Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 957: Goodbye too empty


At the beginning, Mo He actually had the idea of bringing Wuyou and the others to show them the process of opening up the world, but he finally gave up after thinking about it.

Because there is nothing to look at, as long as the cultivation base is reached, Wuyou and the others will naturally be able to do it when the time comes, and there is no need to learn anything.

Taixuantian opened up, which means that Mohe may not show his face between heaven and earth for a period of time in the future, like other good fortune ancestors.

At the same time, this also means that the last time I talked with Taiyi Daozu, some of the other party did not tell me, and I should be able to ask the other party next time.

Looking at the world he had created, Mo He found that after the world was opened, he seemed to sense some kind of change, which was related to the whole world and also to his own cultivation.

Although this feeling is very slight, and it is absolutely possible to ignore it if you don't feel it carefully, Mo He immediately paid attention to it, and seriously felt this change.

Taiyi Daozu repeatedly emphasized that some things can only be told to himself if he has opened up his own world. The reason for this may be related to this change. Now that he has felt this, it is just right to explore it one time.

"It doesn't seem to have changed much, it's just a little reaction caused by the addition of my world in this world?"

After a moment of careful comprehension, Mo He couldn't help frowning, thinking in his heart.

He really didn't realize what's different after the addition of the world he created. The only thing he could feel was the very normal changes in the world.

And relying on his own state of good fortune, he has already reached the level of cultivation before Dao, Mo He doesn't think he will feel wrong.

After thinking about it for a while, Mo He temporarily gave up the idea of continuing to explore, and was going to see what he would say to him after meeting Daozu Taiyi.

His own layer of heaven and earth has been opened up, and Mo He did not return to Xianyuntian, but stayed in the newly opened Taixuantian, waiting for the appearance of Taiyi Daozu, or other good fortune Daozu and others. Contact yourself.

After this, another few days passed, and the news about him opening up his own layer of world was now spreading throughout the world.

The human race is very happy for him. There is another good fortune ancestor in their own race. Although they may not show up anymore, it still means that the human race is getting stronger and stronger, and the power of the human race is becoming more and more stable. .

The other ethnic groups are also very happy. Mohe, the mountain that has been pressing on their heads for a while, has finally moved away temporarily. Although the reason for moving this mountain is because of the improvement of the realm, if you face it head-on, the pressure will be overwhelming. It will only get bigger, at least for the time being, there is no need to consider this pressure.

Since then, the various races in the world have once again lost their peak powers, and their strength has returned to a balanced stage. Except for the human race, their pressure has suddenly decreased.

As for the newly opened Taixuantian, in just a few days, some immortals of the human race have come here to have a look, not to mention settling down here, at least it is good to understand the environment here first. of.

However, after seeing the environment of Taixuantian, some of those immortals who were born as casual cultivators have the idea of settling down here, but if they want to settle down in Taixuantian, they must get the consent of their masters. It was Mo He himself who agreed, at least he had to get the consent of his disciples, so no one dared to settle here yet.

Mo He watched the interactions of these immortals these days, but he never showed up, just watching in secret.

Mo He doesn't really mind someone who wants to settle down in Taixuantian, but relatively speaking, he prefers his own disciples, hoping that people who have inherited his orthodoxy as much as possible will come to Taixuantian to settle down in Taixuantian. If so, let’s talk about it later.

A few days passed, and Mo He's waiting was finally not in vain. The Taiyi Daozu he wanted to see finally appeared before his eyes again.

"Fellow Daoist Taixuan, you are very polite. This world of yours is quite compatible with your way, which is very good!" Daoist Taiyi, who came to Taixuantian, praised Taixuantian first.

"Taiyi Daozu praises you!" Mo He replied modestly.

"Since Fellow Daoist Taixuan has opened up his own world, you can tell fellow Daoist some things that you didn't tell fellow Daoists before. Before that, I will take Fellow Daoist Taixuan to meet other Daoists. Friends, it will be easier to say something at that time!"

Daozu Taiyi didn't say too many polite words, after exchanging pleasantries, he straight to the point.

"I just want to get to know other fellow Taoists!" Mo He nodded, then said with a smile.

