the mystery of Dao, but at least it should be the closest and the simplest.

Immersed in the mysterious and mysterious avenue, Mo He felt as if he had experienced endless years, but it was obviously only a short moment that passed, and this moment seemed as long as eternity.

And after this moment, Mo He completely entered the realm of good fortune, and his whole person has completed a mysterious transformation from the inside out. If anyone still sees Mo He now, he will feel that seeing Mo He now The river seemed to see the avenue itself.

After Mo He completed this instant transformation, the outside world was suddenly filled with a strong force of vitality, which made all the creatures in the world feel very happy at this moment. Comfortable.

The vision of the boundless waters that has always existed since just now, not only has not disappeared at this moment, but it has become more real.

That piece of boundless water seems to overlap with this piece of heaven and earth. It can be seen, heard, and even felt by all living beings, but it cannot be touched.

The water surface of the boundless waters was sparkling at this moment, and it seemed that a breeze was blowing, causing some waves to rise slightly in this boundless waters.

There are no living creatures in the waters, only the towering tree growing in the center, like a giant pillar that stands upright, as if supporting the whole world.

And there is no need for any living beings in this water area. With this towering tree, everything seems to be enough. Just a towering tree is enough to decorate the vitality of the whole world.

Like the boundless waters, this towering tree seemed to be gently brushed by the breeze, blowing some leaves and swaying gently with the wind, looking very cheerful.

The stars in the sky above the head, some of them are hidden in the gaps of the leaves, as if they are very hidden fruits. When the leaves are lifted by the wind, they are still a little shy and can't see the whole picture.

There is nothing too special about such a picture, but every creature who sees this picture can feel a kind of tranquility from the bottom of his heart. The towering giant tree gently swaying its leaves, the countless stars in the sky, and the invisible but ever-present breeze, these simple things seem to have an infinite beauty.

While feeling the tranquility in the heart, every creature also feels that its spirit and soul have been completely washed once.

All the negative emotions in my heart were swept away at this moment, and some unpleasant or even dark things seemed to sink into the boundless waters along with the sparkling water surface, and were finally dispelled by this waters , and then turned into the nourishment for the growth of this towering tree.

When all the living beings were looking at this picture, suddenly everyone discovered that a young Taoist appeared on this boundless water.

He has delicate features, is very handsome, and has a peaceful and mysterious aura on his body. Holding a blue-black bamboo stick in his hand, he walks slowly on the boundless waters step by step.

His appearance was very natural, as if he should have been in this scene, even if he suddenly appeared in everyone's field of vision, it would not make others feel the slightest bit abrupt.

He walked on the water step by step, as if he was walking on flat ground, but every time he stepped on the water, there would be a slight ripple on the water surface, which would continue to spread to the distance.

At this moment, the gazes of all living beings in the world focused on the young Taoist, watching him step by step, approaching the towering tree.

His pace was slow, but his speed was not slow at all. In just ten or so steps, he had already reached the side of the towering tree.

When he got here, he stopped, looked up at the top of the towering tree, and then put his palm on the towering tree.

The towering tree, which was originally blue, like a beautiful jade, immediately emitted a blue light when the young Taoist placed his palm on it, and it became brighter and brighter.

This blue light has penetrated the picture and spread towards the whole world. The countless creatures staring at the picture feel cool all over at this moment, and the coolness spreads all over their bodies. Spreading, I feel very comfortable, and some creatures even close their eyes and enjoy it comfortably.

In the end, the entire world was enveloped by this blue light, and it lasted for dozens of breaths before the light showed signs of gradually weakening.

But at this time, a plain but seemingly awe-inspiring word reached the ears of countless creatures between heaven and earth.

"I am Mohe of the human race, today I have achieved good fortune, and my title is Taixuan!"

As soon as the voice came out, the blue light quickly became weaker and weaker, until it finally disappeared completely.

When everyone looked at the boundless water area again, the picture they saw was similar to that just now, but the boundless water area became more illusory, and it will disappear soon.

When everyone's eyes gathered here again, the young Taoist who had withdrawn his palm turned around slowly at this time, his eyes seemed to be looking at the mortal beings looking at him, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, his face A smile slowly appeared.

At the end when this picture became completely illusory until it disappeared completely, the last picture left in the hearts of countless creatures was the young Taoist standing under the towering tree and smiling at him.

Everything disappeared, and countless creatures in the world suddenly felt a sense of loss, but it didn't last long, and then the emotions began to boil.

The birth of the eleventh good fortune Taoist ancestor between heaven and earth is definitely something to be excited about, not only limited to the human race, but also to other races.

Today, Mo He, the only top powerhouse in the world, has successfully achieved good fortune, which means that he will not interfere in the affairs of the world in the future, which means that all races except the human race , the pressure immediately decreased a lot.

Without Mo He, the top powerful man, although the human race has one more good fortune ancestor, the threat of the human race is actually smaller on the battlefield. At the level of the top powerful man, each The balance between the tribes was restored.

For this matter, some powerful people are just thinking about it a little bit in their hearts. For the time being, no one is discussing this matter, because a good fortune Taoist was born, and the biggest thing in the whole world in a short time is to pay attention to this matter. thing.

Compared with other kinds of happiness because the human race lost a top powerful person, the human race can be said to be ecstatic now.

In addition to Mo He, the human race now has four good fortune ancestors, and all the races in the entire world cannot compare with humans in this respect.

Although Taoist Good Fortune generally does not interfere with the affairs of heaven and earth, the existence of Taoist Good Fortune can guarantee that the human race will never be completely wiped out.

In addition, the human race already has four good fortune ancestors. If there are a few more in the future, then the human race's good fortune ancestors may not be able to often intervene in the affairs of heaven and earth.

These considerations are all for the future. Right now, because Mo He suddenly stepped into the realm of good fortune, countless people in the human race are very restless after the vision of Mo He stepping into the realm of good fortune is over.

In Netherland, in Taoist Priest Qingmei's domain, after the vision ended, Taoist Priest Qingmei, who had always been a very kind elder, completely abandoned his image and danced in his divine domain indifferently, At the same time, he kept talking to himself.

"A Daoist ancestor of good fortune came out of my sect, good fortune, haha, good fortune, hahaha...!"

Also in the Netherland, Su Bai sat in his divine domain, held a glass of wine in his hand, respected the sky from a distance, and then said to himself.

"Brother Mo, congratulations, you have achieved the realm of good fortune. Next time I see you, I will call you Taixuan Taoist Patriarch. Taixuan, it suits you very well!"

Compared to Daoist Qingmei and Su Bai, Mo Dashan and his wife were only happy and shocked at this moment.

Today, they naturally know what the ancestor of good fortune represents. They have never imagined that their son will one day become a ancestor of good fortune, and will be worshiped by all living beings in the world from then on.

"Taixuan, Taoist ancestor!"

Gou Huang looked up at the broken star in the sky, and now he felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart. Mo He had become enlightened. He was both surprised and felt that everything was reasonable. He was the only top-notch powerful person in the human race, and he was most qualified to achieve it. There is nothing surprising for a man of good fortune to take this last step.

If there is any problem, the only problem may be that it is too fast, making it difficult for people to react.