Among the Taoist ancestors in the realm of good fortune, Mo He has more dealings with Taiqi and Taixu, but he has not seen them much after they became enlightened. Mo He really wants to meet them now, as well as other good fortune Taoist ancestors, understand Let's take a look at what these Taoist ancestors are usually doing.

The last time he visited the various layers of heaven, Mo He already felt that most of the Taoist ancestors who opened up the various layers of heaven were not in their own layer of heaven, or even in this world.

And in the few days after he became a Taoist, he stayed in the Taixuan Heaven he opened up, and Mo He was even more sure of this point. The ancestors of Taoism who had been born all day long were indeed not in the world they opened up, and they were the most left in it. Some of his thoughts are paying attention to the changes in the situation between heaven and earth.

Since all that was left was a series of thoughts, Mo He did not rush to greet them these few days, but waited for Taiyi Daozu to come again. Now, Mo He can finally follow Taiyi Daozu to meet other people. Fellow Daoists, you also need to know the secrets that you don't know.

Following Taiyi Daoist, after leaving Taixuantian, the two left this world directly and came to the endless void.

Before leaving, Mo He also left a thought of his soul in his Taixuan Tian to help him observe the changes of the whole world at any time.

Mo He himself hadn't thought of this at first, and Taiyi Daozu who was beside him specially reminded him, and then he did it.

Looking at the gray and black endless void, Mo He didn't feel any surprises. The ancestors of good fortune are not within the heaven and earth. The biggest possibility is that they are in the endless void. Otherwise, they are in some small world between heaven and earth Here, the possibility of the latter is a bit too small.

After Taiyi Daozu arrived here, he didn't immediately go in which direction, but turned around and asked Mo He: "Taoist Taixuan, which fellow Taoist do you want to meet first?"

"Aren't fellow Taoists together?" Mo He asked immediately after hearing the words.

"Of course not, fellow Taoists are all in different directions." Daozu Taiyi replied.

"Then I'll go see Fellow Daoist Taixu first!" Mo He thought for a while, and then said.

"Then let's go this way!" Taiyi Daozu nodded upon hearing the words, and immediately led Mo He towards one direction.

The speed of the two Taoist ancestors is of course very fast. Although in the endless void, they can't reach any place as soon as they think of it, as they are between heaven and earth, but they are moving forward in the endless void. The speed is still not slow.

With the speed of the two of them, it won't be long before they can reach anywhere between the heaven and the earth, but after traveling for a long time in the endless void, Mo He and Taiyi Daozu are still moving forward, and they haven't stopped at all the meaning of.

"How big is this endless void? Is it really endless?" After walking for a while, Mo He couldn't help asking Taiyi Daozu beside him.

"The combination of nothing and being is naturally endless, but after all, there is no perfect combination, so there is still an end!" Taiyi Daozu replied to Mo He.

His answer made Mo He think of something again. Although he hasn't got the real answer yet, he already has some guesses about this endless void.

After a long time, the speed of Mo He and Taiyi Daozu finally slowed down, which also meant that they were about to see Taixu.

Mo He has already felt Taixu's dao rhyme, and he can see where the other party is through the layers of inert chaos.

When Mo He approached, he saw what seemed to be a pitch-black void all over his body, and a black vortex like a black hole was floating in front of him.

This black vortex like a black hole contains a power that can erase everything. It can directly obliterate all real existence and make it disappear completely.

And in front of this black vortex, there is a dark and invisible barrier. Mo He can feel its existence, but can't see it at all.

Taixu's supernatural power seems to want to erase this layer of invisible barriers, but it seems that he failed.

Sensing the approach of the two, Tai Xu turned his head, his eyes fell directly on Mo He's face, then a smile appeared on his face, he looked at Mo He and said.

"I didn't expect you to be able to reach the realm of good fortune so soon. Now you should be called Taixuan Daoist. You are polite!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Tai Xu actually saluted Mo He.

Seeing this, Mo He immediately returned a salute, looked at Taixu and said, "Now I can really call you fellow daoist, fellow daoist Taixu is very polite!"

After saluting each other, the two looked at each other and smiled. There was not much greeting, just saying hello.